Rising America

Chapter 1265: Fury's attention


Logan fiercely pierced the chest of a ninja with hands, and at the same time swiped down forcefully, the sharp Edman blade easily carved out his body, and the opponent's internal organs and colorful intestines fell out. It looks very disgusting.

Several aliens ran over, and they began to chew the dead body. For these aliens, after all, this was a delicious meal, and it would be a pity if they didn't eat it.

An iron blood squeezed in, and it grabbed the corpse's head and yanked it out, pulling out the corpse's head and spine together.

Unlike those aliens, Jagged will not eat the corpses of these ninjas, but they have to leave some souvenirs.

In the virtual battle space at this time, there is no one who is still alive, and the results of Coco and their battle are not unsatisfactory.

Of course, for the little guy, the more important thing is that she won this fight.

"Don't worry about these corpses, just let the ugly monsters eat them. It just happened to clear the battlefield." How much respect.

But think about it, for Coco, if you want her to respect, you must first be better than her. If you don't have her, then the little guy won't respect you.

Obviously, Alien cannot be Cocoa's opponent.

And cocoa is not too easy to clean up aliens.

So, of course Coco would not respect those aliens.

Moreover, these alien species are not native species, but bionic species re-bred after Andrew's genetic modification, which are enslaved existences.

So how could Coco respect his slave aliens?

Perhaps, for Cocoa, these aliens are similar to pet dogs, and even worse than pet dogs.

Take a look at the days of Cerberus and Fenrir. They eat Kobe steak every day and drink mountain spring water from a certain place in France. Their lives are more luxurious than ordinary people.

On the other hand, it is commonplace for these aliens to endure hunger, and they will suffer from Andrew's abuse and training from time to time, and they will be beaten if they are not trained well.

Now it is eating corpses.

Who makes them cute without pugs and huskies?

This is also no alternative.

"Sister Hilda, now the hands-on meeting here in Flushing has disappeared from time to time? There will be no more trouble in the future, right?"

Coco, whose body returned to his normal state, asked Hilda very energetic.

Hilda bowed slightly, and answered Coco: "For the time being, this is the case, but no one can guarantee that the future Shougang will send people to fight for territory, and the Hydra with the Shougang alliance has not appeared, they It's also a trouble."

Indeed, the Hydra people did not appear today, apparently they became the fish that slipped through the net.

Therefore, it is not enough to solve the hand-to-hand meeting.

And compared to the hands-on meeting, Hydra is more threatening, and at the same time it hides deeper, and their hatred with Coco is stronger.

"Uncle Andrew, can you find Hydra's stronghold in New York? Now that we have solved the hand-to-hand association, we only need to solve the Hydra next."

Coco turned her gaze to Andrew. It was obvious that she hoped that Andrew could help in this matter.

Hearing this, Andrew smiled bitterly and said to Coco: "Miss, this will take a while. Now Hydra hides deeper, and even I can't catch their little tail, so the lady wants me to grasp their whereabouts. I can't take it out right away."

Andrew's words are not at all watery.

The original Hydra was ready to re-emerge.

Unexpectedly, he had just made a name for himself in Europe, but suffered a blow from Cocoa, and lost face severely.

Then Hydra prepared to show Coco a little bit of color, but was retaliated even more viciously by Coco, and even lost a base.

This blow was not severe for Hydra, but it was painful.

Therefore, the original high-profile Hydra has once again turned into a low-profile.

And when they acted low-key, even if Andrew wanted to grasp their whereabouts and information, it became not so easy.

Of course, this is not to say that Andrew cannot grasp their whereabouts and information, but it is more troublesome here.

As Andrew said, it takes time.

So, if Coco really wants to obtain information on the whereabouts of Hydra from Andrew, then he must be patient.

"How long does it take?" Coco blinked his eyes wide and asked.

Andrew thought for a while: "At least three days, Hydra is very smart now, they hide themselves deeper, especially after Hilda and the others cleaned up their agent in New York some time ago."

The little guy felt a little long for three days.

Coco is not a very patient little guy, she can't wait to grasp the whereabouts of Hydra in the next second, and then lead the team to the door.

But Coco is not stupid, she knows that Uncle Andrew didn't tell lies.

So this matter can't be rushed.

