Rising America

Chapter 1267: Find home

Cocoa said he was going to Las Vegas to play. Of course he meant himself and Kayla, not including Hilda and Andrew. At most, he brought Logan, the bodyguard.

The reason why the little guy thought of going to Las Vegas was mainly because she remembered that there was a guy who looked like a mafia there who still owed herself more than 80 million US dollars in gambling debts.

After so many days, that guy hasn't moved at all. Isn't this a rhythm of recklessness?

The little guy doesn't want his money to be ruined.

So I plan to go there to come back at night.

At the same time, Cocoa has already thought about it. If the other party doesn't give it, then he will show the other party a little bit more. In short, it is impossible to lose the money.

After all, more than 80 million US dollars, if you buy ice cream to eat, how much ice cream you will get.

"Miss, won't you go home at night? If you go home late after playing, if you let the young master know, he will definitely be angry."

After listening to the little guy that she was going to Las Vegas at night, Andrew couldn't help but reminded Coco.

Unexpectedly, Coco waved his hand carelessly: "It's okay. My father will definitely not go home at night. Isn't he still in Las Vegas, and I think the * sisters over there, neither Letting my dad leave so easily will definitely seduce him, seduce him or something..."

Everyone present had black lines on their faces.

[Where does anyone say that to my father. 】At the same time, everyone's heart vomited a similar groove.

But the little guy doesn't care what everyone thinks, anyway, she made up her mind to go to Las Vegas to play at night, and by the way, she had to pay.

"Boss, can we go to the casino?"

Unlike Andrew and the others, after hearing that Coco was going to take him to the casino at night, Kayla seemed excited.

If you think about it, Kayla’s life is very boring, if not with Coco, it can even be said to be extremely boring.

Her scope of activities is basically the Beverly kindergarten, home, such a two-point line, she can't go far away.

It's totally incomparable to her brother, who can do superman things in the metropolis. That's a very interesting thing, much more fun than staying at home.

So Kayla would be so excited and excited only when playing with Cocoa.

Besides, Kayla has never been to Las Vegas, but she knows that it is a fun city for drunken fans, even more fun than Los Angeles.

As for how fun it is, Kyla is not clear.

"Miss, what are you going to play in Las Vegas? Gambling there is gambling. The rest of the entertainment is not suitable for children. The desert outside the city is meaningless, and if it is not indoors, there is temperature outside. It’s very high, I don’t know what’s fun there."

Hilda asked Coco very puzzled, and at the same time pointed out that Las Vegas is a place that adults only like, and there is definitely no fun for children to go there.

But does Coco care about these?

Obviously the little guy doesn't care about these things anymore.

Besides, when she went to Las Vegas, playing was only one of the purposes. The most important thing was for the little guy to ask for the bill.

So Coco didn't think he would be bored in Las Vegas.

I heard that the one who owed the debt was a member of the Mafia and was a high-level member of a certain Mafia family in Las Vegas, so Coco personally felt that the other party would definitely not repay the money so easily, not to mention that Kayla fainted. He is considered to have forged a grudge.


It's good not to pay back the money, so won't you find fun in Las Vegas?

Anyway, Cocoa's idea is quite simple. If he decides that he will use force or something against the other party if he doesn't give up.

I have to say that the cocoa thought of this period is very simple. When encountering problems, we always consider violence to solve the problem first, which makes people speechless to the extreme.

But this is not to blame Coco, after all, she is still a three-year-old kid now, and to her little head, violence seems to be the most effective way to solve problems that can be thought of now.

So it's no wonder that she advocated using violence to solve any problems during this period.

Perhaps, for Cocoa, only after she slowly grows older will such a strange concept slowly disappear.

But for the moment, once the little guy encounters a problem, the first thing he thinks of is to solve it with violence.

A hundred ice cream balls, Coco and Kayla ate most of them. Each of them ate more than 30 ice cream balls, which made many children in the store look stupid.

After all, if you eat too much ice cream, your stomach will not be able to stand it.

The other little pot friends in the store ate at most two, which is like eating more than 30 cocoa and Kaila alone, which is not too scary.

But what is strange is that each of Coco and Kayla ate more than 30 ice cream balls. Once there was no stomachache, all of them were very energetic.


