Rising America

Chapter 1302: transaction

The liquid metal robots in the underworld and those underworld warriors knew Cerberus, so when it took its cousin Fenrir into the city lord’s mansion that combined Gothic and Egyptian styles, no one stopped them. .

So Fenrir smoothly followed behind Cerberos and came to the center of the lobby of the City Lord's Mansion.

The lobby of the City Lord’s Mansion, built in the underworld, has a high ceiling. It also has painted tiles that symbolize the cruelty of hell. There are skull reliefs on the surrounding black spar columns. In short, all this renders the City Lord’s Mansion. How gloomy it is to be.

After all, this is the realm of the world, so you can't use those things that symbolize and exaggerate the light.

And in the middle of the lobby, there is a hexagonal crystal shining with black light.

"What is this?"

When Cerberus took Fenrir and stopped in front of the crystal, Fenrir couldn't help but asked curiously.

Cerberus replied: "The life and death of good and evil in the underworld."

Fenrir received a response, and the dog's face showed a sudden realization.

Obviously it knows some of the usefulness of this thing.

"Link to all the forces of the underworld now!"

Standing in front of the hexagonal crystal, Cerberos made a request with a spitting voice.

Immediately, a black light shot out, and it hit Cerberos's body impartially. In the face of this sudden situation, both Fenrir and Cerberos were very calm and did not panic at all.

It can be seen that this black light is not dangerous.

In less than three seconds, a very mechanical voice echoed in the lobby.

Cerberus's dog face is not very good-looking, obviously the phrase "Watch Dog" makes people a little uncomfortable.

However, Cerberus just had an ugly face, but he didn't have any other radical reactions or actions.

Fenrir cracked his mouth behind Cerberos and smirked.

Cerberos turned his head violently and found that his cousin was snickering, so his three dog heads rolled their eyes at his cousin.

"I at least have a watchdog job. Cousin, you are just a pet now, so what right do you have to laugh at me!"


Fenrir was taken aback by being complained by his cousin.

And Fenrir couldn't refute his cousin's complaint at all, because it was indeed like this.

Although "watchdog" doesn't sound good, it is at least a job.

At least Cerberus still has its own position in the underworld.

But looking back at himself, he is completely Coco's pet in captivity. He has no status at all.

So I really don't have the right to laugh at Cerberos.

So Fenrir's dog face suddenly drooped, matching its husky appearance, and it looked funny and pitiful at this moment.


After hitting his cousin, Cerberus felt much better.

At least Fenrir was more tragic than himself, and Cerberus felt very happy.

It is hard to imagine that Cerberus is actually a person (dog) who likes to base his happiness on the suffering of others.

Hexagonal black crystals popped up on a virtual big screen, and a middle-aged man with a Central Asian appearance and a snail curl hairstyle appeared on the big screen.

This is the first force to respond to the link between the Cocoa Realm and it belongs to the Abi realm of Western religion.

It’s hard to believe that the hexagonal crystal, which Cerberus called the "Book of Good and Evil", actually has such a ‘high-tech’ function. Those who don’t know think they have come to the world of science fiction.

But Cerberus didn't react in surprise, as if it had known this situation a long time ago.

Yes, after all, in the myths and legends, it is the watchdog of Hades underworld, maybe it had seen these at that time.

"Where are you a small force that actually contacted us in the Abi Realm? If you have something to say, hurry up, we are very busy here."

The snail head was very rude as soon as he opened his mouth, and he looked impatient.

The main reason for this is that on the side of the snail head, Cerberus's side is displayed as the title of'unknown not to enter the river of the world'.

Compared with the ‘brilliant’ Abi Realm, Coco, which covers an area of ​​only a few hundred square kilometers, is a normal thing for the other party to ignore it.

You know, the area of ​​the land controlled by the ghost king in the Abi realm is no more than how many times the area of ​​the underworld of Coco.

If it wasn't for Coco's Netherworld prefix, and there was an Olympus, people would not respond to the link at all.

Kerberos was not long-winded, and quickly explained the reason why he linked the Abi Realm, and at the same time asked Abi Realm to help find someone.

Faced with this request, the snail head in the projection said the price.

"5 million faith points!"

The price made Cerberos almost jumped up and shouted.

Because this is simply embarrassing yourself.

