Rising America

Chapter 1251: Li Hong

On the roof of a building full of Middle Eastern style, Edson, who was covering his face, was about to leave. A very bad feeling rose in his heart. This feeling has saved himself a lot during his ten-year career as a mercenary. Second, so Anderson felt that this time he must continue to follow this feeling and leave this place immediately.

But when Edson quickly put away the blocking rifle, crawled back for a certain distance, stood up and turned around, suddenly found a stranger looking at him grinning.

This situation really frightened Edson, because the appearance with this guy was a bit weird, and what surprised Edson even more was that he didn't even notice it at all.

After a brief surprise, Edson reacted.

Worthy of being a mercenary with a ten-year test of life and death, Edson quickly took out the dagger from his waist after a brief loss of consciousness, and stabbed it at the stranger.

The process from Edson turned around and found the stranger to his loss of consciousness, and then reacted in less than a second, it can be said that his reaction was fast.

At least most people can't do this to Edson's level.

It's a pity that even if Edson reacts fast, he is not a stranger's opponent after all.

The man who appeared strangely behind Edson looked very young. In terms of appearance, he was at most in his early twenties, and because of his Asian appearance, he looked young even more.

This young man with Asian facial features is very unfamiliar to Edson. His facial features are very good. He has sword eyebrows and star eyes. He is definitely a handsome boy who echoes the aesthetics of Asian women.

And his smile also looked harmless to humans and animals.

Facing the dagger that Edson stabbed, the young man didn't mean to move at all. Seeing that he himself was about to be stabbed by Edson, he couldn't help but squeeze him into a cold sweat.

But the next moment, just when Edson was about to successfully stab the target, a very strange situation appeared, and at the same time, the true heart made Edson's heart cold for an instant.

I saw an Asian young man with a harmless smile on his face, motionless, but a big hand appeared out of thin air behind him for no apparent reason.

When this weird big hand appeared, it accurately grasped Edson's wrist, making it impossible for the dagger to advance further.

To be honest, this big hand looks really weird and inexplicable. It has no connection with the unfamiliar Asian youth. The whole arm seems to be floating, but it is clear that this arm is controlled by the Asian youth.

And can someone who can control such a big hand be an ordinary person?

Edson couldn't help feeling a sorrow.

Yes, after the advent of the great era, ordinary people like him are no longer suitable for mercenaries, and have gone to the days of licking blood.

Mutants, supernatural beings, extraterrestrial beings, and even those powerhouses in myths and legends, all have more power than mercenaries.

I have to say that in this era, mercenaries like Edson are really about to be eliminated.

In this regard, Edson himself is also mentally prepared.

It's just that he didn't expect that he would encounter such an existence so soon.


"Mutant or supernatural?"

The big hand gripped Edson's wrist tightly, and the pain had caused the dagger in his hand to fall, and he was also lifted off the ground by the big hand.

And at this time, a big hand appeared out of thin air. This big hand was clenched into a fist, and he punched Edson's stomach fiercely, and Edson retched and coughed.

To be honest, this is because the Asian youth didn't want his life, or Edson would have been beaten to dust by the big hand he controlled.

"Hey, neither, let's start the second generation of immortals."

Edson spoke English, and young people also responded in very authentic English.

It can be seen that English is really popular in China in different time and space.

"Give me a joy."

Edson knows that mercenaries like him will generally end up after being caught by the mission target.

So for Edson now, what he wants is just quick death.

After all, compared to the torture that life is worse than death, quick death is really a good choice.

The young man who claimed to be the second generation of immortals pouted. Obviously Edson didn't understand what the second generation of immortals was, so he just showed up in vain, which made him very boring.

Controlling his fist, he punched Edson's head fiercely, knocked him out, the young man flew off the four-story building, and Edson, who had passed out, was caught by a strange big hand. The collar, followed behind the young man.

Edson here is just a small episode. In some nearby places, the assassins' experience is basically the same as Edson.

If you really want to say that there is something different, it's just that the opponents they meet are different.

After Li Hong easily blocked the hidden gun, he turned and walked back to the cafe.

The members of the six places hidden in the dark have completely solved the disadvantaged in less than 30 seconds.

