Rising America

Chapter 1303: Hell

The reason why Cerberus wanted to link to other underworlds was actually very simple, because only in this way could it complete the task assigned by the cruel little master of Coco, and would not end up being killed and made into hot pot.

You must know that the life and death book that each meditation domain holds not only records people's good and evil values, but also has the function of mortal identity documents.

However, since the number of believers in a large area controlled by each underworld varies, Cerberus can only use this method of spreading.

Especially nowadays, people’s beliefs are all sorts of weird, not as simple as people’s beliefs in the era it once experienced.

So, what else can Cerberus do.

Perhaps it is not clear that the Nether Realm under my control should have such a function.

However, the little guy's Mingyu hasn't developed well at all. It's just that in the early days, the little guy has developed passionately for three minutes, and finally she has no interest in the Mingyu.

Therefore, the current underworld of Cocoa is only supported by believers with two planes of worlds, which is not a bit worse than a big power such as Western religion.

You know, the boss of Western religion has many planes, and the people in those planes are basically believers of Western religion.

Otherwise, how did the saying that there are three thousand worlds in a grain of sand come from? That's basically it.

At the same time, we can see from this sentence how powerful Western teaching is.

Of course, although there are many planes and many believers, there are also many people who need points of faith in Western religion. Who will let the Bodhisattvas, Buddhas, and Arhats in Western religion be a lot.

Therefore, the beliefs gathered by the believers in many planes will not be distributed to everyone.

Therefore, even a large force such as Western religion now has a large demand for believers and faith.

Besides, the places of great myths and legends have been sealed for so many years, and now they have finally returned, so their demand for faith and believers will become stronger.

So even Western religions are the same, how can other forces of the underworld be different.

The same is true for the Jinshen Huangquan Kingdom of the Eastern Kingdom, so when Izanami saw the snail scroll of the Western religion and reached a deal with Cerberus for 5 million faith points, her excited eyes glowed.

5 million pure belief points can only be obtained after 50 million believers are gathered and refined. If you can give it to yourself, you can at least increase your strength by a few percentage points out of thin air.

After returning after a long seal, the top of the legendary land has existed, and now there are signs of decline in strength, so they all need faith to restore their strength.

So when Cerberus said that he was going to trade with her, Izanami gave it a little thought and agreed.

There is no way, Guojin God was overwhelmed by Tianjin God, and now it is the key to recovery and strengthening of strength. Who can improve themselves as soon as possible at this time, then they will have an advantage in the future.

The existences of the two great gods in Dongying are fighting, and mortals don't know this.

It's about the two gods who can stand firm in Dongying, so it is not surprising that Izanami will agree to this transaction.

The transaction is not that complicated. As a existence in myths and legends, there is no need to sign agreements or other things like mortals. Basically, as long as everyone agrees verbally, there will be no changes.

Because for their existence, everyone cherishes their credibility and credit.

Of course, unless it is the devil who has never had any credibility and integrity, or the gods of conspiracy, if they do not have a contract, they will not be insured.

So this matter should be distracted.

Snail Juan and Izanami are obviously types of existence that do not need to sign a contract because of their good reputation and high integrity.

However, the forces that Cerberus will deal with in the future can't be as simple as treating the Western snail scrolls and the Izanami of the Eastern Yellow Spring Kingdom, so Cerberus played 10,000 carefully and cautiously.

Because it is about to deal with the forces of heaven. Nowadays, mortals believe in one of the two mainstream forces, the fallen angels of the paradise lost forces represented by Satan, and the original indigenous forces, demons and demons, where the paradise lost is .

I have to say that the **** system that a large number of Europeans and Americans believe in really makes those who know the insider feel a little confused.

Ordinary people may only know heaven and hell, but in fact, in addition to heaven, **** has three forces, and Satan is not the only ruler.

Moreover, the well-known Satan, the **** sphere of influence he can control is limited to the Paradise Lost he controls, and the endless abyss controlled by the demons outside of the Paradise Lost, and the purgatory controlled by the demons are the two major forces that can fight against the Paradise Lost. power.

Of course, these three forces will unite when they face heaven.

Obviously mortals are not so clear about the ways in these.

