Rising America

Chapter 1148: Unexpected slip

The song "I Love Bathing" can be said to be sung in the streets and alleys in a certain time and space. It is a very popular song. Even the little girls who sang this song at that time were really red and messed up.

So when Coco copied this song and let it appear in different time and space, can Nuwa control this song like that little girl, and make herself popular?

And this is really still unknown.

After all, Nuwa’s age gives people the impression that she is a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl, and she used to sing sweet songs. Therefore, the other style of music can not help but make people doubt that she can't handle this kind of thing, but it is normal of.

Producer Xu and his colleagues are busy creating a sound source from Coco's score.

Here, Wu Yuchen looked at Coco dumbfoundedly, speechless to the extreme.

Obviously the little guy's answer was too weird.

Nuwa taught Coco to fight, who would believe it?

Anyway, Wu Yuchen didn't believe it.

It's just that Wu Yuchen didn't expect that although the words that can be used are wrong, he really didn't make a mistake about the master-disciple relationship between himself and Nuwa.

Because the magical powers Nuwa taught Coco, in the end, are really used to fight with others, so Coco can say that there is nothing wrong with Nuwa teaching herself to fight.

It's just that Wu Yuchen is not clear about this.

"Hehehe, the little guy is so cute."

In the end, Wu Yuchen could only chuckled and turned the topic off.

"The appearance of this little girl is very good. It's easy to hold a hand and think about it, but it's a little difficult to be a first-line star. After all, it's really impossible to only have superior appearance conditions without strong strength. "

Because of the preconceived idea that Nu Wa was the little girlfriend of Jin Xiantai, Wu Yuchen was not allowed to give Jin Xiantai a vaccination in advance.

In Wu Yuchen's view, Jin Xiantai recommended Nuwa to Yanhuang Entertainment, obviously because he wanted to favor this girl. I have done this myself, so it's nothing strange.

But there is one thing that needs to be said in advance, that is, it is easy for such a girl to become popular, but if she wants to become a first-line star, it will not be possible if she does not have strong own strength.

Therefore, in order to avoid some unexpected situations, Wu Yuchen had to clarify some words first. The last girl in the province was not satisfied, and went back to make trouble with Jin Xiantai, making it unpleasant for Jin Xiantai to cooperate with him.

Jin Xiantai didn't think so much, and what Wu Yuchen said was not unreasonable, so Jin Xiantai nodded and said: "This is natural, I just recommend her. What kind of mixture will be in the future depends on her own ability. If she doesn't have that ability, she can only become a small star in the third and fourth tiers, and that is her own problem.

Hearing what Jin Xiantai said, Wu Yuchen had a feeling of confidence, and the smile on his face became more sincere, which also let him know how to tilt the resources of the Nuwa entertainment circle in the future.

In a word, Nuwa will have the resources that others have.

And they all follow the same lines as the first-line stars, but in the end how far they can go and whether they can become popular depends on Nu Wa's own abilities. In case she is not popular, she and Jin Xiantai will not let girls choose. What's wrong, she can only ask her to find the problem from herself.

I have to say that Wu Yuchen is still a good monkey.

But Jin Jianshe next to him intervened, and said to Wu Yuchen with seriousness, "Wu Xiaozhu, don’t blame Brother for not reminding you. For this girl, you’d better hold it in your hand for fear of falling. Treat her with a frightened attitude, tilt the best entertainment resources on her, and be able to treat her like her ancestors, don't offend her, otherwise you and your old Wu family will be ruined. "

What Jin Jianshe said was a bit shocking.

Moreover, in the capacity of Jin Jianshe, his remarks are absolutely impossible to say nonsense, they are definitely well-founded.

As a result, Wu Yuchen, who was already relieved, suddenly looked surprised and inexplicable, and muttered in his heart.

Ay Ya I gi!

Could this girl still have details that she doesn't know?

When he thought of Jin Jianjian as a person, he would never say such things nonsense, Wu Yuchen began to feel calm again.

Therefore, Wu Yuchen lowered his voice and asked Jin Jianshe: "Brother, you are my brother, who is this girl? Could it be William's little love?"

Jin Jianshe looked at Wu Yuchen, and after thinking about it, he decided to reveal the identity of Nüwa to him, which saved Wu Yuchen from causing trouble in the future, and then let the people like him eat and die.

Therefore, Jin Jianshe took Wu Yuchen aside, and whispered to Wu Yuchen the true identity of Nüwa and the true relationship between Nüwa and Coco.

Speaking of it, in addition to the idea of ​​avoiding trouble, Jin Jianshe also does not rule out the intention to use Wu Yuchen's mouth to promote the outside world.

"This girl is noble, she is a member of the immortal world, and even the head of the Second Sect, she sits on an equal footing with this girl, do you think she is an ordinary person!"

