Rising America

Chapter 1336: Master, is this really good! ?

Chi Sperm's account is correct.

The little brothers around him all understand that the account of his family's accountant is still too small. If calculated according to the normal 20%, after the Kowloon City is taken, the protection fees of these 56 companies can be collected in one night. Million!


This is definitely not a decimal.

In one month, that amount was over one billion.

Basically, robbing a bank does not necessarily come with such money.

Therefore, Kowloon City is indeed rich in oil and water, and it is no wonder that there are five major forces in control here, and no one party has the ability to swallow it alone.

But Chijingzi and the others are different, because they have the ‘God’s power’ to rely on, so they can completely defeat all the strength that controls this place.

Just like Chijinzi said, this is just a protection fee.

Mastered this site, how many younger brothers can be placed in 56 nightclubs, those who watch the scene, parking the job, can let the younger brothers do.

When the time comes, the bosses will also have to pay these little brothers, which is equivalent to letting these bosses raise the little brothers for the red sperm.

Even in the territory of the Kowloon Motor City, the ‘Fire’ kids can also do small business, such as selling beef offal, holding a food stall, selling pirated clothing, etc.

In addition to these, the ‘skilled girls’ in 56 nightclubs will also give them confession.

After all the calculations, Chijingzi said that the income of 600 million yuan a month is really small, and it is not impossible if it is seriously calculated to exceed 2 billion.

Kowloon City is not only a nightclub, there are also various hotels, a phoenix on the first floor, and even a small gambling stall on the first floor. These are all very money.

Even the taxis that solicit passengers here can be driven away, and you can buy your own car to set up a taxi company to carry passengers here.

You know, 56 nightclubs, how many guests come and go every day.

For Xiangjiang people, a place like Kowloon City is what people call the so-called "heroic land."

It's very simple, because whoever controls such a place can instantly double the value, and it is not difficult to become a billionaire in a short time.

But it is also because of the large interests and the oil and water that it is really difficult to get ahead here, because all the black#dao elites who want to get ahead in Kowloon City are all targeted by the five major companies here. Finally ended in a miserable end.

For decades, the rules have been established and the interests have been divided.

The five major forces of Xinji, Number Gang, Liansheng, Shenghe, and Shuifang have long reached an agreement in private. In order to safeguard the huge interests of Kowloon City, they will not mercilessly attack those who dare to set foot in this area.

This evening Chi Sperm took the little brother Hei Zaicheng, who was heavily injured, and the scrapped Sangbiao was the representative of the "Number Gang" here, so for the time being, the "Number Gang" does not need to be considered.

Therefore, for Chijingzi and the others, what they have to face is the other four powers, and the fact that Sangbiao was hacked will soon be known to the other four powers, and they will be prepared.

So Chijingzi decided not to delay time on his own side, but to solve all the representatives of the other four major forces here tonight, and then control the situation here.

After waiting for a day or two, even if the top five ‘companies’ send people to retaliate, he can respond calmly.

Although there are few Chi sperm, their disadvantages are very obvious.

However, Chijingzi himself is a god, and the younger brothers have gained the ‘skilled kung fu’, so even if they are only in their thirties, they are not afraid of the five major companies and are confident in taking down Kowloon City.

Of course, considering that this is the ‘Great Era’ right now, this must be done quickly, and it must not be a protracted battle.

After all, if the five major companies are slowed down, God knows if they will spend a lot of money, and ask Southeast Asian masters to come to trouble.

Although Chi Sperm is not afraid, these people can kill their little brother.

When the time comes, the kids will be panicked, which is not a good thing.

Therefore, Chijingzi must quickly take down Kowloon City here, and then declare that Kowloon City belongs to him as a strong man, and expand his younger brothers in a short time, so as to suppress others with power, and let the five major companies hold their noses to recognize the plant.

After all, it is a legal society.

Chi Sperm couldn't do too much, doing something that killed hundreds of people in one night, otherwise even if he was at the 12th National Congress of Education, he would not be able to face the blame from the country.

Even other immortals will fall into trouble behind them.

Chi Sperm had already considered all kinds of situations very clearly, and had already had a plan in mind.

In fact, Chijingzi is also quite satisfied that he is in Xiangjiang, because he found that there are not many immortal fellows who seem to exist in Xiangjiang, and he can completely let him play at will.

Perhaps other immortal houses at this stage focused their attention on Mingchuan Dashandong Tianfudi, so Xiangjiang, a ‘remote’ place, did not receive much attention.

For this, Chi Sperm is really fortunate.

If there are people in the big powers like Xiangjiang and Western religions, then it will be very troublesome for him to carry out the Kowloon City peace plan.


The remote place also has its advantages.

In short, Chi Sperm thinks that way right now.

