Rising America

Chapter 1179: "King of the Sea" is not a bad movie

The plot of "King of the Sea" is constantly advancing, but Kim Hyun-tae slowly sees some signs of something wrong, because although it seems that the whole version of "King of the Sea" is very similar to his own impression, But some links are still different.

I didn't remember the previous sentence, so I won't say it with some dirty lines, but then what happened to the plot that Dave's father is actually the head of the Hydra U.S. Division?

In the original version, the father of this classmate shouldn't be an ordinary gang boss, how can he become a hydra in his daughter's version of "King of the Sea"! ?

While Kim Hyun Tae was surprised, he was a little dumbfounded.

My daughter knows that Hydra is disgusted by Kim Hyun Tae.

But I didn't expect that my daughter would hate Hydra so much that in the movie, Hydra was arranged to be the villain.

Looking sideways at Coco, who was appreciating his role in the movie, Kim Hyun-tae felt that her daughter Coco made herself a father, and she couldn't see through.

In the cocoa version of "King of the Sea", the father of the classmate Dave’s gangster, like the original version, controls the local'ban drug' business, and also includes a link to collect protection fees and bully the elderly and children. Call a bad.

Even in his home, the skull and octopus logo of Hydra can be seen everywhere.

"Huh! Hydra will not be destroyed in a day. That is my Cocoa's enemy. I will not only find their troubles in reality, but also destroy them in various movies and TV shows!"

In the plot, Coco played the murderous girl and the big daddy. The black killer killed the members of Hydra and snatched their'prohibited drugs' and drugs. When the film was screened here, the little girl sitting next to Kim Hyun Tae The guy waved his little fist excitedly, and then said such a word bitterly.

Jin Xiantae couldn't help but looked sideways at the little guy, and said, "You hate Hydra so much, you even hate that you have to arrange black and black scenes in film and television dramas?"

Coco raised his small face and looked at his father, then nodded heavily, and responded: "Of course! I hate Hydra the most. Who made their organization the same name as mine? I had to change my organization’s name, so I hate Hydra the most."

Kim Hyun-tae felt that Hydra was hated and hated by his daughter. It was really wrong, just because of a name.

I really don't know what kind of reaction the high-level members of the Hydra organization would react if they were so hostile to such a small thing as Coco.

At the same time, Kim Hyun-tae couldn't help being secretly grateful.

Hydra is not powerful when it comes to it.

In terms of cocoa's ability, Hydra doesn't have to worry about any threats it will bring.

Although the Hydra organization is difficult to destroy, in general, organizations such as the Illumination Society and the Mutant Brotherhood are much less threatening.

But now it is obviously impossible for the "Mutant Brotherhood" to appear. After all, this Magneto in a different time and space is already ready to have a meal with Annie.

As for some other organizations, although they have not yet appeared, Coco may not provoke them if he wants to. After all, the little guy’s ‘enemy’ only has one Hydra.

"In the future film and television dramas I will appear in, I will arrange Hydra to be the villain. In short, I have spent my life with them. As long as Hydra is not eliminated for a day, as the boss of the true Hydra, I will slander and deal with them. one day!"

Coco's words are categorical.

Jin Xiantai silently mourned for the Hydra organization in his heart for a while, and he felt that the Hydra organization was a bit pitiful.

The plot continues. After killing the girl and the big daddy, the plot is again placed on the funny Dave. On the screen, Dave is wearing a funny costume. He was just stabbed by two robbers with a dagger. .

Dave, with a bruised nose and swollen face, was taken to the hospital and finally managed to escape danger.

But the plot that should have been heavy, but once again there was a laugh.

When Dave was rescued, his strange clothes were taken off and he was taken to the hospital naked.

As a result, because of this relationship, it was rumored that he encountered two gays raped, and was seriously injured because of the resistance. Even Dave did not succeed in the resistance at all, but was eventually rumored by two gays.

The movie viewers in the theater all laughed in low voices. They were obviously old drivers, so they knew everything about the plot.

When I saw this, many film critics felt that although the theme of "King of the Sea" was a hero and the title of a comedy film, it was actually a very vulgar **** film, not at all. What theme core.

Therefore, many film critics decided to write an article to scold the movie when they went back.

