Rising America

Chapter 1307: Happy here, not thinking about Shu

What exactly is faith?

Some people say that this is a kind of spiritual sustenance, and having faith will also give people infinite strength in spirit and will.

In general, it will become relatively strong psychologically.

Especially when your belief in a certain **** or idea reaches its limit, even your own life will not be spared. This is how mad believers appear.

Of course, for those who have faith, they will say that faith brings hope to themselves and also brings various spiritual sublimations.

But for people who do not have faith, they will find it strange to believe in the so-called gods and some concepts that they cannot understand. Those guys are quite out of place.

And all this is where the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise see the wisdom.

For mortals in the main material world, faith is like this. You can choose to have faith or not. This is all based on your personal will, whether you believe it or not.

But for those existences in myths and legends, it is different whether there are mortals who believe in themselves.

Before their own power reaches a certain level, the power of believers may not seem so important, but once their power reaches a certain level, the number of believers, and the number of believers, it will become very important. It's important.

Because the power of faith generated by believers can help those who exist to continue to improve their power to become stronger, and at the same time, it also allows their life form to be deeply improved, which is essentially different from the original.

Therefore, often the existences in myths and legends will conflict with each other because of belief issues, and such wars will also affect their own mortal believers, causing their respective believers to break out of war.

Wucai Longtai Amat has lived for a long time, even she herself doesn't know how old she should be if she is according to the mortal algorithm.

After all, the life span is too long, and if you live too long, you will not bother to remember such small things.

Of course, due to special reasons, Taiamat felt that the time when he and the superior gods were sealed should not be counted.

If you look at it this way, then her age should abandon the period when she was asleep under the seal and calculate the time when she was asleep under the seal.


In this way, she is still a very youthful colorful dragon.

Flicking his own meat wings, Tai Amat flew happily, passing through the magic circle one after another, and flew towards his goal.

The news brought by the magic commander Zappan excited the colorful dragon.

Although she appeared to be indifferent in front of Zapin, in fact these were just pretends.

After all, when dealing with the devil, one's emotions shouldn't be too fluctuating, or the devil will be aware of his thoughts, and then those cunning guys will take the initiative with their words and colors.

The colorful dragon Tai Amat, who has lived in the Ninth Floor of Purgatory for a long time, knows this very well.

So she just performed in front of Zapin.

Who would have thought that a dragon could be so cunning.

Perhaps this is because of the relationship of living for too long in the land of the demons.

You know, long ago, when there were a large number of various dragons on the earth, those dragons absolutely didn't like to use their brains. They advocated the use of violent means to solve everything they encountered.

Of course, it is precisely because of this relationship that the number of dragons has been greatly reduced. As for the reason, it needs to be said.

"Faith! Faith! Those Olympians, I heard before they fell asleep that they were not in a civil war. It is said that they fought a fierce civil war, and at that time the Nordic gods were also involved in Olympus. The civil war."

The colorful dragon Tai Amat, who happily **** his wings and flies, remembers the rumors he heard before he was sealed and fell asleep.

After all, she slept for too long, and she did not remember many things so clearly, and it took a lot of hard work to remember a little bit.

"Zeus and Odin died together, Hera and Friga were swallowed by the Titans, Ares and Athena..."

At that time, Wucai Longtai Amat was just a gossip to relieve boredom. After all, life in the Nine-Layer Purgatory was really monotonous, far less interesting than the main material plane.

So the boring colorful dragon Tai Amat at that time could only let the demons inquire about these things and come back and tell himself to relieve the boredom.

There is so much information that can be recalled, no matter how much Tai Amat can not remember, after all, such a long time has passed, let alone her brain is not a computer hard disk.

While recalling the intelligence information about Olympus as much as possible, the colorful dragon complained about the so-called ‘bloody battle’ between the devil and the devil, which he revived in his heart.

As a dragon, Taiamat can stand in the nine levels of purgatory and become the lord in charge of one level of purgatory, which is not easy.

You know, to the demons, she is an absolute alien life.

If it weren't for her formidable strength, she wanted to use the identity of a dragon to stand in purgatory, then it would be a really difficult thing, let alone being a lord.

But dealing with the demons is not easy.

These guys are cunning and insidious, and if one is not careful, they will fall into the trap of the other party and make themselves deceived.

The devil is not as direct as the devil, they always like to play tricks.

This is also why in the main material plane, most of the sales of contracts are due to the devil.

As a dragon race, it is not easy to mix in the nine levels of purgatory. Taiamat knows very well that in this level of purgatory he controls, how many big demons secretly want to overthrow him so as to replace him.

