Rising America

Chapter 1124: The Adventures of Lao Zhou (2)

The elevator door opened, and the three of Jin Xiantai walked out of the elevator, suddenly seeing a bright light in front of them. ?W㈧W㈧W㈧. ?8?1?Z㈠W㈧. ㈠C?O?M

A simple front desk, two front desk girls with friendly smiles, a hall with an area of ​​more than 30 square meters, and at the end of the hall are two invisible corridors.

To register, first paid a deposit of 50,000 soft sister coins, and then the girl at the front desk placed a tablet computer in front of the three people of Jin Xiantai, and rows of pictures of beautiful girls appeared on the tablet computer that had been turned on.

After clicking on the photo, there will be a girl’s life photo, without any PS traces at all, all real life photos, various angles, and also list the girl’s resume in the photo.

Of course, the genders of the girls in the photos are all ‘female’, but this gender needs to be quoted, after all, this is a very special place.

Kim Hyun-tae didn't look so carefully, but randomly clicked on the three'girls' in the top row, and then confirmed.

After the selection, a waitress appeared in the corridor, and took Jin Xiantai to a private room.

The private room is no different from other bar private rooms. There are still a few picturesque oil paintings hanging on the wall, and there is a circle of sand. Opposite the sand is a large LCD TV.

There is a minimum consumption for private rooms. Guests don’t need to order drinks by themselves, and the waiter will bring them when they sit down. As for whether the guests drink or not, it depends on the guests themselves.

Less than a minute later, three'girls' opened the door and filed in.

They introduced themselves generously in front of the three of Jin Xiantai, and then they walked over and sat beside them, drinking and pouring...

There was a European and American movie playing on the LCD TV. The name was "Merry Boss, Pretty Secretary". The content was also quite different. It was a lady who met a boss.

The three girls are called ‘Yaya’, ‘Leilei’, and ‘Guoguo’. As for their real names, Jin Xiantai, there is no need to explore them. If you go on this kind of occasion to explore the real names of others, that is definitely something that can only be done by brain-dead.

The atmosphere in the private room is not so ambiguous, after all, Jin Xiantai and the others are not here to drink flower wine.

What's more, this bar is obviously not a suitable place to drink flower wine.

Therefore, although the three'girls' are very enthusiastic and work hard to liven up the atmosphere, the three of Kim Hyun-tae really have no way to get in and interact with the'girls'.

Therefore, the reaction of the three of Kim Hyun Tae and the others made the three ‘girls’ feel that they weren’t looking for excitement or curiosity, let alone showing off with the ‘girl’ they had hidden themselves.

The "girl" sitting next to Kim Hyun-tae is called Guoguo, her name is very feminine and cute. She herself is wearing a school uniform with a short skirt of very good material. At this moment, she is holding Kim Hyun-tae’s arm and acting like a baby to him. The game.

Kim Hyun-tae looked dumbfounded.

"The three of us came here not for curiosity and excitement, but my friend encountered some problems, so we need to talk to people like you."

In the end, in order to avoid unexpected situations, Jin Xiantai had to push away the "girl" Guoguo beside him, and said seriously.

A look of disappointment flashed across the face of the'girl' who was pushed away by Kim Hyun Tae, but considering that Kim Hyun Tae was a guest, she did not show anything. After all, people are here to consume, and that is God.

"This is Lao Zhou", Jin Xiantai pointed to Zhou Jianguo, who was curiously looking at the girl. "His child is just like you. Lao Zhou is a little unacceptable about this. He had a big fight with the child. The relationship also appeared cracked. The child has now been kicked out of the house, and the source of income has been cut off..."

Jin Xiantai told the three ‘girls’ exactly what had happened to Zhou Jianguo, without any concealment.

Zhou Jianguo appeared to be very silent, and his aura became very gloomy, giving people a very gloomy feeling where he sat.

The three ‘girls’ all showed curiosity after listening to Kim Hyun-tae’s narration. Obviously, ‘they’ have experienced such things themselves, but they don’t know what Kim Hyun-tae and himself are going to do.

Jin Xiantai glanced at the three curious'girls', and continued: "You can tell him about your experience, the influence of family attitudes on yourself and your life, and how you survived."

He took out three stacks of soft sister coins from his pocket and placed them on the table. Jin Xiantai looked at the three'girls' earnestly: "This little money has no other meaning. It meets my requirements. The money is yours. "

A stack is ten thousand, and there are thirty thousand soft sister coins on the table.

To be honest, this little money is nothing.

The "girls" who work in "Urban Beauty" earn more soft sister coins than this one month, but as long as you tell the story of your own experience in the private room, you can get 10,000 soft sister coins. Er, it still makes the three of them feel very excited, after all, this is too easy.

"Then let me talk about it first."

The power of the soft sister coin is enormous, and the ‘girl’ called Guoguo was the first to speak.

She recounted at what age she realized that she was different, and also how her family thought about her treatment of herself, and when she started to leave home and wandered outside alone.

