Rising America

Chapter 1296: Play a game and open cheats...

The port of Lisbon was billowing with black smoke, and some buildings were turned into ruins. Tomato Novel Network

The three-deck battleship flying the black skull and crossbones is constantly bombarding the harbor at sea.

The elves of the world of reincarnation brought the pirate fleet she requested to Cocoa, and these fleets were based on the little guy's request. They were wooden British heavy battleships that had spanned one or two hundred years of this era.

The little guy obviously didn't consider whether this kind of pirate fleet composed of battleships would be against the peace in this current era.

Anyway, the little guy thinks, as long as he can have fun.

And these battleships are far from being as simple as they seem.

There are 21st century equipment inside, such as modern and intelligent captain’s room, bedroom, sailor’s lounge, kitchen, cold storage, etc., and even solar power equipment is installed on the ship, and propellers are pretended under the ship.

This is equivalent to saying that the bear boy’s pirate ship pair is simply opened.

However, because it is not the reality of different time and space, the bear child certainly does not take that into consideration.

They just regard the world of reincarnation as a playground where they can do whatever they want...

In the end, it can only be said that in this plane-dimensional world, it is really a great tragedy to encounter the bear child who comes.

At this time, Coco and Kayla, as well as the three of Logan, who always thought their experience was amazing, were no longer here at the port terminal, but came to the pirate fleet.

When Logan discovered the little secret hidden on the ship, it was also quite speechless.

A game still uses cheats, is that interesting!

This is Logan's personal opinion.

But for the bear children, there is no need to think about it at all. What they care about is whether they can have fun and play happily, as long as they can be happy and happy, what about using cheats.

Besides, there are a lot of people who play single-player games who like to use cheats, but it's not the only one who likes these.

The sailors created by the elves are busy on the deck, and the gunners in the cabin are even more busy.

The shells were shot out one by one, and they landed in the black smoky Lisbon port. The little guy stood on the bow of the ship and looked elated.

"The three Spanish warships stationed here have been killed, and now the whole of Lisbon is undefended for us. Our 30 pirate ships that are open can looting the city!"

I don't know when Coco put on a blindfold, put on a pirate costume, and was very energetic to express his opinion to Kayla beside him.

Playing pirate games with a computer is far from being more realistic for children.

But if you want to come to the world to play like this, only Coco and her little buddies can play.

"Order the shore for a while and let the sailors come ashore to rob. The sailors will look at you when they arrive, and don't forget to remind these little scumbags that we only need money and don't harass women and children."

The next second, Captain Coco, who was already in the state, gave Logan an order to prepare for landing.

In the face of Coco's order, Logan could only respond with rolling eyes.

Fortunately, Coco didn't care about Logan's reaction.

Afterwards, Coco looked at Kayla, who also changed into a pirate costume, and said: "Adjutant Kayla, I order you to lead half of the ships to search for and destroy the Spanish ships to rescue."

Kayla raised his hand solemnly and hammered his chest "Yes!"

It can be seen that the two little guys are very entertaining.

When it comes to playing games, children are very serious.

"Hehe, boss, I originally wanted to play a duel."

"Oh, you still want to play like this?"

"Of course, I have always wanted to be a female swordsman."

"Well, after we ransack Lisbon, we will go to Madrid. I heard that the Spanish swordsmen there like to fight at every turn."

Logan shook his head, he could no longer listen, because he suddenly found himself following Coco, his IQ began to decline rapidly.

So that I started to think a lot of weird.

He didn't know if it was because of getting along with the little guy too much.

Anyway, he wants to stay away from the little guy now to calm his mood.

There is a radar on the ship. It can be said that the little guy has opened the hook, which far exceeds the technical level of this era. Even if Spain, which has just annexed Portugal and is full of arrogance, is facing cocoa, it will definitely be beaten. .

After all, the little guy’s 30 pirate ships, in addition to the high-tech products mentioned above, are also equipped with big killers that can turn the tide of war.


Therefore, when the maritime forces of this plane world encounter Coco, there is nothing not to be sad.

Who made the little guy not follow the routine, but chose to use cheats instead.

Even if necessary, the little guy will simply let the reincarnation disc elves directly obliterate the world.

Don't doubt, as the world generated in the cycle of reincarnation, the owner, master, and cocoa absolutely have this ability.

