Rising America

Chapter 1362: Bear kid


This is not the first time Li Baoying has been attacked. .

As the daughter of the Li family, she must also take on some things that ordinary people cannot afford.

Simply her luck has always been good, and every time she attacks her, she can be saved.

Cui Xiandong raised his own flag inside the high-level Northern Dynasties, making it clear that the carriages and horses were ready to confront the Li family, so the military and political officials of the Northern Dynasties began to stand in line.

Want to be a centrist?

You can't be helped by this situation now.

Whether it is Taiyang or Cui Xiandong, they will join hands to obliterate the centrists, and everyone who forces them must choose one side.

Therefore, during this period of time, some officials in the Northern Dynasty have always stepped down and been arrested. The outside world is confused, and it is impossible to figure out what happened to the Northern Dynasty.

If it hadn't been for Qiao An to talk about these things, even Jin Xiantai would not know that the situation in the Northern Dynasty is so unstable now.

But fortunately, the fighting between the two sides was on the political level, and both sides restrained and did not involve the fighting in the army.

Because both sides in the battle are very clear, once the matter is extended to the army, if the army is dispatched, then the matter can become bigger.

And no one can guarantee that at that time the compatriots in the south will take the opportunity to fight.

Because of this concern, the high-level officials are aggressive, but the army below is still stable.

Of course, both parties are not without bloodshed in private.

The army did not move, but the elite forces under the command of both sides frequently exchanged fire.

After all, neither of them is weak.

So who hasn't some private force to mobilize?

And the subordinates of both sides are also very aware that both themselves and their loyalists are in a relationship of both glory and loss, and surrender will not work at all.

Therefore, there is only one path before them, and that is to completely kill the opponent.

With this awareness, this small-scale conflict suddenly became very cruel and bloody, which is also a very inevitable thing.

And because Cui Xiandong was launched suddenly, the armed forces in the hands of the Li family suffered a lot of losses in the first time, and it has been at a considerable disadvantage until now.

Politically, Cui Xiandong’s men are using corruption as an excuse to launch a personal attack on Park Young, the second-hand man of the Li family’s left-handed People’s Army, which has the meaning of pulling him down.

Obviously, this is going to be done on those who are on the side of the Li family, those who hold military power, and Park Young is just the beginning.

So everyone is watching now to see if the Li family can keep Park Young.

If the Li family cannot keep Park Young, the next situation will be even more unfavorable for the Li family.

At least a large number of middle-level cadres will fall to Cui Xiandong.

And these middle-level cadres will drive a group of grass-roots cadres, and if these people fall to Cui Xiandong, this is absolutely fatal to the Li family.

Therefore, the current situation facing the Li family and his daughter is very bad.

So in this bad situation, if there is help from outside, it will certainly help.

It's just that Li Baoying didn't speak to Jin Xiantai, because she didn't want to involve Jin Xiantai in such a struggle and put him in danger.

But Kim Hyun Tae didn't think so.

He felt that as a friend of Li Baoying, he still had to help at this critical moment, otherwise he was still a person.

As for the danger?

Kim Hyun Tae didn't think so.

It's a big deal that he won't go to the Northern Dynasty for a lifetime. He doesn't believe that if Cui Xiandong gains power, he can go abroad to make trouble for himself?

He has money and some people. In the Northern Dynasty, Cui Xiandong was a bull, but after leaving the Northern Dynasty, Jin Xiantai felt that he was more bullish than him.

"We can hire a group of intrepid killers to go to the Northern Dynasties, and kill some high-level leaders headed by Cui Xiandong in a targeted manner. As long as those guys are killed, some of the people below will not be afraid. Big deal, you spend a little more on the boss. Money is enough to stabilize those middle-level people."

Dollar plus stick?

Well, this is a good way.

Is it just that this is too trivial?

Indeed, what Qiao An said is so easy, but in Kim Hyun Tae's opinion, it seems really too trivial.

You know, this is a major event affecting the political situation of the Northern Dynasty.

It's just that Jin Xiantai is too arrogant. He always feels that this kind of thing should not be done this way, but he has not thought about it. Sometimes it is just such a tricky way that may be the best solution to the problem.

Things are always so complicated to do.

Simple and direct is best.

"It just so happened that I was going to Xiangjiang because of the'Zhang' matter. I will do it at the same time. Boss, you can rest assured that the matter is not as complicated as you think. I promise that this matter can be resolved. Well done."

Kim Hyun Tae looked at Qiao An tangledly.

Qiao An smiled and looked at Kim Hyun Tae, who had no temper at all.

"This is not a play house." Jin Xiantai couldn't help but said such a sentence.

Qiao An responded with a grin: "I know it's not a play house, but it's actually no different from a play house."

Such a big thing is described by you as such, if others hear it, they might think that you are brain-dead.

Jin Xiantai couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Qiao An immediately changed the subject and didn't want to argue with Jin Xiantai on this issue, anyway, as long as she finally came up with a perfect result.

"Boss, your investment in Huaxia is progressing very smoothly. Qingyun has already won many commercial plots in China, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other cities, and has begun construction because of sufficient funds. It will be completed in October next year at the latest. Up.

The electric motorcycle factory in Longcheng has been completed, the equipment has arrived and is undergoing commissioning and installation. It is expected to be put into production in two months, and the employees have already been recruited and are undergoing training.

The Hummer plant estimates that the production date will be later than the electric motorcycle plant..."

Jin Xiantai invested 1.3 billion U.S. dollars in the early stage of Dragon City, and later added several more, which has reached as much as 3.4 billion U.S. dollars, which is more than 20 billion in soft sister currency.

Therefore, Longcheng paid great attention to it, and even delineated an area specifically for Jin Xiantai.

