Rising America

Chapter 1238: These players make Nu Wa lose confidence

Nuwa watched the video collection very quietly, and the more she watched, the more she felt that she was a little emboldened.

In other words, the Saint Venerable Nuwa has no confidence, and these "Return the Voice" players are really amazing.

In addition to Eddie, who has been dubbed the Duke of Sadness by fans of Louisiana, there is also a twenty-four-year-old blind boy in Texas and an armless girl in Colorado.

There is even a terminally ill in Crisis, but there is a white mother whose voice and range are comparable to that of another American female singer, Maria Kelly.

And a large number of players who are different from ordinary people in real life, have various problems, but have their own talents.

So my daughter compared these players with herself, and suddenly she found that she really didn't have any advantage compared to these people.

She can't compare to sadness.

She has nothing more than inspirational.

Didn't you see that everyone is so physically disabled?

Even after half a year of the audition period, these players have survived the support of the people of various states and have a large number of fans.

What do you have?

It's really because of these thoughts, so Nuwa has no confidence.

Even Nuwa still complained about Jin Xiantai in her heart, looking for so many ‘sorrowful’ players for Mao, or else she would have an advantage as an orphan.

It's a pity that, as an orphan, facing these inspirational players, it is impossible to get a handle at all.


Nu Wa secretly wondered how Jin Xiantai would build himself so that he could appear in this show with strong players. After all, the players he had to face were too strong.

Therefore, putting aside her identity as a Chinese fairy, Nuwa really didn't have much confidence.

I have to say that Nu Wa's mentality is different from ordinary monks and gods.

Of course, Nuwa is not without her own means.

If she uses magical powers, of course she can easily get the support of big fans, after all, it is impossible for Nuwa to have this little trick.

But then again, Nu Wa is not so shameless, so she never thought about using magical powers to compete with those contestants, this is what makes her different from other monks and gods.

From this, it can be seen that this Nuwa Holy Venerable in different time and space is really interesting.

Perhaps in Nuwa's view, these players are very inspirational and touching. If you use unconventional means to compete with them, wouldn't it be very condemning.

Therefore, Nuwa hopes to abandon her identity and use an ordinary orphanage girl to compete with these contestants. This is the fairest.

Yes, it is fair.

It's a pity that Nu Wa overlooked one point. Since Jin Xiantai brought her to the United States and planned to start her debut with a good voice, she had never considered fairness at all.

Otherwise, wouldn't Kim Hyun-tae be in vain.

So no matter what Nuwa thinks here, it depends on what arrangements Jin Xiantai will make in the end. If Jin Xiantai really wants to go out of shady, Nuwa can only cooperate here. There is no way.

Always, now watching the Nvwa who is in the video collection of popular players, I am 10,000 convinced by these inspiring players.

"Hello, is the Metropolitan Police Department?"

Nu Wa is very worried here, and the two little guys, Coco and Kayla, are talking on the phone with mysterious faces.

"Hello, we are the Metropolitan Police Department. What can I do for you?"

"I want to report and complain. A guy who likes to wear red underwear flies over my head every day. This affects my mood every day, and the police do not care about this abnormality?"


"I hope you warn him that his dress is really abnormal and he has very spicy eyes. Even a little bit of Dingding is embarrassed to wear tights? As a young girl, I really can't stand it anymore. Take care of this Meng Sao pervert."

"Please leave your address."

"You don't need to find me, I'm an ardent citizen of Metropolis, and I'm only five years old this year, I hate Superman, goodbye."

After finishing the call quickly, Cocoa quickly clicked on the screen of his mobile phone and changed his mobile phone IP address.

Because of Andrew's technical support, Coco is confident that the Metropolitan Police Department will definitely not find himself.

After finishing all this, Coco looked up with a cowboyish look to Kayla who looked at him admiringly and said, "For the time being, let's use this method to deal with your brother. I will continue to call the Metropolitan Police Department in an hour. Make a complaint and use a voice changer, which will create the illusion that many people are upset with your brother.

At that time, I think the Metropolitan Police Department must take it seriously.

I began to hear that your brother has a good relationship with the Metropolitan Police Department. After all, he helps the Metropolitan Police Department maintain public order in the city and strikes at the criminals in the Metropolitan Police Department. Therefore, the Metropolitan Police Department must have contact with your brother.

In this way, we let the police warn your brother, pay attention to his clothing taste, and then we are using another method to disgust your brother.

