Rising America

Chapter 1264: The exciting new discovery of the bear k

? The occupancy of the hands in Flushing will collapse, and it has become an inevitable fact.

Although their ninjutsu looks amazing.

But in fact, in the eyes of Coco and the others, this method is not much better than the clumsy magic, which is to fool ordinary people.

The ninjas who walked hidden in the air just used a little blinding technique.

For Andrew, who brought a special life fluctuation detector, it was not too easy to find these guys.

Coupled with Andrew's spear fighting technique, these ninjas who were ganged up were suddenly slaughtered.

Similarly, other ninjas who chose to hide their walking ninjutsu could not escape the slaughter of Logan, 47, Hilda and Camilla.

In short, in the eyes of these people, it is impossible for the ninjas who want to hide their deeds.

"Boss, I didn't make a shot this time."

The battle came to an end, and Shouhehui fell into a slaughtered situation.

Kayla walked to the side of Cocoa who was back to normal size very glumly, and complained a little bit.

Coco was playing with two puppets in his hands, which were transformed by the priest and the golden armor god.

"Next time I will give you a chance."

The little guy responded to Kayla without looking up, and most of her thoughts were on the puppet.

All buildings in more than a dozen blocks have been destroyed, and the ground is in ruins.

Thanks to Andrew's opening of the virtual battle space, or the previous battle, I don't know how many ordinary people will be injured by mistake.

But because of the fighting space that Andrew opened up, there is no need to worry about this kind of thing.

"Boss, what's the matter with this puppet?"

Kayla didn't get too entangled with the previous question, but leaned over curiously and looked at the two dolls in Coco's hand.

Coco turned the puppet in his hand over and over for a long time before saying to Kaila: "I don't know what's going on. Anyway, after I demonstrated the magical powers by using the Tiangang magical powers just now, I took a piece on my extra arm. Magic weapon, I don't know that magic weapon has this ability, which can turn enemies into puppets."

Speaking of which, Coco also thinks this is very new.

After all, as far as the little guy is concerned, she has only two magic weapons.

One is the [Infinite Reincarnation Disk] that incorporates the Eye of Agomoto, and the other is a weird [Refining Demon Pot] that is bred from heaven and earth.

And it was the first time that Coco knew of the magic weapon containing three dolls.

And after Coco received the magical image, the four magic weapons also disappeared.

It can be seen that the four magic weapons are held by magical powers, which are different from the [Infinite Reincarnation Disk] and [Refining Demon Pot]. They can only be used after the magical powers are displayed.

Normally that is not useful.

"Boss Coco, that's great, okay. And that magic weapon can also make the enemy dance frantically, hiding a murderous intent in the dance."

At the same time, Kayla found that it seemed that Coco didn't like that magic weapon.

It is true that Kayla is right. Although the magic weapon is a little weird, and the abilities produced after use are more amusing, it is still very powerful.

But Coco himself doesn't think so.

What she wants is the kind of cool magic weapon.

Although the three dolls can be transformed into three elementary school students in sailor suits and can dance and sing, they are not cool in Coco's eyes.

So the little guy doesn't like it a bit.

If the three dolls turned into not elementary school students in sailor suits, but instead a mobster driving a Harley motorcycle, holding a double-barreled shotgun, wearing leather clothes and sunglasses, that would be cool, okay?

And when you say ‘confess to God, you still have seven seconds to live’, that’s enough energy.

On the other hand, the three girls in sailor suits looked limp, and when they opened their mouths, they said, "I want a secret" you, which makes Coco really loveless.

As for the hidden murderous in the dance, as long as it is not cool, Coco wouldn't care about these things.

"Haha, these two guys are scared."

Cocoa changed the subject.

Kayla looked curious and puzzled: "Boss, why do you say that?"

Before the voice fell to the ground, Keira raised his hand and threw a punch to the left, exploding a cloud of blood mist out of thin air. It was a ninja who sneaked to the side of the two.

As Kayla solved the fly, a dozen aliens gathered around Coco and Kayla, stretched their necks constantly, and began to sniff the surrounding air.

With alien guards, there will definitely not be so many flies next.

The massacre continues, and the situation is absolutely one-sided.

There is no hope for the ninjas of Shoumeihui.

Failure is doomed, and it's only a matter of time before all are destroyed.

"I can clearly feel their fear, pain, and even their pleading for me."

Coco replied to Kayla in a nagging way.

Soon, Kayla lowered his head and listened.

"Boss, I didn't hear anything, they are just puppets now."

Kayla didn't believe it.

