Rising America

Chapter 128: Father and daughter

   When I got home, it was already over 22 o'clock in the evening. Jin Xiantai hurriedly took a bath for his daughter. After changing his pajamas, he began to let the little guy sleep.

   has been playing little cocoa for days, although she has taken a nap, she is still a little tired, after all, she is still young and can't have the energy of an adult.

   After Jin Xiantai showered his daughter and put on a cartoon-patterned pajamas, the little guy was already a little wobbly dozing off.

Since Annie left, the person who took Coco to sleep every night became the father of Kim Hyun-tae. After all, Coco was young and likes to kick quilts at night, so she needs someone to accompany her at night, from time to time. Cover her with a quilt to prevent the little guy from catching a cold or catching a cold.

   Especially the little guy at this age does need someone to accompany her at night to make her feel at ease and not be afraid.

   Kim Hyun-tae now can be said to be both father and mother.

   "Dad, what does mom look like? Does it look good with Mama Anne?"

   When Kim Hyun Tae went to the bedroom with his daughter, the little guy asked such a question abruptly.

  Daughter’s question caused Kim Hyun-tae to fall into the memory, recalling the voice and smile of his wife in the memory.

   "Very beautiful, Coco's mother is the most beautiful person in the world."

   "But I don't know what my mother looks like, it's really a pity."

   What does the little guy say? It's not like an adult who has this or that, and he will say what he thinks.

   She didn't know how uncomfortable her father would be by her own words.

   Kim Hyun Tae's uncomfortable suffering is not because of himself, but because of his daughter.

   When he thinks that his daughter has never seen her mother's appearance, he feels uncomfortable.

   "Dad, Coco wants to know what mom looks like."

   Little Coco, who was in his arms by Kim Hyun Tae, said with his little head resting on his father's chest.

   Kim Hyun-tae suppressed the concealed flesh-cutting pain in his heart, and responded with a calm expression: "Yes, Dad will draw a picture of my mother, and then Coco will know what her mother looks like."

   Kim Hyun Tae has a background in painting. Therefore, painting the face of his deceased wife is not difficult for him.

   After all, now that my daughter is growing up, let her clearly understand what her mother looks like. This is what she should do.

   As for what mother went to far away. It's just fooling around now. When my daughter gets older, I have to tell the truth to her.

   Alas, poor child.

   The thought that Coco doesn't have a mother makes Kim Hyun Tae very uncomfortable to die.

indeed. The children of other families have parents, but Coco only has a father. In the life experience of growing up, she will lose something from the children of other families.

   Although I can work hard to satisfy my daughter materially, there are some things that money can't buy after all.

   Without the daughter of her mother by her side, Kim Hyun-tae still has another worry, that is, when she is growing up, will there be any problems due to lack of maternal love.

   In response, Kim Hyun Tae began to have worries and worries.

   "Okay. Okay, Dad will draw a picture of her mother's face. Coco wants to know what her mother looks like. This is great. Coco is also a child with a mother."

   is different from the happy little Coco, but Kim Hyun-tae wants to cry. Fortunately, he resisted the urge to cry, and this did not let the tears flow down.

   But even so, he was very uncomfortable.

   Kim Hyun-tae’s bed is so big that even four or five people sleep at the same time. When Annie bought the furniture, she didn't know what reason she bought such a big bed.

   Little Coco, who was put on the bed by his father, cheered, and then started to roll on the bed. The active and lively side of children is well explained in Cocoa.

   The bed was so big, Coco rolled over and had a good time, giggling constantly.

   "Cocoa, stop making trouble, go to bed. If you don't sleep enough, you will become ugly, do you want to become an ugly little girl?"

   Jin Xiantai brought the talcum powder, and sat down on the bed to greet his daughter, and asked her to come over and wipe the talcum powder.

   Cocoa stopped the nonsense, crawled over obediently, and then obediently asked his father to rub himself with talcum powder.

After    wiped the talcum powder, Coco quickly got into the bed and lay there looking at his father.

   Kim Hyun Tae knew what his daughter was waiting for, smiled and walked aside with the talcum powder and put it down, then took out a fairy tale book from the bookcase and walked back.

Every night after Annie leaves, before going to bed, Kim Hyun-tae will read a fairy tale to her daughter. During this process, the daughter will gradually fall asleep. Therefore, this method has some hypnotic effect. Xiao Keke is also used to listening to his father every day. Fairy tale sleep.

   Kim Hyun Taina’s fairy tale book is a collection of fairy tales he pirated in this time and space, so it is not as unfavorable for children as the dark fairy tales in this time and space.

  Xiao Ke Ke also likes his father to read stories to himself before going to bed.

   "What story do you want to read today?"

