Rising America

Chapter 1202: Unlucky Gunner

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

Where there are rivers and lakes, there will be conflicts.

The conflict is to protect their own interests.

Once the interests are not balanced, or someone's desires and ambitions expand, then conflict becomes inevitable.

The entertainment industry is also a river and lake, and even men and women who eat together in this river and lake have their own desires even more expanded.

In front of the flash, under the spotlight, suits and leather shoes, fluttering long skirts, people's compliments, ordinary people's envious eyes, and most men and women's jealous eyes, everything in Vanity Fair is so lingering, I can't wait to keep it like this for a lifetime life.

But the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and the new generation replaces the old.

Because of the large population base here, there are of course more handsome men and beautiful women. This has led to a rapid update of the entertainment industry. If it is not a powerful star, just a small meat, it is difficult to be Based on the entertainment industry.

China is like this, Hollywood is like this, and South Korea is even more unbearable.

Lin Xiao is the little king of the treasure island singing world. He made his debut three years earlier than Cai Minghua, and is regarded as Cai Minghua's old predecessor.

Also has a handsome appearance, talent, is the young generation of the singer Bao Li to carry the handle.

Everything was going so smoothly, but who knew that Cai Minghua suddenly appeared, and Lin Xiao and Cai Minghua were no opponents at all.

Cai Minghua is more handsome and talented than Lin Xiao, and at the same time five or six years younger, Lin Xiao's various advantages completely compare him.

If Lin Xiao and the company behind him have no ideas, it is absolutely impossible.

Because of Cai Minghua's appearance, Lin Xiao had no status at all.

What's more, Cai Minghua also pryed the other's girlfriend, the daughter of a boss in a corner of Baodao, can you say Lin Xiao hates this?

As the so-called hatred of taking away his wife, the hatred of killing his father is nothing more than this.

Therefore, Lin Xiao and the company behind him are making ghosts behind them, and it is not surprising that they want to discredit Cai Minghua.

Of course, Cai Minghua and the people around him know that, in fact, this is not a slander at all, Ying Wei and Cai Minghua are really like the rumored person.

As a star, Cai Minghua may deny these.

Because Cai Minghua’s personality in front of the public and fans is that he is a talented and handsome love song prince, at best because he has more friends of the opposite **** around him.

But there are people with money and status in different time and space, who is not like this around him.

So there is no surprise that Cai Minghua is like this.

In this way, it can not only discredit Cai Minghua and make Cai Minghua disgraced, but also destroy Cai Minghua's hard-earned reputation.

And if it succeeds, Cai Minghua will mean everything is in vain, and he will end up in a situation where everyone shouts and fights, and it is not impossible to even quit the entertainment circle.

The worst can be disgusting Cai Minghua.

Basically, Cai Minghua is familiar with this routine and is not unfamiliar at all, because he has used this method to deal with many seniors since his debut.

"Lin Xiao also came to the mainland recently?"

Cai Minghua frowned and asked his agent.

The sissy agent nodded: "Coincidentally, Lin Xiao is also in the mainland. I heard someone said he was participating in a variety show."

Cai Minghua snorted, curled his lips, and said disdainfully: "You can get gold for gold. I have run out of this product and there is no income, so he will definitely not miss anything that can make money. Knowing that he used to be a little white face, and was completely dependent on women to support him."

[Why is it not like this for yourself, you have the face to say others, don’t look at your talents, but without the help and connections of those girlfriends, can you stand firm in the entertainment industry so quickly? 】

The sissy murmured silently in her heart.

Indeed, the population base here is large, and there must be more talents of all kinds. People like Cai Minghua do not have much advantage in the entertainment circle, even if he gets a plug-in.

It can be said that on the road to his rise, the girlfriends around him contributed a lot, which established Cai Minghua's position in the music world.

At the same time, when Cai Minghua first debuted, because of his status and interests, many seniors were suppressing him, and these problems were all solved by the girlfriends.

It can be said that if there were no such girlfriends, Cai Minghua would have become popular, but he would not have become so fast. Although his status would be stable, he would not be stable now.

For these, Cai Minghua has obviously ignored.

It's no wonder that the agent on the side would silently complain in my heart.

"Where is there such a coincidence in the world, such a rumor appeared when this guy came, and it is obvious that this kind of public opinion is the result of this kind of public opinion."

It's so coincidental and inch, Lin Xiao came really at an untimely time, he actually lay down with a gun, and Cai Minghua suspected and locked him as the driving force behind the scenes.

However, Lin Xiao is not a good thing, so he is not worthy of pity if he lays a gun on the back of Jin Xiantai and Wu Yuchen.

