Rising America

Chapter 1218: Unexpected conflict under the ring

Logan, the four powers, was the first to solve them. These four powers thought that they had strange abilities that ordinary people didn't have, so they didn't pay attention to Logan.

However, the four of them died in Logan's hands in the first batch.

And killing the four of them was very easy for Logan.

As long as he resisted the first wave of attacks from the powers and brought Logan close to them, Logan would be able to kill with one hit.

After all, these four powers do not have the ability to recover quickly like Logan, nor do they need to have Logan's metalized bones. With flesh and blood, how can they compete with Logan's Edman's blade?

So they died, **** death.

Except for the first electric power system who was divided by Logan, the other three were chopped off by Logan.

And the next four mutants will not end up any better than the supernatural beings.

The X genes of these four mutants are mutant lions, tigers, crocodiles, and bears, and this variation causes their appearance to be very different from ordinary people, looking like walking humanoid beasts.

Of course, not only do they look terrifying and scary, but the X mutant gene humans in their bodies also bring them the power and destructive power of beasts.

And because of the X mutant beast genes, the fighting style of these four guys is very biased towards that kind of crude, ambitious attack style.

Therefore, the second-generation battle between Logan and these four guys can be said to be the highlight of this game, and the most exciting, making the spectators around the ring excited.

The mutants with the appearance of a lion, the golden hair all over, and the sturdy two-meter-high mutants and Logan fought each other. To say that they were not very clever in their battles, but they were very enthusiastic after people watched them.

The way of fighting is nothing more than you punch me, I punch you, it's a street style fighting.

But such fighting is really full of danger.

After all, the strength of both parties far exceeds that of ordinary people.

If an ordinary person faces this mutant lion man, one slap can definitely make the other person be slapped to death, and the body's skeleton break is the lightest.

So Logan's taste is not good.

Regardless of the metalization of Logan's bones, he has a strong self-healing power.

But like ordinary people, he will feel pain in the face of various injuries, which means that his pain is normal.

And because the opponent's destructive power is very strong, the kind of pain he endured will become stronger.

But Logan is no ordinary person after all.

You have the werewolf gene, and he has undergone military transformation experiments in the early days, and his ability to resist pain has long been extraordinary.

You know, he has endured all the pain from going to the body to pay attention to Edman's metal solution, then there is any pain in this world that he can't bear.

Moreover, over the past two hundred years, his life has been filled with all kinds of killings, and during the Civil War, he participated in World War I and World War II, and also suffered various injuries.

These experiences have also made him much stronger than the average mutant.

Therefore, when the Leo man with the X gene mutation was fighting against Logan, Logan did not fall behind at all, and even steadily occupied the dominant position in the fight against each other.

For example, after the mutant lion man punched Logan, Logan would leave three wounds in his heart. At the same time, he had already recovered from the damage that the mutant lion man had done to him with his powerful self-healing ability. People have no way to recover from trauma.

Under the circumstances, Logan became stronger as he fought.

Of course, considering that Logan’s opponent is not only the Mutant Lion Man, his battle with the Mutant Lion Man will not take too long.

In less than two seconds, the mutant lion man had already attacked Logan with three punches, swinging his claws and leaving a dozen bone wounds on Logan's body.

It's just that Logan's self-healing under the blessing of [Tenfold Increase], he healed every time a wound appeared, and his actions were not affected at all.

It has to be said that Logan's self-healing ability is really strong and messy, especially after the cocoa team blessing, it is even more perverted.

Logan used the Edman's blade stabbed from the joints to leave terrible scars on the heart, heart, jaw and other vitals of the mutant lionman, and greatly reduced the mutant lionman’s combat effectiveness, even completely making him simply Lost combat effectiveness.

After all, the opponent doesn't have the strong ability of Logan, so he can heal himself while fighting.

So the fate of this mutant Lion Man is doomed.

After Logan finally pierced his chin with an Edman metal blade bucket, this sturdy and scary mutant Leoman fell heavily and never stood up again.

In addition, the fallen mutant Lionman vented a lot, but did not return. A discerning person could see that it was obviously impossible for him to survive.

After solving the mutant lion man in a few seconds, the next thing Logan will face is the mutant tiger man, the crocodile man, and the sturdy and terrifying bear man.

Of course, besides these three guys, there are four blood slaves staring at them behind them.

