Rising America

Chapter 1292: Because invincible, so boring

Youdao means ‘killing and setting fire to a gold belt’.

Put this sentence on Cocoa, it is not wrong at all.

Of course, the meaning of this sentence is not so positive energy, even very negative energy.

But it is undeniable that the little guy did gain a lot of wealth by virtue of her ability to guard against the sky.

I won’t talk about it in New York. After the collapse of the five major Mafia families, the sites and businesses they left behind are now in the hands of the little guys. Although Hilda and the others are now helping to manage and operate them, the profits they earned in the end are lacking. A lot of money went into the little guy's bank account.

Think about it, the businesses left by the five major Mafia families in New York can give cocoa a huge return every month.

If it weren't for Coco's mischief, let Hilda and the others kill those guys. After thinking about it, the little guys can't control this part of the huge benefits.

In the morning, she went to New York to help Hilda and the others kill the people who joined hands. Before coming to Las Vegas in the afternoon, Hilda and the others mentioned that they are going to resume the garbage collection and disposal industry in New York. Listen Said that the profit is huge.

Back then, the five major Mafia families in New York were in control of the entire New York garbage collection and waste recycling business.

This shows how there can be no huge interests in it.

If not, how can the five mafia run this business?

Now, Coco is about to get the right to operate the Brilliant Casino again. I have to say that Xiongzi's luck is really undesirable, and it is impossible to put any good things on her.

The reason why the little guy is about to obtain the right to operate the brilliant casino is also because of Pound being killed.

Therefore, every time the little guy gains benefits, it is premised that someone is unlucky.

Therefore, it confirms the phrase "murder and arson gold belt".

Of course, Pound's death has nothing to do with Cocoa.

But this does not prevent the little guy from benefiting from it.

Pound’s huge manor had no living persons. After some searching, Anne and the others found the ownership documents of the Brilliant Casino in the manor, the real estate certificate of this manor.

I didn't find any deposits, because they were all taken by Harley Quinn's men.

Although Pound is dead, as long as he obtains the bank account documents, Harley Quinn can take the money from the bank through the CIA relationship.

It's the casino and real estate that Halle didn't take a fancy to, so it was cheaper to stay.

Of course, although the owner of the casino and the manor will be changed, the procedures are somewhat troublesome, but no matter what, the little guy is about to reap the benefits.

The reason why it is said to be the benefits of ‘coming soon’ is mainly because in addition to the complicated procedures, other Italian mafia families in Las Vegas need to be settled.

Only after the change is successful and the other Mafia families in Las Vegas are settled, the brilliant casino production capacity will eventually become an ‘industry’ toy under the name of the little guy.

So when the little guy was excited with the casino ownership documents he found, Annie started to think about how to change the power.

Regarding the Brilliant Casino, Annie herself has no idea, but seeing Coco like it so much, she thinks it's better to give it to the little guy.

Anyway, in the end, there are no cheap people outside.

Annie and the others have left Las Vegas. After all, Pound has been killed, and there is no point for them to stay.

Originally, menacingly brought people to the door, but unexpectedly, someone killed Pound first, so that Annie and the others had nowhere to do it.

But anyway, it is a good thing that Pound was killed.

Who made this guy an enemy that Annie would kill.

Since he dared to send someone to attack his party, even if he was not killed by others, he would be killed by Annie and the others in the end.

Therefore, there is no second ending for Pound, it is a death no matter how you look at it.

But Annie did not expect that Pound would die so miserably and be skinned alive...

WA United Oilfield Headquarters Building

The WA oil field located in the desert of Nevada, with the investment of a large sum of money from Annie and Jin Xiantai, the construction took shape in a short time.

Pieces of buildings have been erected, and some of them have been put into use.

The people who came here looked at the cranes, scaffolding, and various construction machinery, as well as busy construction workers like ants.

This desert, which was originally barren, has become very lively.

Since it is necessary to establish a headquarters here and build the oil field into an oil city in the future, the construction of infrastructure cannot be avoided.

But if you want to build a city on this desert, there are many difficulties.

First, there is the problem of water sources.

How can a city be built without water?

Fortunately, this question can't trouble Annie.

Thanks to Andrew's technical support, Annie can easily get a large amount of fresh water from 01 time and space and store it in a special location underground in this desert. This method is the same as getting oil from 01 time and space.