Anyway, I can't complain about your brother's clothing taste, disgusting! "

Kayla looked at Coco, who was disgusting, with a look on her face called worship.

You know, she herself had never thought of dealing with her brother in this way.

And for her brother's clothing taste, Kayla did feel as disgusting as Coco, and felt ashamed to have such a brother.

Think about it too, red cloak, blue tights, plus a big red panties, this kind of dress is indeed quite criticized and feels spicy.

Only the old man thinks that he is quite good, wearing this kind of slow clothes every day, and pretending to be a justice messenger in the metropolis.

Anyway, Kayla felt that the Kryptonian's face had been lost by his brother.

Fortunately, now only his own cocoa boss, and a very small number of people know the identity of the old brother, otherwise Kayla wants to die.

Coco continued speaking on his own at this time.

"I'm wondering why those justice messengers always like to wear weird costumes and go out to be chivalrous and righteous, as if this way they can be blessed by strength, anyway, I think they are a group of second-hands."

Coco began to criticize a group of people like Brother Kayla, with the look of'I can't bear it.'

"Isn't it good to be upright? I have to be so cringe, people who don't know think they are bad guys too, where is it like I have to live broadcast so openly even if I do bad things."

Cocoa exudes a powerful aura.

And under the shroud of this momentum, the look of worship on Kayla's face grew stronger.

What Coco said was that she went live to toss the Hydra.

Kayla interjected at this time: "A guy called Spider-Man appeared in Los Angeles recently. He also wore a fancy outfit. He looked as perverted as my brother. I think these people are extremely psychologically distorted, otherwise they would do it. Well masked one day."

Coco agreed with Kayla's statement, and then said: "Gotham also has a guy who claims to be Batman. Anyway, these people have no way to compare with us, and we will definitely not learn from them in the future."

"By the way, during my absence, did many justice envoys pop up?"

"Yes, there is a Spider-Man in Los Angeles, and an Iron Man, and there is a Thor in Texas, who is said to be from Asgard from the nine countries.

A few days ago in Nevada, there were a lot of military gatherings. My father said that an experiment conducted by the US military turned out to be a problem. A fat green guy came out with terrifying combat effectiveness.

After the five major families of the New York Mafia were killed, an organization of the Knights of the Apocalypse emerged, and recently, at the same time, a force called the ‘Hands’ Association’ appeared outside Manhattan.

By the way, a mutant named Charles in Washington established a school named [Mutant Genius Youth Academy] and recruited mutant children with special abilities. This matter has caused S.H.I.E.L.D. attention.

I originally planned to go to this college to take a look, but my dad didn't have anyone to visit and told me that the college would have trouble recently. "

During the time when Keira Barabara’s General Coco was away, some things that happened on the American side were all told.

"The Knights of the Apocalypse in New York was established by me. I also grabbed the sites of the five major families. Now Camilla, Hilda and sister Rochelle are in charge of ~lightnovelpub.net~ From now on we are really Hydra The operating expenses of this organization are provided by this organization."

Coco explained what happened in New York to Kayla, and what unnecessary misunderstandings would appear in the future.

Kayla grew her small mouth and her eyes widened. It was obvious that this was something she had expected.

"Boss, I admire you so much. I didn't expect you to steal the territory of the New York Mafia without making a sound."

Facing Kayla’s compliment, Coco was born without embarrassment at all, and responded with a cowhide look: “Of course, I’m the boss, if we don’t get some welfare for ourselves. , Am I still a qualified boss?"

I'm sorry, but when Coco asked Hilda and the others to clean up the New York Mafia, they didn't even think about this issue.

But now she doesn't blink her nonsense eyelids, it really takes a bit of skill.

"By the way, there are not many aliens on Earth? My father recently registered a security consulting company. To put it bluntly, it is a mercenary company, and it is under my name, so I hope to find some aliens. My company does things."

Coco thought of this suddenly, so he couldn't help but asked Kayla.

Although Magneto has promised to join the security company under Coco's name when he returns from the Soviet Union, Coco feels that he can still tap the potential of aliens.

After all, there are a lot of aliens living on Earth in different time and space. If these guys can be used, wouldn't it be great.

Hearing Coco asked about this matter, Kayla thought for a while and replied: "This matter is to go to the alien residents management department of SHIELD, which is what we call the'Men in Black'. They must have Boss, the information you want to know."