Kayla let out a sigh of contentment. She felt that it was good to follow Cocoa. At least Mommy and Daddy wouldn't let her eat ice cream at home.

Only by following the coco boss can I eat so much ice cream in one go.

"It's delicious! It's delicious, this time it was really enjoyable."

Kayla looked very satisfied now, leaning on the seat with a comfortable face, patted her belly lightly, and sighed softly.

Coco looked at Kayla curiously: "Hey, haven't you eaten ice cream before? Looks like your family is not short of money, right?"

When Coco asked about this, the pleasant expression on Kayla's face suddenly changed into that kind of resentment.

"Don't mention it, my daddy and mommy never give me ice cream, and without giving me pocket money, do you think I have eaten it?"

This obviously caused Kyla to have a deep resentment.

So that when talking about this matter, Keira even emitted a cloud of black smoke.

Of course, this is an exaggerated metaphor.

In fact, the stinky expression on Kayla's small face now can be seen by everyone. There is no adulteration in this statement, and it is definitely an expression of her real life.

Coco raised his hand and patted Kayla lightly on the shoulder. He wanted to laugh and squeeze. It looked even more sobering. He comforted Kayla: "I feel sad for you. You haven't even eaten ice cream. "

Kayla lowered her head and was speechless.

To be honest, she really envied Cocoa, because Cocoa is richer than she is free.

Even Kayla always imagined that if she was Kim Hyun Tae's daughter, how nice she would be, so that she could be as free and rich as Coco.

I have to say that the idea of ​​changing a parent, even the little girl of Krypton, Kayla, is really funny.

Of course, this is just a fantasy after all, not reality.

So Kayla is far from being Kayla, the younger sister of Superman, and the child of the Krypton family.

Therefore, she could not become Kim Hyun Tae's daughter, and the two exchanged positions with Coco. This is Kaila's tragedy.

"Boss, what fun is there for us to go to Las Vegas at night?"

Kayla changed the subject. Obviously, the little girl didn't want to talk too much about that topic. After all, it was tears when she said too much, so why bother herself.

Seeing Kayla asked about this, Coco grinned: "We can go to the casino to play, I tell you, I am very sensitive to numbers, and also have a strong seventh sense, so I think we can play It’s a great time playing in Las Vegas. You know, I’m the one who won the Powerball jackpot."

But don't mention this, everyone really forgot, isn't the bear kid really hit a powerball, it's a multi-billion dollar prize.

It was because of the luck of his daughter that Jin Xiantai stepped into the Plaza Accord and made ample capital.

At that time, the reason why the little guy bought Powerball was because of her feeling against the sky.

"Good! Good! Coco boss, let's go to Las Vegas to be the gamblers!"

When I heard that I could go to the casino to play in Las Vegas, Kayla was quite excited and excited.

There was no sound at this time, and Logan spoke.

"Las Vegas casinos, children like you can't enter, because it's not a children's playground, only adults can enter."

Well, it must be admitted that Logan is right.

A place like a casino is not a place where kids like Kayla and Coco can go in to play~lightnovelpub.net~ where it entertains adults.

So if Coco and Kayla go to the casino recklessly, they will definitely be stopped at the door.

what! ?

We can't play in the casino!

Hearing what Logan said, Coco and Keira grew their small mouths in surprise, and both children were Spartans.

You know, the two bear kids are full of longing for Las Vegas.

"Boss, what should I do?"

"Cold, we two big living people, can we still suffocate the bird?"

Although Logan pointed out this problem and declared that it was not feasible for the two little guys to go to the casino, Coco still did not give up.

After all, Ke Ke is not a kid who gives up lightly, so she feels that she can solve this problem.

Upon seeing this, Logan curled his lips and said nothing.

He felt that only if the little guy really hit the south wall, he might turn his head back.

Andrew and Hilda looked at each other, and felt really helpless about Coco's decision to go to Las Vegas.

But just like Cocoa said, my father is now in Las Vegas, and there is definitely no way to rush back to Los Angeles that night, so the little guy can play outside without fear, no one can control her.

And Annie couldn't go home at night because of business affairs.

So cocoa is tantamount to herding sheep.

Jingle Bell!

At this time, the door of the ice cream shop was pushed open, and a guy wearing a black leather trench coat and a black blindfold walked in...

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