The real world Coco feels boring, and now it has developed into the world of reincarnation, bullying people in these worlds...

"It's a pity that you are not a boy. If you are a boy, I really want to see if you can push a few indigenous noble girls here."

When Logan retreated a bit, the topic of the two little guys, Coco and Kayla, began to gradually deviate.

First of all, Coco said that it is a pity that Kayla is not a boy, otherwise she can expect her to be a noble girl in this world. Basically Coco's mentality is to watch reality shows.

Facing Coco's sigh, Kayla responded eagerly: "Although I am not a boy, I can pretend to be a boy. I think I can try it, which is also fun."

Cocoa is amazing, so is Keira.

Coco just gave an idea, but Kayla followed this idea and simply suggested that Coco, although he is not a boy, can pretend to be a boy to pick up girls for Cocoa.

At the same time, Kayla herself thinks that this game is very fun.

It's just that Kayla didn't think about how much psychological shadow she would bring to the local girls who were soaked by her...

"Oh! Yeah, you can pretend to be a boy, and I can do the same."

Cocoa, by analogy, felt that he could pretend to be a boy with Kayla and deceive the first love of the indigenous girls in this world.

"Boss Coco, let's go to the East!"

Kayla made suggestions again.

"I heard that girls from the East in this era are good to cheat. After all, the two of us don't have much experience. It is better to choose a good girl to cheat."

Kayla really broke down after following Coco.

Now that she was able to come up with such a bad idea, it could be seen that Kayla had gone farther and farther on the way out.

After listening to Kayla's suggestion, Coco pondered a little.

"Let me think about what era is in the East now."

I mean, in fact, the little guy is really asking about the reincarnation elves, otherwise she knows this.

Soon, Coco nodded heavily.

"Okay! After robbing Lisbon, we will have a lot of gold coins. Then we will go to the East to pick up girls with the gold coins. I know that the East is at the end of the Ming Dynasty, and the big ladies there will be easily succeeded by us, ha Hahahaha!"

Coco and Kayla didn't think this decision was bad, on the contrary they just thought it was fun.

They didn't even think about what impact they would have on those girls when they went to the East and really went to pick up girls.

After all, Coco and Kayla didn't really know what was going on between men and women.

For children like them, I just find it exciting and fun, nothing more.

"Uncle Luo and Uncle, when we go to the East, do you want to find a girlfriend?"

Kayla turned her head and shouted at Logan with excitement.

Logan didn't even bother to roll his eyes now, but turned and walked into the cabin.

But Keira turned his head to Coco with a grin, "Look, Uncle Logan is shy."

Oops, I am so self-righteous.

The shelling stopped!

According to Coco's order, the pirate ship was divided in half and patrolled the sea under the leadership of Kaila.

The remaining fifteen ships ~lightnovelpub.net~ quickly sailed to the port of Lisbon, ready to land and raid the city.

Coco standing on the bow of the ship, his eyes are shining.

She changed the blindfold to the other eye and raised the command knife in her hand.

"Brothers! Go ashore to grab money!"


As the ship drew ashore, the sturdy sailors began to rush to the dock.

Due to the shelling, the pirates under Cocoa landed and encountered no resistance at all.

After all, she let thirty pirate ships bombard Lisbon for more than two hours.

Don't ask why there are so many shells on the cocoa boat. Do you think this is a problem after the little guy is turned on?

"Uncle Logan! You are the captain of the charge, why don't you go up and lead the team!"

When Coco, who took on the role of the pirate leader, watched rushing ashore vigorously, he began to looting the doors of the shops on the shore, and suddenly found that Logan was standing firmly behind him, with no intention of going ashore at all.

Logan smiled bitterly and said: "Boss, I don't want to go ashore, can I not play this game?"

Not playing?

How can this work!

You are my role as the captain of the stormtrooper.

Coco immediately pulled her face down.

"No! You can't stop playing! Now you have to go ashore to perform your duties as the captain of the storm!"

Logan was unmoved.

Let him fool around with the bear kids. Seriously, Logan really couldn't do it.

So he thinks he better watch the excitement.

Coco squinted at Logan, and said to Logan in a very awkward tone: "Actually you may not know, I will also be able to find your wife and daughter with the magical method..."

Before Coco could finish speaking, Logan jumped off the bow.

"Boss! I will behave well, you have to help me when the time comes!"