Rising America

Chapter 1128: They are all cowards!

so surprised. ?? Eight? One Chinese W? W? W?. ? 8㈧1ZW. COM

There is a residence permit on the place where the survivors live.

You said that Tema is in the end of the world. What kind of residence permits are you doing? This is simply unnecessary!

Anyway, Nuwa and Coco felt that the guy who got the ‘residence permit’ was a brain-dead.

There was no problem with Song Dacheng's residence permit, and Nuwa and Ke accepted the interrogation. After the end, they followed Song Dacheng and continued to walk towards the town.

After crossing this fortress, there were obviously more tents for street-sleeping humans, and they began to appear on both sides of the road.

However, these humans who are sleeping in the wild are not very good at spirits, and one by one looks malnourished.

These survivors are ordinary people, they have not obtained the fragments of the law, so they cannot have strong power, so their lives will inevitably become very difficult.

"Is there anything to eat? Let me eat and play whatever you want!"

"Master, stutter!"

"This is my daughter, 12 years old, three people's rations, you take it away for a night! It doesn't matter if you have special hobbies, this is my 15-year-old son."

The closer you get to the town, the more you hear and see survivors greet your group like this.

Song Dacheng's people had already looked pretty good, and they didn't stop at all because of these people's calls.

Cocoa wasn't so heartless at this time, instead, her face became tight and serious.

The same is true for Nuwa.

Zhou Xiaotong looked apprehensive, like a little ostrich, lowering his head no longer.

Obviously, such a scene made Zhou Xiaotong a little scared.

"That young lady is so pitiful, she is only 12 years old, and her father is so bad!"

Coco stopped in front of the man who was about to exchange his daughter for food, and said to his master in a secret language.

Nuwa looked at Cocoa, then set her eyes on the survivors' father and daughter.

My father is very thin, it seems that he hasn't eaten in some days, and his pair is extremely dirty.

A little girl and a little boy were sitting beside him. The eyes of the two children were very numb and hollow. The same two children were also very thin, even their heads were very yellow, and their little arms were like firewood sticks. Like thin.

But Nuwa saw the hidden sorrow and the sorrowful look in his father's eyes, but the sorrow was concealed very well by him, and it would be impossible to show it without careful observation.

In short, this father didn't want to take this step either.

Looking up, a very clean, beautiful and lovely girl stopped in front of her, but her eyes were not so friendly.

Very clean, my daughter and son were once so clean, cute and handsome.

But since the end of the world, how long have my daughter and son not taken a bath?

After seeing cocoa, the man couldn't help but began to recall his family life before the end of the world.

At the same time, the man immediately noticed that the little girl standing in front of him was definitely not easy.

We must know that this is already a year after the end of the world. How many people are working hard to survive, and there is no way to clean themselves, but the little girl in front of her is clean and very nourishing. Obviously, the little girl has not been affected by the end times, and the quality of life is pretty good.

And those who can maintain this state in this environment, except for those who have obtained the fragments of the law, are the big forces that have a cooperative relationship with those high-end evolvers.

Song Dacheng was also an evolutionary, or a third-level evolutionary.

But it's not that he hasn't washed his face for several days, and he looks like a rags.

Therefore, the little girl in front of her can be kept so clean and her face flushed. It is certain that her family is a high-end evolutionary, otherwise it is impossible to keep the little girl in such a state.

The man made an analysis and judgment almost instantly, and then he made a decision.

I saw the man changed from sitting to kneeling, and kept kowtow towards Coco, while kowtowing said: "Okay, take my child away. My daughter is very good and obedient. She can work and just eat every day. One meal will do."

Coco was stunned by this man's behavior.

But Nuwa saw the man's plan.

Obviously, the man judged that Coco's family might be high-end evolutionary, and they are still the kind of food and clothing in the family. Therefore, he intends to give his daughter to Coco, to be a maid or something to Coco, at least so that he can make his daughter. It would be a good way to survive.

At the very least, it is better than asking her daughter to sell her body before.

If it is not the end of the world, which father would do it again.

It is true that if you give your daughter to be a maid, your daughter may be abused in life, but in any case it is better than starving here, isn't it?

And the conditions for one meal a day are not high.

Looking at Coco's wear and state, she is not like a person who lacks food or clothing.

So no matter what, if your daughter can become a maid or a maid with Coco, at least she won't have to worry about eating.

Of course, if the daughter is really to be abused, it will be fatal!

But anyway, at least I can eat, so I don’t need to be hungry like I am now.

"As a father, don't you feel ashamed of your actions?"

Coco drooped her eyelids, and there was a chill in her eyes. For a child of her age, she could not clearly understand why this father made such a choice.

At the same time, it is impossible to know whether this father will feel pain.

Because children's ideas are very intuitive, especially those of Coco's age, who hate distinctly, but at the same time they don't analyze it deeply.

Therefore, the little guy now feels very bad for the father in front of him, and he has even started the idea of ​​getting rid of this bad couple.

Song Dacheng, who was walking in front, felt that Nuwa and Coco hadn't followed, so they looked back, and then walked back.

Nuwa noticed that her apprentice's state was a little abnormal, especially since she clearly felt the murderous intent of Coco.

For the father in front of her, Nuwa's views were completely different from those of Coco, but she could more or less understand why this father did this.

But understanding does not mean approval. Nuwa felt that this father was still weaker. Otherwise, he should go out and fight with low-level zombies and fight against mutant animals and plants. Using this method to feed his children would be completely impossible. Such an end.

If he is lucky, even he can get a fragment of the law, then he can completely change his fate maliciously.

At this time, the man smiled bitterly and responded with Coco: "Ashamed, I'm sorry, but what can I do? I always want the child to have a way to survive. Compared to the taste of hungry, eating is the most important thing, at least This will keep them alive."