And perhaps because of the high level of activity of the Paradise Lost forces that represent Satan, Satan's name is very loud among mortals, but the endless abyss and purgatory are basically unknown.

And even if there are one or two demons or demons appearing in the mortal world occasionally, they will be regarded by ignorant mortals as Satan's men.

But Cerberus is not an ignorant mortal, it is very clear about the division of **** forces against heaven.

"Long time no see, Cerberos."

"What do you sly fellow want me for?"

"Olympus is down, it's better to join us in Purgatory."

The representative images of the three forces are different, and what they say to Cerberus is different, but it can be seen that they look like Cerberus.

"If you take back and join you, this will bring you endless regrets. My master is very powerful, and you can't imagine it with your bald red-headed shell, Zappan."

The dark flames appeared on Cerberos, and the three heads and six pairs of eyes looked at the image manifested in the image very unkindly. His whole body was red and bulging, with three small horns on his forehead and a long triangular pointed tail. The guy said very rudely.

Zappan, one of the Eight Demon Generals of Purgatory, grinned. He didn't take it to heart, but thought Cerberos was bluffing.

After all, after linking this time, he observed the situation of the Olympus Nether Realm, and he had noticed that the Olympus Nether Realm was not large.

Therefore, Zapan, who represents the power of the devil, came to the conclusion that the strength of the Olympus Nether realm has been greatly reduced, so he gave birth to a heart of contempt.

After all, it is a force of hell, and it is about strength.

Now the Olympus Nether Realm is showing a state of decadence, so it's not surprising that Zapin, one of the Eight Demon Generals of Purgatory, said that.

After Cerberus threatened Zappin, he turned his three heads and responded with the representatives of the other two forces.

"It's been a long time, Azazel, looking at your current state, it looks like you have a pretty good life."

Wearing a medieval half-body armor and six pairs of jet-black wings closed behind his back, the man performed an ancient etiquette toward Cerberos.

"Thanks to the blessing of King Satan, we fallen angels can get by."

The fallen angel called Azazel by Cerberus responded politely.

Cerberus nodded, and immediately focused on the third projection.

This is a lava demon with two thick horns on his head, a pair of featherless fleshy wings behind him, and lava dripping all over his body.

"Beruse, don't you have a hybrid lord yet? Infinite Abyss, it is really difficult for you lava demons to get out of it. Are you still in control of the Bali demons?

Cerberus opened his mouth without seeing the last guy, and he could see that he and this guy were the most familiar.

The lava demon known as Beluse shrugged his shoulders in a very humane manner. It looked a little helpless, but the side description seemed to make Cerberos right~lightnovelpub.net~ The greeting is over. , The representative of the devil who was not so polite at the beginning, Zapan, one of the Eight Demon Generals of Purgatory, asked coldly: "Where is Hades? Why did he come to meet us in person? You, the guard dog, are not qualified to talk to us."

Although the fallen angel Azazel and the lava demon Beluze did not subscribe to the devil Zappan, they also revealed the same meaning in their eyes.

Indeed, the Olympus Nether Realm has fallen into disrepair, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that it is completely worse than before.

So in a circle of meditation that emphasizes strength, the Olympus meditation that has fallen into this field should be the main **** Hasti came forward to entertain the three of them, rather than just sending Kerber Lowes is such a small role.

It is true that Cerberus is very powerful and has a reputation in that era.

But after all, that's a thing of the past, isn't it?

"Speak carefully, we are not under the devil, and you want to see my master, do you think you are worthy?"

Before Cerberos could respond, Fenrir couldn't help but speak.

After all, Fenrir's temper was much more stinky than Cerberos, and it had a bad impression of the devil Zapin from the beginning.

Zapan smiled, his face full of disdain.

"You are all in the face of Chen, and now you are still holding on to it. I really don't know if you are smart or stupid! If I were you, I would definitely pretend to be a grandson now instead of holding up Olympus' face like this. "

The devil Zapin thought that Fenrir was really up for the sake of face, and he didn't know why Fenrir would say this, not only because he couldn't understand him, but also because of his confidence.

After all, Coco is very abnormal, isn't it?

Since Coco is so strong as the owner, Fenrir, who is a pet, is certainly confident.