Rising America

Chapter 1279: Go and "talk" to him

"I am responsible for the operation of Brilliant Casino."

Mario nodded seriously.

Cocoa doesn't care so much, as long as Mario admits that he can call the shots.

Therefore, as soon as Mario's voice fell, the little guy once again mentioned the matter of ‘betting pay’.

"Just now I played roulette and won the bet, but you didn't pay the bet, and you still want to drive me away. This is how your brilliant casino does business?"

The little guy talked about the cause and effect aggressively while walking up to Mario.

A casino staff walked behind Mario and whispered: "This little girl placed a $100 million bet on the roulette table, and she was hit, so..."

Mario narrowed his eyes. To be honest, he didn't think the fat manager who was beaten by Coco was wrong, after all, he would do the same if he changed to his own.

It's just that everyone didn't expect it, but it's not just an ordinary kid.


Mario groaned.

At the same time his mind began to turn.

At present, Brilliant Casino is facing a compensation of 3.7 billion US dollars. This figure is not tens of thousands of dollars. Even Mario could not help but carefully weigh the gains and losses.

give! Still not!

This is really a tangled question.

Thanks to the huge population base in different time and space, the casino business operated by the Mafia in Las Vegas has very impressive profits. The net profit of each casino in a year exceeds tens of billions of dollars. That is no problem at all.

But now he has to take out one-third of the annual profit to pay the little kid in front of him, Mario really reluctant to bear it.

And Mario knows very well that it's not just that he can't bear it. If the family knows it, they must have the same opinion as himself.

However, the little girl in front of her is not an ordinary person.

So some of the usual methods are definitely of no use to her. This is the key factor that makes Mario not immediately want to use violence to solve it.

If Coco and the others are ordinary people, then Mario will definitely let Coco and the others ‘greet’ first, and then kill Coco and the others into the maze-like sewer system of Las Vegas.

After all, some casinos have spent a lot of money here, and the foreign security leader hired as a warning, obviously the road of violence will not work.

"It is true that our gambling industry has regulations that minors are not allowed to enter the casino to play, and I don’t know what exactly you used to avoid the security at the door, but if both of us go through legal procedures, I want to win a lawsuit. Not very big."

Since he can't do anything about it, Mario can only talk to Cocoa.

Speaking of which is really helpless.

As a member of the prestigious Cezoni family among the many families of the Las Vegas Mafia, Mario has never experienced any dark things.

Even people killed with their own hands are not in the minority.

Usually, if he faces this problem right now, he won't take so much into consideration, and he will definitely kill the other party.

But who made him face Cocoa?

Coco, Keira, and Logan all showed great strength.

So this had to arouse Mario's fear.

Although the mafia is so famous, it depends on who it is for.

After all, 99% of the members of the Mafia are ordinary people.

This is destined for them to be at a natural disadvantage when facing aliens such as mutants, supernatural beings, vampires and even werewolves.

It is precisely because of this relationship that Mario began to speak the law to Cocoa.

Is this funny?

Yes, anyone who saw this scene would find it very funny.

But this is reality again.

"I don't care about the law or the law. If this is the case, why didn't you refuse when I placed the bet?"

Although Coco was young, she was very shrewd, and the look on Mario's face became very ugly.


Coco was not bluffed by Mario, after all, Coco was not the kind of kid who could be bluffed easily.

Therefore, the little guy snorted coldly, seemingly impatient, and continued to insist: "I don't care if the law is not legal, and I want you to pay me! If you insist on not paying, I will tear down the casino!"

Anyone who knows Coco understands that the little guy really doesn't want to say more.

If Mario on the opposite side is still the same rhetoric, but really dare to tear down the Glory Casino, this thing is not scaring Mario at all.

The problem is that Mario doesn't understand Cocoa.

So Coco's remarks, to Mario, were completely regarded as a threat to a kid's jokes, and he didn't care about it at all.

Think about it, too, who can take the threat of a bear kid seriously.

Ha ha!

Mario's temper also came up.

Although he fears that Coco and his party are ‘other people’, it does not mean that Mario is really afraid of Coco and the others.

After all, what Mario represents is the most famous Cezoni mafia family in Las Vegas, which is also rich and human.

Although the ‘foreign person’ is powerful, if the Cezoni family is willing to spend money, they may not be able to hire a ‘foreign person’ thug to deal with Coco.

