Rising America

Chapter 1293: Kayla's proposed game

Coco lamented the boring life. The reason why she felt this way at a young age was that she felt that she was invincible and too lonely.

Who would have thought that a bear child under three years old would be lonely because of invincibility, and sent out such an old-fashioned emotion.

If Coco's father Jin Xiantai was here, after listening to his daughter's emotions, he would definitely draw the back of the little guy's head.

After all, a bear child expresses such emotion, what do adults like them think.

In fact, it's no wonder Coco thought this way.

Who made the little guy really never met an opponent?

Regardless of whether it was Hydra or the opponents encountered in China Travel, basically they did not have the slightest power to fight back in the hands of the little guy, and were violently beaten by the bear kid.

Therefore, after repeated victories, it is inevitable that bear children will have a mentality of ‘invincible loneliness’, and gradually feel bored.

This is not to blame Coco, whoever is like Coco will have such a mentality.

After all, the little guy is young, and I don’t know that there are so many interesting things in life. As far as the little guy’s age is concerned, now she may just think it’s okay to mess around. Finding some organizations and forces to fight is life.

It is precisely because of this that it is normal for her to feel bored now.

After all, if anyone is always looking for a fight like Coco, doing this kind of thing will feel boring.

The temperature in the Nevada desert is very high, especially in the summer season.

Annie is much better, because part of the oilfield headquarters building has been completed and put into use at her strong request. Therefore, sitting in an office with air-conditioning and a cool breeze is better than working in the sun. Much stronger.

Of course, in order to make money and support the family, the construction team here can tolerate everything. Even if the temperature seems to be able to melt people, they are still working orderly.

After all, it is not easy to make money. What if you want to make money and suffer a little bit of hardship these days?

Moreover, Annie’s price is not low. Both the contractor of the construction team and the workers under the construction team can get 30% more salary than before. This is already worth their hard work.

The two little guys stood in the shadows in front of the headquarters building, watching the people around them working tensely and earnestly, with the scorching sun above them.

"Kayla, think about it, what else is fun? We have to pass this boring time."

Cocoa was a little bit disappointed, and looked devoid of energy, asking her good friend Kayla to think about what's fun.

To be honest, the bear kid has been very happy today.

In the morning, we met in New York.

Gamble in Lasgas in the afternoon.

Compared with other children, Cocoa is not only different, it is far from what ordinary children can compare.

Logan walked out of the lobby of the headquarters building with a cigar in his mouth and saw two little guys chatting quietly in the shadow on the left side of the door.

After taking a sigh of smoke, and then spitting out a big smoke ring, Logan really didn't know how he should evaluate Coco, his little employer.

Because Logan has lived for two to three hundred years, he has never seen such a strange **** kid as Coco.

[I hope my daughter will not be the same as the little boss, otherwise I really don’t want to live. 】

Because he believed the words "his family is still alive" said by Nuwa, Logan would fantasize about the appearance of a daughter he had never met.

In Logan's imagination, his daughter is cute, beautiful, and has a very good personality.

So he didn't want his daughter to be as weird as Cocoa.

[Forget it, why should I think about this kind of thing, like the little boss, there will not be many in the world, and my daughter can never be the same as the little boss. 】

Logan grinned and shook his head, feeling that he was thinking too much.

Then he lifted his leg and walked towards Coco and Kayla.

"Coco, your mommy told you not to run around, and when she finishes handling things here, she will take you back to Los Angeles at night."

After arriving in front of the little guy, Logan said to Coco what Annie had said.

Although Annie was doing something, she didn't ignore Coco, the bear boy, and asked Logan to watch Coco deliberately, and the little guy in the province wanted to mess around.

After all, it's not a day or two to get along with Coco, and Annie basically knows what virtue is a bear child.

So when she saw that the bear child did not follow her to the office, she knew that she had to let someone go and watch the bear child to pay it back.

Sure enough, before Logan came out, Coco had already asked Kayla to help him figure out what else was'fun', that is to say, as long as Kayla came up with an idea, then Coco would put it into practice... What an amazing idea is that.

