Rising America

Chapter 1203: Back to Los Angeles

The plane landed smoothly on the private runway opened by Los Angeles International Airport.

As the wealthy Jin Xiantai and Annie, either of them can allow the airport to make such an arrangement, which is also a manifestation of identity and status.

Of course, this kind of thing can only happen in the United States in different time and space. It is not enough to have wealth on China's side. Power is the key. This is also the most different place between China and the United States.

But for this, Jin Xiantai needs to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to the airport, not to say that there is no price, but these hundreds of thousands of dollars are really nothing to Jin Xiantai.

Although his cash has been invested in the ‘subprime mortgage’ gambling agreement, the companies under his name are far from providing cash flow.

Especially when QQ has started charging operations, it has become a cash cow.

The reclamation of land from the East is not expected for the time being.

However, relying on QQ technology alone is enough to make Jin Xiantai not short of money.

Not to mention Jin Xiantai's source of income is not just QQ Technology.

His collections of novels and fairy tales can bring him more than 100 million U.S. dollars in royalties every month, which is a huge increase from last year.

This shows that his collections of novels and fairy tales have been sold all over the world.

At the same time, CNN's Chengren film production company can also bring him huge income every month. Although this income is a bit disgusting, Jin Xiantai will not close this business.

You know, he has no hatred with Qian.

Similarly, the Cheng# production company under Dongying Asahi TV can bring huge profits every month, and I have to sigh that this industry is really profitable.

Adding up these countless numbers, can Kim Hyun-tae still lack money to spend?

Originally, after purchasing the sub-prime mortgage agreement, the bank accounts of Jin Xiantai and his daughter Coco were already empty, but after a year, he saved another 8 billion US dollars in his bank account.

This shows how powerful these companies under their name have the ability to attract revenue.

And after the Nevada Petroleum Company, in which he has a stake, operates, his annual revenue can be expected to double.

The gangway was lowered and Jin Xiantai walked out of the engine room first.

Not far below, the two rows of convoys composed of extended Bentleys and extended Hummers were already waiting neatly there. Old Nord, who had returned to the United States earlier, appeared in front of the team queue.

Annie likes Bentleys and Kim Hyun-tae likes Hummers, so there are two teams at the airport.

On either side of each car of the extended Bentley team, there were two to three tall female bodyguards wearing black suits, bulging chests and sunglasses.

In the past, Annie's bodyguards were all men, but since the establishment of the'relationship' with Kim Hyun Tae, all her bodyguards have been replaced by women.

But don't underestimate these female bodyguards, their combat effectiveness is more than a little bit stronger than the male bodyguards before, because these female bodyguards are not ordinary people, they are all from the reclusive werewolf tribe of Alaska.

After all, when Annie registered the ‘Security Consultant’ company, she contacted those werewolf tribes and reached a secret agreement, which enabled many werewolves to join her ‘security’ company.

As for a big gold master like Annie, the werewolves were of course very concerned about her safety, so they threw out the powerful female warriors of their respective races and took charge of her safety.

These female bodyguards from the werewolf tribe are all tall, no one is less than 1.9 meters tall. Although they feel very sturdy and tall, they are not that kind of male wife, on the contrary they give people a kind of alternative. The sturdy beauty and looks are also very good.

Compared with the blood race, the werewolf women have a more masculine beauty, not as feminine as the blood race.

Because of the long-term seclusion in Alaska, these werewolf girls who came to the big city for the first time appeared very simple and inexperienced in the world.

And it is their simple temperament that can better take care of Annie's safety.

And most of the time, werewolves are a tendon.

So they were perfect bodyguards for Annie.

Unlike these werewolf girls, the Hummer caravan on the other side gave people another expression. They were a group of people wearing black English-style maid dresses, jewel-colored aprons, black big-toed leather shoes, beautiful and small Girls groups too.

That's right, this is Kim Hyun Tae's private maid team.

Of course, this is the title of Kim Hyun Tae.

In fact, the real title of these maids should be the ‘Knights of the Maid Guards of Kim Hyun Tae’, which was formed by Kim Hyun Tae’s Alien Elementary School Butler Andrew.

These girls are mainly responsible for Kim Hyun Tae's daily life, personal safety, and other trivial matters involving Kim Hyun Tae.