Coco shrugged and didn't explain anything.

This thing sounds weird, but Coco knew he didn't speak big words.

She really heard the puppet's pleading, and felt the fear of the priest and the golden six-armed **** who turned into a puppet.

In other words, the two guys who have become puppets, in fact, they are not dead, but alive.

It just changed a form of life.

"Do you feel these two dolls, exuding life fluctuations?"

Coco asked Kayla again.

Kayla stared at the two dolls in Cocoa's hands, and then nodded: "There are indeed fluctuations in the magnetic field of life."

As a Kryptonian bloodline, Kayla has different abilities from ordinary people, so she can perceive these things.

In the next second, Coco clenched his small fist fiercely, and the two dolls in his pinched hands were deformed.

Immediately, in the ears of Cocoa, there was a wailing that only she could hear.

"Hahahaha! Let you be bullied and see how I treat you!"

Coco seemed to have determined something, and suddenly laughed arrogantly.

Kayla felt that her boss was a little nervous.

"Go, collect all the puppets for me."

After Coco determined that the puppet is another form of life, he ordered the alien to collect other ninjas who turned into puppets.

The little guy felt that these guys weren't dead, they just turned into puppets, so if you didn't concoct these guys well, you would be really sorry.

I usually play with dolls and toys at home, after all, those are dead objects.

But these dolls are different.

They will be painful, painful, and reactive.

So the little guy is very excited.

She wanted to see what would happen if she unloaded these puppets.

Anyway, those toys and dolls in the house, the little guy did not take away a lot, at most it turned into a ball of rags, or a belly of cotton, which was extremely boring.

But these puppets are different.

Cocoa's eyes flashed with excitement, and she knew she had found something interesting.

I really feel sorry for these guys, and pity them fell into the hands of the bear children.

And for a child like Coco, it is quite normal to have a doll in the family open, or to smash eight pieces.

Basically **** kids have done such things.

There are even some **** who will catch frogs and perform biopsy and peeling.

Therefore, you must not look at the bear kids like Coco in the mind of an adult.

After all, in the eyes of kids like them, there is no such judgment as the so-called ‘life value’ for the time being.

As long as they think it’s fun, it’s enough to do something cruel in the eyes of adults.

(My daughter caught a little gecko yesterday. When I knew it, the little gecko was terrible...)

Andrew was holding two guns, and he did not see lasers, rays, particles, or shock waves ejected from the muzzle, but as long as his muzzle was pointed in one direction, he immediately exploded blood in the direction where the muzzle was pointed. fog.

I have to say that high-tech is really magical and strange.

"Hey, what kind of gun are you?"

Logan easily slaughtered the ninja, and asked curiously.

Andrew faintly responded: "Vacuum pressure gun."

[Is technology so advanced now? It is actually possible to manufacture such a powerful weapon, and it is also miniaturized. 】

After getting the answer from Andrew, Logan couldn't help but crooked.

He did not know that the weapon used by Andrew was a low-end black technology product.

Rather, he thought that the current level of human science and technology could make such weapons.

To be honest~lightnovelpub.net~ Don't think the two guns in Andrew's hand are low-end black technology products, but the human technology here in different time and space cannot be made temporarily.

47's fighting style is similar to Logan. She has Edman metal blades on her hands and feet, and her body is flexible and strange, acting like a human-shaped kitten.

Logan only had six metal sharp blades protruding from the joints of his hands, but 47 (Rochelle) had sharp edges on all five fingers, and the same was true on his feet.

She completely crushed Logan in terms of the number of Edman's metal blades.

At the same time, 47 also received Andrew's fighting training and instilling fighting awareness.

So in terms of fighting alone, 47 True Heart is much stronger than Logan.

It's just that Logan accepted Coco's team invitation and his ability was increased tenfold, so Logan was better than 47.

Both have the ability to [rapid healing].

If you really want to say that there is a difference, perhaps it is the gender, and that Logan is a natural mutant, and 47 is a product of the laboratory.

Nine **** fireballs manifested behind Camilla, and flames ignited on her body, making her look like a Valkyrie walking in flames.

As long as she makes a move, the ninjas who are holding hands will quickly gasify.

Hilda suspended a book with a black cowhide cover in front of him. From the opened book pages, groups of underworld knights were constantly released, and they rushed towards the ninjas who were in harmony.

Outside the virtual combat space, in a manor-style villa on Long Island, a guy wearing a black SS uniform with a red scary skull face is staring at the computer screen in front of him.

And what is played instantly on the screen is exactly the slaughter of rivals in the virtual space...