Rising America

Chapter 1204: Rough play!

Master, please get in the car! Please get in the car, miss!

Annie and Kim Hyun Tae boarded their own cars.

According to common sense, Annie should be in the same car with Kim Hyun-tae, but Annie had to leave Kim Hyun-tae temporarily at the airport because she was going to the bank branch in Los Angeles to handle some things.

So for the time being, Annie couldn't go home with Kim Hyun Tae.

It was already a quarter past 19 o'clock in the evening, and the burning clouds on the horizon had appeared, and the horizon was glowing red.

Coco also didn't ride in the same car with his father, but took the master Nuwa who got off the gangway and got on another Hummer. Jin Xiantai didn't mean to stop it.

After everyone got on the car, the two convoys started to slowly start, one after another, leaving the airport from the special passage, heading towards downtown Los Angeles.

On the way, Jin Xiantai received a call from Qiao An and had to change his itinerary to go to CNN headquarters, so he asked the captain of the maid guard to take his daughter Coco and Nuwa directly home.

It seems to outsiders that the rich can be carefree, but they can understand that there are places where the rich are not free.

It's like two old farmers discussing the emperor's eating flatbread. Whether he eats one or two is the same.

Watching his father's car drift away, he finally got onto another highway at a fork in the highway. After separating from his side, Coco sitting in the car looked excited and turned his head to the master on his side. Nuwa said: "Great! Dad has something tonight, I will have the opportunity to show you Los Angeles now."

Kim Hyun-tae hesitated to accompany her daughter home, and his heart was full of guilt.

But as everyone knows, Coco is very excited about this, already waiting for this opportunity to appear.

Because only if her father has something to do with her, she can have the opportunity to take her master Nuwa out to play.

You know, Los Angeles at night is more fun and interesting in Coco's eyes.

Nuwa looked at Coco's excited look, she really didn't know how she should evaluate it.

Ordinary children will blame their father when they encounter this kind of thing.

But Cocoa is different. Not only did she not complain, but she expected her father to leave her side very much. As the saying goes, "daughter is a little padded jacket"!

"Let's go home first. I'm going to wear my battle suit, and go out to play at night without dressing up. That's a shame."

Excited, Coco opened the chatterbox at this time, and he was a little jogging with excitement.

"It's a pity that Pietro and his sister Wanda are not here. It would be more interesting if he was there. What a pity."

At this time, Coco suddenly still missed Pietro, this unscrupulous fellow.

After all, in the past, Coco kept Pitro with his father when he went out to play at night, and Pitro was also very good with Coco, playing the role of a dog leg, so Coco felt that it was a lot of face to take Pitro out.

Of course, Pietro followed Coco to make dog legs, but there are often places where Cocoa is not suitable for children, so Coco can spend money.

After all, Pitro didn't have money, so he had to let Coco, the gold master, pay.

Strictly speaking, Pietro is a helper.

He and Cocoa belong to the needs.

"Do you still have a suit? What suit do you want to go out to play?"

The car drove smoothly on the main highway, but what the little guy said aroused Nu Wa's curiosity.

"Master, you are so old-fashioned. Of course you have to dress up coolly when you go out to play at night. If you don't dress up cooler, you will be regarded as a turtle."

It can be seen that my master didn't understand anything, so he quickly explained it to his master.

Street shops have already lit up neon signs, and the pedestrians on the sidewalks are either in a hurry or enjoy themselves.

The flashing English letters on the signboard told Nuwa that she was already in a foreign land at this moment.

As for the strange land of the United States, Nuwa did feel fresh in her heart.

Don't think Nu Wa is a god, just think she will not be like ordinary people.

In fact, just get along with Nuwa, and you will find that she is no different from ordinary girls.

Love life! Love gossip! Still narcissistic!

And as a **** of the Chinese family, Nuwa is also Chinese. She doesn't really have much contact with foreign gods, let alone a foreign country with a different culture than China.

Of course, it is not right to say that she has never been in contact with foreign gods.

But Asanjin...

And from waking up to living in the dunya, Nuwa hasn't really gone abroad.

Some people may say that it is not easy for gods to go abroad, just a supernatural power.

But in fact it is not said.

Each country has its own air luck, and this kind of air luck acts as a barrier to the gods, so that the gods cannot move around at will.

Annie went to China with the identity of an ordinary person.

Therefore, the determination of Qi Luck will allow her to enter the border without immediately rejecting her.

