Rising America

Chapter 136: Tease

   When Kim Hyun Tae came back, Demi had finished the shower and was sitting on her bed, wearing a little pink camisole, and blowing her hair with the hair dryer she brought. =

   Demi didn't wear a cover, Kim Hyun-tae took a look and found the problem, so he immediately moved his gaze away, not daring to look at Demi's side.

It’s not that Kim Hyun-tae pretends to be a gentleman. There are some things that can be done, but some things can’t be done. Everyone has a code of ethics. Although everyone’s codes are different, you can’t say that Kim’s code is wrong. .

   "I'm back, how did you ask?"

   After all, she was a little girl, but she didn't notice this. After seeing Jin Xiantai back, she asked indifferently.

Turning his head sideways, blowing his hair, occasionally there will be some happiness coming out. Kim Hyun-tae kept his eyes away from Demi, and took out the drinks bought from the convenience store next to the hotel and put them on the small cabinet next to the TV. .

   "There are many car rental companies nearby. We can easily rent a car. If we don't even want to rent a car to be so troublesome, we can walk to the ‘Greyhound’ bus stop in five minutes and take the bus directly to Yellowstone Park."

   Jin Xiantai got very detailed information from the aunt at the front desk, so he also learned that there are many services that can be provided in this small city.

   "Let's rent a car, it's more convenient. The bus is only to the park campsite, and there is still some distance from where we are going, so I think it is best to rent a car."

   Demi put down the hair dryer in her hand, began to fiddle with her hair, and then spoke her opinion to Kim Hyun Tae.

   Kim Hyun Tae still did not look back, and continued to do his own thing with his back to Demi.

   But for Demi's suggestion, he himself is very impressed.

   In fact, Kim Hyun Tae also considered this issue. He also thinks that it is the best and most convenient way to rent a car to go to the Yellowstone Park destination, but not a bus.

So when he heard Demi say this, he nodded and said: "I think so too. So I plan to rent a car early tomorrow morning, and then we set off to the park. But I want to ask you. Meaning, if you rent a car, do you rent a motorhome or..."

   "RV! Rent a RV! Renting a RV is very convenient. We can camp and have a picnic when we are fine."

   "Well, as you wish, I will rent an RV at that time."

   Since Kim Hyun Tae came back, he has always turned his back to him, which made Demi very pleased. It's also a little uncomfortable.

   What made the little girl pleased was that Kim Hyun-tae could be said to be a real gentleman, not the kind of inconsistent person. This made Demi who liked him admired.

   What's uncomfortable is, don't you have a little charm or a trace of attraction for you?

   Girls’ minds are sometimes so strange and contradictory, so women or girls are actually a complex of contradictions. This sentence is correct.

   is also for this reason. It makes women or girls look cute, right?

   The creator created women, and their character is obviously not unreasonable.

   So it depends on how you appreciate and understand.

   The man who couldn't understand. Sorry, you are destined to be alone for a lifetime.

  Unhappy Demi decided to tease Kim Hyun Tae.

   She unwrapped the quilt and walked down to the ground. She was wearing a pink camisole with a belly button and a pair of very **** white briefs.

   Demi has a pair of long legs, and she can score 90 points for her figure. Although she is not comparable to the kind of natural evil, she is also considered a high-quality girl.

of course. Since she was still adolescent, some small freckles on her face had a great influence on her. Many points are deducted for this.

   But you have to admit, with these little freckles. On the contrary, it makes Demi look more cute.

After    came down, Demi exclaimed in a pretended way: "Wow! I really bought a drink. It just so happens that I'm so thirsty now, thank you William."

   Demi walked straight over in this way, then deliberately bent down, and pointed her little **** to Jin Xiantai, revealing the temptation of her **** as much as possible.

   How come this kid doesn’t know how to pay attention, bend down in front of me in such a dress, it’s not that I can see everything.

   Although Demi is wearing small briefs, those briefs are also covered with sex, which is just a cloth strip.

   But Demi's little **** looks meaty.

   Yeah, what am I thinking about, I am not a pervert.

   By Demi's doing this, the old man Kim Hyun Tae couldn't hold it anymore, and he was a little embarrassed.

"I went to take a shower."

   But he couldn't say anything about Demi, so he could only use a bath as an excuse to escape from this place.

   Demi, who was slurping and gulping his drink, smiled sweetly as he watched Kim Hyun Tae's back who fled while watching the wind.

   "What a shy guy, haha, it's so interesting."

   In fact, Demi is not a very daring girl, she seems to be a little boyish on weekdays, but in fact she is still very conservative in her bones.

   I just don't know how to do it. In front of Kim Hyun Tae, she suddenly became bold and bold.