It is true that this movie has many laughs, but the theme is very empty, without a trace of core.

Fortunately, Coco didn't know what these people were thinking, otherwise the little guy would definitely jump up and curse on the spot.

It's totally unnecessary for a movie itself to make everyone watch a happy smile. It's a core theme for Mao.

Besides, who said that "King of the Sea" does not have the core content of the theme?

Of course, with the continued screening of the film and the advancement of the plot, the core idea of ​​the theme of "King of the Sea" is slowly revealed.

After he recovered, Dave continued to wear his suit and looked funny, making himself a strange and brain-dead costume. He continued to haunt the streets and lanes, still dreaming of being a hero.

Finally, it really gave Dave a chance.

Several people who looked like gangsters were fighting, and three gangsters chased one gangster.

As for why these little gangsters are fighting, no information and clues are given in the plot, but Dave brazenly shot it.

In the film, one of the three gangsters took out a dagger and asked Dave, "Do you want to give your life for such a scumbag?" This is not your business in itself, why do you want to protect this guy under you, and you know who he is? 】

Indeed, everyone watching movies in the theater also has such doubts and curiosity.

Some people even think that this plot is really nonsense, and Dave is also a complete representative of brain damage and weirdness.

But then, Dave's answer aroused deep thoughts among moviegoers.

In the film, Dave had a nosebleed. Obviously, he was injured when he was fighting with the gangsters to protect the fallen gangster, but Dave's eyes were very firm.

[I don’t know who he is, and I don’t care who he is. I just know that it’s wrong for the three of you to fight one by one, so I have to stand up and stop you! 】

The three gangsters in the film are all taken aback.

The audience in the theater was also thoughtful of what Dave said on the screen.

Originally, this scene was a very funny passage. It was Dave, who claimed to be the "King of the Sea", and was beaten by others in a fight in college.

At this time a young man was holding who he was.

After all, Dave was wearing that green funny costume at this time, and he also brought a mask.

Seeing Dave’s clear and firm answer, [; then the camera changed, Dave’s video of the street and the gangsters fighting (actually by the people) was posted on the Internet, and it quickly caused it. Click and watch by many netizens.

In addition, what Dave said has attracted the applause of countless netizens, and even aroused discussions on TV programs on major channels. In this way, he actually became a ‘hero’.

Yes, people think he is a hero.

One scene is a passage from a hostess.

[Will you clash with sturdy gangsters for strangers you never know? Many people may not, but this young man who claims to be the king of the sea has made many choices that ordinary people dare not make, so everyone thinks he is a hero! 】

Who is a hero?

What kind of things will make people a hero?

Dave is a very ordinary young man. Even some of his usual behaviors are quite funny. He didn't even dare to resist when his classmates were robbed. However, he had a dream of being a hero, and he continued to do so. This changes oneself.

A hero does not mean that a person has to do something earth-shattering to be called a hero.

In real life, even if it is a little thing, a very inconspicuous thing, if you can reach out at the critical moment, it is worthy of being called a hero.

Those who bravely rescued children from falling into the water and sacrificed their lives are absolute heroes.

Those who leave their names without asking for rewards, silently sponsoring poor students, this is also a hero.

What is a hero?

Who can be a hero?

Many people think things are too complicated.

In fact, being a hero is very simple, such as Dave.

Of course, this is not to say that everyone is as funny as Dave. After all, this is a movie and the plot will be a little exaggerated.

The viewers in the theater couldn't help but fall into contemplation.

Kim Hyun Tae didn't have much emotion. After all, he was no stranger to the movie "King of the Sea". He had watched it many times in the original world before he came to another time and space with his daughter.

But the people here in Different Time and Space are different from Kim Hyun Tae~lightnovelpub.net~ This is the first time they have watched such a movie.

So everyone felt very shocked.

I have to say that the people here in Different Time and Space are really Lo's in some respects, which is simply speechless.

But it is precisely because of this relationship that at this moment, "King of the Sea" has really been seriously scrutinized by everyone, and it is no longer regarded as just a low-level bad film.

Annie, who has been silent and watched the movie seriously, said at this time: "This film is still very connotative, but it's really amazing. Mommy is proud of you."


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