Rising America

Chapter 1311: Bear child's face is not good

The mouth of the purple-red skin gourd swung out a vortex with strong suction power, and the suction power seemed to know the existence of the enemy and us, but it locked the demons on the side of the'Skull Pillar', but it didn’t have anything to do with the people on Coco’s side. Impact.

The demons appearing at the moment are mostly low-level and middle-level demons. The power of these levels of demons is really not that strong, so they can't even struggle and are sucked into the whirlpool, and then they are reduced by mysterious power. , A string of inhaled into the gourd.

Of course, even if there are high-level demons, the guys at this level are only struggling a little, and in the next second they will inevitably follow in the footsteps of the compatriots.

The moment when Coco went on the path of practice with his teacher Nuwa, the precious purple-red skin gourd produced by the appearance of the vision between the heavens and the earth can be described as the heaven and the underworld and the world is omnipotent. It is really a powerful mess.

Of course, as the owner of the purple gourd, Coco, the little guy didn't have such a recognition. She didn't think how powerful this baby was, she just kept it as a fun toy.

Well, the most is to use it when fighting, nothing more.

After all, from the perspective of the bear kid’s world view, what else do you want? It’s a good idea to have such a concept. If it is other bear kids, either throw the fuchsia gourd in the storage room and forget, or use this fuchsia gourd to mess around. Using it causes big trouble.

Cocoa is pretty good now.

At least she didn't hold the gourd in the real world, to go crazy and do evil things.

The luck of the demons is really ‘good’. They are lucky enough to let Coco use one of their only magic weapons. This is not what luck is.

At least the little guy hasn't used the [Unlimited Killing Reincarnation Disk] to entertain them now, which is already very good.

If Cocoa uses that big killer to get these unlucky demons into the world of the top super weapons, super demons, super science, super gods, etc. in the [Infinite Killing Reincarnation Disk], they are like this The guy will definitely be very sad.

Of course, even if what they are facing now is [Refining Demon Pot], they are not much better.

Facing [Unlimited Killing Reincarnation Disk] is death, but facing [Refining Demon Pot], it has to be transformed into synthetic cards alive. Anyway, that path is not very good for the demons.

Ding Dong!

Low-level devil card! One!

Intermediate Devil Card! One!

Advanced Devil Card! One!

Low-level devil card! Two!

Intermediate Devil Card! Two!

Two high-level devil cards!

As a large number of demons were sucked into the [Refining Demon Pot], a series of prompt sounds began to pop up from the depths of the little guy's consciousness, and the little guy did not tire of it.

"Can you block the prompt tone!"

The little guy was impatient and used his consciousness to communicate with the Demon Refining Pot.

In the next second, the alert tone disappeared.

I can't tell, the magic weapon is actually smart...

The little guy didn't think so much, anyway, it was enough to let her upset beep disappear.

As the horn of war blew, the demons kept appearing, as if there was no end.

At this moment, if you look down from the sky, you will definitely find groups of demons flashing up on the ground, and they have surrounded Coco and others.

Although Coco came to this place with his own army of the underworld, the number of demons in the purgatory of the ‘Skull Pillar’ is far too small.

After all, the Olympus Nether Realm was in the hands of Cocoa, and it was only a little over a year, and the little guy didn't develop anything well.

Now that it is possible to have two plane worlds as sources of faith, and to gather the souls of those believers, this is already a very good thing.

Therefore, there are fifty thousand men of the Underworld Warriors brought by Coco this time.


Fifty thousand people, it sounds like a lot, but in fact, this person is really nothing.

It is necessary to know that the number of demons born every day in the Skull Pillar Purgatory is measured in units of ‘mega’, which shows that fifty thousand Underworld Warriors count.

This is not counting the number of believers in purgatory controlled by the demons.

Therefore, Coco is really not enough to look at these people.

Fortunately, the cocoa power is against the sky. She alone can guarantee a certain advantage for her own men. Therefore, there is no use in the number of demons. Unless one devil can defeat Cocoa, as long as Cocoa is undefeated, then the demons have no choice. .

But now a [Refining Demon Pot] has made the devil very passive, and the little guy also has a [Unlimited Killing Reincarnation Disk] which is useless.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if the two magic weapons are broken, the little guy's personal strength is also very strong.

Needless to say, the supernatural powers of Tiangangdi.

Just the skills of the early copycats can blind the eyes of those super big demons.

Not to mention that Coco has a lot of other skills.

Such as [Dark Buddha] and [Ninth World Tribulation Law].

In case the super-order big devil's skills are so powerful that it is copied by the little guy, and then used for a tenfold increase, it would be great fun.