If you don’t give Cocoa the 3.7 billion US dollars in compensation for gambling, it would be a huge sum of money to hire ‘foreign people’.

God knows how many guys blinded by money will find cocoa trouble at that time.

Really thinking of this, Mario's attitude began to change.

"Little guy, don't threaten me either, don't ask, how can you be so arrogant here in Las Vegas."

Cocoa heard it, and didn't bother to say anything.

The little guy is about to start tearing down the casino.

But before the little guy started, a woman appeared on Mario's side out of thin air, and at the same time the woman gave Mario a slap.


Mario was slapped into the air by this slap.

This change was sudden, except for a few people, most people did not react.


The first thing to react was Coco. After seeing the woman, the little guy showed a bright smile on his small face, and then ran towards the woman with his arms wide open, while still yelling ‘Mummy! Mommy’.

That's right, the woman who appeared suddenly and slapped Mario away was the Anne who rushed to receive a call from Logan.

Peng! Peng Peng!

As Mario fell heavily to the ground, there was a sound of fighting in the direction of the casino gate.

In a short while, about dozens of sturdy men in suits and sunglasses swarmed into the casino and ran towards Annie and Coco.

And on the way over, these guys will sip their mouths whenever they see the staff of Brilliant Casino.

"What happened to Las Vegas? It is also a government-managed city. Do you think that by colluding with some scum in Congress, you can turn a city into an independent kingdom?"

Annie picked up Coco at this time, walked over to Mario who was dizzy, looked down at this guy in disdain and said.

"you you……"

Mario was so dizzy that he couldn't say a complete sentence now.

Thanks to Annie's lack of full strength, otherwise the new generation of goddess will slap Mario into ashes.

"Miss Anne, do these guys need to be killed?"

Those brawny men in suits who seemed uncomfortable at first glance came behind Annie. One of the tallest, honest-looking young men asked with an urn voice.

"Bruce, the werewolves of the Crescent Tribe, now they are doing things for Mommy, you can say hello to everyone."

Annie did not answer the young man's question, but gently lowered her head and said to the cocoa she was holding.

Coco raised his hand and greeted these brawny men.

"Hi, everybody."

A group of guys with muscles in their heads quickly responded Cocoa with uneven residuals.

"Oh, hello little miss."

"Hello, little master."

It's sparse, anyway, it's called cocoa.

"Coco, what's the matter?"

Just now it was difficult for Annie to ask in detail on the phone. Now that she has the opportunity, of course Annie wants to ask Cocoa. What caused the conflict between the little guy and the Brilliant Casino.

Seeing Anne inquired about this matter, Cocoa told it all over again.

Annie didn't think much~lightnovelpub.net~ but the werewolves behind Annie panted one by one, their eyes were red.

3.7 billion dollars!

When they were not hired by Annie, they worked as lumberjacks in the primeval forests of Alaska. They only made more than $1,300 in a month. It was a tragic life.

At that time, their biggest dream was to find a job with a monthly salary of 3,000 US dollars and save one hundred thousand US dollars...

"Do you want to make money?"

Coco suddenly asked the werewolves.

The werewolf’s brains weren’t very useful, and they didn’t even react. What does this mean?

Seeing these werewolves who were stunned, Coco reluctantly raised his hand and pressed his forehead.

"The Brilliant Casino owes me 3.7 billion U.S. dollars. I want you to help me with the bill. After the money comes back, I will give you 20% commission. Can you do this job?"

Huh! Huh!

What is 20% of US$3.7 billion?

Anyway, the brains of these werewolves can't figure it out, even if this arithmetic problem is very simple.

But these werewolves know very well that this commission will be true.

So the excitement of these guys can't be described in words.

"Do it! Why not do it!"

The young werewolf who led the head raised his hand "Peng Peng Peng" and slapped his chest.

"That's good! This guy on the ground is the person in charge of the casino. I hope you can talk to him so that he will give me the money he owes me. As for the way and means you use to talk, I don't care. I just want him to lose me money."

Coco's meaning is very clear, but these werewolves understand.

"Relax, we have experience in this matter."

The sturdy werewolf young man grinned, and immediately grabbed Mario's left ankle with his eyes gleaming, and then greeted several companions...