Rising America

Chapter 1360: Solve the hidden danger

Dongying’s land reclamation block is not yet profitable, but anyone who is not an idiot will know that once the land reclamation block is developed, the profits that can be brought to Jin Xiantai will definitely be very generous, and it is still endless. , Who told Kim Hyun Tae’s chicken thief not to sell it and intend to use it to collect rent Tomato Novel Network-`````-`

Moreover, the area of ​​land reclamation is really not small, reaching as much as 40 square kilometers.

40 square kilometers, how many houses can be built on this, and how much rent income these homeowners can bring to Jin Xiantai every month.

Especially the rents of shopping malls, office buildings, and storefronts that bring greater benefits than the houses that people live in.

Haha, when people think of this, they really can't help but feel excited.

Suddenly, Kim Hyun-tae felt that he had a sense of sight of the protagonist in the comics, because only in Dongying comics could there be such a big landlord.

It can be seen from Jin Xiantai's insight that he is in a good mood now.

But unlike Kim Hyun Tae's good mood, Qiao An saw the hidden disadvantages in the land reclamation, and it could even be said to be a hidden danger in the future.

So Qiao An had to remind Jin Xiantai to pay attention to this aspect.

"Boss, I found that there are some hidden dangers in this project. If you don't deal with it as soon as possible, I am worried that in the future, it may become the handle of Dongying people to threaten you."

Ok! ?

Qiao An's words made Kim Hyun Tae's expression stunned.

Qiao An is a person who does things very practically, so she is definitely not talking nonsense, she must have her truth.

"What's the hidden danger?"

"Water! Electricity! Gas! Transportation!"

What Qiao An said is closely related to people's lives.

After thinking about it for a moment, Kim Hyun-tae figured out the joints.

It is true that the land reclamation is one's own, but if you want to develop the land, you absolutely cannot avoid laying water, electricity and gas pipelines.

If there is no such thing, who will come to you to rent a house.

Of course, transportation is also very important. Only convenient transportation makes people feel that where they live and travel is very convenient, which will greatly increase the new attraction and the value of the land.

But laying water, electricity, and gas pipelines is tantamount to putting your lifeblood in the hands of others. If someone cuts off water or electricity for you, it is definitely a terrible thing.

Compared with water, electricity and gas, transportation is easier to solve, so Qiao An puts transportation issues after water, electricity and gas.

Kim Hyun-tae is not stupid, he understands when Qiao An mentions it.

Therefore, he slowly nodded his head and his expression became extremely solemn.

"You are right. It seems that we really need to solve these things to make ourselves invincible, and I don't like to take the lifeblood in the hands of others."

Kim Hyun-tae, who dreams of being the emperor of ‘China’s,’ really doesn’t want to be blocked by others, so he has something to do with ‘hydropower and gas transportation’ and he feels it is necessary to solve it.

Only in this way, can he truly become the master of the 40 square kilometers of land after development, without having to look at the faces of Dongying people at all.

"Do you have any good suggestions?"

Kim Hyun Tae intends to listen to Qiao An's idea.

After all, Qiao Ann can see these hidden worries, so she must have some mature ideas when she wants to come, so ask Qiao Ann if it is wrong.

Sure enough, Qiao Ann nodded: "I have some immature ideas here. Now I can tell them for your reference."

"I think you can let the Frankstein Laboratory contribute and take out the technology to build a desalination plant on the Dongying plot to solve the problem of residential water use."

Well! The idea is very good, and the feasibility is very high.

Others don't know how powerful the Frankstein Lab is, but Jin Xiantai knows it very well.

This laboratory was created by Andrew at all, and it was specially used in a place where black technology will be released in the future.

Even the host of the laboratory, Dr. Frankstein, is a genetic man cultivated by Andrew using genetic technology.

Behind it is Andrew, an alien elementary school student who has a lot of black technology.

So with this stuff behind, it will definitely not be difficult to solve related problems.

The premise is that Jin Xiantai is willing to find him.

Of course, how could Kim Hyun Tae be unwilling.

Qiao An continued: "Stark Industries has mastered the technology of miniaturization of plutonium energy. This technology can be completely converted into civilian use and is more environmentally friendly and safer than nuclear energy..."

At this time, Jin Xiantai interjected: "You asked me to contact Stark and ask him to license this technology to me, and then use it to build an energy supply center on the Dongying plot?"

Qiao An nodded, indicating that she meant it.

Jin Xiantai smiled and said to Qiao An, "You don't have to trouble Stark. The Frankstein laboratory can solve this problem. You must believe that the laboratory has such a technology."

Qiao An shrugged. Since Jin Xiantai said that there is no need to trouble Stark, Frankstein Lab can solve it, so she won't waste any more words.

Anyway, my boss is so confident, what can I say as a subordinate?

What a big deal, when the lab said that it couldn't be solved, she would just go to Stark to come forward.

In fact, this is also because Joanne doesn't know much about the Frankstein Lab. If she knew how amazing the Frankstein Lab is, then she wouldn't think so.