If Kim Hyun-tae is willing, he doesn't even need to wipe his **** in the toilet, he can let these girls come to help, and these girls will not refuse at all.

Fortunately, Kim Hyun Tae hasn't fallen like this yet.

And these girls, like the werewolf girls, are not ordinary people in the normal sense.

Because they are all genetic people bred by Andrew through genetic technology.

And besides housework skills, the main thing to learn is combat skills.

And the fighting ability is not inferior to those werewolf girls at all, and it may even be better than that.

The best of them are the two girls Hilda and Camilla.

"Sir, you have worked hard."

Kim Hyun-tae got off the plane, and Old Nord stepped up.

Unlike Andrew, the old Nord never called Kim Hyun-tae "Young Master". Kim Hyun-tae has always been a "sir" here. Perhaps this is because he and Andrew are in different positions.

But no matter what, because of Annie's relationship, Old Nord respects Kim Hyuntae very much. After all, Kim Hyuntae is a man valued by his own lady.

The pomp of the pick-up is not big or small.

Both the Bentley team and the Hummer team are composed of fifteen or six vehicles, and their maid guards and bodyguards add up to almost 80 or 90 people.

"Grandpa Nord, how are you? Are you happy or not happy to see me?"

Coco was right behind Kim Hyun-tae. As soon as the little guy showed up, he ran down the gangway, not afraid of falling.

Old Nord was a little startled, and hurriedly greeted him nervously. He hugged the running Cocoa in his arms, while complaining about Cocoa in his mouth.

"Alas, my little lady, you must pay attention to your safety. What if you fall down if the gangway is so high, please don't do this in the future."

Coco ignored Old Nord's complaints, but kept asking Old Nord if he was very happy to see himself, whether he missed himself for a while.

Faced with Coco's constant inquiries, Old Nord also had to smile bitterly and responded to the bear child: "Of course happy, of course happy, of course I miss the little lady."

After getting a satisfactory answer, Coco let the old Nord go.

"Uncle Nord, you have worked hard, how is everything?"

Annie was the third one to walk down the gangway.

After seeing her old housekeeper, Annie asked softly.

"Everything is fine. The soldiers in Alaska have been arranged, and now they have begun to formally receive training at the Nevada Desert Base. The generals who have retired this month are all in place and begin to perform their duties."

Hearing the answer from her old housekeeper, Annie nodded in satisfaction.

As the old Nord said, everything is now moving in a smooth direction. Although there are still some small flaws, those are all trivial problems. After all, the general direction is no problem.

"By the way, I heard from Qiao An recently that the blood family is actively contacting her recently. It seems that the cooperation between you and the werewolf has stimulated the blood family, but they have set the target on Mr. William's side~www.mtlnovel. com~ I want to come and join the "security consultant" company under the name of Mr. William."

Old Nord suddenly told a very unexpected news.

Annie looked at Kim Hyun-tae, who was walking not far in front, and said to the old housekeeper Nord, "William will take care of this, but I think it’s no harm if we can win over the blood, but Uncle George revealed. Some of the information from, but also makes people vaguely worried about the blood."

On the voyage, Annie and Old George made a phone call.

In this conversation, Old George mentioned a piece of news, saying that the Kindred had developed many parliamentarians, or reached a secret agreement with some parliamentarians, in order to seek an agent, or in exchange for a compromise of interests. Obviously, the Kindred was interested. To get involved in politics, this is a very alarming thing.

The blood in the United States is different from the blood in Europe, and it can even be said to belong to two branches.

And the blood race now wants to contact Jin Xiantai again, and Annie can't guess what these guys are thinking.

Old Nord nodded with a look of approval: "Miss, what you said is that the kinship is very high-profile recently, and it has been exposed to the media continuously, and they have been involved in all walks of life. It can be seen that they have a big plan."

"It's okay," Annie waved her hand, "Let them get in touch with William first, so that we can also try to know what these guys are thinking. I hope they don't have bad thoughts, or I will let them Suffering."

Annie has enough confidence to say this.

As she inherited 99% of Olympus and the Nordic gods, she certainly has the confidence and qualifications to say such things.

"If we can cooperate with werewolves and kinsmen, in fact, this is not a bad thing. After all, this is also the general trend." Then Annie added.