But if Annie uses her divine power in Huaxia, then she will be suppressed by Huaxia Qiyun.

Now Nuwa comes to the United States to do the same.

It is precisely for this reason that most immortals are basically unwilling to move around at will.

After all, this is no longer the ancient period.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Nuwa, who came to the United States for the first time, would be interested and fresh when seeing streets different from Huaxia.

While listening to Coco’s nagging, Nuwa looked at the streets of Los Angeles through the car window. Nuwa completely changed into a tourist mentality, ready to relax and experience Los Angeles, and have fun in Los Angeles. played.

"Hey, Kayla, come out to play at night."

After nagging for a while, Coco suddenly took out his cell phone and called Kayla.

Kayla's tone seemed a little embarrassed on the phone, "Boss, my daddy has hired a tutor for me. I have to learn piano every day, and I may not be able to get out."

Who can think of it, the aliens will also learn from the terrestrial people.

"What did your dad ask you to do to learn piano?"

Coco asked very puzzled.

In Coco's view, it is useless to learn piano as an alien, as long as there is a strong force.

Learning piano and these things are all ordinary earth girls have to learn, because they have to cultivate their temperament and be ladies.

Cocoa didn't learn it by herself, let alone Kayla.

So Coco thought Kayla's father was a little bit full.

"My dad said that now our family lives on the earth, so we must integrate the culture and customs of the people on the earth, and take into account that we have become citizens of the earth, and at the same time, thinking that when I grow up, I will definitely find a boyfriend on the earth to integrate into the earth. A true earth person, so now I have to start to cultivate my femininity so that I can be competitive and be able to compete with other earth girls for spouses..."

This Krypton father has a big brain.

After hearing Kayla's words, Coco was speechless to the extreme.

"Your dad's brain is flooded. Don't believe his fallacies. In my opinion, being a girl requires strong fighting ability. It is not necessary to be a lady. That is something that vase girls only learn. , Are you going to be a vase girl?

If you skip class at night, I will take you out to play. It’s more interesting than learning piano, and my master just arrived in Los Angeles. We two of us were her guides to play with her. You know, being with me is more interesting than learning piano. Up. "

Coco said that Kayla's father talked about fallacies, but what she said was never wrong.

What is called learning piano, these things are useless skills that the vase girl learns.

What is a girl? As long as she can fight, she has strong power.

In fact, what Kayla's father said is not completely unreasonable, but it sounds a bit weird.

Only this statement of Coco makes people feel funny.

If you really are a girl according to Coco's statement, then in the future, you will definitely become a woman who can run horses on her arms, and want to find a boyfriend at that time.

But considering that Coco is less than three years old, if she is so childish and naive, she doesn't need to be so concerned and entangled.

Kayla on the phone was very heartbroken. After all, she admired cocoa very much and treated Coco as her idol in life.

So Kayla lowered her voice on the phone and said, "Okay boss, I will run out of the window now~lightnovelpub.net~ Then where will we meet?"

Keira's decision made Coco very satisfied. The little guy took his cell phone and said, "My house in Beverly Hills, when you arrive, we will change into our uniforms and go out."

"OK, I will come out now."

Keira hung up the arc.

Coco put the phone back in his pocket contentedly.

Although Pietro is no longer there, it is enough to have a small follower, Keira.

"Who is Kayla, is your American friend?"

Nuwa had never seen Kayla, so of course she didn't know who Kayla was.

Coco nodded, and replied casually: "I was a kindergarten classmate, but she is older than me. We are not in the same class, and she and her family are all aliens, but now they are settled. The Earth has obtained American citizenship and has become an American citizen."

Hearing information about Kayla and her family from Coco, Nuwa could not help but be stunned.

She never imagined that there would be aliens who would settle in the United States and also acquired American citizenship and became a citizen of that country.

Even she was surprised by this matter.

"She will come to my house and wait for me, then you will see her, Master, Kayla is a very nice young lady.

By the way, she has a very weird brother, who recently worked as a justice messenger in the metropolis to fight crime. People gave him a nickname called Superman.

But her elder brother is a bit of a second person. He thought that not many people knew about it, and he thought that his identities were well disguised, but in fact Kayla and I have seen through it a long time ago, but we didn’t reveal it. It looks like his elder brother is among them. The second disease patient, and the disease is not mild. "

Coco said something about Kayla's family on his own. He also focused on Kayla's brother and gave a comment...The second disease patient in Justice...