Rising America

Chapter 1219: A bear kid who thinks 1 out is 1 out

Sky cannon punch!

Kayla shot, and was unceremonious.

The greasy-faced man suffered a heavy blow to his jaw, and Kayla, who was hit by a soaring cannon, left his feet on the ground, as if suddenly out of gravity.

Of course, Kayla still relented, otherwise this guy would definitely die if she suffered such a heavy blow.

But right now, this greasy fellow was only slightly injured, and looked a little embarrassed.


The man fell heavily to the ground, and the bodyguards behind him took out their guns nervously.

But these guys didn't wait to pull the trigger before they felt a flower, and then the assault in their hands was taken away.

Wearing a tuxedo, an old vampire man dressed as a butler of a British nobleman appeared out of thin air, and some dismantled gun parts were scattered around his feet.

And the old vampire stared at the bodyguards with an unkind look and slowly said, "Take away your Mafia set. Even if you use a VIP card, you can't make trouble in Earl Matthew's place! If you go your own way. , Then don’t blame us for not being affectionate."

This underground black fist was hosted by a vampire, and the bodyguards of these oily men were very clear, so facing the reminder of this old vampire made their hearts startled.

Even though they are mafia, they are actually not much better than ants when faced with existences like vampires.

If they want to, they can all be slaughtered with one finger.

A brawny black man who seemed to be the head of the bodyguard replied somewhat nervously: "It is not we who broke the rules first, because our employer has been attacked. What can we do as the hired bodyguard?"

The old vampire knew that the other party was right, but the skirmish just now had nothing to do with these bodyguards, and their reaction to taking out their guns was understandable.

After all, the oily employer was attacked. If their hired bodyguards did not respond, then they would have smashed their own signs.

Therefore, the vampire turned around and looked at Kayla and Coco, with an embarrassed look on his face.

But he couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

If it is an ordinary person, the old vampire man has 10,000 ways to solve it.

But who has implicated Coco this bear boy with this matter now.

As the confidant of Earl Matthew, the old vampire knew that Coco was no ordinary child.

Even because of Earl Matthew's relationship, the old vampire knew that Coco itself was a powerful human being, and her stepmother Annie was also very powerful, belonging to the kind of person who could not be provoked.

Besides, about the greatness of Coco, these people had already learned it six months ago, right?

So, when facing Coco, the old vampire man struggled.

But things can't be left alone.

After all, it's about face and the rules here.

So the old vampire man bit his head and opened his mouth.

"Miss Coco, you should know the rules here. Anyone who comes here must abide by the rules. If even the rules are gone, then anyone can come here to make trouble in the future, and then business will not be successful. That's it."

The old vampire man is ready to know the truth, in order to impress Coco in this way.

"You don't want to be a business and take care of me!"

Coco raised his head, his small face was Yang, and pointed his nostrils at the old vampire man, and a word came out that people would die of anger after hearing this.

However, in the face of Coco's angry words, the old vampire showed patience and did not look angry at all.

Cocoa looked like two to five eighty thousand yuan, and it seemed to be awkward.

But in the face of such a bear boy, the old vampire really has nothing to do.

The killing of Coco half a year ago really impressed them and vampires, and they still can't forget it.

Therefore, of course the old vampire man couldn't think that because Coco was so cute, she was a bully little girl, because he knew very well how terrifying the cute and adorable little girl in front of him was actually.

There is simply a Tyrannosaurus alive.

It made her unhappy, don't talk about yourself, Count Matthew has to take off his skin.


The old vampire remembered a bad memory.

Earl Matthew was forced by this little girl to burst into chrysanthemums half a year ago, and forced them to watch the live show.

This memory began to hit the old vampire's mind, and the old vampire's waist was bent down unconsciously.

Coco's eyes rolled around, everyone who knew her would know that the bear child must have been making some horrible idea again.

The greasy-faced man who was knocked down by Kayla fell into a coma. It is estimated that his jaw was broken.

But who caused him to provoke Coco.

Especially since he still wants to fan Cocoa, no one will pity him in such an end.

"I want to buy shares here in the future!"

Coco, who had not spoken, finally spoke.

