Rising America

Chapter 1280: My daddy is not a casual person, but...

"The Cezoni family owed me not only the 3.7 billion U.S. dollars this time, but also a $89.4 million gambling fund."

When the werewolves went to'talk' with Mario, Coco suddenly rang out in the underground black boxing arena. There was also a fellow from the Cezoni family who also owed him money.

Annie raised her hand and hung the tip of Coco's nose, "Little guy, why do you always like to make trouble outside, don't forget, you said a girl, you should learn from ladies."

"I don't want to be a lady, I want to be a devil!"

Before Annie's voice fell, the little guy said that he didn't like being a lady.

Annie shook her head dumbfoundedly, "Okay! Okay! If you are willing to be a great demon king, you must be a great demon king, but today you and the Cezoni family have to deal with this matter properly."

Although Annie is not afraid of the Cezoni family, she is worried that if this matter is not handled properly, it will cause some nasty little troubles.

Moreover, in the Mafia in Las Vegas, the Cezoni family has always been known for its violence and excessive acting style. Simply put, people in this family like to use violence to solve problems.

So if these people don't talk well, God knows if they will be violently assassinated by any conspiracy and tricks in the future.

This kind of thing is not unfounded.

"Mummy, how do you want to talk to them?"

Coco asked curiously.

Annie smiled: "Talk well, otherwise what else can you do."

This is equivalent to not saying.

After Coco said ‘oh’, he stopped asking.

Obviously, Annie didn't plan to discuss this issue with herself.

Oh! what!

Mario's screams kept ringing, and the ghost knew what the werewolves were using, and had a good talk with this guy.

But Coco and Annie both acted indifferently.

Soon, the sturdy young werewolf walked back, holding a **** banana brand mobile phone in his hand.

"Miss, the boss of the Cezoni family said he wants to talk to you."

Annie held Coco in one hand and took the phone in the other.


Annie pressed her phone to her ear, just saying a simple word.

There was a short three-second silence on the other end of the phone, and then a magnetic male voice sounded.

"We don't have to be so stalemate. All this is a misunderstanding, right?"

"Of course I hope it's a misunderstanding."

"Give me an account."

There was no wrangling in the communication. After a few words, the other party asked Annie for an account.

But the look on Annie's face has been somber.

It stands to reason that the other party is willing to lose money, which is a good thing.

But why is she still so ugly?

This was really because Annie didn't believe the other party, and she didn't think the other party could swallow this breath.

3.7 billion dollars!

Did you recognize it so easily?


If you really think that the other party just recognizes it, then Annie is definitely a big brainstorm.

Although Annie is a businessman, it doesn't mean that she doesn't understand people like the Mafia.

After all, to be able to do such a big business as Annie, how could she be the kind of innocent woman who didn't touch black at all.

"Luke, you call up the staff right now, I will give you the address, and then you arrange for your subordinates to clear everyone on the address!"

The young werewolf nodded, then turned and left.

With Coco in Anne's arms, she curiously asked Anne: "Mommy, what's the matter? Isn't the other party already losing money?"

Annie looked at Coco, raised her hand and hung the tip of Coco's nose again, and then explained to Coco: "Because the other party is not at ease at all, Mommy decided to kill them all!"

"Why does Mommy make such a judgment?", Cocoa is not very clear and understanding.

Annie was very patient and continued to explain to the little guy. From human nature to psychology, she launched a very detailed analysis to let the little guy understand why she had such a judgment.

It can be said that Annie is also using this method to educate the little guy.

------split line------

In the northern suburbs of Las Vegas, a luxurious manor built in the desert.

An old man slammed the phone to the ground, his eyes flashing with violent and fierce mansions.

The maids in uniforms around were trembling.

"Damn girl, dare you to speak to me in this way? Does she really think that she has money to keep someone like me out of her eyes? $3.7 billion! I'll give you a shit! I will do it today Use this money to hire someone to kill you!"


After reading a few words, the old man called his housekeeper.

"Immediately arrange manpower for me to ambush that lady at the corner of 36th Street, let all of us bring heavy weapons, and contact Hydra at the same time!"

The housekeeper nodded and left blankly.

The old man waved his hand, causing the trembling maids to retreat.

He was not worried that these maids would leak the secrets, or spread out the words he had just told the housekeeper, because they had to consider them for their families.

