Rising America

Chapter 122: Surreal scary box office


   Different from what I have experienced in my previous life, in this time and space in the United States, there is a special film box office evaluation agency, and the box office of each film evaluated by this agency is almost not far from the actual box office income.

   Therefore, it is very convenient to log on to such a website on the Internet and check some information that you want to check from the website.

For the box office income of "Flying House", Kim Hyun-tae can ask the animation production company, but he is too lazy to make such a phone call, so he just wanted to take advantage of the gap between browsing the web and find a box office evaluation agency to check it. All right.

   This is very convenient anyway, isn’t it?

In this way, with a sense of anxiety, Jin Xiantai opened a website called [Warren Weifu Box Office Evaluation]. This website not only does the box office estimation of every Hollywood film, but also makes film reviews, and it's pretty good on the West Coast. Fame and influence.

   So, to choose such a website, at least the data evaluated by it is still very reliable.

   It is for this reason that Kim Hyun Tae chose this website.

   Entering the website page, what appears in front of Jin Xiantai is a series of film stills or covers. In general, the website structure is not too unusual.

   It is easy to find the film evaluation data column. After Jin Xiantai entered a few words "Flying House Ring Tour", click to start searching.

   Soon the relevant information about "Flying House" is displayed one by one. There are data information on film box office revenue and film-related film review information, which is indeed very convenient.

   Jin Xiantai clicked on the estimated box office revenue of the movie on the side of the website, and began to look at the content inside.

   The data obtained by the Warren Weifu website is very detailed, allowing people to understand everything they want to know at a glance.

  According to the data on the website, the income of "Flying House Around Travelogue" should be around US$600 million during the two-month release period, and the income after sharing with the theater is still removed.

   But considering that the population base of this space-time is ten times that of the original space-time, then such a box office income is obviously not very good.

   600 million U.S. dollars divided by 10, it is only 60 million.

   Grandma's. In two months, only 60 million box office income?

   Kim Hyun-tae was stunned when he saw the data.

   "Impossible? Wasn't the word-of-mouth good during the film's release? It stands to reason that the box office should be very high, but how can it be like this now?"

   Kim Hyun Tae also whispered in his heart. He felt that something went wrong.

   Otherwise, it’s the current word-of-mouth of "Flying House Ring Tour", it shouldn’t be like this.

   Then he continued to watch, and he found out.

  In the website's box office revenue data evaluation, it lists the reasons why the film’s revenue evaluation is not optimistic.

  The reason is very simple. It is because such a cartoon film has not appeared in this time and space at all, so the website believes that William Cartoon Animation Production Company, in order to make this cartoon film smoothly released, must have reached some agreement with some theaters behind it, and even made it. Make some concessions in interests.

   So, don’t look at the current reputation of "Flying House Tour", and there are many people who watch it, but in fact, the producer of [William Cartoon Animation Company] might not make much money.

   After all, those theater adventures made such an unprecedented cartoon film painted. In order to guarantee their own interests, they will definitely set very harsh conditions.

   At the same time [William Cartoon Animation Company], this time it is not an attempt to test the waters, and it is unlikely that I will be too confident in this film.

   If you look at it this way, the website thinks that the producer can only get so much box office income after deducting most of the income from the theater.

   Well, let alone, this really makes some sense.

   After reading all the data and the website's survey summary, Jin Xiantai pouted.

   Although this evaluation of the website makes sense. But in fact there are still some inside stories that they can't understand.

   It's very simple. When Annie worked behind her back and asked Dave to lead the team to help Kim Hyun-tae negotiate the theater issues, she signed a gambling agreement with those theaters.

this matter. The outside world is still unclear.

   Therefore, the website gives such an assessment, but they can't be blamed. Who makes them not understand the inside story.

   Therefore, Kim Hyun-tae feels that it is obviously not so realistic to understand the box office revenue of "Flying House Tour" through such websites.

   I didn't want to call the animation company. But now it seems that it is impossible not to make a phone call to inquire.

   Okay, I'd better make a call myself.

   In the end, Jin Xiantai had no choice but to pick up the phone and dial the phone number of Louis, the director of the cartoon animation company.

   I thought I could simplify it a bit, but unexpectedly, he went the wrong way.

   For such a result, Kim Hyun-tae was a little bit dumbfounded.

   looked at the time at the bottom right of the computer monitor. It was 16:24 in the afternoon. After Kim Hyun Tae had finished the conversation with the cartoon animation company, he went to Demi's house to pick up his daughter, Coco. In the evening, he was going to take Coco out for Chinese food.

   "Hey, this is William Cartoon Animation Company, this is Louis."

   "This is William King, I want to ask about the box office revenue statistics of "Flying House", has the company got it now?"

"Hello, my little boss, the box office statistics of the major theaters have been calculated. According to the agreement, our company can get 5 billion yuan in box office income before tax... Here, I want to congratulate you. I was thinking of telling you, but you didn't think about the little boss, you called me and asked about this..."

