Rising America

Chapter 1288: Harley Quinn

Working on the first day, I met enthusiastic new friends.

I was only planning to listen to a rock scene, but unexpectedly encountered unexpected situations one after another.

First, a blood clan from France clashed with the native blood clan in the United States, followed by several demon hunters from the heretical court.

In short, any good mood tonight was ruined by these guys.

Therefore, the current Nuwa was very upset.

So she intends to show those demon hunters a little bit more power.

Of course, Nuwa was a secret hand.

The liquid mixed with black dog blood and feces can get rid of the blessings of the gods in the case of the demon seed. With the mentality of trying it out, Nu Wa secretly summoned several little ghosts.


For a while, it was really stinking.

But let alone the weapon that originally exuded a sacred halo, it was no longer glorious at this time, and it was obvious that Nu Wa was successful.

Without the advantage of equipment, these demon hunters will inevitably fall into a disadvantaged situation.

As a Nuwa who changed the situation on the court, she hid her merit and fame deeply, pinched her nose and quietly left the basement. Of course, she did not forget to drag Giovanni out.

Outside, after Nuwa hid Giovanni, she left this place.

Nu Wa was not interested in knowing the outcome between Lilith and the Demon Hunter.

After all, Nuwa knew very well that she would not stay here for a long time in the United States, and then she would return to China.

Therefore she is just a passer-by.

Whether it is a vampire or a witch hunter, although Nu Wa looks fresh, she will never explore it.

But in any case, what I have experienced today can be regarded as an adjustment to Nuwa's boring days.

------split line------

"Miss, we asked, they were all hired by the Cezoni family."

Nuwa went back to her residence, and things on Las Vegas had obviously come to an end.

The werewolves have wiped out the three waves of attackers, and the two little guys, Coco and Kayla, used the first wave of attackers to death.

Listening to the information obtained after the werewolves interrogated the prisoners, Annie was not surprised at all. In fact, she also guessed that the Cezoni family did this.

"Notify the Noord butler and ask him to send some more people over. Now we are not going back to the oil field. After Andrew brings people over, we will go directly to the Cezoni family manor."

Now that it is Cezoni# Pound, the old guy behind the scenes, there is nothing left to say.

Since they are going to die on their own right now, there is nothing to talk about.

Annie is not that kind of brain-dead.

Therefore, she immediately made a decision to completely kill everyone in the Cezoni family and then seize the Cezoni family's property.

The Annie of today is not the only rich woman.

Due to her excessively low-key behavior, so far, few people know that she has inherited most of the gods of the Olympus gods, as well as the gods of the Nordic gods, and after fusing these gods, they have become two The new **** of the big line.

So if anyone thinks that Annie is good for bullying, and then rashly asks Annie for trouble, then it must be the other party who is unlucky in the end.

Today, Pound Cezoni made such a mistake.

The old guy thought that Annie was just a rich woman, a good one, and soon he would know how outrageous he was.

More importantly, this old guy had a murderous intention.

So this also made Annie make a decision to drive out the Cezoni family.

Anyway, the Cezoni family is a notorious mafia family, so Annie feels that it is a good thing for the people to get rid of these scumbags.

So Annie has nothing to adapt to psychologically.

Moreover, Annie itself is not the kind of weak greenhouse flower. As a successful female capitalist, Annie certainly knows when to be cold-hearted.

After receiving a call from the werewolf, Nord, the old butler on the oil field, immediately summoned hundreds of werewolves who were doing security work here in the oil field and rushed to the accident site mightily.

And Annie was in the place where she was attacked in her spare time, patiently waiting for the arrival of Old Nord.

------split line------

"What are you going to do? I spent money to let you kill the stinky lady Annie, not let you kill me, are you crazy!"

While Anne was waiting for Old Nord, in a manor house in the northwestern suburbs of Las Vegas, the boss of the Cezoni family, Pound #Cezoni was tied to a chair with a very serious expression. Anxiously, he looked at a man with clown makeup in front of him, yelling hoarsely.

Pound's fat and bloated body was tightly tied with two loops of twine.

As an ordinary person, he wants to break free, obviously this is impossible.

In front of his eyes, stood dozens of strangers, one of whom was a person with clown makeup.

"Pound! You don't think we are here for the hire money, do you? Can't you just think about other things with your brain that only knows playing with women?"

The man with clown makeup leaned down, and looked at Pound pityingly.

Under this guy's gaze, Pound's eyes were full of fear and despair.