So now the reunion of hands has been resolved, and the whereabouts of Hydra can not be grasped in a short time, so the little guy decided to finish the fight and go to celebrate.

"Well, I'll leave this to you, Uncle Andrew. Three days are three days. Since Dad will stay here for a long time this time, it doesn't matter if I wait three days."

In desperation, Coco only gave Andrew three days to learn about the whereabouts of Hydra.

"Today we won a big victory, I am really happy, so I decided to pay for everyone to eat ice cream to celebrate."

Coco was very happy to tell her next plan. Well, please go eat ice cream.

"Good! Good! Eat ice cream!"

Hilda, Camilla, 47, Logan, and Andrew were dumbfounded by the way of celebrating with ice cream, but Keira was quite excited.

It can be seen that only children like to eat ice cream to celebrate. Adults are not so cold about it.

However, considering that it was the kindness of my own lady after all, Andrew and the others did not refuse.

Immediately, everyone withdrew from the virtual battle space and returned to reality.

After returning to reality, Logan was the most shocked.

The virtual battle space has been broken into ruins, but people in reality have not been affected in the slightest.

There are vehicles coming and going on the street, and pedestrians are either in a hurry or very leisurely, and you don't know what is happening at different latitudes in the same community.

The ninjas of the Shouhehui were forced to move to the virtual battle space, so in reality they couldn't even keep their bodies.

I have to say that Andrew's [Virtual Battle Space] is really a good thing for killing people and destroying corpses.

Ordinary people don't know how earth-shaking changes have taken place in the underworld in Flushing in less than ten minutes.

But anyway, it is a good thing to solve the hand-to-hand meeting.

And the ‘Hua’an’ gang, who has been suppressed by the two forces of Shouhehui and Hydra, who have been assassinated again and again at a disadvantage, can become relaxed.

"I'm not very familiar with Flushing, sister Hilda, do you know where there is a delicious ice cream shop?"

The little guy came to Flushing for the first time, and she was not familiar with this place.

And just as the little guy was thinking about taking everyone to eat ice cream to celebrate the victory in the fight, a stealth aircraft just lifted off from a secret military base in Virginia and quickly flew towards New York.

On the aircraft, a black man with a blindfold stared at the electronic screen in front of him. Around him stood a few men and women with cold expressions, as well as some busy staff.

And all of them have a round badge on their chests.

Ordinary people may not know their identities, but if they are in any of the middle and high-level organizations in the United States, they will definitely know who these people are.


The bald black man wearing the blindfold is the boss of SHIELD, Fury.

On the electronic screen in front of Fury's eyes, an image of Coco and a group of people appeared.

Looking at the live video on the screen, Coco was talking and laughing with the people around him~lightnovelpub.net~Fry's expression was very tangled.

A blonde girl in a tight S.H.I.E.L.D. uniform appeared behind Fury, with a folder in her hand.

"Jin, a registered ability person, rated as A grade, is the only daughter of West Coast media tycoon William King. She is two years and eight months old. According to the information we have, this little girl's ability is a force... "

Ferry frowned slightly.

Listening to his subordinates telling the information that Coco had registered with the S.H.I.E.L.D. Administration Office, he was very clear that the facts were seriously inconsistent.

Because an anonymous person just sent a video to S.H.I.E.L.D., in the video, Cocoa showed far more destructive power than the A-level ability.

As for the information of Cocoa's power system, it is even more nonsense to Fry.

As long as the blind can see the abilities shown by Cocoa in the video, it is definitely not a force.


Undoubtedly powerful!

This is an evaluation that Fury gave Cocoa in his heart after watching the video.

And for Coco, which holds such a powerful force, it is very likely that even S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D. has no way to control the force, and Fury has a strong worry in his heart.

Prompted by this worry, Fury definitely took his elite men to New York to see if he could get in touch with the little guy and take her into SHIELD.

Of course, considering various factors, Fury certainly cannot be strong.

After all, Coco’s father is a rich man, and he has a very good relationship with Vice President George Sr. He is still the buddy of L.A. City Councilman George Jr., the gold master of Stryker, the leader of the military’s secret project, and the ferromagnet of Hulk, the leader of the Vietnam Special Team. ...

At the same time, Fury also wants to take this opportunity to update some of the information about Cocoa again and grasp the most authentic basic information.