Rising America

Chapter 1175: Isn't this how children are?

I still believe that you will be resurrected in place!

I guess if I really believe you, and follow you to learn such a strange and funny comparison, it is estimated that these bear children will have to be beaten by their father and mother 30 times a day, you are totally pitting the children, OK?

Listening to the slogans that the bear children could not adjust, Kim Hyun Tae silently complained in his own heart, and at the same time mourned the future of these bear children.

As the father of Cocoa, Kim Hyun-tae really understands his daughter's ‘goods’, so he can guarantee that if these little kids who were lured by his daughter’s advantage really learn cocoa, they will definitely be beaten by his parents in the future.

Coco was also completely plunged into excitement and excitement at this time. Under the fiery atmosphere driven by those bear children, Coco felt that he was the king of the world at this moment, completely forgetting that all of this was actually her. I bought it with money.

"The kids in China are so enthusiastic. I really didn't think I was so popular here. Hahahaha, I seem to be more popular than those big stars."

Cocoa stood three meters away from the group of ‘fans’, and said without embarrassment at all through the wall built by the security guard.

Of course, for those who don't know the inside story, the scene here does look like Coco is very popular with children. After all, the more than a thousand kids here are not fake.

Looking at the Chinese children's stars, there is still no way to gather so many fans of the little kid.

I just don't know how people who really want will react if they know what they really want.

Who would have thought that a bear kid like Coco would actually spend money to lure the little kids to be their fans, and these little kids are also very ostentatious in acting, which just blinds people's eyes.

Well, everything depends on the soft sister coin, and the ability to enjoy a free clown burger or William's fried chicken, so these little kids will let themselves go like this.

Admittedly, in fact, the entire entertainment industry hired fans or something, but Coco was not the first to do so.

Even some famous celebrities here in different time and space will usually attend certain events or even take a plane, and hire some professional ‘fans’ at the company or at their own expense to gather, making it as if their popularity is so popular.

It's just that only first-tier or second-tier stars will do it.

After all, they want to give people the impression that they are not too angry and their popularity is very hot.

But cocoa is different.

Even if Coco was young, she didn't seem to be a star.

At best, the little girl who had filmed a few big-name advertisements and said that she was an advertising child star was already because of the face of her father Kim Hyun Tae.

Although this is the case, it is not the case that the bear child cannot be held up.

Coco has always felt that he should be regarded as a celebrity as an ‘advertising child star’. After all, advertising is also shooting.

This time he moved from an advertisement to the big screen, and it was still a film, but Coco felt that he had to create momentum for himself anyway.

"Oh my God, smiled at me!"

"Don't be narcissistic, that's laughing at me!"

"You two ugly monsters walk away for me, you are obviously looking at me and smiling, don't feel good about yourself like this!"

Soon the three little boys were torn apart.

The other fans on the side squeezed the three little boys behind, and then the three little boys ripped off and approached a dark corner.

This is a small alley, because there are no street lights, it looks a little dim.

After the three tearing little boys approached the entrance of the alley, they immediately stopped tearing, and then quickly ran into the small alley and disappeared at the corner of the alley.

There is a big metal trash can in the alley, and the three little boys stepped behind the trash can, as if they were not affected by the corruption in the trash compartment at all.

And behind the trash can, there is actually a middle-aged man who looks ordinary in appearance.

"This is a clown burger coupon, one per person, don’t grab it. With the coupon, you can eat a set of clown burgers for free, but there is a time limit, and you must use it before the end of August, if you don’t use it before the end of August It will be void."

After seeing the three little kids, the middle-aged man took out three clown burger coupons and handed them one to each.

The three little boys who looked like they were fighting before were torn apart, at this moment there was still a little fighting look.

"Don't worry, I will use the coupon tomorrow. I have long wanted to eat the clown burger, but the price is a bit expensive, my dad is reluctant to take me to eat."

After one of the little boys received the coupon, he immediately promised to use it the next day.

The middle-aged man looked at the little boy and said, "Your performance just now was too exaggerated, but our lady will be very satisfied if she comes to visit, because she likes this exaggerated performance, the more exaggerated the better, so as a supervisor, I still appreciate your performance, so according to the permissions given to me by the lady, you can each get a bonus of 2o yuan soft sister coin. Here I hope you will continue to encourage you in a while."

While talking, the middle-aged man took out three soft sister coins with a face value of 2o and gave one to each of the three little boys.