Almost a year has passed. With the support of large sums of money, the two factories have been established smoothly and quickly, and they will be put into operation soon.

This matter is great news for both Jin Xiantai and the Longcheng City Committee.

Jin Xiantai himself knows how big a market for electric motorcycles is.

Put it on the side of different time and space, that is a huge return of trillions of dollars.

And how much tax can it bring to the local area?

At that time, the Longcheng City Committee will surely wake up all night dreaming.

Hummer is definitely more rewarding than not having electric motorcycles, but the earnings outlook is not low.

More importantly, the Hummer can drive a large number of related industrial chains, while at the same time solving local employment and alleviating local economic pressure.

Not to mention that Annie and Demi also ran to Longcheng to build a factory, they followed in the footsteps of Jin Xiantai.

Annie built a ‘Big Banana’ mobile phone foundry factory. It’s hard for Jin Xiantai to comment on this factory. After all, Annie is a capitalist.

At the same time, Annie also reached an agreement with the Longcheng Municipal Committee to build a road. Annie will fund the construction of highways around Longcheng, and then charge for 30 years... In this way, the road problems around Longcheng and the future transportation problems will be solved.

Demi has established an instant noodle factory in Longcheng, which has solved the sales problem for local agriculture, but it is a great thing for farmers.

And I heard that Demi is not only building an instant noodle factory, she also plans to build a beverage factory.

Local farmers in Longcheng like to grow sugarcane, but the sales of sugarcane are not so good. After all, there is only one sugarcane factory in the surrounding area, and the price of sugarcane planted by every farmer cannot go up, and sometimes it is even slower.

But with Demi’s beverage factory, it’s different. She can buy back sugar cane in large quantities and use it to make beverages.

Of course, the beverage factory on Demi's side is just a concept on paper.

Whether it can be built in the end depends on whether the instant noodle factory can be made.

If the instant noodle factory is completed and everything goes well, and the local Longcheng City Committee can fulfill their promise, Demi would not mind continuing to invest in building a beverage factory.

But for these things, Kim Hyun-tae only knew after hearing Qiao An talk to him.

If it wasn't for Qiao An to say these things, I don't know if I want to come to Jin Xiantai.

After all, Kim Hyun-tae is a big shopkeeper, and it is normal for him to be less concerned about these things.

In general, Jin Xiantai has a detailed understanding of the development of the company under his name through Qiao An's report.

In a word, these companies are all developing, and they are far from the state of steady profitability.

But the prospects of these companies are very good.

In about two years, then Jin Xiantai can lie in bed and count money for fun.

At this point, the report on the company under the name of Jin Xiantai has officially ended.

As for the clothing brands and fast food chain brands on his daughter's side, Qiao An didn't mean to report at all, and Jin Xiantai didn't want to ask.

Because both of them know that the businesses under their daughter's name are doing very well, and they have begun to bring huge profits to the little guy every month.

"Now Zhang Xiaomi has successfully become a "Good Voice" contestant. As long as there is no accident, she will definitely get a good ranking. We don't need to worry about this.

The next thing we need to do is to promote this as much as possible, and don't forget the Cai Minghua who dealt with Xiangjiang. "

Jin Xiantai turned the topic to Nuwa.

Qiao An nodded: "Tomorrow I will set off to Xiangjiang to personally break Cai Minghua's network of relationships, so that the girls can see his true colors."

Going to Xiangjiang and freeing the girls around Cai Minghua from the sea of ​​suffering is the purpose of Qiao An's trip.

Of course, it is not known whether Qiao An will act for personal gain in this process.

"Don't delay this matter. I have to do everything before I go to serve in Vietnam."

After speaking, Jin Xiantai checked the time, and then made a call to the house.

"What is Cocoa doing? Is it good?"

After all, I'm a father. Even if I work outside, I can't forget to ask about the situation at home.

The one who answered the phone was a gene-man maid at home.

Seeing my young master asked the young lady, the gene-man maid replied: "Miss said she went to play in another dimension world, and she is not at home now."

what! ?

Kim Hyun-tae, who is holding a mobile phone, is not well.

He knew that if he was not at home, his daughter would definitely not be so honest.

------split line------

"Hahaha! What a beautiful pink girl, maybe it's from the big door of the Jin family, brothers, grab her and let's open the meat today. This girl must be delicious when cooked!"


More than a hundred cavalry wearing hu robes cheered in unison, and then they waved their scimitars and rode their horses to attack.

And not far from these cavalry, is Coco, who came into this world for only five minutes, and her little friend Kayla two bear children.

"They want to eat me? Do you believe it? They want to eat me!"

Coco turned his head to the side of his little friend Kayla and said.

After finishing speaking, before Kayla responded, Coco took out a card from his pocket and threw it into the air, and shouted loudly: "Come out! The welfare of the traverser!"

Five heavily armored knights wearing medieval armor ~lightnovelpub.net~ riding on armored horses under their hips appeared out of thin air. And raise the cross sword in his hands high and roar in unison!


[Battle advantage -57, battle reputation 120]

After the five reloaded knights appeared, a virtual screen appeared in front of Coco's eyes, and a message was given on it.

The little guy was obviously dissatisfied and curled his lips, and complained to Kayla beside him: "I only gave me five knights at the beginning. This system's benefits are really stingy."

While talking, the Hu Pao cavalry rushed to a distance of 20 meters from the little guy.

But Coco was still watching Kayla and said: "Now you are my hero, go and lead the knights to solve these enemies, remember not to kill them, I have to ask why they want to eat me."

Kayla nodded excitedly and started to move. She left an afterimage in place.

And the robed knights who were in the impact on the opposite side became sloppy...