Rising America

Chapter 1260: Let me see your heels

No one would have thought that Coco could be filled with Cerberus's urine in a high-pressure water gun. After all, that thing is really disgusting enough.




     It is true that some people will pee and play in the mud when they are young, but in the end those are things that boys would do when they were young.




    The average little girl would not play like this.




    In the 21st century, even the little boys who pee and play in the mud have basically disappeared.




     "Boss is mighty! Boss, you are invincible!"




     When everyone was stunned, Kayla, who was suspended in the air not far away, began to sing a ‘hymn’ for Coco.




     Indeed, it is not unreasonable for Keira to admire.




     At the very least, she would not dare to put Cerberus's urine into a high-pressure water gun. Only Cocoa could do such a thing.




     So, I don’t blame Kayla for the five-body throw that I admire at this time.




     Zi Zi Zi!




     fell down by cocoa, spraying a face of dog pee golden armor six-armed god, this time the face, neck, and shoulders are within a certain range, but wherever the dog pee is sprayed, all the places where the dog pee is sprayed are gassed with white smoke.




     and while blowing white smoke, there was also a sour sound of ‘sizzling’. At the same time, this guy’s skin was corroded rapidly with the naked eye, and his bones were exposed in the blink of an eye.




     If you are lucky to have armor-covered places, the situation is actually not very good.




    The golden armor was still melted by rapid corrosion.




     is a huge pain, which makes the expression of the golden armor six-armed **** become distorted.




     Obviously, this kind of pain is unbearable even for gods.




     Then again, is Cerberos's urine so bad?




     I have to talk about the origin of this three-headed dog.




     is a three-headed dog that guards the gates of **** in the **** controlled by the Olympian **** Hades in mythology. Obviously, Cerberus is not a simple dog.




At the same time,      cannot simply be classified as the so-called ‘monster’.




     is very simple. Cerberus is a being with a godhead, a guy who exists as a **** in the Olympus **** system.




     Of course, as a **** of hell, Cerberus also possesses all aspects of monsters, such as violent, insidious, cruel, cunning, all kinds of strange abilities and so on.




     And because it is unusual in itself, how can its urine be that simple.




     is the **** demon in mythology, so the saliva dripping from Cerberos's body is very deadly.




And because of the age of mythology, it spent a long time in hell, eating a lot of carrion and souls, and drinking Stygian water that can dissolve bones and muscles, so its urine must have a considerable degree Toxic and corrosive.




     So this deity who was summoned by the hand-healing godly robe, finally realized the truth at all.




     But at the same time, there is also a key, that is, the high-pressure water gun that can hold Cerberus urine without being corroded is obviously not that simple.




     It’s just that at this time, everyone’s attention is not on the gun.




     Jinjia six-armed **** is a **** after all, even if he is summoned, maybe this is just a projection or a clone, but after all, it is not an ordinary life form.




     So even at this moment, he is suffering from inhuman pain, corroded by the urine from the gate dog from hell, but he lives stubbornly.




     The new muscle covered the bones on the face and body again, but it quickly melted again.




     The six-armed deity stood up, stirring the divine power of the whole body, against the weird and disgusting corrosion.




     The pain in it is impossible for outsiders to understand.




     While the six-armed **** was wounded, the priest who summoned it was also injured. Blood oozes from the seven orifices of the eyes, ears, nose and nose, looking miserable.




     It is obvious that the gods are summoned to fight. If the gods are traumatized, then being a summoner will also have to pay a great price.




     Behind this Dongying priest, the slowly rotating nine-character mantra wheel flashed, as if he almost collapsed and disappeared.




     There were cracks on the word wheel.








     is just because of a dog pee!




Although      is not a normal dog urine, it is really surprising that such a situation occurs.




     When this priest had a problem, the obvious gap between Hilda and the others seemed to have become a lot crazier, and the number of people who appeared out of thin air also increased a lot.




     The low-level ninjas who used to join hands have always been at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, being beaten by aliens and iron blood pressure.




     But in a blink of an eye, the number of ninjas in their hands has increased, not to mention, they have become crazy.




     and very destructive Zhongnin and Shangnin also began to appear.




     Even Shinnin with special abilities flashed in the Shinnin, attacking iron blood and aliens, and some Shinnin also launched attacks on Hilda and the others.




     Kayla suspended in mid-air, not to mention, she is simply a living target.




     As for cocoa... there is no **** tolerate any trouble.




