Rising America

Chapter 1258: Where is Ultraman? There are monsters he

?   On the street of the sluggish Korean community in Flushing, Coco stood at the intersection with a serious face.

       The little guy changed into his own Panta brand children's sportswear in the car. After all, considering that she might fight for a while, she should wear it more comfortably.

      Kayla is also in Panta sportswear, with a metal baseball bat in his hand, and a lollipop in his mouth, which looks like a young girl version of the little lady.

       Hilda, Camilla, 47, Andrew, Logan and others stood behind Coco.

       and behind them all, there appeared many strange-shaped humanoid creatures wearing metal armor in a dense number.

       These creatures looked agitated, but stood still obediently. Apart from grinning occasionally and exposing their sharp teeth, they also appeared relatively quiet.

       "The hand-to-hand association simply doesn't put us in the eye, let them know how to write the typo today! It actually caused me to lose so many liquid metal robots, it is damned!"

       tuxedo, top hat, civilization stick, Andrew, dressed as a gentleman, stood behind Coco with an angry face.

       There was a breeze on the street, rolling up the newspaper that was dumped on the street by someone unknown, and turning a few swirls in the air.

       Cocoa retracted his gaze and asked back, "The things behind us are the predators and aliens I caught?"

       Andrew nodded: "Yes, miss, because I have their genes, so it is easy to mass-produce these low-level lives."

       "They are better than liquid metal robots?" Coco blinked and asked.

       Andrew shook his head: "It's certainly not as easy to use as liquid metal robots, but these low-level lives are worse than the same defying death, so they can be used today."

       Since Andrew said so, Coco didn't plan to ask any more.

       "That's good! Today we will let the hands-on-hands sigh, and let them see what is called big snake pee!"

       can use a word that I don’t know from there, which is rich in meaning.

       Andrew, Hilda, Camilla and 47 coincidentally twitched their eyelids.

       Because he did not understand Chinese culture, Logan did not have much reaction.

       "Uncle Andrew, are you sure that the target is in this neighborhood?"

       "Yes, miss, those guys with hands-on ties are here!"

       "Then when we act for a while, will we accidentally hurt the residents here?"

      Coco couldn't help but feel a little worried about this.

       It is true that if Cocoa takes Andrew to fight with the hand-to-hand man for a while, it is absolutely uncontrollable.

       So the residents who live here will be accidentally injured.

       Although the bear kid always regards himself as a big devil, an evil villain, and can kill the members of the Hydra brutally, but the bear kid can't do it for her to harm ordinary people.

       When Coco asked this concern, everyone's eyes focused on Andrew.

       It can be seen that this worry is not only caused by Cocoa, but also by others.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Andrew assured him: "Don't worry, I promise that this will not happen. I already have a solution for this. When that happens, everyone just let go and kill. "

       After speaking, Andrew took out a small metal ball that spun on its own from his pocket and threw it into the air with his hand up.

       After this small spinning metal ball was thrown into the air, it strangely stopped in the air and released a wave of transparent waves visible to the naked eye.

       As the ripples swayed, everyone clearly felt that after the surrounding space was distorted, it returned to normal.

"Virtual battlefield space! I have isolated the people who are in hand-to-hand associations from ordinary people. Here everyone can let go and attack, because we are no longer in the same dimension with reality, even if we are fighting here. It will not hurt ordinary people."

       Don’t say, mastering this black technology is really convenient when killing people and setting fires.

       It can be said that Andrew really solved everyone's worries.

       waited for Andrew's voice to land, but Coco laughed very arrogantly.

       "Okay! Uncle Andrew, you are great, then let's attack now!"

       solved the worried problem, and the little guy immediately issued the order to attack.

       **** hand fusion!

       The little guy is going to **** them today!

       Andrew waved his hand, and the crowds of predators and alien corps swarmed up behind the crowd.

       At the same time, in the residential houses on both sides of the street, the windows were opened, and a lot of black hole muzzles were protruding, and there were also many guys wearing costumes that endured.

      The battle is on the verge.

       The predator used equipment to climb the outer wall of the building, and encountered the attack that the hand-to-hand association usually endured, and the destructive power of these endurance was still very strong, and soon the predator appeared damage.

       But the endurance of Shouhehui has to pay a price.

       often five or six-handed ninjas die to kill one iron blood.

       Obviously, Cocoa does not suffer.

       After all, this consumable predator can be mass-produced by Andrew at any time.

       And the results achieved by Alien here are also very good.

       Compared with iron blood, aliens are more ferocious and cruel. They are creatures born for killing and fighting, so it is really suitable for them to play on this occasion.

A ninja was bitten tightly by the long, thick mouth of the alien, and the body was about to be bitten into two when he looked at it. The two claws on the chest of the alien had just torn a ninja alive, and its tail was still alive. Pierced a ninja.

       Various hidden weapons fell on this alien body, but they were all bounced off by the alien's hard shell. Obviously, these hidden weapons were of no use to its hair.

       The alien rushed into the group of ninjas, just like a tiger has entered the group of sheep.

       suddenly turned those ninjas killed.

