Rising America

Chapter 1295: Because he is ugly

? "Frost?"

An image of a quiet girl in a white dress appeared in Kim Hyun Tae's mind.

Jin Xiantai is no stranger to this girl.

After all, she also has a certain status in a famous comic in another world.

It's just that she became a living beautiful girl in another time and space, and she also had an intersection with Selena, which surprised Jin Xiantai.

So when he first saw Frost, he was very impressed with this girl, as deeply as he did for Harley Quinn.

"You let her follow me to Vietnam?"

Jin Hyuntae, who had many thoughts but could not see anything on his face, looked at Harley Quinn, who was sitting in front of him with a friendly smile on his face, very confused.

To be honest, Kim Hyun-tae didn't think that there would be no hidden secrets behind Harley Quinn’s arrangement.

Although the Joker is also a living girl here in another time and space, the nasty character in her bones is exactly the same as in the comics.

Therefore, Kim Hyun Tae has a strong guard against Harley Quinn.

After all, Harley Quinn is not a simple girl, she is comparable to the existence of the big boss clown in Gotham City. If you underestimate this girl, God knows if the future will be bad luck.

"Yes, it's Frost. It seems that you have a deep impression of her. When I said you remembered her." Harley Quinn has been observing Kim Hyun Tae's reaction, so she realized that Kim Hyun Tae knew what she was doing. After talking about who it was, I got a little surprise in my heart.

Because in Harley Quinn, it is difficult for men like Jin Xiantai to remember their little shrimps. After all, the people who haunt Jin Xiantai every day are those hot girls who want to look good and have a body.

It's just that Harley Quinn doesn't know. Kim Hyun Tae's life is not what she imagined, but rather monotonous and boring. Even he himself is not the kind of man who uses his lower body to think about problems.

"I think you'd better tell me your real plan, otherwise I really won't promise to help you, even if I know you are under Selena, you are essentially a CIA officer."

But without waiting for Harley Quinn to be happy, the next second Kim Hyun-tae said something that made Harley Quinn's face collapse.

"You are really a man who is incomprehensible. Don't you think that rejecting a beautiful woman like me is very unmannered."

Harley Quinn leaned forward slightly, allowing Jin Xiantai to follow her collar easily and see the whiteness under her neck. God knows if she did it on purpose.

At the same time, Hallie still had a sad expression on her face, pouting her little pink mouth, and screaming at Kim Hyun Tae.

Ha ha!

Oh my god, it's really rare that Harley Quinn would do this.

You know, in the Knights of San Juan, Harley Quinn has always been known for her cruelty and cruelty, making her Mexican subordinates scared to death.

If her men were to know that their cruel and cold boss would seduce him in front of a man, and even sell cute, it is estimated that those guys must think that the world is about to end.

"We can't talk about that between you and me. After all, we are not even friends, so put yours away." Instead of being impressed by Hallie, Kim Hyun-tae returned instead. He said something rudely with a cold face.

Harley Quinn was a little bit annoyed, and felt that Kim Hyun-tae was too confused about the style, but she made a lot of determination to do so by herself.

Doesn't he understand, actually he is embarrassed!

But Harley Quinn was not an ordinary girl after all, she adjusted her mentality quickly, and there was no emotional fluctuation in her face.

He retracted his forward leaning body, made it again in his seat, and adjusted his collar with both hands, as if nothing had happened.

"How can you say this? Although we haven't seen you a few times, I regard you as a friend. Now hearing you say that, I am really sad to die."

Kim Hyun Tae made a gesture to stand up and leave, but he didn't have Xianxin and Harley Quinn to make fun of him here.

Seeing Kim Hyun Tae standing up to leave, Harley Quinn came to stop him, and then began to tell his plan.

After being stopped by Harley Quinn and sitting back in position, Kim Hyun-tae complained that the clown girl in front of her heart was a cheap bone, and she had to ‘intimidate’ himself before submitting.

"I heard that among the US troops stationed in South Vietnam, there are a group of alien troops. Among them are powerful mutants, supernatural beings, and even vampires and werewolves. So I plan to let Frost come in contact with these people and see what they are. Is there anyone in China who can do something for me after he is discharged."

Harley Quinn’s plan turned out to be this!

After listening to Harley Quinn telling her plan, Kim Hyun-tae couldn't help being a little surprised and puzzled.

Yes, the fake Harley Quinn is the leader of the new Mexican underworld organization "San Juan Knights". This organization controls Tijuana and other border cities that border the United States. Just sit there and fight every day. Gold.