   Maybe there are some favorite ingredients in it, but maybe Demi wants to show off her **** side as much as possible in front of Kim Hyun Tae in order to attract Kim Hyun Tae.

   Of course, even Demi didn’t know the real idea, after all, she just wanted to tease Kim Hyun Tae.

   Faced with the shy Kim Hyun Tae, it is normal for a girl to want to play tricks.

   After all, this is a very interesting thing in Demi's opinion.

   And Kim Hyun Tae's reaction also made Demi feel very interesting, and it also made Demi think he was very cute, yes, a cute big boy.

The sleeping Coco turned over, and then the two fleshy calves tumbling upside down, kicked the quilt away. Demi hurried over to find Cocoa, hugged Cocoa, and then returned to her bed with Cocoa, and then covered it. Put on the quilt.

   Apparently, Demi is going to sleep with Coco at night.

   After all, children like to kick the quilt at night, so someone needs to be there to look after them.

   So, raising a child is really not an easy task, and after having a child, it is basically impossible for parents to rest well.

   You have to pay attention to the child kicking the quilt. After all, if you can’t see a photo, your child will catch a cold and get a fever.

   If the child catches a cold due to the negligence of the parents, it is a trivial matter to spend money to see a doctor, and the child’s suffering is the most uncomfortable.

   Although Demi is still a girl, she has also worked part-time as a babysitter to take care of children, so she still understands this truth.

   So, she plans to relax Jin Xiantai. Tonight, she will take care of Cocoa by herself, so that she will not kick the quilt at night, and give Jin Xiantai a relaxing break.

   There was a sound of water in the bathroom, while Demi was lying on the bed holding Cocoa, and began to think about it.

   The little girl's face was red. God knows what kind of pictures and scenes the girl is thinking about.

  Little Coco's little hand touched Demi's chest uncontrollably, and Demi, who was already dozing off, didn't bother to pull away Coco's little hand and let her touch it indiscriminately.

   When Kim Hyun Tae came out of the shower, Demi was already asleep holding Cocoa.

   Maybe because Demi was around, Coco became much more honest.

   Kim Hyun Tae looked at Demi and his daughter Coco who were sleeping together, showing a knowing smile, then walked to the wall and turned off the light.

   The room after turning off the lights was dark. Kim Hyun-tae fumbled to his bedside, got into the bed, and soon fell asleep by himself.

   Early the next morning, Kim Hyun-tae woke up first. After waking up, he looked at Demi and found that his daughter kicked the quilt away again while his **** was facing Demi's face, and he was sleeping.

And Demi seemed to be exhausted. Even if she was pressed by Coco’s **** on her face, she slept soundly without waking up, and the quilt on Demi fell to the ground, and Jin Xiantai could clearly see her. **** panties, white thighs and belly.

   quickly retracted his gaze, first opened the quilt to the ground, and gently came to Demi's bed and set up Demi's quilt to cover her again.

   Fortunately, the heating in the room is sufficient, and the floor heating temperature is also very high, so there is no need to worry about Demi and her daughter catching a cold.

Kim Hyun-tae looked at the clock on the wall and found that it was only half past six in the morning, but his sleepiness was gone now, and he didn’t plan to sleep anymore, so he came back to get dressed, ready to go out and take a look. By the way, take a look at any nearby places where you can have breakfast.

   Seeing what Demi and her daughter meant, it was obvious that they would not be able to wake up for a while.

   After getting dressed quietly~lightnovelpub.net~ Kim Hyun-tae left the room quietly, without disturbing Demi and daughter Coco, who were sleeping very sweetly.

   Passing through the hotel lobby, Jin Xiantai found that the aunt at the front desk had disappeared last night, but was replaced by a black woman who was about 30 years old.

"good Morning."

"good Morning?"

   greeted him, and Kim Hyun Tae walked straight out of the hotel door and onto the street.

   The environment of small towns in the United States is very different from that of big cities. People living here have a slow pace of life.

   Therefore, Kim Hyun Tae, who was standing on the street, did not see how many pedestrians there were.

   This is going to be in cities like New York and Los Angeles. Starting at 6 o'clock in the morning, there will be a lot of traffic and people.

   took a step forward, Kim Hyun Tae walked to the left.

   Within a few steps, he found a fast food chain, a fast food restaurant that specializes in burritos tortillas.

   For this time-space America, it is actually monopolized by a Mexican-style fast food restaurant, which has always made Kim Hyun-tae feel weird, but also complains.

   Well, there is a fast food restaurant where the problem of eating can be solved.

  Although he complains about fast food restaurants like this, Kim Hyun-tae can't be faulty. After all, his considerations allow him and Demi to have a daughter and have to solve the problem of eating, right? (To be continued.)>