Rising America

Chapter 1253: Free **** boys

"Where did your father go?"

When Kim Hyun-tae was at the shooting location of Las Vegas Cheng#ren’s filming site, educate the people there, Keira and Coco from Los Angeles just got up from the bed, obviously two little guys Lazy sleep.

The original breakfast has become lunch, but the two little guys don't mind.

Because Kim Hyun Tae and Annie are not at home, it is obvious that the little guys are free.

"He went to Las Vegas."

Coco replied while brushing his teeth.

Kayla squeezed over, winking her eyebrows and lowering her voice: "It's going to become the #人movie, right? Don't you worry about what will happen to your dad and those big breasted women? I heard that those women are not at all simple."

God knows why Kayla said that.

No one knows, how does Kayla know that certain women are not easy.

Coco rinsed his mouth, squirted out the toothpaste in his mouth, and gave Kyla a slanted look. "My dad won't be interested in those women. You know that even women like Mummy Anne, my dad didn't show up. What comes out, do you think those women will make my dad have any ideas?"

Kayla squeezed the hungry toothpaste, and heard Coco's response very noncommittal.

"This is not necessarily true. Although Aunt Annie is very good, she often cannot let go of such good women, but your father is facing a group of women who are very nasty, if they really want to seduce your father, this It's really hard to tell."

Although Coco felt that it was impossible for his father to be interested in those adult girls, what Keira said was not unfounded.

Therefore, after Coco picked up the towel and wiped his mouth, his confidence in his heart became a little shaken.

Coco's mood became a little unhappy.

At the same time the little guy didn't know what to do.

"Okay, stop talking about this matter. Instead of caring about my dad and those women, I think we should care about where we go in the afternoon. Anyway, my dad is an adult. These people are not our children's turn. We can't control it if we want to."

Coco announced that this topic would stop there.

Keira shrugged her shoulders, she wouldn't touch Coco's mold, so the topic ended here.

"Boss Coco, you take me to New York in the afternoon. Didn't you say that the five mafia families in New York have been killed?"

The adults in the family are not there, so the little ones are very free in the afternoon, so Kayla suggested that Coco take herself to New York to play.

Although Los Angeles is far away from New York, there is no way to go back and forth even on the day of the flight, but if you can't hold Cocoa, you can build a magic channel.

Therefore, distance is not an obstacle at all for the little guys.

Coco thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

To be honest, she also wanted to visit New York.

After all, before going to China, she entrusted Hilda, Camilla and 47 (Rochelle) to help herself solve the five mafia families in New York.

Since then, Coco has not paid much attention to New York.

What's going on in New York now? Coco really didn't know too much. He just had a phone call with Hilda and learned that the five major families of the New York Mafia no longer exist.

"Okay! Let's go to New York after lunch. Now your boss, I am the uncrowned king of the underground world in New York."

Coco agreed to Kaila's proposal, which made Kaila very happy.

"Oh yeah! Long live the boss!"

After the two little guys washed their faces and brushed their teeth, they ate lunch casually, and then took Logan to New York.

Because he had seen the magic channel of the little guy, Logan was no longer so shocked.

Leaving the return coordinates in his bedroom, Coco took Kyra and Logan directly to the bathroom of a specialty store in Times Square, New York.

Although the coordinates of the return journey can be set, the exit location on the opposite side of the passage is uncontrollable. Therefore, when the three people walked out of the passage and found that the exit was a toilet, they were very helpless.

It's just a brand specialty store for women's underwear.

So the customers in the store are all women.

And the toilet must be provided for female customers.

Therefore, when Logan took the two little guys out of the bathroom, he really frightened the beautiful shopping guide girls in underwear.

In this situation, even a tough guy like Logan has a headache, so all he can do is to leave here quickly with two little guys.

Walking out of the door of this specialty store and coming to the street, you can see the crowds of Times Square.

Various colorful electronic signs continuously broadcast their brand products in a loop. The street is full of handsome men and beauties, and a large number of tourists from various countries are also flooded.

"Boss, look, is the advertisement that you endorsed playing on that monitor?"

At the fork of Times Square, on the big screen hanging on the outer wall of the mobile building, there is really an advertisement for the children's "Big Banana" smartphone endorsed by Cocoa.

And the advertising display on Times Square, there are advertisements appearing in Cocoa, it is not just such a one.