After getting the 20 yuan reward, the excitement of these three little boys is not to be mentioned.

You know, the three of them were hired to be fans, and the price was only RMB 10 per person.

But now they are able to get another 20 yuan reward by virtue of their performance. How can you prevent them from being surprised and excited.

"If we behave more exaggerated for a while, will there be rewards?"

One of the little boys was very clever and immediately asked a crucial question.

The middle-aged man nodded: "Of course, 10 yuan is the foundation. If you perform well, there will be other rewards as you do now. Go back and tell other children that if you want to make more pocket money, you have to use your skills."

The three little boys didn't want to delay earning pocket money, and immediately ran back out of the alley and returned to the children, eagerly looking for opportunities to perform exaggerated acting skills to earn rewards.

At the same time, the three of them also secretly passed the middle-aged man's explanation to the other children, which made these children even more excited.

When the bear child became excited, all kinds of exaggerated performances began to appear.

The little curly hair that had appeared before appeared again. Like the three little boys, this guy has already received the extra reward for his grand performance, so he is also ready to earn a second reward.

To tell the truth, we have seen a lot of entertainment media in various screenings, and fans of all kinds of weird are not unfamiliar with them. Whatever weeping, crying, hanging up, and even rolling around undressed, these weird fans and reporters have all seen Over.


At the screening of "King of the Sea" today, the performance of these little kid fans was completely out of the expectation of media professionals accustomed to the big storms.

It even makes them feel that the performance of these little kid fans is nothing more than that of adult fans, and even more weird.

Little Curly once again broke through the barriers of the security guards, rushed towards Coco, a few meters away, and opened his hands while running, acting as if he was a lunatic with a stubborn brain.

While running, Little Curly yelled sternly: "Ah! You are so perfect, so I want to destroy you, so that you will never be desecrated, and you belong to me!"

In fact, Xiao Cun Mao's shouting and performance all follow the script given by Cocoa.

Yes, after all, Xiao Cun Mao is a small group performer in several film and television dramas. Compared to others, he is considered very professional. Therefore, the price of hiring him is not low, and he also needs to undertake some important tasks given by cocoa, such as this one. Kind.

Little Curly was definitely not able to rush to Cocoa's side. Before he rushed to Cocoa's side, he was swept to the ground with a sweeping leg by a certain security officer, and fell firmly.

This fall was not a fake, it was a real fall to the ground.

Little Curly is very dedicated, even though she was thrown into the air, she still continued her grandiose performance.

Several sturdy security guards carried this little curly hair to the security room.

Even so, Little Curly still shouted: "You are my goddess, I can't let those children blaspheme you, in order to make you perfect forever, I will kill you!"

Little Curly was only about ten years old, but the words he shouted made people shudder.

And this plot is made by Coco based on a certain Hollywood blockbuster. One of the plots in this blockbuster is that a big star was assassinated by a fanatic fan.

But such an adult stage can be used on his own body, and the performer he found is also a kid, which has to make people feel very different.

Of course, Coco does not think so.

Just when a kind of media was sluggish by sudden incidents, Coco pretended to be frightened at first glance, chatted with a camera lens, and said, "Oh, Sometimes it is really a headache to be too good and perfect, especially for a beautiful girl like me, alas, such a life is really distressing."

Don't you want to say so much!

Coco didn't know. When she said this, she would almost become the public enemy of the little Chinese girl, because she was really a badass.

Especially on the Internet, there is no girl under the age of several dozens, and she began to denounce Coco on the Internet, saying that she is bragging and extremely shameless by calling herself a beautiful girl.

In this regard, Cocoa is not yet clear.

And Kim Hyun-tae rolled his eyes silently not far away, thinking [Can I fake it more? 】

Andrew leaned in Jin Xiantae's ear~lightnovelpub.net~ whispering the routine made by Cocoa, and told Jin Xiantai that the little curly hair wasn't really threatening Coco just now, but he would do it, completely following it. The script given by Cocoa.

In short, this is all fake!

"Making a fool! It's just bullshitting!"

Kim Hyun Tae really didn't know what he should say.

Andrew chuckled, "Children like to fool around, and the young lady is in a young age who loves to fool around, so you understand Long Live, Master. Besides, the young lady's doing this is at best to make people more criticized, but it does not affect the law and order. , It will not harm the interests of others."

Anyway, Andrew didn't think it was a big deal.


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