Rising America

Chapter 1122: Old Zhou finely divided?

Cocoa and Nuwa have spent half a month in the world of reincarnation. ?W≠W≥W≥. ≥8≠1≠Z=W≈. ≥C≥O≈M

But on the side of different time and space, time has only passed more than thirty hours. It can be seen that the time flow of the two dimensional worlds is not a little bit different.

Therefore, Jin Xiantai really didn't know what his daughter and his unreliable master were doing.

Right now, he is driving along the Third Ring Road with Jin Jianshe and Zhou Jianguo, towards Gongti Bar Street.

Jin Xiantai drove, Jin Jianshe sat in the back row, and Zhou Jianguo sat in the passenger seat.

In order to understand Lao Zhou, Kim Hyun-tae decided to take him to a bar he found on the Internet, where he could get in touch with people, to understand the psychology and life status of certain specific groups of people. Untie the knot in Lao Zhou's heart so that he can accept Zhou Xiaotong.

Of course, this mainly depends on Lao Zhou himself.

It is said that Kim Hyun-tae had a heavy taste for Lao Zhou.

After all, when searching for relevant information on the Internet, Jin Xiantai really experienced the ‘exciting’ of the great world.

In the past, even though Jin Xiantai knew that there were such a group of people in this world, he really didn't know what the living conditions of these specific people were like.

But after such a search on the Internet, Jin Xiantai can understand a little bit.

Speaking of which, they are all poor people.

Of course, Jin Xiantai feels that they do not need to be pitiful, they need respect and recognition, and equal treatment.

While driving the car, Jin Xiantai was chatting with Lao Zhou.

"You cut off Xiaotong’s financial resources. This is not a good thing. Haven’t you ever thought that Xiaotong, who has lost his financial resources, might fall in the future? After all, people need to eat and survive. All this requires money to support it."

Lao Zhou opened the car window, took out a cigarette, lit a cigarette, and puffed up.

Recently, Kim Hyun-tae found that Lao Zhou's addiction to cigarettes has increased a lot.

Although Lao Zhou used to smoke, he never smoked so fiercely. Now Lao Zhou can't stop two packs of cigarettes a day.

It can be seen that Zhou Xiaotong's incident has had a big impact on his father.

Lao Zhou's sideburns were a bit gray, which made him, who was originally a middle-aged man, look much older.

"It's best to die outside, it's shameful to save me."

After taking a few puffs of cigarettes, Lao Zhou spit out these words dullly.

Of course, this is a bit of an eloquence.

Considering that Lao Zhou still has a knot in his heart and is in anger, this can't be taken seriously.

After turning the car around a corner and embarking on a fork in the road, Kim Hyun-tae said, "Don’t be angry, no matter how you say it is your child. And I’m not kidding, if something really goes wrong, then you I regret it in the end.

Yesterday I asked you and me to go to a place where you didn’t go, so I checked on the Internet again last night and found that many children like Xiaotong have gone down the road of degeneration because of family relations. This shows that family members It plays a pivotal role in dealing with this issue.

If one is not good, not only will the child degenerate, but the parents will regret it in the end. "

A trace of anxiety flashed in Lao Zhou's eyes, but he still said forcefully: "What regrets do I have? Now I am a big laughing stock, it's all that dead child!"

Jin Jianshe leaned forward and patted Lao Zhou on the shoulder: "Who is making fun of you? Did I make fun of you? Or did William make fun of you? As a good friend, Jin San'er didn't make fun of you, right?"

Lao Zhou nodded: "I have nothing to say with William, I am a friend of Lao Zhou! But other people are not like this, especially the relatives from my father-in-law's house, who say anything nasty behind them."

When this incident was mentioned, Lao Zhou's face suddenly became very ugly.

Jin Xiantai understands this a little bit, only Jin Xiantai thinks that Mrs. Zhou is staring unexpectedly.

"Your father-in-law is a political official. Now that this kind of thing happens to your grandson, it is inevitable that you will provoke some rumours from political opponents to make fun of him or something.

But you don’t have to care too much about it. The big deal is that you won’t be able to interact with them in the future. Whether such relatives are successful, it depends mainly on what your couple think. "

Hearing what Jin Jianshe said, Jin Xiantai remembered that Lao Zhou's father-in-law seemed to be an official, and he seemed to have been transferred to the capital at least at the deputy state level.

So when Zhou Xiaotong happened, the old man would really be made fun of. Zhou Xiaotong was a grandson anyway, but now he is going to become a granddaughter.

The old Monday was silent.

Jin Xiantai took the next sentence: "On the Internet, I read a lot of articles written by children like Xiaotong. In these articles, they describe their own mental journey, because there is no way to get the understanding of their family members and the world's weird view of themselves. Looking at them, they often choose to live in another city.

But their identity and gender make it difficult for them to find a job in real life and earn money to support themselves.

Therefore the inevitable children embarked on the degenerate road of betraying their bodies.

And hope that in this way, in addition to making money to support myself, I can save money to have a girl's body.

At the same time, like ordinary people, they also need public understanding, equal treatment, and demanding ordinary love and lovers.

