Rising America

Chapter 1220: Your wife and daughter are still alive

The old vampire had already informed Earl Matthew about Coco's participation in this underground black boxing club.

After listening to the news from his subordinates, Earl Matthew was not well.

Count Matthew was a handsome white man with blond hair and blue eyes, who looked over thirty years old.

But in fact, his true age is already more than 400 years old.

However, because he is a vampire, his true age can never be judged by his appearance.

Unlike the European vampire system, the vampire circle here in America does not have such a strict hierarchical system, as if it inherited the freedom and looseness of ordinary Americans.

But for this reason, some big bosses like the prince no longer need to take care of the lower-level vampires, so many lower-level vampires completely need to open up their own financial resources to survive.

After all, even prince-level vampires are like this.

So the vampires in North America have everything they can do, and there are many ways to make money.

What aristocratic style, that's all nonsense.

No money and a fart noble fan.

Of course, if you have money, build a castle and hire a few eye-catching maids. Every day you go in and out with luxury cars to pick you up, and you have property and business under your name, then you can still maintain the decent and aristocratic style of the vampire nobleman.

But if you don't have money, don't think about anything.

Unlike European patriarchy, vampires in the United States are making a living on their own.

Earl Matthew is one of them.

Don't look at him as a nobleman among vampires, even though he holds the title of earl level, but despite his identity as a vampire, he is actually a diao silk.

Now this black boxing club, he just collected enough money last year and started to play. It can be regarded as a relatively stable source of income, and there is no need to worry about the blood that is needed every month.

Occasionally, he can buy high-quality girl plasma.

But now, someone actually wants to scrape money from their hands.

Count Matthew is about to cry!

If it was someone else, Earl Matthew would definitely kill him without saying a word.

But when he heard it was cocoa, he didn't dare to think of it anyway.

So he kind of wanted to cry.

It was because Coco couldn't provoke him, and he didn't dare to provoke him.

Six months ago, because of a trivial matter, Coco tied himself with his little partner, threw it to a human gay, and exploded a chrysanthemum. This incident was already an indelible shadow in his heart.

Recalling the devastating coercion facing Coco, Matthew would wake up from nightmares from time to time.

Vampires who have lived for more than four hundred years can be scared like this.

It can be seen how tough the bear child is.

"Master Earl, what should we do?"

The old vampire asked in a low voice the silent earl Matthew.

Count Matthew raised his head in tears, "You ask me, who shall I ask, what else can we do except promise her, we can't afford it."

The old vampire nodded sadly. He knew that Earl Matthew was right, but they couldn't afford this bear boy.

Earl Matthew angrily complained: "Why didn't his daughter teach to be a lady? What she taught would only cause trouble outside, like a tomboy. Kim Hyun Tae is not a qualified father. If he is a qualified father, We will have today’s trouble there! Asshole!"

Ha ha!

Earl Matthew actually complained about Coco's father, Kim Hyun Tae, and said that he had not taught his daughter to be a little lady. I have to say that this idea is really funny.

But this also illustrates a problem from the side. Count Matthew has no way to deal with Coco.

Otherwise, this weird complaint will not appear.

"Hey, the sweet girl blood is going to leave us. From now on, we will all become people who work for that little guy. I thought that running this business will slowly allow me to live a better life, who knows Fate still made this arrangement, and it seems that the goddess of fate has not cared for me at all."

After venting for a while, Earl Matthew became very decadent.

Looking at the decadence of Earl Matthew, the old vampire comforted: "I want to start a little bit, the life is not enough, after all we still can't afford this little girl, so let's accept our fate.

Count Matthew nodded, he knew the truth was true.

Suddenly, the old vampire's eyes lit up, as if he was thinking of something, and he quickly said to the depressed Earl Matthew: "Earl, Miss Lilith is not a contracted singer of the little girl’s father’s company. We talked to Miss Lilith. There may be a turnaround."

When the old vampire man mentioned Lilith, Earl Matthew was shocked.


How did he forget this.

At that time half a year ago, it was also thanks to Miss Lilith's mediation that she got herself out of Cocoa, and it was obvious that Coco was still giving Miss Lilith face.

So now this matter is obviously suitable for Miss Lilith.

"We can share some of the benefits to Miss Lilith. If we can succeed, it would be better than letting that violent little girl take a big share."

Seeing that Earl Matthew was very interested, the old vampire quickly reminded him.


