Rising America

Chapter 1201: Who is behind the scenes! ! !

[Oh, I’m going to laugh to death. Cai Minghua is expected to cry. This cover of Coco is really brainwashing. After three times, I have completely forgotten the fact that Cai Minghua is the original singer, even as "Your Love" "The music of this song sounded, and the tune of Coco flashed through my mind for a moment, hahahaha. 】

[Same as the one upstairs, I really want to know what Cai Minghua will react when he learns that his song has been changed to this. Coco, this bear kid is so funny, she can actually change a deep love song into such a rich and profound meaning, but I doubt whether Coco changed it herself, maybe someone can help her? 】

[Don't doubt, all this is definitely from the hands of Coco Boss. Seeing that you doubt it, it must be an adult, right? Let me say, it’s because you are adults that you have such suspicions, because you don’t know our boss at all. We must know that our coco boss is not an ordinary child, she is as powerful as a **** in our hearts. ,do you know! Long live cocoa boss! Cocoa boss is invincible! The true Hydra is the highest! 】

[I took it, and there was a smashed fan. I have to say that Coco has too many smashed fans. I support the speculation on the second floor. Coco can never come up with this adapted song. You must know that the lyrics after the adaptation are really rich in content and profound meaning. If it is not for an old driver who has absolutely enough experience, it is impossible to get it. I doubt it. It's Coco's father... William King]

[What the fourth floor said is correct. I also suspect that it was William King. As a rich man, his life must be a drunken fan, so he must also have a lot of contact with many girls, so he has enough of this Experience, so it is logical to write a song like this to ridicule. 】

The A380 flew smoothly to its destination, Los Angeles. After three or four hours, Coco and his father, Jin Xiantai, were able to land and return home.

But because of the whim of the bear child during the flight, after the "driver version" of "Your Love" was produced, a wave of turmoil was suddenly set off in China, which attracted the attention and discussion of a large number of netizens.

After all, Coco not only played the song on the live broadcast, but also edited it and posted it on the Internet. At the same time, many netizens who watched this short live broadcast also recorded the live broadcast, and also posted it to online.

It is precisely because of the large number of people on the Internet and the fact that netizens continue to promote it. Therefore, in a short period of time, the driver version of Cocoa's adaptation of "Your Love" instantly became popular across the Internet.

Of course, the reason why this song is so popular is that, in addition to the Trump tune and the deep meaning of the lyrics, there is no lack of netizens' booing thoughts.

After all, Cai Minghua, as the latest generation of young kings from Xiangjiang, has a lot of lace news about him, and has an ambiguous and intimate relationship with many Bai Fumei and beautiful girls. This has long made many ordinary netizens very envious and hated. .

So when there is a chance to tease Tsai Minghua, netizens will of course be very happy to do so.

Regardless of the mentality, ordinary people like to watch public figures jokes anyway.

Not to mention that Cai Minghua also broke the rumors of the unspoken rules these days, which has kept his exposure rate high for a long time.

So at this time, Coco produced such a song, which completely increased the public's attention to Cai Minghua.

Netizens and the public are happy, but Cai Minghua is depressed and don't want it.

After all, the lyrics of the adaptation of "Your Love" are too trivial and have a strong brainwashing effect. It is really as some netizens say, "I have heard it three times and then I forget the original song."

So imagine that Cai Minghua will hold a concert in the future. As his debut and fame work, the song "Your Love" must be performed live, but due to the adaptation of the version, it will not be possible to make the music together with the audience. In my mind, the trivial version of the lyrics will flash, then his image will be ruined?

Thinking this way is not unfounded, because it is very likely to happen.

So Cai Minghua was depressed.

Of course, for Cai Minghua, this little trouble is not unsolvable at the moment, because he himself still holds the full copyright of the song "Your Love", and Coco adapted this song and lyrics in the live broadcast. It is tantamount to infringing on Cai Minghua's rights and interests, so he can solve it by legal means.

But considering that Coco’s father is Jin Xiantai, and the bear child is still American, and his Cai Minghua is a citizen of the China Xiangjiang Special Economic Zone, if he resorts to the law, it is a transnational litigation.

So this made Cai Minghua particularly entangled, unable to decide for a while whether to adopt such a method.

At the same time, in recent days, rumors about him bullying Yanhuang Entertainment's newcomers are still being fermented, even if Yanhuang Entertainment has denied it, he and his agent also said in front of the media that it is not true, but many media and the public still do not Believe.