Wu Yuchen grew his mouth, and it was the news that Jin Jianshe revealed, which really shocked him too much.

A long white one-piece dress, beautiful appearance, she looks like a girl next door, and her temperament is also soft and weak, this little girl is actually the master of the famous Wa Palace!

How could Wu Yuchen calm down with this news!

Jin Jianshe stepped on Wu Yuchen's foot, "This Da Neng does not want her identity to be known by too many people. He likes to play in the entertainment circle as an ordinary girl. I also tell you her identity because we are very close. , Let you have a bottom in your heart and save you any troubles in the future.

So in front of her in the future, you have to pretend that you don't know anything, so as to make her happy and also make a good impression on her.

And you have to pay attention to help deal with the harassment of some crazy bees and butterflies. After all, you know better than me what the entertainment industry is. I don't want to get you and my brothers to eat and hang out because of this little thing. "

Indeed, there are a lot of scumbag men and women in the entertainment industry, but there are all kinds of people in this big dyeing vat. No one can guarantee that Nuwa will not be harassed by such people, so we must be prepared for this. .

Because Nuwa is not a real ordinary girl after all, if she really annoys her and makes her use supernatural powers, not many people will follow her.

Therefore, Wu Yuchen understands Jin Jianshe’s reminder very well, so he nodded and responded in a low voice: “Don’t worry, third brother, she will be my ancestor in the future, and I will definitely not neglect her. If someone doesn’t open their eyes and wants to use that kind of sloppy method, I will definitely make him unable to eat. Wu Yuchen still has this ability."

At this time, the producer Xu finished the music.

"The tune is done, let's audition now."

This voice made Jin Jianshe and Wu Yuchen stop talking, and the two came back tacitly. At the same time, Wu Yuchen's eyes looking at Nuwa became unrighteous, full of awe and caution, but his big face Still acting as if it were normal.

Nuwa had guessed about Wu Yuchen's change, but she didn't have much reaction.

According to the instructions, Nuwa walked into the audition booth alone, while Jin Xiantai, Jin Jianshe and Wu Yuchen and others went to the forehead control room opposite Nuwa, looked at Nuwa through the transparent soundproof glass window, and waited. She auditioned.

"Try to sing the English song first, remember that you have to interpret this song with emotions. If you want to be a professional singer, you have to learn to use your heart."

Producer Xu was in the control room. After confessing a few things through the microphone, he turned off the microphone, then made a gesture towards Nuwa through the window, and then the music rang.

Standing in front of the professional microphone, Nuwa closed her eyes and looked very quiet, like a white lotus flower waiting to be let go, giving people a feeling of pity and love.

A simple and lively rhythm sounded in the studio.

Nuwa took a deep breath and sang in fluent English:

Such a bright diamond years

Such a bright diamond years

I searched for the glimmer in the vast ocean current

I chose happiness

Me and you, you and me

We are like diamonds in the sky

As soon as Nuwa spoke, everyone in the control room showed a stunning expression, because everyone did not expect that Nuwa, who is known as the queen of sweet songs, had such an authentic English accent and perfectly interpreted this. English songs.

Closing your eyes and not looking at Nu Wa's face, just through her voice, will definitely make people think that the girl who is singing is an authentic European and American girl, and will not make people associate her with Asians. Together ~lightnovelpub.net~ But in fact, Nu Wa is an authentic Chinese girl.

It was because her voice was too European and American, and it showed a big difference in speaking.

Producer Xu put away his shocked look, and replaced it with a look of excitement and excitement. In Producer Xu's eyes at this time, Nu Wa is no longer as simple as just a beautiful girl. It is a jade that has not yet bloomed its own brilliance, and is still being buried.

The rhythm is very well mastered, and the treble part is also very perfect, not losing to European and American singers.

In the control room, not only Producer Xu was excited, even the other staff of Yanhuang Entertainment showed the same reaction as Producer Xu.

Kim Hyun-tae raised his hand and touched his clean chin, squinting his eyes with a thoughtful look. Nuwa’s performance also surprised him, and it also made Kim Hyun-tae suddenly an idea in his mind [No Do you know that it's okay to let Nuwa participate in the "Good Voice" held by net? ].

Once this idea came out, it stayed in Jin Xiantai's mind for a long time, because Jin Xiantai felt that this was a good opportunity for Nuwa to make a blockbuster.

After all, Coco is now Nuwa's apprentice, so as Coco's father, he should also consider her daughter more or less, and slap Nuwa flattering when appropriate, so that Nuwa can treat her daughter better.

As a father, it is not surprising that Jin Xiantai had such an idea.

Don't you see ordinary parents, they will all compliment the school teachers in every way, so Jin Xiantai will be no exception.

It's just that compared to ordinary teachers, Nuwa, the ‘teacher’ master, is a bit more complicated, and it’s more worthy of Jin Xiantai to figure out how to flatter him.