Because the little guy is very boring now, she needs to find something ‘fun’ to cheer up, so she doesn’t care what the idea of ​​a good friend is.

Therefore, when Coco Hear Logan conveyed Annie's explanation, his unhappy little face collapsed, and that little face looked very funny.

Logan couldn't help but cocked the corners of his mouth when he looked at the crumbled little guy.

In fact, if Coco wasn't messing around, he would still come by a very likable child, and his small appearance looked very rare, and it could be said to be a killer of East and West.

It's just because the little guy has a strange character, which is very hard to compliment.

It's no wonder that anyone who has a girl like Coco who likes to mess around will have a very headache thinking about it.

Regarding this, Logan still admires Coco's father, Kim Hyun Tae.

After all, there is a daughter like Coco, Jin Xiantai can still live so nourishing, it is really not easy to think about it.

Thinking in another way, Logan felt that if he had a daughter like Coco, he would never live as relaxed as Jin Xiantai. He must be very nervous every day.

Because the bear kid doesn't know when it will cause a big mess, and then waits for someone to wipe his butt.

"It's over, I'm going back to Los Angeles with Mommy tonight."

A very reluctant look appeared on the little guy's face. Obviously, she has no interest in returning to Los Angeles at night, and she still wonders how to continue playing outside.

But Coco also knew that now that she saw Mummy Annie and was brought to the oil field by her, then she definitely couldn't go around playing around.

Otherwise, Mummy Anne told his father, and his father knew that he was fooling around outside during the day, he would definitely be angry.

And to make his father angry is something Coco does not want to see.

So she could only listen to Annie's explanation obediently, and be honest in the rest of the time, and stop making mischief.

But the problem is, although the child bears scruples that she will be fooling around and will be known by her father and thus restrain, how can she pass the boring time during this time when Annie is working?

Well, this is a more confusing question.

"Boss, I thought, how about let's go to the world of reincarnation to vent? In reality, mischief may make your mom annoyed, but we should have no problem going to other worlds, right?

I want to come no matter how crazy we do, people there can't come to our world to sue, right? "

Kayla spent a lot of brain cells, and finally made her think of a good idea, and she also said so well, it really sounds like a little bit of truth.

In the real world, there is a great chance that it will cause trouble, and then let Mummy Anne and even her father know, and then get angry with herself.

But it's different in the world of reincarnation space.

As Kayla said, even if they destroyed the world, the suffering master has no way to sue, and even in the real world, no one cares at all.

Therefore, the world of reincarnation is indeed a good place.

So Coco was said to be very exciting.

When Kayla saw Coco very moved ~lightnovelpub.net~, she continued to sneer and said, "Boss, you are not saying that there are many different worlds in your reincarnation world. The last time we went to the end times, then This time we can play in another world. For example, how about going to a world of great nautical age to be a pirate? I think being a pirate is very interesting."

Cocoa's eyes flickered, but anyone familiar with Cocoa would know it very well, which shows that Cocoa was really moved.

As Kayla's voice fell, Coco nodded: "Well, it's quite interesting to be a pirate. By the way, we can still play trade, rob or something, ha! Suddenly I have energy."

Coco, who was originally boring, finally became interested after listening to Kayla's advice.

Well, this is like a boring child who suddenly discovers that a new toy is a reason.

"Boss, you see that Uncle Logan is very strong. We can make him the captain of the battle sailor, who is responsible for charging and so on. Think about it more vigorously."

In front of Logan, the two little guys had decided to take Logan to play together without his personal consent, and they had also arranged an identity for him.

At this time Logan didn't know what exactly these two little guys were going to do.

He just thought that the little guy wanted to play with him, the kind of naive pirate game that children would play.

Also, Logan didn't know how violent Coco was.

Therefore, it is impossible to clearly understand that the "games" generally played by bear children are not the kind of house-drinking games usually played by little kids.

"Okay! That's it! We are going to be pirates, and we will continue to play until Mummy Anne finishes everything she has in her hands."

After that, I made up my mind and decided to go to other worlds to have fun...