       "These are the low-level ninjas, the most **** existence in the hand-to-hand association. The middle and upper ninjas with magic methods, and even the gods have not appeared yet."

       Hilda, in order to avoid being overly optimistic, even raised a wake-up call.

       Cocoa's face flushed a bit, and it was obvious that the little guy was already excited.

       "Let’s stop standing, do it, those garbage ninjas will let the iron blood and aliens clean up, we will go with their masters! Hahahaha, I like to beat the masters best!"

       The unstoppable cocoa turned into a golden light and rushed out, and everyone who was fast did not react.

       On the ground street, Shinnin, Alien, and iron and blood reached a ball.

       Cocoa easily floats in the air, looking around looking for a suitable opponent.

       Just as the little guy was looking around, the air behind her suddenly vibrated, and a circular ripple appeared.

       In the next instant, a big hand protruded from the ripples and stabled at Coco.

       This big hand is completely black, with black smoke on the surface of the skin, and long black lacquered nails on the fingers. The nails shone with black awns.

       looked at the little guy about to be pierced by the big fingernails.

       But the figure of the little guy suddenly faded and disappeared.

When        waited for the little guy to reappear, she had grabbed the wrist of the **** hand, and forcefully pulled the owner of the wrist out of the ripples.

       This is an African-skinned evil spirit with three golden horns on its head.

       "Do you have no money to wear clothes? It's just a piece of leather!"

After        pulled the evil spirit out of the ripples, Coco actually still had the thought of vomiting the evil spirit.

       and this evil spirit looked down at the little stranger with a frightened expression.

       That’s right, the evil spirit could clearly understand how much strength the little bit in front of him has. Even though he has struggled, he is still being pulled into reality by the opponent.

       and looking at the appearance of the little guy, his face is not red or breathless, as if it didn't take much effort.

       is scary!

       Therefore, the evil spirit judged that the little guy in front of him was definitely not an ordinary person, and because of this, the evil spirit did not launch an attack immediately.

       Unfortunately, the evil spirit knows that if he doesn't do anything, it doesn't mean that the little guy will not attack.

       Even the little guy is not that complicated at all, and he has to evaluate his opponent's strength or something.

       For Cocoa, she has only one slogan!

       life and death bearish, do it if you don't accept it!

       "Look at my supernatural powers! Great!"

       The big and small Ruyi in the art of change of the sky is displayed by Coco.

       Soon, the little guy's body grew as if he was breathing, and in a blink of an eye it was as high as ten stories.

       At this moment, the evil spirit more than three meters high in front of Coco, it is like an ant.

       "I'll take it, when will the little lady do this!"

       Looking at the giant cocoa, Andrew placed one.

       Not only him, Hilda, Camilla, 47, and Logan also grew their mouths in amazement.

       "Hahahaha! Supernatural powers are really easy to use! Let's use you to do experiments today!"

       Cocoa like a giant squatted down, and without any effort in his hands, he rubbed the struggling evil spirit into a small meat ball, and then bounced it out like a glass ball.

After        easily killed the evil spirits, Coco began to wantonly destroy the surrounding buildings. The little guy rushed and knocked down the buildings, resembling the monsters that destroy the monsters in Ultraman.

       Unfortunately, there is no Ultraman here, so no one can stop the monster Coco.

       So the little guy had a great time playing, and even accidentally injured a lot of iron blood and aliens.

       After all, the little guy is too big, and if he moves one step, he will always trample many creatures on the ground to death. There is no other way.

       Not to mention that when the little guy is tearing down the building, the falling pieces of the building will also kill a lot of them.

       And the little guy will tear down the building, as a game, playing this is called a hipi.

       Of course, things are not absolute.

       Just as the little guy was pushing the building, a guy wearing a Japanese priest's robe jumped into the air from the ruins of the building.

      Pro! Soldiers! Fight! By! all! Array! in! Column! before!

       This guy chanted the nine-character mantra, UU reading www.uukanshu.com behind the manifestation mantra disc slowly turning.

       A **** with three heads and six arms descended from the sky.

       "Monster, Fu Zhu!"

       After the gods landed, without a word, he lifted up the magic pestle in his hand, and slammed it down at Coco with his head and face.

       Facing the menacing Demon Pestle, Coco seemed to be stupid, just standing in place without dodge.

       looked at Cocoa and was about to be hit.

       Suddenly a small figure appeared in front of the god, raising his foot and kicking the god.

       The six-armed **** was kicked by this kick and his whole body staggered, and the Devil Pestle in his hand must not hit Coco.

       And it’s not someone else who kicked this god, officially Coco’s good friend Kayla!

       The little girl mobilized the body of steel and greeted the gods.

The giant cocoa complained about Kayla floating in the air with an unhappy expression: "I'm about to try the other skills of Tiangang Transformation. What are you doing here? Could it be that you think this ugly monster with six arms can threaten me? ?"

       dare to love, but don’t dodge or hide, that’s why.

At this time, the six-armed **** stabilized his figure, waving his six arms and relaunched his offensive against Kayla and Coco. Hehe, he wanted one dozen two... I have to say, he really wanted more... ...