And after taking down Kowloon City, as the boss, Chi Sperm, he can definitely take 40% of the money every month, and the rest is distributed to the younger brothers, or reserved for public funds, because this is the rule.

It is not impossible to take 80% away even if you change to some bosses.

At that time, Chi Sperm has money, and of course he will not worry about the cost of eating and drinking for the little guy, and he will also have sufficient funds to recruit troops.

It's admirable to come out and mix with big fists, but also a lot of money.

Only when both are possessed at the same time, will they have appealing power and be followed.

If they can only fight but can't make money with their younger brother, then such people are at best just fools in the eyes of others, and they are mostly looked down upon.

Therefore, Chijingzi must be rich, powerful, and powerful, so he must beat down the Kowloon City and hold it in his hands.

And with Kowloon City as the foundation, the ruined place in the New Territories can be used as the source of the younger brothers, and it is not impossible to look at places like Temple Street and Port Lan Street.

You have to eat one bite at a time. The unification of Hong Kong and Kowloon is not an extravagant hope, but the prerequisite for the unification of Hong Kong and Kowloon is that the territory of Kowloon City must be laid down as a source of funds.

In this regard, Chi sperm has a clear understanding.

I have to mention here that Xiangjiang sincere in different time and space is a golden land for powerful people.

As long as you have the ability, it is not difficult to earn a fortune in Xiangjiang.

Of course, this must be prepared for lifelessness, it is not easy to make cut-off money.

However, if Chi Sperm wants to make an appearance in Xiangjiang, it is not difficult at all.

"Let's go! Let's go to set up the site of Xinji now!"

The younger brothers who were agitated by Chi Sperm were very excited. When they saw that the fire was full, Chi Sperm immediately left the rented office of 500 square meters with Er Bao, preparing to enter Kowloon City again.

Behind him, a vote of thirty little brothers followed aggressively, and their minds were all the income figures calculated by Chi Sperm.

In this way, Xiangjianghei# Dao set off a big storm because of the relationship between the red sperm.

After all, who could have imagined that the Chi sperm, who is the educator of the people, would be in Xiangjiang mixed black #dao, and also become a talker.

I don't know how many people will be surprised if this matter is said.

However, Zhiyu, who has practiced with Chijingzi, a master of 200, feels that it is really interesting to follow such a master, because the master can bring himself to experience an alternative life experience, which is much better than staying at home.

Chi Sperm brought a ticket to the younger brother to enter Kowloon City with great excitement. Er Bao was held in his arms by his master Chi Sperm, and the little guy couldn't help but think of his brother.

It is said that the two brothers did not follow the same master, his brother was taken away by a guy called Guang Chengzi.

And I heard from my master that the man named ‘Guang Cheng Zi’ is not a gangster. He is a feng shui man by profession, and he also works part-time as an exorcism.

Anyway, from Erbao's point of view, this profession does not seem to be much stronger than his own master black#道, so he wonders whether his brother Dabao will have the same strange and alternative experience with his master as himself?

It's like following a master like Chijingzi, causing him to experience it personally at a young age, the scene of the hacking scene...

------split line------

"The furnishings in the room are not well laid out, and the vitality has been completely blocked, so your relatives in your family have been suffering from constant illness recently~lightnovelpub.net~ The problem lies here.

However, it is not difficult to resolve it. Just move the furniture in the house, so that if you breathe in, the ailments that bother your family will naturally disappear.

But the biggest problem in your family is not these. I observed that the Yin Qi is too strong, and it is obvious that there is evil in your family. Therefore, during this period of time, your family members have repeated accidents.

Take it and let me do some calculations. "

Just when Er Bao missed his brother Da Bao, Da Bao was carried on his chest by his master in a baby sling, and he was showing him Feng Shui.

With a refined demeanor, Guang Chengzi, who is very sophisticated and expert, raised his left hand and babbled a lot. It looked like it was the same thing, and his mouth was still Read the word.

In fact, this guy was talking to his apprentice in a rapid rap method, so he wasn't trying to recite the spell at all.

"Apprentice, it’s not easy for me to know the master. It’s hard to mix a little money these years, so you have to study hard. If you learn to be a master, you won’t go hungry. Although we are cultivators, I can’t get hungry.”

Well, because Guangchengzi speaks too fast, so the above passage sounds like a mantra. I have to say that Guangchengzi is still ‘really so boring’!

Dabao, who was put in the baby carrier, had a black thread on his chest, because he felt that his master was so funny.

[Master, you really think I don’t know anything at a young age! Couldn't the gods be able to live without eating? You are trying to find a reason for you to cheat money. Do you really think it is good? 】

Dabao murmured silently in his heart.

Opposite the two masters and apprentices, there stood a deep-hearted panic, who was obviously frightened by what Guang Chengzi said earlier, a rich businessman with fat, big ears and a greasy face...