However, it is not about the issue of irregularities, but about buying shares in this underground black boxing club as soon as you speak.

I have to say that the bear child is really courageous.

If another person dares to make this request, it is estimated that the vampires will be swarmed up to **** up the blood in the body.

Earl Matthew's estate dare to peek, **** it!

But when Coco said this, these vampires didn't dare to react too violently.

After all, half a year ago, many seniors of the blood race had already told themselves with their own lives, but they were not easy to provoke, and at the same time they were very strong.

Then facing a strong... everyone should pretend to be grandson.

"If you don't speak, you agree, you just tell the chrysanthemum Matthew." When the old vampire was silent, Coco casually set the tone, and didn't care about these vampires at all.

In fact, this is easy to understand.

In the bear child's subconscious mind, she didn't care about these vampires at all, and even these guys with powerful destructive power sitting in the eyes of ordinary people were no different from the ants in the bear child's eyes.

So what kind of attitude does Cocoa have toward ants?

A strong mess!

"Kayla, let's go back to see the uncle finish the boxing match."

Coco turned around and walked towards his VIP room, while beckoning Keira to follow.

This skirmish, Nuwa did not appear at all, because she knew this little matter could be easily resolved by Coco and Kayla.

When he walked to the door of the VIP room, Coco suddenly stopped, then turned around and grinned at the sluggish old vampire man, and said: "Forgot to tell you that I am used to taking a big share. I will send someone to get dividends every month. , You told Matthew to work hard."

This matter cannot be refuted.

After Coco and Kayla returned to the VIP room, the old vampire man in the belt recovered.

"Our employer needs medical treatment."

The bodyguard of the greasy noodle man came over at this time and made a small request cautiously.

The old vampire waved his hand: "Hurry up with this guy."

At this moment the old vampire man was in a state of confusion.

After all, Coco strongly wants to invest in this black boxing club, which is tantamount to dividing the interests of vampires like them, and it still cannot be denied.

Therefore, the old vampire is in a bad mood.

But he dare not refuse Cocoa.

So now it seems that I can only tell Count Matthew about this.

Then let's see what arrangements Earl Matthew has.

But the old vampire felt that Earl Matthew would probably accept this proposal.

You know, for half a year, Earl Matthew fell into Cocoa's hands, but was abused.

------split line------

At the end of the next episode, Coco and Kayla returned to the VIP room.

Nu Wa sat on the sofa and looked at the two little guys who came back, and asked with a faint expression: "Is the trouble solved?"

Coco nodded, climbed onto the sofa and sat down firmly, and replied: "It's solved, it's just a small fly. It doesn't take much effort at all. And I'm going to take a big stake here."

The words haven’t finished~lightnovelpub.net~Kayla interjected and asked, “Boss, why do you want to take up a stake here? These vampires are not very profitable in their business, so it’s better to collect their protection fees.”

For Cocoa's plan to forcefully occupy shares, obviously Kayla feels somewhat inexplicable.

Nuwa also showed a puzzled look. It could be seen that she, like Kayla, had not figured out why Coco had such an idea.

On the ring, Logan used a head-to-head method. After killing three mutants with his powerful self-healing ability, he was fighting against the blood slaves moving at high speed.

Coco, sitting on the sofa, explained with a loud voice: "I had a flash of inspiration just now, and suddenly I thought that the fighters in this black boxing club are not ordinary people, and my dad has registered a mercenary company for me, so I Why not use this black boxing club to select the right people for my mercenary company to join..."

When Coco said that, Kaila and Nuwa suddenly showed clear expressions on their faces.

Not to mention, this black boxing club does have an advantage here.

You know, those who can compete here are the ones who kill their lives for money.

And their qualities are better than one.

"Boss, you are so smart."

Kayla gave a little flattering.

Coco waved his hand without humility and said, "Of course, I don't look at who I am. I have both beauty and wisdom, the embodiment of strength and terror."

Facing the cocoa who didn't know how to be humble and liked to show off, Nuwa rolled her eyes.

Coco maintained his cowhide look and continued: "When my mercenary company opens, I will post a mission to target the **** Hydra! I want Hydra to know how powerful it is, and the world to know, Only [True Hydra] is a genuine brand!"