   Louis on the other end of the phone is still chatting non-stop, but Kim Hyun-tae on the other side is completely dumbfounded, completely stunned.

   At this moment, he couldn't believe what he heard.

  5 billion in box office revenue! ?

  Tema, this is not a joke!

   Isn't Louis wrong? How could he have 5 billion box office revenue?


   Louis’s words made Kim Hyun-tae couldn’t help but burst into a few vulgar words in his heart.

   To be honest, he couldn't believe the box office income that Louis told him about.

   After all... this is too surreal.

   "Hey, hello, little boss, are you still listening?"

   Louis snapped and talked for a while, and found that the little boss Kim Hyun-tae on the other side of the phone didn't say anything. So he asked, and his question finally brought the distracted Jin Xiantai back to reality.


   Kim Hyun Tae coughed and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. In a soothing tone as much as possible, he said to Louis: "Louis, it's not April Fool's Day. You are making a big joke. Tell me the real box office income."

   Lewis listened. I understand that my little boss doesn't believe the box office revenue data I told him at all.

   But think about it, 5 billion box office revenue, it is impossible for ordinary people to believe it.

   Also, this is a cartoon that made history.

   Louis, who understood the current mentality of the little boss, held the phone with his mouth cocked, and then patiently explained it.

   "Oh, my dear, I don't make a joke about this kind of thing. If you don't believe it, then I will tell you in detail. You will understand why the box office revenue is so high."

   Then, Louis began to explain to Kim Hyun-tae in detail.

   First of all, "Flying House Tour" is very popular, so three days after its release, it attracted 30% of the theaters in the United States to find a company to sign, which is equivalent to the cartoon movie being shown on the 30% of theaters in the United States.

   In Kim Hyun Tae’s original time and space, the total number of screens in the United States is 39,000.

   In this different time and space, due to the expansion of the population base and area, the number of screens in the United States at this time has also increased accordingly. This is normal.

   Of course, although the number of screens has not been expanded tenfold. But it also tripled accordingly, reaching as many as 110,000 screens.

   Then calculate according to this number, the 30% theater line is more than 30,000 screens. This is also a big number.

  A screen represents a theater. Each theater seats about 300-400, and the ticket price is 10 yuan. Then according to the attendance rate, there are ticket prices, and the number of shows in a day. It is easy to calculate the box office.

   Of course, don’t forget to share the accounts with the theater.

So according to Louise, "Flying House Tour" was released in more than 30,000 theaters, and basically every theater can maintain 60% attendance, and if it also maintains this value in the later period, it is calculated from this data, even if A theater with 300 seats, 60% attendance is 180 spectators, and the ticket price is 10 yuan, which is 1,800 yuan.

   And every theater, it’s impossible to just play one game every day.

   Besides, "Flying House and Traveling Around" is the first cartoon film, especially after the audience has watched it, the evaluation is very good, giving the film a good reputation, so it has attracted many moviegoers.

   Therefore, in these theaters, basically the number of films arranged every day is about three games a day.

   Then, there is a box office income of 5,400 yuan a day.

   "Flying House Around the Travels" was released for two months. Based on 60 days, a single theater can get 324,000 yuan in the box office.

   After getting this data, it's easy. Just multiply it by more than 30,000 theaters, and you can roughly get a box office income of about 10 billion yuan... My obediently scared people.

   Although there will be some discrepancies in this calculation, it will definitely not be too different.

   Of course, there is still no data before splitting accounts with theaters and paying various high taxes and fees.

   So Kim Hyun Tae secretly calculated it in his heart, and finally couldn't help but explode again.


   He was taken aback by the number he had calculated.

   Because this number is too big.

   But this also shows that the box office revenue of "Flying House Around Travels" that Louis told him was more than 5 billion US dollars, as if it was not fooling himself, but real.

   After splitting the accounts with the theaters, I can indeed get 5 billion box office income~lightnovelpub.net~ This is very obvious.

   "I'll drop a god, wouldn't it be very profitable to engage in film and television entertainment at this time!?" Jin Xiantai, who was initially a little excited, flashed such a thought in his mind.

  According to this data, it is indeed profitable to engage in film and television entertainment.

   At this moment, Jin Xiantai is full of US$5 billion in box office revenue. He can no longer imagine how much US$5 billion is.

   Even Kim Hyun-tae had hallucinations. He felt that he was surrounded by the flamboyant, green Franklin-like hundred-dollar bills.

   I have to say that he was still silk more than a year ago, and now at first I heard that with a cartoon movie, he could actually get 5 billion US dollars before tax. This is indeed a bit surreal.

   Therefore, it is no wonder that he has such a situation.

   But thinking about passing through the tunnel of time and space, he has encountered it, so what's the matter now?

   Cut, go through this wonderful flower~

   But no matter what, "Flying House Tour" can bring such a large amount of income, which is indeed a good thing for Kim Hyun-tae at the moment, a great thing.

   You know, he is very short of money now.

   So, with this income, he doesn't even have to think about taking a loan, right? (To be continued.)