After all, cocoa is different from the general super existence, and the [cottage] ability that the little guy masters can be said to be against the sky and limitless.

It is true that the skills that are copied down have a CD cooling limit.

But even so what?

With a tenfold increase, these abilities are enough for Coco to eliminate his opponent for several rounds.

So now Cocoa seems to be in a passive situation, but in fact it is not, everything is under the control of the little guy.



The demons constantly appeared from the air, and then launched a charge toward Coco and the others, with an appearance and aura that was not afraid of death.

If you change to an ordinary person and face these demons, you might be taken away from your aura.

But who is Coco, she herself is a bear child, especially a bear child who is strong when he meets the strong, and a bear child who has shown confidence in fights.

So no matter how cruel and hideous the demons who launched the charge were, the little guy didn't show any fear at all.

With that said, let's not say that ordinary children face so many demons, even if a devil appears in front of them, it is estimated that they will be scared to pee their pants.

The image of the devil is not really good, let alone notorious.

But not only did Coco face the hideous demons without fear at all, on the contrary, there was a look of disgust on his small face, as if to say ‘how are you so ugly’.

Looking at the sky and the earth, it is estimated that only Cocoa can do this in this situation. It can be said that it is the only one in this situation.

Holding the purple gourd high in his hand, Coco steadily protected the companions and the Underworld Warrior Legion behind him. The suction vortex expanded in a circle to the outer layer without dead angle 360 ​​degrees, and a blank area had been opened up.

The demons are still launching a charge without fear of death.

But none of these guys can rush through the suction vortex, often as soon as they get close to the expanding suction field, they will be sucked into the gourd.

And the demon refining pot seems to be dissatisfied, it can **** no matter how many demons come.

The colorful dragon Tai Amat, who has surrendered and became a cocoa milk# mother, stared at his big dragon eyes, and opened his mouth wide as he watched the strange scene in front of him.

It was the first time it saw such a weird treasure as the refining pot.

Unlike the shocked colorful Longtai Amat, Kaila raised her hands with excitement and cheered loudly: "The invincible boss is victorious! The invincible boss is victorious!"

Those underworld fighters who followed Coco to the Skull Pillar Purgatory also raised their hands and cheered "Goddess Mansatsu! Goddess Mansatsu!"

It is not surprising that Kayla is excited, after all, she has been following Coco for a long time, so she knows how good Coco is.

But it's the first time those underworld fighters have seen Cocoa so much.

So they were quite excited and excited.

After all, Coco is the goddess they believe in, so the more Coco performs, the more brilliant they will be in the future.

You must know that no one wants the ‘god’ they believe in to be a parallel import, and once believers find that their belief is a parallel import, they will have the idea of ​​changing the door.

Well, unless it's a mad believer with a disability.

The demons came out out of thin air one by one, charging towards Coco and the others in piles from all directions. There was no need for someone to stand up and direct them. They all knew what they should do.

After all, I don't know which guy it was that blew the horn of war.

Within a short period of time ~lightnovelpub.net~, the Demon Refining Pot has sucked tens of millions of devils, including many high-level devils.

This caused some high-ranking big devils who heard the horn to come, and continued to retreat when they saw it, without rushing toward the suction vortex recklessly.

Standing in a relatively safe place in the distance, these guys who are tall and sturdy, surrounded by purgatory fire, and are obviously higher than the high-level devil by several levels, began to constantly look at the demon refining pot. Cocoa, and the refining pot in her hand.

On this battlefield, the incompetent little monsters are not eligible to enter the battlefield at all, so those who can come here are the mainstream **** race of this level of purgatory, the Bazuka Devil.

But it is precisely because of this relationship that their losses are relatively large.

After all, in such a short period of time, the Bazooka devil who came here, no matter how high or low his rank was, he did not even touch the enemy's hair, and he lost tens of millions of people.

To be honest, even when confronted by the demons in a terrifying **** battle, these demons have never been so disadvantaged.

The demon refining pot in Coco's hand, while sucking in a large number of demons of the first order, while constantly turning it into synthetic cards and then starting to synthesize, and then these demon cards that have been converted into cards are synthesized in the refining pot A strange card came out.

And because of the large number of cards, the resulting card had no pattern, only a large question mark.

But the synthesis continued, without stopping for a moment.

After all, the demons are still flashing constantly, launching a charge against Coco.

So of course the Demon Refining Pot will not be polite.

Several high-ranking big devils surrounded by the fire of purgatory, at this time, the look in Coco's eyes became wrong.

It's really because of the strength that Coco showed in holding the Demon Refining Pot, which surprised them...