Rising America

Chapter 1310: The chaos of the skull pillar

This is the nine-tier purgatory?

Where do the demons live?

The little guy took a bath, changed his clothes, aggressively led the team to the Nine-Layer Purgatory, which belongs to the ‘Skull Pillar’ **** governed by the colorful dragon.

Due to the surrender of Wucailongtai Amat, the little guy finally ended the weird game.

And the price of surrender is that Wucai Longtai Amat made Cocoa's milk #Mom!

Yes, that's right, 奶#妈!

And in order to control the colorful dragon, Coco also spent a lot of faith points, bought [Mutated Life and Death Talisman] from the mystery store and planted it into Tai Amat's body. At the same time, the little guy also learned the [Mutated Life and Death Talisman]. Martial arts.

With this premise, it is impossible for Wucailong to change his mind, so she can only honestly make Cocoa's milk#.

After surrendering anyway, Taiamat came to Purgatory as a leader at Coco's request.

The black rocks, the erupting lava, and the hot temperature didn't seem to be a place for people to live in. Coco felt that it was a bit of a remote country.

For a while, the little guy even felt that even if he invaded and occupied this place, there seemed to be no benefit.

It's because it looks too poor here.

Tai Amat still maintains the mentality of a girl, and the upper body has become a 38D scale in response to Coco's request, which looks trembling.

According to Cocoa's words, since it is a tit# mother, then capital is required. 38D is not the minimum.

No way, the defeated has no dragon power, so what can Taiamat say.

Being the milk of the little kid boy #Mom, how can it be better than dying in a weird game.

Anyway, the colorful dragon is so comforting himself.

And under self-hypnosis, the final result was pretty good, at least Tai Amat accepted this fact.

How else can she do?

Coco didn't take any serious shots, just took out a game card and let her kneel.

I have to say that the resources that Coco has at his disposal are really extreme.

It's just that the little guy doesn't have such knowledge.

At least there is no such awareness now.

Coco herself didn't expect that she didn't even make a move, just playing with the merchandise bought in the mystery store, and let a dragon surrender, and she also made her own 奶#妈.

This result made the little guy very happy, and at the same time, he became more and more interested in the goods sold in the mysterious store.

I don't know when it started, but Coco stopped using his own power and the magical powers he learned from his master Nuwa. Instead, he changed to use the strange goods sold in the mystery store to fight the enemy.

But from the side it also confirmed one thing, that is, the little guy is really against the sky.

Her own strength, the props she has obtained... Is it possible that she is really invincible?

Haha, it is really difficult to verify whether the little guy is invincible.

After all, it takes someone to trouble the little guy to get a detailed verification, and the price is life.

So, it is very difficult to test.

But at least the little guy hasn't lost so far.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

Coco and the others appeared on the edge of the "Skull Pillar" and were immediately discovered by the devil guarding here. As the flames flickered one after another, a large number of Bazu demons with a similar appearance to gargoyles began to appear.

The devil is different from the devil. Their skin is dull red. At the same time, the surface of the skin is very smooth. There is a long tail behind them. There are three or four horns on the top of the head, but these horns are not very thick. It was huge, not the same as the thick and curved horns of the devil.

And the eyes of the demons are black, with a circle of silvery white pupils, with a small black dot in the middle.

So this makes the demons look a little different.

Of course, the image of the devil in various myths and legends is not so good anyway, so it will not be surprising how different their image is.

"Lord Lord! Who are these people around you?"

The tallest guy among the demons that appeared, spoke unceremoniously.

Even when facing Taiamat as a lord, his tone was not so friendly.

In fact, it’s not difficult to understand that the colorful dragon is not a devil. Although she stares at the title of the lord and leads the purgatory of the'Pillar of Skull', most of the time she lives in her own cave, and the actual management is its own. She demons are doing it.

Obviously, the colorful dragon is actually a thug, and the Lord of the Devil used her as a lord to win her over.

Moreover, the demons below are ambitious and have long wanted to overthrow Taiamat.

That tall devil is one of ambitions.

Tai Amat's face was ugly, but he didn't answer the other party's question.

The tall devil's complexion was very bad, and he continued: "It seems that the information we received is correct. You failed to attack Olympus and you have become a slave to others!"

Hearing that, the look on the face of the humanized colorful dragon became even more ugly.

Coco was curious about how the other party knew about this.

The little guy made up for the devil's language, which was learned by Wucai Longtai Amat on the way here. In such a short period of time, the little guy with language talent has completely learned the devil's language.

So she could understand what the tall devil said.

"Hey! Redskin! What do you call, we are here to grab the site!"