The agent smiled upon hearing this, and echoed: "I think so too. There is no such coincidence. There was no such thing earlier. There was such a rumor when Lin Xiao came to the mainland to participate in variety shows, so I said this If it wasn't for him to figure it out, it would be a ghost."

Cai Minghua narrowed his eyes and entered the subject: "Do you have any ideas, where do you plan to start?"

The sissy continued to pinch the orchid finger, and the woman in the girl replied in a feminine way: "It depends on what you mean A Cai, I don't know Lin Xiao very well."

This question was kicked back to Cai Minghua.

However, Cai Minghua did not look angry. Instead, he slowly opened his squinted eyes and said, "Yes, Lin Xiao you can know is what he and the company behind him let you and the public know about those things. Er is not secretive, so it is useless to deal with Lin Xiao.

But I am different. His ex-girlfriend has said a lot of things that outsiders don't know, hehe, so compared to the public, I know a lot of things he doesn't know. "

Cai Minghua didn't speak big words at all.

After all, a girlfriend next to him was Lin Xiao's girlfriend.

As a boyfriend and girlfriend, they have intimate relationships, so of course the girl can know many secrets that are not known to the outside world and the public.

So when I leave Lin Xiao and Cai Minghua, these secret information will definitely be learned by Cai Minghua a little bit when the two get along. This is a normal thing.

Therefore, the agent has no doubt about what Cai Minghua said.

Immediately Cai Minghua said: "Start with Lin Xiao saying that he has a net worth of 40 billion yuan. You broke the news to the media. This product is completely bragging. He doesn't have that much money at all. This is simply bragging and sticking to his face. It’s gold, I think this material will definitely be of interest to people, and this is just an appetizer, let’s slowly explode."

Now that Lin Xiao was locked, Cai Minghua didn't plan to be polite.

The sissy agent responded and asked gossiping: "Acai, why does Lin Xiao brag about being rich? This is totally unreasonable. After all, a swollen face will show up sooner or later, right? ?"

Cai Minghua sneered, looked at the gossiping agent, and told him the reason.

"I have reliable sources, saying that this guy Lin Xiao is pursuing the daughter of an entrepreneur from the mainland, so he began to package himself up as a rich man, or else how qualified to pursue other girls with his assets? It.

Hehe, 40 billion Treasure Island coins are really good enough for him. Even if it is 8 billion soft sister coins according to the 1:5 exchange ratio, he actually only has more than 10 million soft sister coins. That's it, so first use this one as an appetizer, I think it is enough. "

When the agent heard Cai Minghua's words, his eyes widened, and his face looked like he couldn't believe it. After all, if Cai Minghua's words were true, then it was true that Lin Xiao could blow a little too much.

At the same time, the agent recalled that during this period of time, Lin Xiao, because of his involvement in variety shows in the Mainland, even brought him more reports, and most of these reports were about describing his investment opportunities. How many assets, so the agent slowly showed a clear look.

It turns out that these are all routines.

It's no wonder that Lin Xiao's reports have focused on the content of how much he can invest and how rich he is.

The root is here!

In those reports, the media said how many cars Lin Xiao had in his name~lightnovelpub.net~ how expensive each car was. At the same time, they said Lin Xiao invested in an IT technology company in Baodao. There is a crackling head.

Now it seems that he was just putting gold on his face and at the same time bragging about him.

If there is no such a halo, Lin Xiao really is not qualified to pursue the daughter of the mainland entrepreneur. From this, it can be seen that Lin Xiao really has some scheming.

But when I turned my head and thought about it again, the agent saw a little problem.

Yes, it's okay to brag about being rich, but if he really chased that girl, wouldn't the fact that he was a hollow boss be exposed?

It stands to reason that Lin Xiao couldn't be so brain-dead.

After having such doubts, the sissy agent informed Cai Minghua of the doubts in his heart.

As for the doubts of the broker, Cai Minghua gave an explanation.

Cai Minghua said with a playful look: "I guess Lin Xiao's method is nothing more than saying at the right time that he made a mistake in investment and led to bankruptcy, or was deceived by a foreign businessman to make an investment failure. Only in this way can he rectify this lie. what.

And presumably he had already succeeded at that time, so bankruptcy can give him a tragic color. Girls are all sentimental, and they will never want him at that time. Ordinary girls may still be able to do this, but there is no food and clothing. Worried rich girls would never be like this. This is where the daughter of a daughter is most different from ordinary girls. "

After explaining, Cai Minghua waved his hand: "Okay, don't ask so much. You can do this as soon as possible. At the same time, help me find out who the girl Lin Xiao is after is. I think I can talk to him. Competitive competition.” At the end of the talk, Cai Minghua showed a grim smile on his face, and brought a little bit of insignificance.