     Maybe those guys know very well, but the existence of Coco is not easy to mess with.




     After all, the cocoa that has displayed the ‘big and small’ and the ‘magical powers’, has now become a little giant, and it is obviously difficult for ordinary people to cause any harm to coco.




     So, simply those guys are very wise and chose not to come to Cocoa to die here.




     "I'm going to kill you! Eat your meat! Take down your bones! Pick your skin!"




     The face of Asan, who originally looked normal, suddenly became extremely hideous, with fangs sticking out of his mouth, and his eyes as if they were about to protrude.




     At this moment, the six-armed deity has completely lost the appearance of that god. On the contrary, it makes people think that he is an evil spirit from hell.




     The blue aura envelops the whole body, and the blue aura turns into a green dragon, circling around its body indefinitely.




     At the same time, the body of the **** swelled several times, and his height increased a lot, suddenly becoming much higher than cocoa.




     and you can hear it from the muttering words of this guy, Coco fell him with a high-pressure water gun, which made him **** on his face, which really aroused his anger.




     or this product would not be clamoring, it would be a cocoa skin or something.




     "Scare me! I was scared!"




     If you change to an ordinary person, you might be really frightened at this time.




     But who is Cocoa!




     "If you want to kill me, it depends on your ability! Great!"




     looked at the other person and became much taller than himself, which made Coco very upset.




     Therefore, the little guy uses the magical power of ‘big and small’ to make himself bigger in the first place, so as to maintain his advantage in size.




     The power of the stars above his head is constantly pouring in, and the fairy power in the little guy's body shows no sign of lack.




     On the other hand, the six-armed **** who looked like an evil ghost on the opposite side was already weak in the power of the immortal, and there was no way to continue to make his size bigger.




     But even so, the size of this product has reached the height of thirty stories.




     Of course, Cocoa is now forty stories tall, and there is a tendency to continue to rise!




     "Let me take a look at your heels and feet! See what your support is, you can actually say that you want to tear me apart!"




     The little guy has the advantage, but she didn't do it right away, instead she wanted to look at the opponent's heels and feet.




     Perhaps in the eyes of Coco, he is taller than the opponent and obviously has an advantage.




     So she can now play a cat and mouse game with each other.




     Anyway, it is impossible for the opponent to run out of his palm.




     The six-armed golden armor deity has the appearance of a San, with a snail curled hair. It is not a Chinese fairy anyway, and it has no relationship with European and American gods.




     So, Coco is quite curious about the origin of this product.




     is really driven by such curiosity, so the little guy is very patient and ready to play with each other.




     Otherwise, with the cocoa temperament, she would have slapped it and patted it into mashed flesh.




     The little guy raised his hand and touched his forehead.




     Immediately, a raised eye appeared on Coco's forehead.




     Once this eye was opened, it shot a ray of light, and fixed the devilish **** in the distance.




The eyes opened up by      running the power of Tiangang, I have to say that they are magical and inexplicable, possessing great magical powers.




     The ghostly deity was covered with light, and only felt that his whole body had become transparent, and his previous and next lives were also seen by the other party, and there was no way to hide the slightest.




     even the light from that eye captured not only his body, but also his soul and will.




     Therefore, the six-armed **** looks a little silly at this time.




     as if he had been cast a petrification curse, the whole person was hardened.




     is ten seconds, and Coco understands the origin of the opponent.




     Then the little guy closed his eyes and curled his mouth.




"I thought you were something, but a demon from Hungry Ghost Dao, but you were enlightened by the Hindu Arhat and became a thug under his teachings. You dare to pretend to be a god. I really don't feel ashamed at all. ."




     That's right, the origin of this product has been seen through Cocoa.




It is the ghost king from one of the six ways of Hungry Ghost Dao~lightnovelpub.net~ and as Coco said, he was inspired by the Luohan under the Western Buddhism School, and finally broke away from the Hungry Ghost Dao and became a thug under the Western Buddhism School. .




     It might be better to say something different, such as Dharma Protector, Jialan, Revealing Truth, but in the final analysis, it is a thug.




     "Come on, I will try my best to see what you can do!"




     knew the origin of the other party's heels and feet, but Ke Ke ignored the golden light in his eyes, and walked towards the other party with an unkind look.




     At this time, the six-armed deity who has recovered to normal is no longer in that airy appearance, but has a look of fear and anxiety.




     Maybe this product can also be seen, he and Coco are not at the same level...