Rising America

Chapter 134: Strange

  A woman is no different from a man, except for the difference in physical structure and strength, everything else is the same. ±

   Men are lustful, and women are equally lustful.

   It seems that boys like to download some'action movies' from the Internet, and then in the dead of night, take a box of paper to vent.

  The same goes for girls.

   After all, boys or men have physical needs, and girls or women also have physical needs.

   Don’t think that women can’t beat up. In fact, women and men are really similar, and they will do the same.

   Look at some of the special products sold in the **** toy store with the flashing red light on the street, you should understand this.

   Kim Hyun Tae, an old man, knows this well.

   After all, he was a middle-aged man who was almost forty years old in his previous life. How could he not even understand this truth?

   Of course, we can’t look at these things with color.

   You must know that human beings have needs for their physiological needs. This is by nature and you cannot avoid them.

   Unless you are born cold, this is an exception.

   But most people are still normal, right?

   So, Demi squatted and blushed like Cocoa said, like a monkey buttocks. Kim Hyun Tae understood something instantly, and Demi didn’t need to say anything.

   For a while, Kim Hyun-tae also felt embarrassed, and the atmosphere in the living room became a little pink.

   "I'm such a bastard, what am I doing when I say this."

   Kim Hyun-tae secretly regretted his "nothing to say".

   Little Coco was not affected at all and continued to play her game console.

   Demi lowered his head and said nothing.


   In order to break the dullness and embarrassment, while still having a restless and ambiguous atmosphere, Jin Xiantai decided to take the initiative.

So he coughed deliberately, and then changed the subject: "How is the environment of the villa in Yellowstone Park? Is the snow melted there now in the February season? I heard that there are a lot of wild animals there. There is no problem with security, right."

   In general, Kim Hyun-tae has nothing to say. Anyway, he had to break the awkward atmosphere and change the topic at the same time.

   But obviously his efforts were somewhat unsuccessful.

   Demi continued to blush and lower her head. Jin Xiantai couldn't see her expression, and of course she couldn't guess what the little girl was thinking.

   "Then what, I'll go to the dining car and take a look, you can take care of Cocoa for me."

   In that case, Kim Hyun-tae couldn't sit still, so he just got up from the sofa and walked towards the door. Decided to leave the room for a while and let Demi calm down by herself.

   Kim Hyun Tae, who left the room, stood on the train aisle outside, raised his hand and slapped his face, then cursed himself in a low voice.

   "I'm such a bastard, what are you talking nonsense, you must not do this in the future, just look at how bad the atmosphere is now."

   After standing there talking to himself and reflecting for a while, Kim Hyun-tae then walked in the direction of the dining car.

   And inside the room. When Kim Hyun Tae left, Demi, who had been bowing her head and blushing, slowly lifted her head, and her eyes were watery.

   Of course I did that. Most of the time, several times a day, but how can I let you know about this kind of thing? It's shameful.

   Besides, every time I do it. I will also look at the secretly downloaded video, look at you in the video...

   Demi at this time, muttered silently in her heart.

   Fortunately, Kim Hyun Tae had already left at this time. So the atmosphere in the room has eased a lot.


   Demi exhaled deeply, then collapsed on the sofa.

   When Kim Hyun Tae was there, she was really ashamed.

   It's really annoying. It's just not a big deal to be asked by him. Why is my reaction like this?

   Demi was a little bit depressed because of her unworthiness.

   She was a little hot, which made her feel a little uncomfortable, so Demi decided to take a warm bath to calm herself down completely.

   "Coco, you play the game console obediently, I'll take a shower."

   "Demi is going to take a bath, and Cocoa is also going. Coco likes taking a bath."

Demi stood up and finished talking to Coco. Coco, who was attentively playing the game, immediately dropped the game handle in his hand, then got up and ran over, hugged Demi’s calf, and looked up at Demi asking her to take it. Go wash it yourself.

   Little Coco likes to take a bath, but in fact she likes to play in the water when taking a bath. Children are basically like this, and Little Coco is no exception.

   If the bathtub is big enough, Coco will even ‘swim’ in the bathtub. This is her favorite game every time she takes a shower.

   There is a large jacuzzi in the bathroom of Santa Monica’s house where Jin Xiantai rents. Every time the little cocoa takes a bath, he will play for a long time.

   "Cocoa should be washed too, Demi washes with cocoa."

   Hugging Demi's calf, using her hands and feet like a koala, Coco who has entangled Demi kept talking about her request, and Demi didn't agree with her and would not give her hands and feet.

