Rising America

Chapter 1306: Passive defense is worse than active off

Standing on the edge of the protruding garden on the top floor of the City Lord’s Mansion, Coco looked at the vastly changing city of the underworld and kept saying ‘Wow! Wow! ’’S voice to show my exclamation and excitement.

At the beginning, the land of the world was still a barren land, far from such a ‘prosperous’, but after construction, it took on its current appearance.

More importantly, Coco established his beliefs in 01 time and space time and the end time time and space, which gave the world a ‘popularity’.

After all, as long as those believers who believe in cocoa, when they die, their souls will automatically come to this side of the world to perform a series of things that their dead should have.

It's just that Coco didn't manage the underworld very much, and there were so many dead in the two worlds, which caused the phenomenon of ‘overcrowding’ in the underworld.

Speaking of it, it also has something to do with the inaction of the master of Cocoa.

Still the little guy doesn't care about it.

"Wow! It's so lively."

Seeing the undead wandering in the city, the built future sci-fi streets were overcrowded, the little guy slapped his hands unconsciously.

Keira, Coco's good friend, was also very excited.

However, her excitement is different from that of Coco. This little girl of Kryptonian blood has a keen interest in this alternative life form of the undead.

"Is this another form that a carbon-based life has after its death? It's amazing. The so-called soul is actually an energy body. I can't imagine that life like us can have this form in the end."

Compared with the unlearned Cocoa, Kayla eventually learned more knowledge. After all, when she was at home, her parents who escaped from Krypton would always teach her something that the teachers on earth would not teach her. .

That's why Kayla said that those undead wandering on the streets of the underworld are a form of life that uses energy.

If you are a normal person, you won't think of this at all.

Their reaction will only be shock, surprise, panic, and fear.

"Master, the area of ​​the Nether Realm is still too small. We have to expand the area of ​​the Nether Realm. You can see how the undead are now. Due to the influx of the undead, we are about to become a village in the city. Up."

The three-headed **** dog stood beside Coco, whispering and making suggestions.

And what is amazing is that the three-headed dog of **** actually knows what a village in the city is.

Standing on the edge of the garden at the top of the City Lord's Mansion, Coco looked down at the crowded undead on the city streets and nodded silently.

There are indeed too many dead souls.

"Aren't these dead who came here for reincarnation? So as long as they are allowed to reincarnate and solve this problem soon, how can they become like this?"

Kayla suddenly raised a question at this time.

For a while, everyone's eyes were on the three-headed dog of hell.

The three-headed dog of hell, Cerberus, smiled bitterly and replied: "If you want these people to be reincarnated, Master, you need to master more planes and worlds in your hands. Otherwise, where do we have so many? The world, arrange for these believers to reincarnate.

Thanks to the master, you now have two worlds, so we can allow believers from different planes to reincarnate into the other's world.

If the master you only mastered a plane world at the beginning, then what you see today is not such a scene. "

To be honest, the little guy doesn't know these things. If it hadn't been told by the three-headed dog from the **** today, then the little guy would never know these things.

It's simple, the little guy's mind is not put here at all.

No way, this is also a common problem with bear children.

No matter what kind of thing, the bear children can only stay hot for three minutes, and Cocoa is no different.

"According to your statement, should I expand the area of ​​the Nether Realm, but also continue to expand more planes for believers to reincarnate?"

The little guy is very smart. Hearing what the Hell Three-Headed Dog said, he immediately thought of the related series of questions.

Cerberus nodded: "Yes, Master."

The little guy raised his hand and stroked the smooth jaw, pretending to look like a small adult, seriously considering the proposal of the three-headed dog in hell.

On the surface, the bear child is considering this matter seriously, but in fact, the bear child is already happy.

Because the little guy is getting bored and unexpectedly something interesting will happen suddenly, so how could she be unhappy.

It's just that she is dying with a smile in her heart, but on the surface she pretends to be serious, and she has to say that the bear child has learned to play hypocrisy now.

"Well, I will take this matter to heart. Actually, it doesn't matter to me. It just takes a little time and effort."

Cocoa has a big tone.

But everyone who knows her knows that although the little guy has a big tone, he is not without support.

Because the little guy has the confidence to say so.

Not to mention what she has, the black technology that Andrew has mastered alone is enough to support Cocoa's plan to conquer those alien worlds.

At the same time, Cocoa is still a bear child with strong power. Not to mention conquering other planes, she can do it even to destroy those alien worlds.