Not to mention that this organization, under the management of Harley Quinn, also began to produce and sell banned drugs to the United States, earning a lot of dollars every day.

According to Jin Xiantai, according to the information disclosed by the United States Drug Trafficking Agency, the annual net income of the Knights of San Juan can reach hundreds of billions of dollars (60% of which must be turned over to the CIA for use on the secret front, and only 40% can be used by Kazakhstan. Li Quinn stayed to develop the organization and maintain profit.)

So to put it bluntly, Harley Quinn is not short of money.

At the same time, because of being a secret CIA officer, Harley Quinn can completely ask for manpower from the CIA to defend her position and fight against external forces and some potential internal provocatives.

So why is she looking for someone in Nanyue?

This is not necessary at all.

If you have money these days, you can't recruit people! ?

It was this consideration that made Jin Xiantai very puzzled, and could not figure it out.

Seeing Kim Hyun Tae's puzzled look, Harley Quinn simply told the truth and did not conceal anything from Kim Hyun Tae.

After all, Harley Quinn knew very well that the handsome boy in front of her was the dream lover of her immediate boss, Selena, and the person who was about to be given a senior title in the CIA.

So there is no need to conceal anything.

Besides, the biggest beneficiary of this plan of my own is Selena, just a little bit of it will follow the tide to rise.

Then, after Jin Xiantai knew his plan, it was impossible to play Yin behind him.

Without these worries, Harley Quinn would certainly have no worries.

"Isn't your organization very rich? Why do you use this method to recruit people? Besides, don't you understand that this will cause trouble?"

Kim Hyun Tae asked a series of questions one after another.

Indeed, aside from the fact that money can be recruited, it is the fact that Hallie extends her tentacles to the American troops stationed in South Vietnam. If it is spread, she will cause herself a big trouble.

And her identity in the CIA is also a secret, and not many people know it.

Therefore, if the military finds fault, it is likely that Halle will be abandoned, and then caught up in the pursuit of CIA agents.

After all, the staff arranged by the CIA, it is not so glorious to get an organization like the "San Juan Knights" in Mexico to collect secret funds.

Therefore, extinction has become inevitable.

Even Selena will be implicated at that time.

You know, Harley Quinn was recruited by Selena at the beginning.

So as the guarantor, once Harley Quinn got rid of the problem, Selena would also be in trouble.

Looking at the frowning Kim Hyun-tae, Harley Quinn calmly explained: "I just put a name in the CIA, and I also have a name in S.H.I.E.L.D., and don’t you know that the boss Selena has already existed? Get rid of S.H.I.E.L.D. and stand alone? So as a subordinate, I need to plan for my boss, Selena.

And because Selena and the CIA are so close, Fury at S.H.I.E.L.D. is already a little dissatisfied with her. Assigning her to China is actually a disguised exile. "

When Selena went to China with her, Jin Xiantai didn't think too much, just thought it was the arrangement of the superior.

But now what Harley Quinn said, it seems that this is not the case at all. There are deep reasons why I don’t understand it~lightnovelpub.net~ Isn’t SHIELD also affiliated with the CIA? Why did Fury exile Selena in disguise? "

Because it is not clear, Kim Hyun-tae wants to ask.

Harley Quinn sighed and looked at Jin Xiantai seriously and explained: "S.H.I.E.L.D. is subordinate to the CIA, but now that Ferry has taken control of S.H.I. The forces are organized.

Selena contacted the CIA and arranged for me to establish the Knights of San Juan. In addition to turning over funds to S.H.I.E.L.D., she also paid a secret fund to the CIA every month, which made Fury very upset. so……"

These things Harley Quinn said, you can know what's going on with a little thought.

However, the CIA and S.H.I.E.L.D. were not in harmony. Selena's doing so made Fury upset, and then there was such an arrangement for Selena to go to China to hide.

For a time, Kim Hyun-tae's sense of Fury was extremely bad.

Of course, from beginning to end, Kim Hyun-tae didn't think Fury was terrible.

And in any case, Selena can be regarded as her friend in this world, and Fury has never cared about herself in this way, damn!

"Since Fury has exiled Selena in disguise, then I think I can take this opportunity to absorb people for Selena, so that she can have her own power system, and then she can break away from S.H.I.E.L.D. Ferry's restraint and control.

And I think the CIA is definitely happy to see it happen.

More importantly, I was displeased with the one-eyed black bald head, this guy was ugly, and he was very stingy. "

While talking, Harley Quinn started to digress a bit, firing at Fury's appearance...