   This is Coco's usual method.

   "Humph! Your father is a badass, and you are also a little badass."

   When thinking of her crush on Kim Hyun Tae, but there is no hope for the time being, Demi said this childishly to Coco.

   Little Coco didn't care about this, but continued to shout to Demi: "Bad guys are bad guys. Just take a bath with the bad guys."

   Demi really can't do anything with the little guy, and Demi really likes to laugh at Coco, although she is flat-chested or something, but Demi is not as knowledgeable as a child.

   "Call me mother, and I will take you to the wash."

   Demi suddenly showed a weird smile on her face, then looked at Cocoa and made a small request.

   Coco, who is holding Demi's calf, raised her little head and looked up at Demi. She didn't understand why Demi wanted to call her mother?

   But Xiao Ke Ke understands that as long as he calls his mother, then he can achieve his own goals, so there is nothing to be embarrassed for Xiao Ke Ke.

   After all, you let a child over one year old [actual age less than three years old]. It is still impossible to consider the reasons that are too deep.

   "Mom, mom with **** takes a bath with cocoa."

   In less than three seconds, Coco made her choice, and even spontaneously slapped a little flattery, saying that Demi has big breasts.

   I have to say that a bear child is a bear child.

   Demi looked down at Coco, with an expression of ‘There’s no way to take you’, took possession of Coco and hugged Coco in her arms, and then walked towards the bathroom.

   "Demi is the best. Coco likes Demi, Demi has a big breast, and Coco likes it too. Coco needs to touch it later..."

   Little guy, are you addicted to flattering?

   In order for Demi to take her own bath, this bear kid really can afford it.

   "Little guy, so pretty, tell your father."

   Demi was a little embarrassed by Coco's words.

   Ke Ke heard the words but didn't care about it, and looked like "I can't understand". Obviously the little guy didn't quite understand what Demi meant.

   Looking at the puzzled look on Xiao Ke Ke, Demi could only helplessly shook his head and smiled.

   Walked into the bathroom, Demi turned on the faucet of the bathtub, adjusted the temperature of the water and began to pour water in the bathtub.

   The bathroom in the suite is very spacious. The bathtub is also a large massage bathtub. After seeing such a big afterglow, Coco suddenly cheered.

   "Wow! Coco likes the big bathtub."

   Demi took off her clothes on her own and walked over. She started to undress Xiao Xiao, and then she showered Xiao Ke with a shower. After the washing, the water in the bathtub was almost gone. She and Coco entered the bathtub.

   The little Coco who entered the bathtub began to frolic, and at the same time a pair of thief eyes stared at Demi's chest.

   "What to look at."

  I was embarrassed to be seen by Xiao Ke Ke, Demi asked with a grimace on purpose.

   was not frightened by Demi's grasping, Xiao Ke leaned over ridiculously, and then stretched out a short fleshy hand at Demi, and grabbed his target.

   "Coco likes it."

   Demi, who was caught by Coco, was suddenly helpless to the extreme.

   The train was still running smoothly at high speed, and Jin Xiantai returned to the room after strolling around the dining car.

   Kim Hyun Tae returned to the room and heard the laughter of Demi and her daughter playing in the bathroom, and knew that it was Demi and her daughter in the bath.

   Originally, Jin Xiantai wanted to go out again, but he really didn't know where to leave the room. After all, this was on a train.

   So after thinking about it, Jin Xiantai could only stay in the living room side of the room, cut off the signal of the game console, and watched the TV show.

   Demi and Little Coco splashed water with each other, and it was a great fun. After all, Demi was not very young, and it was the age to escape, so she could play with Coco.

   And little Coco has Demi to accompany him to mess around, and he is also very excited.

   Kim Hyun-tae, who was sitting in the living room watching a TV show, suddenly felt his trouser pockets vibrate. This was a reminder that there was a call, so he quickly took out his mobile phone and looked at it and found that it was from the animation production company Louise.

   Connected, Kim Hyun-tae greeted.

   "Hi, Louis, what's the matter."

   Louis' hearty laughter came from the other end of the phone. From the low voice, he was in a very good mood. Obviously, he had some good news to tell himself.

   "My little, "Flying House Around the Travels" is drawn, and the box office has all been settled, and entered our company account, then guess how much money we made in total?"