Therefore, with the support of strong strength, Coco can certainly say that.

"By the way, is it okay for any plane world? There are no special restrictions on this, right?" Coco asked suddenly.

The three-headed dog of **** quickly said: "There is no limit, as long as there are enough planes and worlds to arrange the reincarnation of those believers.

After all, the master, you have to arrange whether the believers will be prosperous and wealthy and their status in the next life according to their piety. Therefore, a single plane world cannot arrange so many believers, so you need the master to master more planes. The world to arrange the reincarnation of those believers.

This is also the reason why Western churches have control over so many Sumeru worlds, all in order to arrange the reincarnation of believers. "

It's the three-headed dog of hell, it knows a lot about this.

If it weren't for the three-headed dog of hell, Coco wouldn't know about it if he wanted to come. Even if he knew it in the future, it would be a long, long time.

After all, the little guy's mind was not put on the Ming Realm at all.

"The more the better? No limit?"

"The more the better, Master. Of course, there is no limit to the number. If the little master can get a world as huge as the sands of the Ganges, like the Western religion, then no one in our Underworld will dare to mess with it."

Coco curled her lips. She was a little uncomfortable with the three-headed **** dog saying that the meditation domain controlled by the Western religion was stronger than her own meditation domain.

But when no one dared to provoke him, Coco suddenly thought of the three-headed dog from **** telling himself that now someone is coming to attack his underworld.

So the little guy put his mind on this and asked: "By the way, Cerberus, when it comes to provoking, when will the demons come to attack us?"

After all, the little guy came to the underworld this time because the three-headed dog of **** told him that it was the strength of the devil to attack his underworld.

Otherwise, the little guy is still at home at this time, playing arcade games with his friend Kayla.

When the other party will come back, the three-headed **** dog is not sure about this, but it is very certain that the other party will definitely come back.

After all, the demons are really greedy. When Zapan knows that this underworld has a lot of beliefs and has a greedy covetous heart, that guy will definitely have ideas.

More importantly, in the eyes of Olympus, the annihilation of the gods was completely in decline.

So how could the cunning devil Zappan miss this opportunity?

"I can't give an exact answer to this, I can only say that the other party will come."

For Cerberos' answer, Coco was not so satisfied.

After all, she can't stay here for a long time. Although the time in the world is different from the real world in different time and space, but she still doesn't want to stay here for too long.

So if the other party takes a long time to come, it is not cocoa hope.

"No! I can't stay here for too long, I have to go home to sleep." Coco casually found an excuse that no one believed.

"Kayla, gather all the underworld fighters to gather them. I think instead of waiting for the opponent to attack us, and our passive defense, it is better for us to actively attack the enemy. And we can also take this opportunity to lay down the opponent's territory!"

Cocoa recommends proactive offense instead of passively waiting for defense here.

Even the little guy thought of taking this opportunity to grab the site on the devil's realm~lightnovelpub.net~ After all, Olympus Netherworld needs to expand the site, and you can buy it with credits, but after all, it is better to shoot from someone else. Those who come take advantage.

Kayla is not the first time to come to the underworld, so she is familiar with everything here, when Coco ordered, she went to gather the underworld fighters.

The three-headed **** dog kept persuading Coco to give up the idea of ​​taking the initiative.

After all, Coco didn't know the horror of purgatory demons, but Cerberos knew it well.

Not to mention the number of the nine-layer purgatory demons, their strength is also very strong, otherwise how could it be possible to have endless multi-faceted battles with demons.

Therefore, taking the initiative to attack the nine levels of Purgatory, in the eyes of Cerberos, this is really not a good idea, and with the military power of Olympus, there is really no way to actively attack and then occupy the devil's territory.

It can only be said that all these little masters can think of too simple.

But Cocoa has made a decision, how can it be easily changed.

"Master, you must consider it clearly. Our strength is not enough to actively attack the other party. Defense is our correct choice, otherwise you will completely lose this underworld territory."

As a pet, a subordinate, and a watchdog of the Underworld, Cerberus is earnestly fulfilling its duties, trying to persuade Coco to change this decision as much as possible.

It's just that Coco made the decision, how could it be changed like that.

I saw that Coco was full of confidence. After looking at the three **** three-headed dogs with worried faces, he said with confidence: "Don't worry, those demons are just to frighten the existence of other children. Don't be afraid of them! Since they dare to hit my idea, then I must let them know how good I am!"

After speaking, Coco raised his right hand into a fist and waved it fiercely...js3v3