It's just that the above items are too difficult for them.

More often, they are faced with ridicule, weird and curious gazes, and even some deception in the name of love by people with ulterior motives, and they end up miserably.

If the family can accept and understand, usually children like Xiaotong will not end in such a miserable end, because they know that no matter what, there are still family members in this world who are supporting themselves and loving such themselves.

But often children like Xiaotong were first "abandoned" by their families, so that they felt that the whole world had abandoned themselves and went on a path of no return. "

Jin Xiantai came here for two nights and read a lot of related articles through the Internet, and these articles were written by children like Xiaotong themselves, and they were all actually born.

Even if the article has been polished, some of its inner meaning is enough to make people think.

Zhou Jianguo was silent for a long time, and asked dullly, "You mean that the dead child will...take that path?"

Jin Xiantai nodded: "Without financial resources, she wants to live again. Which way can she go if she doesn't take this path? People can do everything when they are hungry and have no food to eat."

Zhou Jianguo's face became very ugly, and a trace of anxiety flashed in his eyes.

"She dare to do that, I will kill her!"

But the dead duck still has a hard mouth. It's this time, Lao Zhou is still stubborn.

After that, Lao Zhou turned his head and looked at Jin Xiantai and said, "By the way, didn't the dead child go to live in your house? You can't watch the dead child get hungry, right?"

With the black line on Jin Xiantai's forehead, Dare to love Lao Zhou thought of this.

However, Jin Jianshe interrupted the conversation and relieved Jin Hyun-tae: "How can I say, that is your child, not William's child. Do you still want William to raise the child for you? What beautiful thing do you want?"

Lao Zhou ‘hehe’ smiled and looked very wretched.

"My child admires you very much, saying that you are a handsome guy, or a handsome guy like you is her food."

Jin Xiantai's eyelids throbbed.

Jin Jianshe frowned, "What do you say, what do you mean, what do you mean? Are you bewitching William? Or are you trying to instill some strange consciousness into William for your live treasure."

Jin Jianshe suddenly exploded.

Lao Zhou rolled his eyes and didn't care about Jin Jian.

But no matter what, Lao Zhou's current state is much better than just now, at least he is no longer so gloomy. This is a good phenomenon.

"Lao Zhou, actually, I'm a straight man, and you... a girl is impossible." After Jin Xiantai used the wording, he used the term "girl" to test Lao Zhou.

When Lao Zhou heard that Jin Xiantai used this name, he only sighed for a long time, but he didn't speak anything again.

At this point, Jin Xiantai had a bottom in his heart.

After Lao Zhou sighed, he faintly said something that was still jaw-dropping, which shocked both Jin Xiantai and Jin Jianshe.

"Actually, the three flats are not as good as the one yuan. Let's play for the Chinese New Year. Although my child is very peculiar, after all, his small appearance is more girl than a girl, and my wealth is also considered rich..."

Kim Hyun-tae stopped taking care of the old week and instead drove intently.

However, Jin Jianshe raised his hand and jammed Lao Zhou's neck, preventing him from continuing to foul.

"What about your rich wealth? William is much richer than yours. You want to find a son-in-law to find someone else. Don't play William's idea!" Jin Jianshe said, shaking hard, Lao Zhou was stuck. Stuttering' finally did not continue to foul.

Released his hand, Jin Jianshe said in a complacent voice: "What's wrong? Now you figure it out? But why did I look so fake? I don't believe you can accept such a person, don't believe it!"

Lao Zhou's expression was very strange. He raised his hand and rubbed the neck that was stuck with the red seal. He said in a whisper: "William, for my dead child, I will do it as a father. I want to prove something to you. Look."

At this time, Lao Zhou's state is very strange.

Jin Xiantai even felt that Lao Zhou at this moment had some signs of'fineness'.

Jin Jianshe also felt that there was something wrong with Lao Zhou, so he stopped cursing Lao Zhou.

Lao Zhou continued on his own self: "I'll find someone to have a warm and intimacy, let you know what I said is not unreasonable! And I also want to see and see, what is the best of this kind of person! Hahaha!"

After talking about the old Zhou Zhuangruo crazy.

"Is Lao Zhou crazy?"

"I don't know ~lightnovelpub.net~ After all, Xiaotong's affairs are not a small excitement for him."

"Don't think I'm crazy, I'm not crazy at all, I just want to drive a bit!"

"Shall we go to that place?"

"Lao Zhou is in a bad state, or go to the hospital first."

"I won't go anywhere, just go to that ‘Ts’ bar! I’m still looking for two to accompany you! If you take me to the hospital, I’ll jump into the car and show you!"

In the end, both Jin Xiantai and Jin Jianshe had nothing to do with each other. The two had no way of being caught by Lao Zhou in this state, and finally they could only continue to the destination of the trip... a Ts bar called ‘Urban Beauty’.

At this time, none of Jin Xiantai and the others knew that this line of business would cause unexpected changes in Lao Zhou's life, and even completely subvert the fate of this ordinary middle-aged man.

I have to say that ‘fate’ is really interesting sometimes.