[The targets are all ordinary mercenaries. It does not rule out that the other party may hide and arrange special humans, and the alert cannot be lifted temporarily. 】

From the hidden headset, a report from the leader of the action team came.

Li Hong pushed open the door of the cafe and walked in without a wave of expression on his face.

The French man who had negotiated with Li Hong in the seventh game had not left yet. When he saw Li Hong came back, the expression on his face was very exciting.

Without waiting for the man to say anything, Li Hong took out an exquisite little pistol, pointed it at the man and pulled the trigger.

With the gunshot, a blood hole appeared on the man's forehead, and at the same time, his head leaned back a bit because of motivation.

After the shot was killed, Li Hong threw an envelope on the coffee table and turned to leave. The whole process was very clean and decisive without hesitation.

If people die, the cafe must be messed up here.

The little boss called the police in a panic expression, and the few foreign guests also left in panic. It was not long before the Kung Fu police arrived at the cafe.

By this time, Li Hong had already left the area.

In Li Hong's view, it was not too much to kill the guy who represented France in the seventh game. After all, he arranged for the killers to kill him, and he did not just think about it but put it into action.

Therefore, to kill that guy by himself is basically a courtesy.

At the same time, she did not believe that the French dared to poke the matter out internationally, after all, they did not pay attention to the rules.

Of course, now that he had torn his face with the people in the seventh game, Li Hong was also mentally prepared for a good game with the seventh game in the Middle East.

Therefore, after leaving the cafe block, Li Hong immediately made a series of arrangements with the six members of his opponent.

As the chief of the Sixth Division, Li Hong is not that kind of weak woman.

She does not believe in passive defense, but advocates active offense!

Therefore, now that he had torn his face, Li Hong decided to act first, and before the French had not reacted to make arrangements, he would make the other party ‘hidden’.

At the same time, it is also a signal to the outside world that "Huaxia people are not good to bully."

Otherwise, everyone thinks that his party came to the Middle East on behalf of China, and that he could bully at will, that would be bad.

"Unplug all the French strongholds and safe houses in Iraq, the situation is now like this, and we have nothing to worry about. In short, since the French chose to do it on us, then we don’t need to care. what."

Li Hong didn't give much explanation and arrangement, a few words were enough.

And with Li Hong's order, some places in Iraq have been chaotic for several days.

Many French people who entered Iraq in the name of tourism either died in their rented accommodation or were killed on the street, and died in strange ways.

And during this period of time, there were more than a dozen explosions caused by gas leaks.

In the end, Li Hong's fierce methods really achieved a lot of results, not only dispelling the arrogance of the French ~lightnovelpub.net~, but also stopping many forces preparing to fall into trouble.

After all, Li Hong's performance is too strong.

If there is no means to solve Li Hong in a single blow, then Li Hong will be violently retaliated, so before there is no way, these forces can only die and continue to dormant.

I have to say that a big fist really makes some sense to a certain extent.

So far, the China Military and Trade Corps represented by Li Hong has completely stood firm in Iraq and Iran, and no one dared to provoke them anymore.

After all, there is a price to provoke Li Hong, and the price is not small.

Just look at the hapless Frenchman, right?

And Li Hong's performance of such violence not only did not cause dissatisfaction between Iraq and Iran, but also won the favor of both sides, making the military trade negotiations much smoother.

This really made the people who came to the China Military Trade Corps to negotiate puzzled.

There was originally Anne’s network, but now it’s even more effective.

As Li Hong cleaned up the French, and they were here in Iraq within a short time, they concluded a huge arms purchase agreement with President Sam. China Xia will supply Iraq with 40,000 tanks within three years.

Of course, since the Iran-Iraq War has been fought for many years, Sam has no money now, so he bought an oil field here.

In this regard, the China Military and Trade Corps will certainly not object.

Although China's reform and opening up need foreign exchange, the same oil is also scarce.

Besides, if oil is sold, it can also be sold for foreign exchange. There is no difference.

With the completion of the Iraqi military purchase, Li Hong and the others set off for Iran.

It's just that Li Hong didn't know. Because she cleaned up the French in Iraq, it caused the attention and vigilance of the Soviet forces in Iran...