After solving the problem of fresh water, there is nothing left.

Build roads! Build a house! The construction of various infrastructure facilities, even the planning is planned in accordance with a city.

A large number of construction teams, in terms of green dollars, gathered in this place from various places, signed a construction agreement with Annie, and then invested in the construction tide.

It is foreseeable that once the city on the oil field is built in the future, Annie and Jin Xiantai will still have cocoa, and they will definitely become the big landlords of this city.

When this place develops, all three of them will be softened when collecting rent.

After all, Annie had already bought all of the desert with a radius of more than 3,000 square kilometers, and then distributed it to Kim Hyun Tae and his daughter, and the three of them jointly controlled the land.

Moreover, because of the oil resources of 01 time and space, Annie predicts that in the future this place will prosper because of the oil she has obtained, and the city will attract a large number of people to gather here.

As long as the oil does not dry up for a day, then she and her father and daughter Kim Hyun Tae can rely on this city to earn endless wealth.

But before that, Annie still needs to get some guys who covet the wealth under this desert.

"The people in the Clofey Consortium still hope to talk to you, Miss. They hope to use their oil company shares in exchange for the same amount with you."

After returning to the oil field, Annie left the dead ghost Pound behind.

It is a very unwise thing to bother for a dead person.

So after Anne returned to the oil field, she devoted herself to work again.

The headquarters building as a whole has not been completed, but some of it has been put into use.

After all, Annie didn't want to go to the oil field and still have to deal with work in the board room, so when a part of the headquarters building was repaired, she insisted on letting the repaired part be put into use.

The high-horsepower central air conditioner operates 24 hours a day, and the headquarters building has an unparalleled coolness outside. This is the most coveted enjoyment in the hot Nevada desert.

Outside the building, dozens of workers are building flower beds, lawns and roads.

In the construction of this piece, Annie is willing to spend money.

According to her idea, the whole city is to be built into an oasis in the desert.

Of course, this is indispensable for Andrew's technical support.

It is foreseeable that when the construction is almost done, Andrew will use the black technology he has mastered to improve a small part of the desert, and finally become an oasis or anything.

According to Anne's mind and Andrew's character, the land that can be improved in the end is only a small part, and it will not involve all the desert land area that Anne bought.

After all, with greenery and livability, the land on which the city is finally built is valuable.

"Rejecting them, it's just wishful thinking. Do I look like an idiot? Or do I look like a woman who is easily fooled? These guys in the Clophy consortium treat me like a brain-dead. "

Without even thinking about it, Annie gave a refusal answer.

The old butler, Nord, recorded Anne’s attitude, and prepared to feed it back to the Clophy family in a while.

"They are actually a temptation, in case they succeed. After all, this can bring great benefits, so I understand what they did.

Of course, understanding belongs to understanding, but I don't necessarily agree with them.

After all, I am in a different position from them. I need to consider it for you and stand on your side.

So, those members of the Cloffe family are opponents in my eyes. "

Old Nord was making notes, while talking to his own lady about his views.

Annie looked at her old housekeeper, then smiled and said: "Indeed, from the perspective of a businessman, it is understandable for them to do this. After all, I have done this kind of thing like them, so I It's not much noble than them, and it can even be said that they and I are the same kind of people."

At this point, Annie paused for a while, and then went on.

"But after all, this kind of thing happened to me, it's not that comfortable after all."

While talking, Annie quickly browsed through the files in her hand~lightnovelpub.net~ and took her pen to sign her name.

On her hand, there is also a thick stack of documents, all of which need to be reviewed by her, or made a decision and signed for execution.

"I miss the two little guys Zhiyu and Chenghua a bit. I don’t know how they have been with their masters in China? If the two little guys can have half the skills of their sisters, then I will be a mother from now on There is no need to worry about them."

While chatting, Annie thought of Dabao and Erbao.

Although she resisted leaving the two little guys in China, after all, she was a mother and it was impossible to say that she didn't miss them at all.

Coco and Kayla, who followed Anne to the oil field, began to wander outside boringly.

"Boring, New York in the morning and Las Vegas in the afternoon. Both places are quite boring. I find it boring to fight too much. Would you feel that way too?"

While strolling around, Coco took out a posture of'invincible and lonely', and asked old-fashionedly about his companion Kayla...