   He cleverly covered his junior cocoa, and asked where he was lying looking at Jin Xiantai.

Jin Hyun-tae, who was half lying next to Coco, opened the call story collection, smiled and responded to her daughter: "The story of Cinderella, my father has finished reading yesterday, today my father wants to ask Coco, do you want to hear Western stories, or What about the Eastern story?"

   Kim Hyun-tae suddenly wanted to change a story to his daughter. After all, he always tells his daughter Western stories, which seems a bit bad.

   is like some oriental stories, he thinks he should tell his daughter from time to time, at least let her daughter learn about the east through the stories.

   Kim Hyun Tae is very worried that his daughter will become a complete "banana man", so he always instills some oriental culture into his daughter every other way.

   Xiao Ke Ke hasn't heard his father tell an oriental story, so the little guy feels very curious and fresh. For children, in fact, both Eastern and Western stories are attractive to them. The difference is whether the storyteller tells good or bad.

   And Kim Hyun-tae should obviously be the kind of person who tells the wonderful story.

   "Dad, tell Cocoa an oriental story today. Cocoa hasn't heard an oriental story yet." Little Coco's reaction made Jin Xiantai very pleased. "Are there Cinderella and Snow White in the East too?"

Ha ha.

   Jin Xiantai smiled and said, "There is a snail girl in the story of the East, and there are various characters, but my father wants to tell you a story about a gourd baby today."

   "Calabash Baby? What is this?"

   "The gourd is a plant."

   "Ah, Cocoa has never seen a gourd."

   "It's okay, Dad will find it back for Cocoa if there is a chance."

   "Okay, Dad is the best, but Coco likes Dad the most."

   "Also, when playing in the amusement park at night, do you still say that Dad is a fool?"

   "But Dad was a fool at the time, and he couldn't fit the loop."

   "Bear boy, I don't want my father to take you to play in the future, right?"

   "Cocoa is very weird. Don't lie. Mummy Anne once taught Cocoa to tell the truth."


   During the conversation with his daughter, Jin Xiantai was completely defeated.

   He felt that on this issue, he obviously could not be his daughter's opponent, so he wisely chose to change the subject.

   "Okay, Dad started telling you a story. The name of the story is "Brother Calabash"." Kim Hyun-tae took a deep breath, and then began to tell Cocoa vividly about the story.

   And Xiao Keke really focused his attention on the story of "The Calabash Brothers", no longer entangled with the question of whether his father is a fool.

   Hmph, kids are still very easy to deal with.

   Kim Hyun Tae, who was telling the story to his daughter, felt a little smug in his heart.

   A little bit of time passed, Coco fell asleep slowly listening to his father's story as usual.

   The sleeping little guy is quiet, not to mention how cute he looks.

   With a knowing smile, Jin Xiantai quietly got out of the bed and went to the bathroom. After a brief wash, he went back to the bedroom and started to rest after turning off the light.

   Xiao Keke kicked her eight times at night, and she slept around in circles without being honest. Jin Xiantai always re-covered her quilt from time to time and adjusted her sleeping posture.

   And the little guy is not honest even if he falls asleep, the little hand will touch here and there unconsciously, and then touch the chest of the father, Jin Xiantai.

   Like a child of Coco's age, most of them will have such a small bad habit, so as an experienced single father, Kim Hyun Tae certainly does not blame his daughter for this.

   He can't remove the little guy's demon hand, because as long as he removes Coco's little hand, Coco will wake up and cry loudly.

   He learned some parenting knowledge in his last life~lightnovelpub.net~ Knowing that this is a way for children to find a sense of security, so Kim Hyun-tae, who understands this, can only endure silently with his daughter's demon hand.

   When I want to come to Annie, I will be ‘violated’ by the little hands of the coco devil every night.

  Subconsciously, Kim Hyun-tae suddenly thought of Annie.

   Yes, when Annie was there, she took good care of Coco, and Coco liked Annie very much.

   It's a pity that Annie is still pregnant, and she is still twins, so she can't continue her job as a cocoa nanny. This is a pity for Kim Hyun-tae.

   Otherwise, Annie will continue to be with Coco now, and she will be much more relaxed.

   In this way, Kim Hyun-tae was invaded by her daughter's little demon hand, and while chanting about Annie's benefits, he entered a half-sleep and half-awake state, and began to get confused.

   This is an ordinary and late thing. What happens between Kim Hyun Tae and his daughter is also what happens to most parents. There is no difference.

   The little guy slept very heavily, and she slept very sweetly when she slept, but the father, Jin Xiantai, woke up all night, and was so choked by the little guy.

   But as a single father, this kind of thing is also inevitable. Who makes him Coco's father?

   So, in this situation, who else can he take care of without taking care of his daughter? (To be continued.)