"Hey! Are you embarrassing us? Just find two people, why the price is so high, don't think I don't understand anything, in the past, this kind of thing was at most a few hundred points of faith."

Cerberus pointed out that he was not Xiao Bai who didn't understand anything, and hoped that the other party would not speak loudly.

But the snail head in the projection curled his lips with contempt, and said: "You are all in the past, and you don't look at what era is now. Can the price be the same as in the past?"

This reason is really strong, and even Cerberus can't refute it.

What's more, what it says about the past is from that time in the age of mythology, and it is now the 21st century.


Cerberus didn't dare to call the shots on this matter, 5 million faith points.

So it intends to ask what Coco means.

The snail head on the opposite side originally thought Cerberus would retreat, but he didn't think that Cerberus was not as he expected.

"I can't take charge of this matter. I need to ask my master."

Cerberos asked the other party to wait a moment.

And this reveals a lot of meanings, one of the most important is that the underworld power represented by Cerberus is capable of producing 5 million faith points.

I'll take it!

This had to surprise the snail head.

You must know that although the major myths and legends are now returning one after another, all forces are also seeking to expand believers and plunder the faith.

But because people in this era are not as easy to fool around as they used to, and because people's behavior has become more intense, the various forces have not progressed so smoothly in this matter.

Therefore, the Olympus Netherworld, which has long since lost the source of faith for the people, can actually come up with 5 million faith points to this matter, and I can't help but surprise the snails.

You know, belief points are not so easy to obtain.

Generally speaking, ten devout believers can provide one faith point to a certain power in a day, and 5 million faith points need at least millions or even tens of millions of believers to accumulate.

But now in Europe, people are basically believers of God, and Olympus is already dead, right?

So how can Olympus come up with so many points of faith on this basis?

So the snail head is not surprised by this.

Of course, from surprise to surprise, the snail head does not envy anything. After all, Buddhism has more sources of belief points, and the number of believers is also huge and stable.

Therefore, there is no need to envy the snail head.

What he was surprised was how could the Olympus Nether Realm, which had already fallen into disrepair, had so many points of faith.

Could it be true as mortal said.

The hexagonal crystal is linked to Cocoa's consciousness.

At this time, the little guy has returned to the mansion, and he is playing a famous arcade game here with Kayla in his own game room.

"If you have something to say quickly, don't disturb me playing games!"

After realizing that Mingyu had linked his consciousness, Coco didn't leave the arcade screen with his eyes, and was very impatient to let Mingyu tell what was going on.

Obviously for Cocoa, playing games is more important to her.

At this moment, the hexagonal crystal was again in the middle of the hall of the Netherland City Lord's Mansion, and a screen was cast out~lightnovelpub.net~ but Cerberus didn't care, and its attention was focused on Cocoa.

On this newly launched big screen, there appeared a woman wearing a Japanese-style witch costume with two tugging straps tied to the left and right sides of her head. She represented Izanami of the Eastern Underworld power Huangquan Kingdom, and she belonged to The gods of Yu Guojin.

Obviously, this Izanami also responded to Olympus' link.

Kerberos had Coco's answer here and felt confident in his heart. Then he raised his three dog heads and looked at the image of the snail rolls and said: "5 million belief points are no problem. My host said that this transaction can be done, but I You can’t make the decision to pay you all at once, you can only pay you 20% as a deposit, and wait until you start to act..."

As a smart guy, Cerberos was quite thoughtful.

If this matter was handed over to Cocoa, Cocoa would definitely pay it all at once, but Cerberus would never do it. After all, this matter would have to be left alone.

Snail Roll nodded indifferently. After all, the transaction was indeed done, and Cerberos was like a knowledgeable guy, not so easy to fool.

The deal with the Abi Realm has been concluded, and there is nothing to talk about next, so the snail scroll ends the link with the Olympus Nether Realm.

Cerberus didn’t know that with the conclusion of the deal between himself and the Abi Realm, the news of the declining Olympus Nether Realm's “skinny camel is bigger than a horse” spread in the Abi Realm for a while, and It aroused the coveting of many interested forces, but also caused a lot of trouble, and even led to the outbreak of several wars.

Regarding all of this, Cerberus is now impossible to know, and now it is putting its sight on the body of Izanami, the lord of the Nether realm representing the Eastern Kingdom Jin Divine System...