Moreover, there is a 【Panta】special shop under the name of Coco in Times Square.

Looking around, Coco took Keira and Logan, found a cafe run by an Italian and sat down, then called Hilda and told her where she was to pick her up.

"It's no surprise that there are my ads, don't forget that after all, I'm a child star in advertising."

Cocoa seemed and indifferent.

But everyone who knows her knows that Coco is actually pretending to be 13.

Kayla matched the look of admiration, and even twinkling little stars appeared in her eyes, "Wow! The boss is the boss."

Looking at the little guy in the low-key costume 13, Logan was speechless.

He really didn't know why the little girl, Coco, liked to pretend to be 13 so much. It seemed that if she couldn't pretend to be 13, she would be breathless.

Cocoa has long lost interest in playing 13 in front of Kayla.

After all, it's boring to pretend to be too much in acquaintances.

Therefore, Coco turned his attention to Logan, the ‘newcomer’, and prepared to use his ‘dominant spirit’ to conquer this uncle, letting him know that he is the real overlord of the 13th world.

"Today we may be in danger. At that time, Uncle Logan, you must do your best. You must know that it is not that simple to eat with me. I don't raise waste here."

Cocoa learned from the movies and TV dramas, the manner and tone of those gang leaders, and said this to Logan in a serious manner.

After saying this, I am very satisfied.

She felt that she had achieved her position deeply in both her expression and tone, and she definitely showed the kind of deep and domineering boss.

Of course, these are Coco's own personal views.

In fact, from Logan's point of view, Coco is now forcibly pretending to be 13, which is quite ridiculous.

After all, she is such a kid who is less than three years old, with such a tone and tone, coupled with that pretentious look, not only will not make people think that she is domineering, but will only make people think that she is very funny.

So Logan didn't take it seriously, but he still cooperated with Cocoa.

After all, although he had been in contact with Coco for a period of time, he also saw that Coco was a little girl who liked to pretend to be 13.

As Coco's bodyguard, Logan knew very well that he took Coco's salary. At this time, he needed to cooperate with his employer and satisfy her little vanity.

But Logan really didn't know, although Coco was pretending to be 13, but she didn't tell any nonsense.

Although the five major Mafia in New York are now annihilated, their territory is taken over by Hilda and the others, and representatives of the Hydra New York area are also in their hands, but after all, Hydra has not suffered a fatal blow, and it has not been fatal. Negative corner recalcitrant.

At the same time, an organization called the ‘Hand-Held Association’ emerged, united with Hydra, so the underground world in New York is not peaceful.

Based on the above two points, Cocoa is really not talking about the danger.

As a person on the Hydra blacklist, Coco knows very well that once Hydra here in New York knows that she is in New York, it will definitely attack her.

That's why the little guy reminds Logan to be careful.

It's just that Logan thought the little guy was joking, so he didn't care.

After all, Logan didn't follow the little guy for a long time, and he didn't know the grudge between the little guy and the Hydra.

If Logan knew this, then he would not have such an attitude.

Kayla called the waiter, ordered a few snacks at random, ordered two ice cream and a cup of coffee, and then the three of them ate while waiting for Hilda to pick up her party.

The crowds in Times Square seemed very noisy.

But the little guys sitting in the cafe, eating and waiting for others, enjoy the rare cleanliness.

The ice cream **** offered by this cafe taste good, and Cocoa and Kayla like it very much, but the price of ice cream is not waiting for idlers to consume.

An ice cream ball is 12 US dollars, which is equivalent to 96 yuan in the different time and space China soft sister coin, which is almost a hundred yuan bill is gone. I have to say that it is really expensive.

And this is just an ice cream ball~lightnovelpub.net~ If you eat two, it is equal to 200 yuan soft sister coin.

But this little money is nothing to Cocoa, so she and Kayla didn't hurt at all. You must know that the money she got on the night she came back hasn't been spent yet.

So the two little girls were very happy, each of them basically ate three ice cream balls.

This is not the other snacks ordered.

I have to say that eating food here in Times Square is really not expensive.

Jingle Bell!


When the little guys launched an'attack' on the four ice cream balls, the glass door of the cafe was pushed open, and Hilda, dressed as an English maid, walked in.

Hilda walked into the cafe and looked around, then saw Coco and Kayla eating ice cream, and walked over with a smile.