Most importantly, she told Lao Zhou that she was very difficult to live before working in Metro Beauty, and she even sold her body to make a living. After all, it is very difficult for people like her to survive.

And she also encountered a person who approached her with ulterior motives, making herself think that she finally met true love and met a lover who can accept her, but in the end she found that this guy was only for the money she had saved up hard.

Anyway, things imaginable, unimaginable, things that ordinary people cannot understand and accept, have all been born to Guoguo.

And she also told Zhou Jianguo that Zhou Xiaotong would have the same experience as herself in the future if nothing else, because people like'they', if even their family members can’t accept it, they can only find their soul outside. Rely on.

But the reality is often cruel.

Basically every ‘girl’ who works in ‘Urban Beauty’ has experienced what Guoguo has experienced.

Leilei also talked about her own experience, basically the same as Guoguo, because she was treated as a monster by her family, and seen as a monster by friends and acquaintances, so she finally couldn't stay in her hometown and came to such a stranger in Beijing. city ​​of.

The personal experiences Guoguo and Leilei talk about are dark, and people will feel pity after listening to them. This has also changed Lao Zhou's mentality. He began to think about whether his Zhou Xiaotong will be There are also encounters like Guoguo and Leilei?

Yes, Lao Zhou couldn't control his imagination, especially after listening to Guoguo and Leilei about their personal experiences.

Even Jin Jianshe felt that Guoguo and Leilei were really pitiful.

Kim Hyun Tae was somewhat moved.

However, the ‘girl’ called Yaya is not so emotionally fluctuating.

Guoguo and Leilei took the money and left the box.

Next, it was the turn of this ‘girl’ called Yaya to tell her personal experience.

Basically, the three of Jin Xiantai felt that if nothing else, Ya Ya's experience might not be any different from Guoguo and Leilei.

But as Ya Ya began to tell, Kim Hyun Tae and the others found themselves wrong.

"My parents died very early. I am an orphan. Actually, I am different from Guoguo and Leilei. It was because of some special experiences and encounters that I became what I am now. In the past, my personal gender concept was very different. normal."

Unlike Guoguo dressed up in school uniforms for high school girls, and Leilei dressed up as hot girls, Ya Ya wears a long skirt style dress, which makes her look very graceful and luxurious.

And the temperament exuding from her body is also different from Leilei and Guoguo. There is no trace of that kind of quagmire, but it makes people feel that she has a mysterious and noble illusion.

It is hard to imagine that someone like Ya Ya will make people think she is noble, right?

With long wavy shawls, seductive red lip gloss, light makeup, big watery eyes, and plump body, no one would imagine that a stunner like her is actually a man.

"I was framed by some wicked people and fell into a bad environment. I also encountered an inhuman experience. From that time on, my original normal concept was distorted, and in the end it became the way it is now. Accepting it from the bottom of my heart and getting used to it, speaking of it I am really a monster."

The expression on Ya Ya's face did not fluctuate, as if it was not telling the story she had experienced, but the story of an unrelated person.

But the sensitive Lao Zhou appeared. In the eyes of the ‘girl’ sitting next to him, a glimmer of pain and struggle flashed through the eyes of Lao Zhou, who could not help but feel pity in his heart.

"People like us don’t have a hard way. They have to endure the strange gaze of the world, and they have to be treated like monsters, and there are not many jobs that can be found, let alone love. Unquestionable.

I also worked in this bar for only two days, but I have heard about the tragic experiences of many ‘girls’ who work here, and you may not believe it. "

Ya Ya's eyes became more and more blurred, and her tone became more and more sorrowful.

Under the weird gaze of Jin Xiantai and Jin Jian, the two found that Lao Zhou actually raised his hand to Ya Ya, and then took the'girl' by the shoulders.

I'll take it, Lao Zhou, aren't you straight?

To be honest, Lao Zhou didn't know how he did it, because he suddenly realized that his body was out of his control.

However, Jin Xiantai and Jin Jianshe did not show up. The girl named "Yaya" had waves of immortal power invisible to the naked eye, affecting Zhou Jianguo.

I can’t even see what "Yaya" is thinking about at this moment~lightnovelpub.net~ is itchy again, really, have I become so waved now? That young handsome guy has a lot of money, but I'm afraid it's a useless one. Although this old Zhou is a bit older, but knows more posture, then I will choose him. 】

"Can you accompany me out for a walk? Maybe it will cost you more money."

Yaya asked Zhou Jianguo in a shy voice.

Of course Zhou Jianguo wanted to refuse, but he responded uncontrollably, and Lao Zhou himself was a little strange and surprised.

Then Lao Zhou stopped the waist of'Yaya' and left the private room under the stunned gaze of Jin Xiantai and Jin Jianshe.

"What is Lao Zhou doing?"

Jin Jianshe turned around a little silly to look at Jin Xiantai and asked.

Kim Hyun-tae was also quite inexplicable, but suddenly he thought of what Lao Zhou had said when he came on the road, and then raised his hand and patted his forehead: "Lao Zhou wouldn’t really want to be three flat and one round for the New Year. ?"