Hearing what Louis said, the corners of Kim Hyun-tae's mouth turned upright, and he responded very cooperatively: "Louis, you didn't tell me a few days ago that there are five billion at the box office before tax. Now it's a bit too much to ask. ."

   "Haha, my little one, I was a little too excited to forget this. Okay, I won't make mystery. To be honest, after deducting various taxes, the company has a total of 2.3 billion in the account, which makes me really unimaginable.

  Seriously, I can't think of a cartoon movie that can earn so much box office. After all, now Hollywood is still an era dominated by various popular scenes and blockbusters. Who would have thought that such a cartoon animation movie could actually make money. "

   Louis’s tone was very emotional and embarrassing.

   Kim Hyun-tae said in his heart: That is the time and space that no one has tried yet, but in the time and space where I was in my previous life, it is normal for animated cartoon movies to make a lot of money. It's not news anymore.

   Of course, in this case, Kim Hyun-tae can't tell Louis.

   After sighing on the phone, Louise asked immediately: "What shall we do next, do we continue to strike while the iron is hot and make another cartoon animation movie out?"

   Considering that this time-space population base is ten times that of the previous life, the actual income of 2.3 billion, if converted, is equal to 230 million.

   But this kind of income is not bad. After all, this is just a cartoon movie, not a mainstream movie with big scenes.

   Now that he has achieved such results, Kim Hyun Tae is still very satisfied.

   2.3 billion revenue, at least it can solve some of his current problems, right?

   Thinking of this, Kim Hyun-tae responded to Louise: "Yes, of course we have to strike while the iron is hot. Next, I want to make the stories in my fairy tale collection into a cartoon movie. After all, this is the most convenient."

   There are some potential words Jin Hyun Tae didn't say. That is, I own all the copyrights of "William's Fairy Tales" and the right to adapt the film and television, so I made the fairy tales I created into cartoon movies and made them broadcast on the big screen. Can save a lot of trouble.

   At the same time, there is another advantage of cartoon films, that is, you don’t need to hire big stars, as long as you have a skilled cartoon production team.

to this end. It can also save the cost of hiring a star.

   This is the simplest truth. Although Kim Hyun Tae didn't say it, it is impossible to come to Louis's side.

   Anyway. To make cartoon movies, the money is very broad.

   "Willing to take out your own fairy tale collection to produce, this is of course the best, so for the development of the company, do you have any plans here."

   Louis began to inquire about the company's development plan.

   After all, I have 2.3 billion in revenue. Obviously, such a large sum of money cannot be used to develop the company.

As for Kim Hyun-tae, he already had plans for this income. So when Louis asked this question, Kim Hyun-tae confessed to Louis after thinking about it: “I want to embezzle this money for a short time, so I plan to keep it for three Billion to the company is used to continue to recruit skilled programmers and expand the scale of the animation production team.

   As for the income of 2 billion, about half a year later, I will return to the company. At that time, the company will need to buy a piece of land, build its own headquarters, and purchase all kinds of new equipment. "

   Kim Hyun Tae is the boss, so Louis is not easy to dictate how to spend money. He can only provide some advice at best.

   So when Kim Hyun Tae revealed his plan, Louis could only acquiesce.

   But anyway~lightnovelpub.net~ Jin Xiantai still left the company with 300 million US dollars of funds, which is very good for expanding the animation production team.

  300 million is not a lot of funds, but it is obviously sufficient for the time being to recruit and expand the animation production team.

   "Well, you are the boss, you just have to make a decision on this matter. I'm done with everything I want to tell you."

  Louis is mainly to inform Kim Hyun-tae that he has entered the company account for the settlement of the box office income. Now that he has said everything, there is nothing else left.

   Kim Hyun-tae heard the words and said to Louis: "I don't have anything to do with me. You should work hard to look after the company, then so be it."

   Kim Hyun Tae, who ended the call, feels very good.

   2 billion of funds can enable him to do a lot of things. At least the small trouble of QQ expansion server and construction of information processing center that bothered him can be solved.

   "The Minister of Finance of our country and the visiting Japanese Finance Minister are discussing a series of related economic issues. According to relevant sources of this station, it is revealed that the appreciation of the yen is a foregone conclusion..."

   At this moment, a piece of news broadcast on TV suddenly caught the attention of Kim Hyun Tae, and at the same time made his heart move.

The news anchor on the TV was talking about this, while Kim Hyun-tae frowned where he was sitting, feeling strange thoughts in his heart, feeling that the appreciation of the yen, as if he should not miss it... (to be continued) .)