After all, what the devils believe in is ‘the strong is supreme’, and what they emphasize is ‘the strong is respected.’

Therefore, in order to keep his current position well, Wucai Longtai Amat must constantly improve his strength.

Just as a dragon, her power has been raised to the extreme, that is, the apex.

If you want to continue to improve, then you need the help of the power of faith.

Otherwise, her strength will always be fixed at this level, and there will be no way to improve even a little bit.

Therefore, Tai Amat felt a little uneasy about this phenomenon.

As the saying goes, "If you go against the current, you will retreat." Taiamat's power is very strong, yes, but the power of the demons in Purgatory is constantly improving.

So she can't guarantee that one day a demon with more power than her will challenge her and defeat her.

On the purgatory side, the fate and ending of the loser is not very good without exception. The colorful dragon who has seen this kind of thing does not want this to happen to him.

So she needs the power of faith.

As for the development of believers on the main material plane, she actually thought about it, but she didn't have any clues or plans yet.

Then before he can come up with a perfect plan and put it into practice, he can gain some faith, and Taiamat certainly will not refuse.

So after she left her lair, she came to Coco's underworld.

Knowing that many of Olympus' gods had fallen before they fell asleep, Taiamat knew very well that Olympus's power was already very weak. This point Zappan was right.

Under such circumstances, Taiamat felt that he could sweep the Olympus Netherworld and grab all the wealth of faith left by the Olympus gods into his own hands.

Well, in fact, this colorful dragon is not wrong.

It's just that she didn't expect that someone had inherited all the things left by the Olympus gods before her, and the current master of the Olympus underworld is simply against the sky.

Taiamat's figure appeared above the plain of Olympus underworld, and underneath was a densely crowded procession of the dead, and the distance was just the tall walls of the main city of underworld.

The appearance of the colorful dragon immediately attracted attention.

No way, who made Tai's image too eye-catching.

Taiamat, who was flapping his own fleshy wings, was like a firefly under the bright moon, so outstanding and so dazzling, so that the eyes of the dead in the underworld all at once fell on her.

To be honest, this makes Tai Amat a little uncomfortable.

After all, she is a dragon, and dragons are usually very homely, and occasionally appearing is just a glimpse, and will leave after doing things.

So this makes Tai Amat a bit uncomfortable.

Fortunately, she did not forget what she was here for.

So Taiamat uttered a dragon chant, sprayed the dragon's breath indiscriminately, and then used the ancient dragon language to send a message to the Olympus Netherworld.

"Hand over all the points of faith, as well as all the gold coins and gems in your hands! Give me all of your old mother Tai Amat! Otherwise..."

A fierce little black spot quickly rushed out of the city of the underworld.

At the same time, a child's voice echoed in the entire world of the underworld.

"The robbery robbed me of my head! I really don't know where you are from. Do you think you can scare me when you look like a dragon!"


What are these words~lightnovelpub.net~ What is meant by ‘Looks Like a Dragon’? I am a dragon, OK?

And just when Tai Amat was a little bit dumbfounded, the little black dot had already rushed to her.

Only then did Tai Amat see clearly that this is a very cute little girl.

That's right, this little girl was told by the three-headed dog of the hell, and she came to the underworld Cocoa.

Holding a stack of cards in his hand, the little guy lowered his head slightly, and turned his eyes to look at Wucai Longtai Amat. People who are familiar with Coco must know that the little guy is in a bad mood now, and someone is going to be unlucky.

But after all, he didn't know Coco, how could Taiamat know this?

"Child, go away, there will be a fight here for a while, if you don't go away, be careful of hurting you by mistake!"

Tai Amat didn't know that he was going to be unlucky, but because of the cuteness of Cocoa, he was persuading her to leave.

But unexpectedly, the little girl in front of her didn't mean to leave. Instead, she threw the card in her hand into the air, and a mysterious power immediately fixed Tai'amat in place.

This sudden change made the dragon scales on Taiamat stand up.

Immediately, four white glows descended from the sky, and four human-shaped halos formed on Tai'amat's side.

Before Tai Amat could figure out what was going on, I saw the cute little girl in front of her. I don’t know where I got a lot of cards. I drew one and lost one of them. come out.

The projection of a white and fat guy wearing an ancient Chinese robe appeared in front of the colorful dragon Tai Amat, and the projection also smiled wretchedly at Tai Amat.

Skills are activated.

Taimatron grinned and smiled silly.

Of course, because she is the image of a dragon, even if she is laughing, it is ugly...