Rising America

Chapter 1240: 1 father's emotion

"You made people hang banners and posters outside the building?"

After sitting in his office, Jin Xiantai immediately asked Qiao An to be in front of him, and when he saw Qiao An, Jin Xiantai immediately asked about it.

The petite but domineering Qiao Ann is still so charming.

And Jin Xiantai felt that Qiao An's plump upper circumference was much more majestic, and God knows if this is an illusion.

Of course, he wouldn't have any thoughts about Qiao An Jin Xiantai, after all, he knew that Qiao An was an authentic lace edge.

But even if Qiao An is not lace, Jin Xiantai can't have any interest in her.

"BOSS, haven't seen each other for so long, do you scold me when you see me?"

Joe installed a pitiful appearance, which made people really unable to bear to continue questioning her.

But Kim Hyun-tae is Kim Hyun-tae, and he knows exactly what kind of virtue Joan is.

"Put away your set, you know, it doesn't work for me."

Rolling his eyes, Jin Xiantai said to Qiao An.

Immediately, Qiao An put away the pitiful appearance, and sat down with a smile on his face.

"Yes, I let people do this. After all, this is a good thing. We should always promote it to the outside world, and let those who want to see our jokes know that we are now making a lot of money."

There is nothing wrong with Qiao An's doing this, and Jin Xiantai really can't say anything.

After all, as Qiao An said, the Mike series was very successful and brought huge benefits to CNN. At the same time, it attracted a large number of paying users, and the DVDs were also selling well.

So there is nothing wrong with showing off in this way.

"I don't want my daughter to know that my father is involved in this kind of industry."

After thinking about it, Jin Xiantai had to use this excuse as a reason.

Qiao An raised his eyebrows and said, "BOSS is because of this, but I don't think it's anything. After all, there is no distinction between professions, and what is wrong with this kind of company.

In Qiao An's opinion, this is nothing at all.

In this regard, Kim Hyun Tae was really speechless.

After a long time, Kim Hyun Tae changed the subject.

"This time I came to the company, the main purpose is to want you to be responsible for stuffing a person into "Good Voice". I won't care about the specific operation. I only need you to successfully let her in, and we also have to Cooperate with propaganda and grasp public opinion to build momentum for her."

Jin Xiantai would not do things that were too specific. After all, a big boss like him would never do everything himself. He only needs to show a general direction and leave it to the people below to do it.

If he had to do everything himself, he would definitely be exhausted.

And because of Nuwa's matter is more important, although Jin Xiantai does not plan to do it himself, he will find a capable and trustworthy person to handle it.

Qiao An is a good candidate.

Hearing this, Qiao An smiled beautifully, and then stood up from the sofa, twisted his **** and walked to Jin Xiantai's side, then leaned down, revealing the plump Baishuo, exhaled and asked Jin Xiantai: "Oh, BOSS actually fortified people to enter "Good Voice", which makes me wonder, what kind of person can make the boss use this way? I guess it must be a girl, right?"

Jin Xiantai nodded, "Yes, she is a girl, but this girl is not simple. She is the master of my daughter Coco in China. For some special reasons, I brought her to the United States and prepared to help her here in the United States. Create momentum."

Kim Hyun-tae had no intention of concealing this.

And hearing Jin Xiantai's answer, it aroused Qiao An's curiosity and vigilance.

After all, Qiao An was originally sent by Annie to help Jin Xiantai, so she also shouldered the task of monitoring Jin Xiantai for any other women.

In other words, if there are women around Jin Xiantai, Qiao An must solve it, which can be regarded as eradicating some obstacles for Annie.

Huini, the little black girl, has now fallen into the clutches of Joan.

I have to say that Qiao An is still very dedicated.

But now Jin Xiantai's words made Qiao An become vigilant again.

"Is it the little lover of BOSS?"

Qiao An asked tentatively.

Jin Xiantai shook his head dumbfoundedly, "Don't think about it, it's not what you think, the reason is like this...", Jin Xiantai explained the reason to Qiao An immediately.

When Qiao An listened to Jin Xiantai's explanation, all the guards in his heart were gone.

"Boss, I said that it is unnecessary for you to do this. What kind of **** talented singer from Xiangjiang, if you like the BOSS, we run him to death like an ant, so there is no need for such an effort."

After learning all the reasons for the matter, Qiao An murmured a little speechlessly.

Yes, in her opinion, it is more than a lot for Jin Xiantai to do this.

If you want to bring down Cai Minghua, you don't have to worry about it, and you can directly create public opinion. Cai Minghua will never have any room to fight back.