"I have no intersection with you!"

"Well, it seems you need me to make some hints."

The person with the clown makeup regretfully spread his hands, and two sturdy men walked out behind her.

Upon seeing this, Pound appeared more disturbed, and his body twisted violently.

It's a pity that he, who has been firmly bound, can do nothing more.

"Peel off his thighs and be careful not to remove them."

The guy with the clown makeup is a woman, and she is still a woman with a very hot body, but the order she gave is chilling.

The rags blocked Pound's mouth, and the two strong men divided the work. One controlled Pound with his hands to keep him from moving, and the other took out a sharp scalpel and began to peel the skin on Pound's thigh.

There is no anesthetic, just like this.


Pound's struggle was intense.

"You dare to swallow my goods from the Knights of San Juan, and you killed my transporter! Now you should know why we came to you?"

The woman with clown makeup revealed the reason for her presence here with her subordinates.

Pound nodded repeatedly.

The woman motioned to let go of the hand covering Pound's mouth.

Pound gulped and looked at the woman with clown makeup in fear.

"You are Harley Quinn! Harley Quinn from the Knights of San Juan in Tijuana!"


The woman snapped her fingers!

In the next second, she drew the dagger from her waist and fiercely inserted Pound's skinned thigh. At the same time, she blocked the opponent's mouth again with her hand, and then turned the dagger vigorously. under.

Pound twitched and rolled his eyes.

"Wake him up for me! It's not so easy to die."

Several Mexican men began to get busy. Some were responsible for giving Pound an infusion, and some were responsible for stopping Pound's bleeding.

The fluid used in the infusion is adrenaline, which is to keep Pound awake so as not to faint again so easily.

The purpose of stopping the bleeding is to allow the boss of Hallie to be able to "play" happily.

"Forgive me! Please forgive me!"

Pound, who was awakened, begged for mercy when he spoke.

"Why do people like you always feel that you are invincible at the beginning, but in the end they are so confused?"

Hallie curled her lips, and didn't mean to forgive Pound at all. Instead, she mocked the other person.

"You know the style of our Knights of San Juan. The killing of the whole family is all in pediatrics, skinning, cramping and decapitation. This is what we often do."

Halle smiled and watched Pound said such a thing.

She didn't say a paragraph, which made Pound even more desperate.

Indeed, the newly emerging ‘San Juan Knights’ organization in Mexico has a fierce and cruel style of action, always beheading the belt and cramping at every disagreement. This style of action makes people shudder.

It is precisely because of this cruel and sturdy means of acting that San Juan has established itself in the Mexican underworld in just one year, and even some established organizations have been overthrown by them.

Today, the Knights of San Juan, based in the border city of Tijuana, controls the important passage for Mexico to enter the United States and has started a lucrative drug business.

And with the passage of time, the tentacles of the San Juan Knights ~lightnovelpub.net~ also began to extend and develop toward the United States.

And the grievances between the Knights of San Juan and the Cezoni family represented by Pound is because Pound used the black method to steal a lot of valuable forbidden drugs.

The Knights of San Juan were cruel, but it was also in Mexico.

Here in the United States, especially Las Vegas, here is the world of the Mafia.

Even if you're a long way to go, but here you have to hold it tightly and shrink!

It was under the influence of this mentality that Pound stole the goods from the Knights of San Juan, which caused Harley Quinn, the boss of the Knights of San Juan, to appear in his manor.

At this time, the gunmen of the Cezoni family in the manor had all been killed, and their bodies fell on the lawn not far away. Harley Quinn and the others didn't even mean to move the bodies.

With such a sturdy approach to the door, showing a strong combat power, coupled with the rumors of the San Juan Knights, especially the crazy perverted methods of the "Harley Quinn" Harley Quinn, how could Pound not counsel .

What a heroic spirit!

Pound had long been left behind.

"You robbed us of 80 million dollars worth of goods! But for me, the value of the goods is trivial, and I can't afford to lose face!

If you don't find face with you, don't people outside think that our San Juan Knights are good for bullying!

So at this point, you can't blame me! All this is because of your stupidity and greed..."

Harley Quinn's remarks were thoughtful.

Basically, I can't fault it at all.

Anyone who listened would have to say that Pound was at fault.

"Well, my time is precious. Give me his skin and hang it on the gate of the manor. I want everyone to know that it will provoke the San Juan Knights to the end, and the Mafia is no exception!"