So all kinds of gossip, gossip and gossip were flying all over the sky for a while, and Cai Minghua was miserable.

Even in some unreliable gossip rumors, Cai Minghua was simply described as a kind of big and perverted one.

But then again, Cai Minghua, who did not face the camera and the public in private, is really such a person, so it can not be said that this gossip rumor is wrong.

It's just that Cai Minghua himself hides deeply, and at the same time he doesn't think he is such a person.

However, for those who are familiar with Cai Minghua, they are very clear that such gossip rumors describe very accurately, as Cai Minghua's agent thinks.

"This matter is not over yet? Why are those entertainment media still gossiping about this matter all the time, and the personal image of me is very ugly now."

In the presidential suite of the Beijing Hilton Hotel, Cai Minghua used his laptop to read the news on the official websites of several entertainment media, and was very angry and threw the laptop to the ground.

The laptop was torn apart, but Cai Minghua didn't look a bit painful.

Think about it, too, it's easy to make money as a star in different time and space, so it's nothing to lose a laptop that costs thousands of dollars.

Cai Minghua's agent, a sissy middle-aged man standing aside nervously, obviously didn't mean to persuade him when he was furious.

Because the time with Cai Minghua is not short, he knows exactly what Cai Minghua is, and he also understands that Cai Minghua cannot persuade him when he is in a rage. If he speaks at this time, he will do it. It caused Cai Minghua to focus on himself, and then used himself to make a pump to vent.

So the smartest thing now is to stand quietly and wait for Cai Minghua to speak.

"What's special, did you leak relevant information to the media? Where did the girl named Zhang Xiaomi go? I suspect that this matter must have nothing to do with her!"

After venting a lot, after smashing a lot of items in the suite, Cai Minghua's anger finally extinguished a lot, and he was able to sit down.

At this time, the ground became a mess.

It doesn't matter, just call the service staff to clean up at that time.

"Yanhuang Entertainment said that the little girl had terminated the contract with them, and now Yanhuang Entertainment doesn't know where the girl has gone. But I think Acai, are you a little worried, can she be a little girl like this?"

Obviously, this agent does not believe that the current wave of public opinion can be set off by orphans like Nu Wa.

Cai Minghua raised his eyes and looked at his agent, "What do you think?"

The sissy agent hurriedly said: "Now that the public opinion is so loud, and there is still a momentum that cannot be calmed down, obviously there must be a pusher behind this. If you want to use this matter to discredit you, it will be disgusting and disgusting at the worst, so I judge It must be someone who has a conflict of interest with us who is playing tricks.

What the agent said is not unreasonable.

The entertainment industry has never been a good place for hello and me, everyone is full of plots, conspiracies, and tricks of hiding a knife in a smile.

In front of the media camera, a pair of good buddies and good sisters are hypocritical~lightnovelpub.net~ It is not too much to stab each other in private.

So after listening to the agent's personal judgment, even Cai Minghua began to guess in this regard.

It's not that Nu Wa has never been suspected.

But she was born as an orphan, has no contacts, and no gold master, but she has put on a disguise that is easy to paralyze.

Not to mention that Yanhuang Entertainment has now informed that Zhang Xiaomi, who is incarnation of Nuwa, has terminated their contract with them, and that they are not mixed with the news in the entertainment industry.

Therefore, Cai Minghua also had to shift his suspicion from Nuwa.

And now that the state of public opinion is so hot, if there is no one behind it, it is absolutely impossible to spend a lot of money to maintain it.

Where can such a small newcomer like Nuwa have so much funds?

"Have you thought about who the most likely person is?"

Cai Minghua temporarily set aside Nuwa from the suspected candidate and asked the agent his opinion.

The sissy agent squeezed the orchid finger, and the woman in the girl replied: "Lin Xiao, Lin Xiao, the little king of the treasure island song world, because your rise in the Xiangjiang song world has shaken his momentum and status, so he is most likely. Besides, you robbed his girlfriend."

The agent gave an object of suspicion he thought, and also cited conflicts of interest.

Cai Minghua frowned.

"I think it should be him too, this bastard, do you really think I am a soft persimmon!" Cai Minghua sat on the sofa with a grim look. Obviously he felt that it should be the guy that the agent said was playing tricks. .

"After a while, I will find someone to break the news. This product is not a good thing. Does he think his **** is so clean! Humph! This time I will find out his dark history, so that people can know what he is? , Mess with me! Die!"