Of course, Qiao An didn’t think that Jin Xiantai was wrong to deal with Cai Minghua. After all, Cai Minghua’s lack of goods was too scumbag, especially since he actually dared to hit Cocoa with a bad idea. Even Qiao An did. Intolerable.

What makes Qiao An even more disgusting is that Cai Minghua actually wants to get in touch with Cocoa, and then develops into Cocoa, which makes people angry.

So it's no wonder that Jin Xiantai, who has always been a good husband, would want to break Cai Minghua, but he has no way to go.

"Don't worry, BOSS, I know how to do this, isn't it just to discredit Cai Minghua, and even bring the girl named Zhang Xiaomi to make her stand out in The Good Voice? Leave it to me, everything is no problem."

After receiving Qiao'an's assurance, Jin Xiantai nodded and said nothing more.

He is still very relieved of Qiao An's affairs, because Qiao An is very capable.

"Boss, Miss Coco’s "King of the Sea" has been shown in theaters. According to the data from our survey, the audience’s reputation is very good, so I think the toy factory can start making peripheral toys, This will definitely make money."

After finishing the conversation about Nuwa, Qiao An turned the topic to the matter around "King of the Sea".

Kim Hyun-tae doesn’t come to CNN very often, and he finally came this time. Qiao An will definitely ask him what he means.

Of course, if Jin Xiantai did not come today, then Qiao An would make his own decision.

And what she asked now was also a reflection of respect for Kim Hyun Tae.

After all, Kim Hyun Tae is the big boss.

"What product are you going to let the toy factory launch?"

Kim Hyun-tae would not object to Qiao An's proposal to let the toy factory launch merchandise from "King of the Sea".

After all, compared with the movie, the profits that the surroundings can bring are greater and more lasting.

And it can also make the daughter's reputation, to a certain extent, obtain a stable promotion.

Since the daughter intends to develop in Hollywood, of course he, the father, must fully support, right?

"A doll with a super female image is good. Many dolls, toys, ornaments, etc. can be developed, but this requires Miss Coco's authorization. After all, this is her image."

Qiao An did not say that she needs authorization from the film party, because she knows very well that the investor in the movie "King of the Sea" is Annie. There must be no problem with her.

Therefore, what is needed now is to get the authorization of the cocoa individual.

To get Coco's authorization, first must get the approval of Coco's father Kim Hyun Tae.

"I have no problem here, but I have to ask the little guy what I mean, but I personally think that the little guy will definitely agree. You know, the product launched with the image of her role in the movie, this is a piece of It's a show-off thing, so how can the little guy disagree."

Thinking of his daughter's ostentatious temperament, Jin Xiantai couldn't help but smiled and said to Qiao An.

"Then please BOSS, please help me get Ms. Coco's authorization. As long as the authorization is obtained, the toy factory can start construction. After all, the product design there has been completed and it is waiting for authorization."

Of course, Qiao An knew the temper that Coco liked to show off.

So she also laughed with Kim Hyun-tae~lightnovelpub.net~ and Kim Hyun-tae couldn't help but aroused a keen interest when Qiao An said that the toy factory had already designed products with super-killing female images.

So he asked curiously: "Oh, the design has already been made, so can I take a look at the design?"

Qiao An nodded, and Jin Xiantai wanted to see what was wrong with it.

By fax, a few product designs were sent to the toy factory soon.

You don’t need to think about the posters with the image of a super-killing girl.

At the same time, there are no fewer than a dozen key chains, doll toys, environmentally friendly plastic figures, and some labels for children's products.

Of course, after these products are on the market, you can get benefits for every piece of cocoa sold.

I have to say that the little guy can make money and attract money now.

After feeling that these products did not affect Cocoa, Jin Xiantai put these patterns aside and asked Qiao An, "Are there still others looking for Cocoa commercials?"

Kim Hyun-tae feels that since "King of the Sea" is on fire, there will definitely be a lot of advertisers looking for it, which is not surprising at all.

Sure enough, when Kim Hyun-tae asked about this, Qiao An nodded and replied: "Many advertisers have found me, but I pushed down a lot, because those are not suitable, but I still left some. It's more appropriate, but in the end you still need to see what you mean by BOSS."

"What's all there?" Kim Hyun Tae asked.

"Three nutrition breakfasts for children, one children's clothing, and a playground image endorsement, and a Laguna Beach real estate children's image shooting billboard." Qiao An replied.

Jin Xiantai listened to these advertisements left after Qiao An reported his choice, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart that his daughter cocoa likes herself...