Rising America

Chapter 1217: Logan underestimated

The spectators shouted like crazy, regardless of whether they were male or female.

On the ring, Logan and his 12 opponents launched a tragic fight. This is an unsolvable death fight, and only one person can walk off the ring alive.

In other words, after 12 opponents worked together to kill Logan, they would continue to fight.

And this is also the most exciting game tonight.

Most people came for this game.

Although this game is **** and cruel, it can't stop the spiritual emptiness and rich people who like to seek excitement come.

In fact, whether it is a different time or another time and space in the United States, those wealthy people have always been a virtue.

The spectators around the ring believed that Logan would definitely be killed by his 12 opponents in a short period of time, and no one thought he could win this match.

After all, regardless of the number of his opponents, those guys are either mutants or supernatural beings, or else they are blood slaves of the blood clan.

So how could Logan win.

But no one can know that Logan's power level on the ring has already been improved qualitatively at this time, which is completely different.

With the improvement of Coco's [Tenfold Increase] passive skill, how strong can Logan become? Soon the visitors will have a very clear feeling.

Originally Logan was very tough, and with more than two hundred years of rich combat experience, he was simply not comparable to the 12 opponents surrounding him.

After all, his 12 opponents are still too young for Logan.

Standing in the middle of the ring, Logan didn't have any fear or anxiety on his face. On the contrary, he was very indifferent, as if he didn't mean to put his 12 opponents in his eyes.

This made the 12 opponents around him feel that they were underestimated and made them very angry.

And often people will be angry, leading to some irrational behavior.

For example, this is the case now.

A young supernatural player took the lead in the attack.

This is a white young man with electric power.

Perhaps because he is a power person, he usually uses his power to bully others, so this guy is full of confidence in his own power.

Although Logan was a mutant, he did not show too strong an appearance, so that the young man felt that Logan was probably a good-for-nothing.

You know, this white supernatural young man has dealt with mutants, so he still has some understanding of mutants, not at all.

Therefore, this guy knows very well that there are not many mutants with powerful powers, and the weird abilities possessed by most mutants are just a bit more attractive than conjurers.

So he felt that Logan had nothing to be cautious about.

In particular, Logan's indifference made him feel that he was underestimated and insulted, so he wanted to make Logan look good.

The arc appeared on the arms of this white young man with supernatural powers, as if two live electric snakes were entwined around his arms. From this we can see that the use of his supernatural powers was very Proficient.

Therefore, it can be judged that his destructive power is not small.

When this guy violently became the first attacker, the other 11 guys also seemed to have been prompted, and they filed to attack Logan.

However, everyone can clearly feel that while the other 11 people are launching attacks, they seem to be extremely vigilant and alert to others.

After all, according to the rules of this game, after they solved Logan, it was their turn to fight with 12 people, so everyone besides Logan was also considered an enemy.

So these guys had to be vigilant and alert to other'partners' when they attacked Logan.

Of course, none of these guys think Logan can survive at this moment.

After all, 12 of them launched an attack on him.

The flames, thunder and lightning, and the dazzling dazzling icy arrows on the ring appeared out of nowhere.

It seemed like a big high-tech show.

It's just that this kind of'show' will be fatal.

The four guys who were obviously mutants of the mutant power system, each of them even more beastly, their arm muscles swelled, and their mouths roared like beasts and rushed towards Logan.

On the contrary, four blood slaves from the blood race were left at the end, as if they were slow.

However, these four blood slaves cannot be underestimated. Although they have fallen behind a lot, who dares to say that they did not fall behind on purpose?

And from the afterimages they left when they left the place, these four guys are obviously very fast, and they are good players in the agile category.

Looking at Logan at this time, he didn't panic about the first electric power ability who was culled, he took a big mouth with a cigar in his mouth, and then the spectators around the ring were surprised. Under his gaze, he directly greeted the electric spear blasted by the electric power system.

And this behavior of Logan, in the eyes of many people, is almost tantamount to death.