If Lilith is willing to help, just give her some benefits.

In any case, it is better than losing shares.

And as Coco said, she always likes to occupy a large share, so how much is this ‘large stock’?

99% or 51%, which can be intriguing.

But anyway, he and his subordinates will definitely degenerate into working for Cocoa.

Obviously, where is the comfort of being a boss.

So Earl Matthew certainly wants to continue to be a boss, not a person who works for Cocoa.

Of course, if it is not possible, Earl Matthew can only pinch his nose to work for Ke, after all, he really does not dare to offend Coco.

He has never forgotten the injuries he once suffered, and the bear child is too cruel.

"Contact Miss Lilith immediately and see what she says."

Earl Matthew made a decisive decision, as if the man who fell into the water saw hope.

------split line------

"Yeah! I am Uncle Logan who will win. You see, Uncle Logan is the only one still in the ring! Win!"

On the ring side, Logan had completely defeated all his opponents and became the only person alive on the ring.

And his opponent's end is not so good.

The 12 opponents have turned into a cold corpse, or corpse fragments.

So far, Logan won the game.

As a winner, Logan was able to get a prize of $1 million.

After all, it is a life-and-death struggle, so if the fighters survive, of course the rewards he can get will be high.

But this requires the contestants to survive.

Once you die, there is nothing.

Therefore, we must not only see that some people have made money, but also that many people have also paid the price of their lives.

Logan on the ring could not see the sadness and joy.

But the spectators around the boxing ring were crazy and excited.

As if they didn't care about it at all, there were 12 people on the ring that gave their lives, their lives, for this match.

Stepping off the ring, Logan walked towards the Coco Lounge, holding a check for one million dollars in his hand.

The little guy waved his arm at Logan from a distance.

"Uncle, come here, I am here."

Seeing Coco waving his hand, Logan's expressionless face finally relaxed a lot, and even a faint smile appeared.

It can be seen that Logan has very good senses for the little guy.

[If my wife is still alive, our children will be so cute, won't they? 】

The memories of the past once again impacted Logan's mind.

And he gradually put the fantasy of his unborn daughter on the little guy Coco, and began to overlap.

The influence of mysterious power is powerful and unstoppable.

In order for Logan to have goodwill towards Cocoa, under the influence of the mysterious power, Logan not only regarded himself as Coco's elder, but even put a little bit of paternal love on her.

I have to say that strange things will always happen to the strange Kim Hyun Tae and his daughter.

"You can make a lot of money in boxing. Why would you accept Cocoa's employment?"

After Logan entered the VIP room, Nuwa, who had not spoken enough to Logan, suddenly spoke up and raised a question.

As a schoolmaster, Nu Wa is still very fluent in English, so there is no language barrier with Logan.

Luo Gen took a deep look at the harmless Nuwa. As a mutant, Luo Gen could not see that there was anything wrong with Nuwa. On the contrary, Nuwa was a very ordinary Asian girl in Luo Gen's eyes~www. lightnovelpub.net~ I have to say that the cultivators and immortals of China are very different from those of the Western system, because they can hide their power well.

Nüwa's question is not without purpose.

After all, just after that game, Logan received a salary of $1 million.

As Coco's bodyguard, it is obvious that Logan can't make so much money.

Logan smiled: "I used to live a muddle-headed life, alcoholism, and fights, these were just to numb myself, but now my memory is restored, so I must get rid of this state of life, because if my wife is still alive, She will be sad to see me like this."

While speaking, Logan lowered his head and his tone became a little sad.

This reason makes sense.

Therefore, Nu Wa did not continue to ask because she felt that this reason was sufficient.

At the same time, Nuwa could also see that Logan had no malice towards Coco, let alone any other thoughts. He really wanted to be Coco's bodyguard.

And Nuwa also had a good sense of Logan.

Raising her hand and pinching it, Nuwa raised her head and said to Logan: "I don't think you need to be too sad. According to my calculation, your wife and daughter are still alive, which means they are actually alive..."

These words of Nuwa suddenly made Logan very excited.

After all, for an infatuated man like Logan, there is no news that shocks him more than this.

"You nonsense! I saw my wife die in my arms with my own eyes!"

Seeing that Logan was very excited and didn't believe in herself very much, Nu Wa curled her lips and replied: "It's no good to lie to you, but I can only count so much. Other secrets are blocked by the American National Games. , I have no way to go deeper."