You know, the real master behind Frankstein is Andrew, an alien elementary school student with countless black technologies.

So don't talk about the desalination of sea water in a small area, and the protection of electricity and gas for an area of ​​40 square kilometers.

If Dongying people are willing, the Frankstein Laboratory can completely produce technology and create a factory to solve these problems for the whole country. This is not a shocking thing.

Because Andrew has this technique.

"I will contact the Frankstein Laboratory and ask them to come up with technology to solve water, electricity, gas, and transportation problems."

There is no need for Qiao An to continue talking about gas and transportation. Jin Xiantai simply said that he would hand all these problems to Frankelstein Lab to come up with solutions and technologies to solve them.

This made Qiao An worry a lot.

"Since you have said this to the boss, then I won't be bothered. As long as these problems can be solved, then the Admiral of the Dongying plot will no longer hold you back."

Of course, Qiao An is also very happy to be able to solve the problems of water, electricity and gas on 40 square kilometers of land.

Because only in this way, on the 40 square kilometers of land, Jin Xiantai can safely be his big landlord without being restricted by related parties.


Water and electricity or gas?

Hahahaha, I have it by myself, you can cut it off.

Who can take Jin Xiantai has a way.

Even Jin Xiantai can make a few extra incomes by relying on water, electricity and gas business.

These incomes are also endless, every month.

Look, is this a good thing?

And with the technology of the Frankstein laboratory, the hydropower and gas field produced will definitely not cost much, but the charges will definitely be the same as the charges of Dongying related parties. Even if Jin Xiantai is kindly charged a little less, it is absolutely guaranteed to be huge profits. of.

It has to be said that while solving the hidden dangers while still making money, there is no such good thing in the world.

Therefore, Kim Hyun Tae is in a good mood.

Even Qiao An was infected and smiled happily.

"Boss, you led the establishment of the Frankstein Lab. Now it seems that this step is on the right track. I never thought that this lab possesses such a strong technology."

Qiao An exclaimed from the bottom of his heart.

Kim Hyun Tae responded with a smile without humility and said, "Yes, I just liked Dr. Frankstein's ability in the first place, so I didn't hesitate to support him."

Jin Xiantai is not ashamed of saying this anyway.

"Boss, regarding the development of Dongying Land, I have a few immature suggestions here. I wonder if you would like to listen to them?"

Qiao An has always been paying attention to the Dongying plot, and Qiao An also has some of his own views on Jin Xiantai's plan to develop.

She felt that according to Jin Xiantai's development plan, it was a waste.

So while Jin Xiantai was in a good mood at this time, she felt that she had to talk about her own opinions. As for Jin Xiantai's acceptance or not, it was his business.

But as a qualified and responsible subordinate, Qiao An felt that he had to give such advice.

Jin Xiantai looked at Qiao An with a smile on his face and nodded: "Let's talk about your opinion, I'm not the kind of person who can't listen to advice, why have you become so hesitating."

Kim Hyun-tae was polite, but Joan couldn't take it seriously.

In private, she and Kim Hyun Tae are friends, but now they are at work after all, so Qiao An has to make a clear distinction.

So Qiao An would not be so unscrupulous.

This is also where she is very smart.

"I think it’s a waste of boss to develop a rental house. In fact, you can turn the 40 square kilometers of land ~lightnovelpub.net~ into a tax-free zone and develop various entertainment areas for recreation and consumption. This is better than building a house for rent. There are so many prospects, even if you can get a photo in the casino..."

Qiao An's planning prospects really do not know how much more high-end atmosphere is than Jin Xiantai.

On the other hand, Jin Xiantai's plan is too stingy compared to Qiao An's plan.

But Jin Xiantai pondered a little, and his eyes lit up.

To be honest, although Jin Xiantai is very diaosi, it does not mean that he is a fool.

Qiao An has said so clearly, he should be able to imagine after a little thought that Qiao An's planning proposal is really much stronger than his planning proposal.

There are also more "money scenes".

A free commercial area, with various duty-free shops, can definitely attract a large number of overseas tourists to patronize, if you can build hotels and casinos by yourself...


This kind of planning to build a house for rent is really too earthy, isn't it?

"If I leave it to you over there, and you also take care of the American business, do you think it's okay?"

Qiao An's suggestion is very good, and Jin Xiantai has no reason not to choose.

It's just that he was worried that Qiao Ann would be able to deal with such a big mess alone, after all, Qiao Ann was still responsible for handling a lot of corporate affairs on the American side.

Hearing this, Qiao An smiled confidently: "No problem, as long as I need to grasp the general direction, I can find the right person to carry out the following trivial things. Now it depends on whether you are willing to give me the boss. Come and do it."

What else can Jin Xiantai say at this time.

"Okay! In that case, you should be responsible for the affairs of the Dongying plot. If you take the time today, you will contact Qingyun Lao Zhou. After all, our plans have changed. You need to talk to him."

Kim Hyun Tae is also very simple.