After waiting for everyone to leave, the old man pondered for a while. He went to the desk and opened the drawer, and took out an old mobile phone from it.

There is only one number on this old phone, which makes people feel very strange.

The old man pressed the button to dial this number.

After a while, the phone was connected.

"What's the matter? Didn't I say to try not to contact me? Once our relationship is exposed, you should know what will bring you and me!"

After the call was connected, a man complained very rudely.

The old man curled his lips, cursed a "hypocritical politician" in a low voice, and then said: "I'm telling you a piece of news, I hope you are ready, I will shoot Anne soon, this lady must die, so Her politician friend, George, needs you to appease."

The man on the other side of the phone was silent for a long time, and after a few tens of seconds, he looked shocked and asked: "Annie? Which Anne? Isn't it the woman I thought of? You want to shoot her, are you crazy? Now! Do you know what you are doing!"

Perhaps he had already guessed that the other person would react like this, so the old man did not have much mood swings.

"I know what I'm doing! I want to inform you and I hope you can be prepared. Haven't you people at Whiston Bank already coveted? Then what I do is an opportunity for you!

And the wharf, port, shipbuilding, shipping, heavy industry munitions that widows have, I think you want them a long time ago? "

Those businesses that Annie controls, if no one covets it, is a lie.

So when the old man said so, the man on the other end of the phone was silent again.

"Oh, I forgot. The lady here in Nevada also owns an oil field, which has a lot of crude oil reserves."

"You just want to kill that woman?"

"Of course not only, I also want to share my interests."

"Wait until you really kill her! Let me remind you that she is not as simple as you think."

The old man ended the call, with a look of disdain on his face, and whispered in a low voice: "Not easy? It's just a rich stinky lady. Only you politicians will be afraid of these rich people, I Pound. #切佐尼 but not afraid of rich people!"

I have to say that Annie's guess was right.

The old guy called her, he didn't even think about losing money, so he did it only to stabilize Annie.

What Cocoa did in the Brilliant Casino has seriously provoked the face of the Cezoni family.

If the Cezoni family can tolerate it, then they won't have to hang around in Las Vegas in the future, and other families will start to encroach on their interests.

So the Cezoni family must show a gesture.

And his posture is to be put into practical action.

So for the Mafia, the behavior they can perform is of course violence.

Right now, many Mafia forces in Las Vegas are secretly observing the development of the situation.

And right now, the mafia forces here in Las Vegas do not know what kind of terrorist existence the Cezoni family provokes.

They are all like Pound Cezoni, thinking that Annie is nothing more than a rich man.

Ha ha!

I have to say that the information of the Mafia is really not so good.

------split line------

"Mommy, did you say you came to Las Vegas with Dad?"

At this time Coco had left the Brilliant Casino with Annie ~lightnovelpub.net~ and sat in a comfortable car. Coco looked for a topic a little boringly, and chatted with Annie.

Annie nodded: "Yes, Mommy and your father came together, because Mommy has to deal with some trivial matters over the oil field, after all, there is going to be oil production."

The project on the oil field is progressing very fast. With the support of Annie's huge banknotes, it is about to start producing oil now.

So Annie must sit here personally to deal with and solve some of the final key issues.

When the oil is out and they are all on the right track, Annie doesn't have to worry so much.

"Then do you know that Dad went to the Cheng#ren production factory? Then, Mommy, you are not worried at all. I heard that the actresses there are very coquettish and sultry, and they are good at seducing men."

The cocoa kid suddenly mentioned this matter.

Looking at a serious Cocoa, Annie felt that her brain circuit was not in line with Coco's.

Kayla also came over at this time: "Yes, the women there have heard that they are very good at dealing with men, and they have big butts and big breasts. Aunt Annie, aren't you worried?"

Annie didn't know this question, how should she communicate with the two little kids.

After all, they are only that old.

"Then Coco, do you think your father is a casual person?" Annie asked Coco back, then turned her gaze to Keira, "Perhaps you think Uncle William is a guy who can only think with his lower body. ?"


The two little guys were asked rhetorically, and both showed a thoughtful look.

For a long time, Coco said, "Of course my father is not a casual person, but I'm afraid he is not a human being if he gets up casually."

Anne shivered with this remark...