Because Logan showed strong combat effectiveness, and killed five opponents in one fell swoop, showing his strong strength, the remaining four blood slaves and three mutant orcs all had a deep fear of him. He also began to be cautious in his actions, not so carefree anymore.

Perhaps this is a bad situation for Logan.

But Luo Jinren didn't care at all.

Because in his opinion, no matter whether the opponent is careful or not, there will only be one final result in this death fight.

At the same time, because of the small space, it is impossible for their opponents to flash around and consume themselves. Therefore, no matter how cautious they are, they must attack themselves.

As Logan inferred, although these guys were a lot of caution, they eventually chose to attack.

It's just that the remaining three mutant orcs abandoned their plan to stand alone with Logan, and instead attacked him together.

As for the four blood slaves behind the three mutant orcs, they simply left residual images in place, and the body began to move at a high speed, joining the ranks of beating Logan.

Obviously, because of the toughness that Logan showed, these guys joined forces.

"Kill him! Are you all girls, so many people can't even kill one person! Rubbish!"

A man's voice came across the wall, and it sounded a little frustrated.

"There are seven of you, go together, no matter how powerful he is, he cannot be your opponent! Kill him, kill him in the cruelest way!"

The man continued to shout hoarse.

After hearing this, Coco frowned, because the other party was cheering on Uncle Logan's enemy, which made Coco very unhappy to bet on Logan's win.

So Coco stood up, walked to the edge of the VIP room without windows, and shouted in the direction of the ring in a loud and targeted manner.

"Uncle Logan, come on! Use your technical blade to tear apart the enemy's flesh and blood, and let their blood spill on the ground. Your opponents are all fighting the five scum, and you are not at the same level as you. Solving them will let me win big money. ."


A little angry question came from the man across the wall.

"Your ancestor!"

Coco's response was simple and rude.

"Do you know who you are talking to!" (Italian) the man's voice sounded again.

"Of course I know, a rubbish." In the face of this threatening sentence, Coco was as arrogant as usual, and also responded in the authentic Italian Sicilian dialect.


The door was opened and closed forcefully from across the wall.


Coco snorted coldly, turned around and walked towards the door, then opened the door and walked out.

In the hallway, a young guy who was dressed up in a hand-cut black suit with a greasy face, who seemed to be only in his twenties, looked at the appearance with a bad look.

Italian "You were talking to me just now?"

Coco raised his small face, looked provocatively at each other, and continued to respond in the authentic Sicilian dialect: "It's your little ancestor, me, there is a problem!?"

Arrogant! Crazy and endless!

But this is also the real cocoa. If it is not mad and arrogant, can cocoa still be cocoa?

"Who are you, why talk to my boss like this, do you want to die!?" Kayla, who walked out of the room behind Coco, returned what the man had said before.

It's just that this kind of threatening words, spoken from the mouth of a six-year-old girl like Kayla, will not only make people feel that there is no threat, but it's funny.

But the girl herself doesn't think so ~lightnovelpub.net~ At this moment, Kayla's face is very serious and cold, I can see that she is serious.

The greasy young man's eyes flickered, and he recognized who Coco was.

After all, Coco's father, Kim Hyun Tae, is very famous, and he will be known even with Coco.

In the next second, this greasy fellow lifted his leg and walked towards Cocoa. At the same time, he raised his right hand and slammed down towards the cocoa wheel.

No one would have imagined that this guy is actually able to deal with children like Coco and Kayla, and I have to say that this guy is really a scumbag.

"Today I will use action to tell you that even if you have a rich father, you can't offend anyone!"

This guy raised his right hand very hard. If it hits an average child, he will suffer some damage to his neck.

After all, this guy is an adult.

But is Coco an ordinary kid?

Obviously, she is no ordinary girl.

At the same time, this guy who dared to attack Coco didn't know what kind of existence the little girl he faced was against the sky, and what kind of confidence her arrogance and arrogance had.

And, what will happen to those who are not friendly with the bear children?

If he could understand this, he would definitely not dare to deal with Coco.

What a pity, what a pity.

This guy obviously doesn't know.

Coco looked at the big hand coming down from the opponent's turn, standing there as if shocked, and didn't mean to avoid it at all.

Keira squinted her eyes slightly, her azure blue eyes gleaming with cold light.

The little girl was very angry.

Because the guy who has a lot of money and noodles actually shot his idol Coco boss.

So this little girl from Krypton decided to teach her a lesson...