Coco walked out, and also bluntly slammed the tall devil, and before the other party shouted, the little guy waved his hand and rushed over.

But a little girl who is very simple to do everything, she feels that since she is here to grab the site, she doesn't need to talk with each other.

The reason why he didn't do anything before was because the little guy was in a daze, judging whether the occupation of such a poor country would suffer.

But with the emergence of these demons, the little guy no longer thinks about whether to lose or not. Because of the devil's attitude, the little guy would rather lose and occupy the devil's territory.

Because the other party is arrogant!

Joke, only I can be arrogant in this world, you devil are a shit!

So, kill!

As Coco rushed up, Kayla followed, Fenrir, the three-headed dog of hell, and the miscellaneous soldiers who were brought out, bronze, silver, and the Underworld Warriors also rushed up.

Although the area of ​​the Olympus Nether Realm is small, it still has an army.

So the little guy wants to invade purgatory, how can he bring his friends?

Surely she would take the Olympus fighter legion.

Let it burn! My little universe!

A miscellaneous soldier exploded with a powerful aura, behind him a galaxy projection flickered, and the devil confronting him clearly felt that the strength of this miscellaneous fighter was rapidly increasing, and when the miscellaneous soldiers felt power After reaching the extreme, he shouted [Endless Styx] and threw a punch.

The mixed soldier punched out, but seeing the sky full of fist shadows, he immediately enveloped the devil who was fighting against him. The fists that exceeded the speed of light hit the devil heavily, making a series of fist marks, accompanied by' Crackling' the sound of bone cracking.

Although it is only a mixed soldier, because it is a Saint Seiya fighter who is different from the major forces, and with the blessing of the power of the ‘small universe’, even the devil is somewhat overwhelmed.

After all, the miscellaneous soldiers are the devil of the battle, and they are also the devil of the miscellaneous soldiers.

Don't think that all the demons are so powerful, and there are miscellaneous soldiers among them.

The three-headed dog in **** swelled rapidly while running, constantly devouring the surrounding demons, and eating them with their bones into their stomachs.

The same goes for his cousin, Fenrir, the Nordic magic wolf.

It can be seen that the physical attack state of these two goods is swallowing!

Poor those low-level demons, they met these two cousins ​​and finally became their food.

Kayla shot red laser rays in his eyes, and the steel body was launched, rushing into the demons, and there was a good scene of hitting ten one by one.

The Silver Underworld Warriors, as well as those true underworld fighters, also chose their own corresponding goals.

Intermediate demons, advanced demons, and big demons are all welcoming their opponents.

Compared with miscellaneous soldiers, bronze and silver, the battles of the underworld fighters are stronger, because what they master is the real power of the small universe.

Moreover, in a certain system, the underworld fighters are as famous as the heaven fighters, the **** fighters, and the golden fighters.

It’s a pity that Hilda, Camilla, and 47 (Rochelle) are not there. Otherwise, the three great underworld fighters Tianxiong, Tianmeng, and Tiangui are here, and only three of them can completely make this level of purgatory. The devils drank a pot.


The devil blew the horn!

This is the voice that represents war~lightnovelpub.net~ The demons in every corner of the Skull Pillar Purgatory began to rush towards this area of ​​the battle, so the number of demons that Cocoa has to face has increased. The more, it seems endless!

After all, they are the devil who can start a **** battle with the demons. If the number is not large, how can they both fight for millions of years, fighting on the plane of **** battle all the time.

In that place, the demons and demons that die every second are counted in hundreds of thousands.

The sky has been obscured by the demons who rushed over. Although Coco brought his own underworld fighters, they were quickly surrounded and become more and more passive.

And this is just the beginning of the battle.

The tall devil had been killed by a blow that Coco didn't know how to use.

The little guy looked up with a grim expression at the demons who came to cover the sky, no one knew what she was thinking.

Colorful dragon Tai Amat regained his true dragon form with a worried look, spraying dragon flames in his mouth, killing batches of demons.

But the number of demons is too much, so even the dragon flames of the colorful dragon can't stop the momentum of the demons at all.

"Little master, retreat, there are too many demons."

Upon seeing this, Tai Amat had to persuade Coco to retreat.

But what made Wucai Longtai Amat didn't expect was that Coco didn't pay attention to him at all, but didn't know when he had a small maroon gourd in his hand.

In the next second, the colorful dragon heard Coco shout loudly: "How many people are! You are all good materials for my synthesis card! Take it!"

A whirlpool appeared from the mouth of the maroon-red little gourd, and shrouded the densely packed demons...