Cocoa turned his attention to the girl: "Did your father force you to do this?"

Faced with Coco's eyes, she was much older than Coco, and the girl who was twelve or thirteen years old was very scared and disturbed, so she kept turning to look at her father and brother without responding to Coco the first time.

"Don't look at your father, to be honest, this is not the first time you have done this kind of thing, right?"

The girl nodded anxiously, and said, "Dad didn't persecute me. I did it voluntarily. Mom is sick and very sick. We need food."

In a few short words, an extremely cruel reality was revealed.

The girl continued: "We are not evolutionaries, but we have to survive. My father and my brother and I don’t know what to do to keep the whole family alive. In fact, my mother has been doing this kind of thing secretly in exchange for food. Give me a brother, ohhh, my mother is sick, and I don’t want to have a mother, so I want to do this."

Cocoa shifted his gaze: "You are also a father, and you are also a man! If I change to be my father, he will definitely choose to fight against zombies, fight against mutated animals and plants, and use their flesh and blood to feed me! "

Coco thought of his father, and despised the man in front of him.

Of course, Coco is a bit arbitrary, but she is Kim Hyun Tae's daughter after all, so based on what she knows about her father's character, this kind of thing is really possible.

The man lowered his head, and he was ashamed of his incompetence and weakness.

There is nothing wrong with Coco's irony, he is just too weak.

If he dares to go out and fight hard, maybe he can really earn a way to survive for his family. Although there are also great risks or death, as long as he succeeds, he can change his fate.

But this is easy to say, and it is very difficult to make a decision if it is really done.

Courage is not something everyone has.

"Betraying oneself can only linger. If you want to survive, you have to rely on yourself to fight. You must know that zombies and mutant animals and plants are constantly evolving, and they will have more and more powerful powers over time. At that time What shall you do?"

It is hard to imagine that Coco, who is less than three years old, actually said such a mature thing.

Zhou Xiaotong couldn't bear it, and pulled Cocoa a bit: "Don't say that, it's not easy for them."

Ke Ke heard that Zhou Xiaotong pulled his hand away, and shouted angrily: "People, after all, have to rely on themselves, without courage, dare not to fight, not only can't protect their family, they can't even survive in this end time. Yes, this is a very simple truth! Death is terrible, but when you live like this, can you not muster the courage to face death? Maybe it can be spelled out, coward!"

Zhou Xiaotong was suffocated by Coco's roar, and put his hand back in a jealous manner.

As for Coco's remarks, Nuwa seemed to agree with him.

Nuwa threw a loaf of bread in front of the man, then took Coco's little hand and left. She was not even interested in speaking.

Looking at the bread thrown on the ground, the man's expression changed, his teeth creaked, as if he was struggling intensely in his heart.

The girl and boy looked at their father nervously.

After a long time, the man suddenly raised his head and said to the daughter and son beside him: "Take the bread back and share it with your mother. Father decided to go out and fight. If you can kill a zombie and get a crystal core, you can go. Where does the guard change food? Dad doesn't want to be a coward forever!"

Coco turned around and looked at the man, the little guy seemed to have heard the man's words, with a relieved expression on his little face.

Song Dacheng just turned around and walked over.

Looking at the man who couldn't be far away, Song Dacheng said: "There are so many survivors, and there is no mercy. Sometimes they don't have the courage themselves, and we can't help them."

Song Dacheng saw that Nuwa had lost a loaf of bread to each other, but because it was Nuwa and they made it with compassion.

That's why there is such a remark.

He didn't hear it at all, how did he shout at that man before.

If Song Dacheng heard it, he wouldn't think so.

Coco clenched his small fist: "The guy who owns the magic castle is not a good person either. He can obviously live the survivors behind the wall to provide better protection, but he didn't do it, **** it!"

Song Dacheng was extremely nervous: "Keep your voice down, don't talk nonsense, it will cause trouble."

Cocoon didn’t care to raise his small face: “What are you afraid of! I’ll trouble him in a while! I’ll be the boss in this camp from now on. It's not like this dying decadent trash like now!"

Nu Wa smiled and raised her hand and patted Coco's head: "I support you!"

Brother, come and have fun? One catty of mutant beast meat is enough.

Volunteer to sell yourself, ask for a full meal a day, and be willing to do anything!

Uncle, aunt, have mercy on us, we have not eaten for days!

Who will save my dad, my dad is sick, oh oh oh!

Moving forward, there were more and more survivors, but more and more unbearable things appeared, and Coco's face became colder and colder.

"People shouldn't live without dignity. Even if they die, they should die with dignity. These people are too useless."

Coco, with a cold face, told her senses about the pattern.

Song Dacheng and others just smiled bitterly, thinking that Coco's remarks were childish.

Even Zhou Xiaotong thinks so.

Perhaps only her master Nuwa can agree with Coco's view.

"Yes, no matter when, you can't give up your dignity. It's just that many people don't have the courage to face the **** cruelty when facing desperation."

Nu Wa responded slowly to Coco.

Coco's momentum is getting stronger and stronger, "Then let me change them. I really look down on these cowardly guys."

"You can't say that~lightnovelpub.net~ Maybe your father and you are in such a world, and you may not be able to perform better than these people."

"Impossible! My father won't be like these people!"

"Who knows."

"You look down on my father, be careful I **** you with a needle!"

"Boy, you still scare me, I'm not afraid."

"Huh! You let you know how good I am, do you really think I am good at talking?"

"You want to rebel!"

"Who would say bad things about my father, even if it's a master, I won't give face anymore!"

"Oh, you really pierced me with a needle!"

"Hahaha, this is the end of my dad's bad words, Andrew Butler said that the stuff in the needle is the essence of my dad, you are going to die!"