After seeing Logan face his electric spear, the electric power person showed a mocking look on his face. At the same time, a spear appeared out of thin air in his left hand, and the light from the corner of his eye began to drift towards the few guys behind him.


As expected by the electric power system, the electric spear penetrated Logan's head.

If you put it in the past, even if Logan suffered such an injury, he would obviously lose his combat effectiveness within a period of time. After all, the injured part was the head.

However, because of Coco's [Tenfold Increase] passive skill blessing, Logan now has become stronger than before.

The electric power player felt that he had solved Logan, so he turned his body halfway and threw the electric spear in his left hand towards the fire power player behind him.

At the same time, an expression of excitement flashed across his face.

But in the next second, his expression solidified, and at the same time three shimmering metallic blades penetrated his chest cavity, directly pushing him in the air like this.

At this time, Logan's voice sounded in a negative test.

"Little guy, you don't think this will kill me, do you?"

The electric power person turned his head with difficulty, and he found that there were no wounds on Luo Gen's head, and the electric spear that penetrated Luo Gen's head was not seen.

"You...you are not injured?"

Faced with the question of the electric power system, Logan just grinned, and did not intend to respond to the opponent's meaning.

brush! brush! Brush!

Logan made several pieces by Logan with doubts in his heart.

The scene of a big living being dismembered is very bloody.

But Logan's behavior caused excited cheers from the spectators around the ring, and these guys didn't seem to be uncomfortable or afraid.

But Logan didn't care about these guys who were excited because of cruelty and blood. After he solved the arrogant electric superpower, he began to attack the second target.

The second guy that Logan was looking at was very unlucky, he was the fire superpower.

Because of the arrogance of the electric power system, he launched an attack on Logan after he was not sure that he really killed Logan.

Therefore, this unlucky fire-type superpower was not only pierced and injured by the sudden electric spear, but also faced the attack of Logan, who became a slayer.

Logan's attacks are all straight and open, and at the same time match his talent.

Struggling to be burned by the flames ejected by the fire power, Logan smoothly chopped off the opponent's head with a sharp Edman knife.

In less than 15 seconds, Logan had already killed two opponents.

In the VIP room, he looked at the ring ridiculously, and turned to his master and Kayla and said: "I have won this game. I really feel sorry for the guy who dared to offer eight times the odds. Does he think this kind of competition is useful if there are more people! It's really laughable."

Logan is very brave now, basically he can definitely win this game without a surprise, so the little guy is now a little excited.

Winning the bet to make money is secondary. The important thing is that he can embarrass the guy who opened the eight times odds. This is the key to Coco's excitement.

Looking at the excited little guy~lightnovelpub.net~ Nu Wa looked at Logan, who showed his mighty power on the ring very seriously, and noticed that Luo Gen’s present body exudes a strong aura, and herself When I first saw him, it really changed a lot.

"Coco, what did you do?"

Nu Wa looked back and asked Coco very puzzled.

Although I don't know what happened to Logan's body, Nuwa is very sure that this is absolutely inseparable from Coco.

Facing his master’s question, Coco smiled proudly, then lowered his voice and replied in a low voice, “I used my skills to increase Uncle Logan’s ability, so Uncle Logan suddenly changed. It's so strong, but don't talk nonsense about this."

Nuwa rolled her eyes, and she knew what Coco must have done, that's why Logan suddenly became so powerful.

Otherwise, the Logan she saw earlier would definitely not have such a powerful destructive power.

"Good boy, you are cheating."

"Master, don't speak so badly, okay."

"What did the master say? Did the master say something wrong? You are cheating."

"Well, cheating is cheating. Anyway, I am unhappy with the guy who opened eight times the odds. What's wrong with him."

As he spoke, Coco scowled and looked a little impatient.

Seeing that Coco had entered this state, Nuwa wisely chose not to continue this topic.

After all, if you annoy Coco, God knows what Coco will do.

You must know that Nuwa was annoyed by Coco, and now she even sacrificed her hue to apologize and test whether her father Jin Xiantai is gay.

And within a few words of the master and apprentice, Logan and the remaining opponents on the ring began a **** and cruel fight...