Rising America

Chapter 1364: The kid likes to cheat when playing game

After the Rebellion of the Eight Kings of Jin Dynasty, Huaxia started a situation of five chaos.

The Hu people from the north went south to slaughter the Han people, and the Jin dynasty cliques fled south in an embarrassing manner. They were called ‘clothes for the south,’ leaving countless Han people tortured in the north.

And the way the Hu people slaughtered the Han people was really irritating.

Because the Huren cannibals!

The Han Chinese who stayed in the Northland during the Jin Dynasty became the "food" for the Hu people and were called "two-legged sheep". This shows how worrying the living conditions of the Han people in the Northland are.

The place where Coco and the others appeared was the post-Zhao Liangzhou controlled by Shihu the Jie people, and Shihu was the largest cannibal king in this era, and he was also the most cruel to the Han people.

So when Andrew learned this information through the captives, he decided to persuade Coco to leave the world.

The reason is also very simple. If Coco insists on playing here, he will definitely encounter a situation of'cannibalism' in the future, and the scene of those living people being killed in public and thrown into the pot for cooking will definitely be scared. My own lady is cocoa.

After all, Coco is just a child.

Even this kind of scene will be deeply imprinted in the depths of Coco's consciousness, so that it becomes a nightmare that Coco will linger in his entire life.

Andrew didn't want Coco to be scared, let alone those cruel scenes.

So he wanted to persuade Coco to leave.

In fact, if he could, Andrew even wanted to take Cocoa away with tough methods.

But Andrew knows very well that hard-line methods are of no use to Cocoa, after all, Cocoa's power is too bad.

So Andrew can only persuade Coco to leave here.

But with such soft persuasion, the success rate is obviously very low.

This makes Andrew very helpless.

Coco blinked and stared at Andrew with a sad expression. She didn't know what Uncle Andrew was worried about.

Since there are no gods in this world, then her Cocoa and her little friend Kayla are obviously invincible in this world, so what is there to worry about.

Natives cannot threaten themselves.

I also exchanged some fun cards from the mystery store, so I can guarantee that there will be no problems in all aspects.

Really, Uncle Andrew is not going to menopause, right?

Coco felt that Andrew's reaction was not normal.

"I have always been courageous! Angel I have beaten! I have beaten the Lord of the Devil! I really don’t know what else can scare me for a tough girl like me! Of course my father is angry and wants to beat me Except the ass!"

While showing off his resume, the little guy patted Andrew's thigh with his little hand. A look of "you can rest assured" appeared on his little face, and he didn't mean to leave at all.

And Coco was so determined to stay, and Andrew really had nothing to do.

After all, he can't deal with Coco with strong means, and he can't deal with it either.

So what else can he do?

"Come on, Andrew, take a card, and Kayla, take one too. From now on, you two will be my generals."

Judging from the Hu Pao cavalry he encountered, Coco felt that this was an ancient world.

Although this ancient world is strange, the little guy doesn't care at all.

She was completely immersed in the excitement of having a good game before establishing the source of faith.

"what is this?"

Andrew looked down at the card that Coco had tucked in. He didn't quite understand what it was.

After all, Coco will always come up with something weird.

Kayla smiled and took the card that Coco handed him, and then threw it into the air, then turned to explain to Andrew: "Horse-riding and slashing mods, the props exchanged by the boss of Cocoa from the mystery store, it just happens that this world is again The ancient world, so it happens to be able to cooperate with us to play with this prop."

What the **** is the Horse Riding and Blade slashing MOD collection?

Andrew grinned upon hearing this.

At this time, Kayla yelled at the side: "Wow! Fort Gondor Cavalry, haha, what I got is a magic mod unit."

Children have a lot of experience in games, and they are absolutely correct.

But Andrew sounded confused and didn't quite understand what they were all about.

The ghost knows that the mystery store always produces such products for Mao, which seems to be related to the game.

Andrew shook his head and sighed in his heart, a little helpless because he could not persuade Coco.

"Uncle Andrew, hurry up and use your card, let us see which mod unit you got."

Under the urging of Coco and Kayla, Andrew followed the instructions of the two little girls and threw the card into the air in a way.

In less than a second, a cavalry with a horse and heavy armor appeared beside Andrew.

"Yeah! Tiefu Tu, it's Tiefu Tu!"

The two little girls were very excited, and Andrew had to cooperate with wry smiles.

Coco and Kayla whispered to each other, and Andrew didn't know what they were talking about.

Bored, Andrew looked around.

The corpses of the robed cavalry killed by Kayla were scattered around. Their deaths were very miserable. They were all killed by implosion after being hit by external forces.

Although Kaila is stronger than Cocoa, she is Superman's sister after all.

So it's no surprise that those knights with robes in the ordinary human category could be Kyla's opponents.

Andrew looked around boredly.

Coco and Kayla's whispered conversation also came to fruition.

"From now on, I am Princess Swadia, Keira is the Duke of Gondor under my command, and Uncle Andrew’s role is the Duke of King Gondor. You two will lead the Gondor knights under your command, and the Iron Float will follow me in this battle. World, we want to lay a big turf here!"

Just when Andrew was bored, Coco and Kayla, who had already negotiated, walked over, and Coco announced to Andrew that his upcoming role was very identity.

Look, after all Cocoa is still played as a game.

For Cocoa's arrangement, Andrew cannot refuse.

Because if he refuses, it will make the bear child angry, and once the bear child becomes angry, Andrew can't imagine what will happen.

Therefore, he can only honestly accept the role arranged by the bear child, and has already planned for the world next.

No way, who makes Coco so powerful.

Don't talk about Andrew, even if it's Coco's master Nuwa, it won't change much unless it's Coco's father Jin Xiantai.

The little guy is not afraid of everything, just afraid of her father.

Well, Annie counts as one.


With a deep sigh from the bottom of his heart, Andrew can only accept this ending and hope that his wife will not encounter and see those cruel scenes.

After all, the scene of cooking a living person is really unbearable to most people.

"Miss, where are we going next? According to the information I have obtained, this should be the Lanzhou area in ancient China." The ability to confirm this information is mainly due to the previous prisoners.

In addition, Andrew has learned a lot of historical knowledge, so he can make such an accurate judgment.

But Coco will care about these.

Don't forget, she is an out-and-out bear child.

"Well, is it the world of ancient Chinese templates?" The bear child tilted his head and thought, "Let's go eastward, go to the capital, and lay the ground there and we will build the country."

"Miss, now that place is not called Jingcheng, but'Ye'. It is the capital of Hou Zhao Shihu." After Andrew corrected it, he pointed out that it was already occupied.

Cocoa waved his small hand indifferently: "Then kill the guy named Shihu. Anyway, where do I want to build the country!"

Speaking of it, it is really unbelievable. Coco, Kayla and Andrew, as well as the knights who have their own words, add up to only 18 people.

But with this little manpower, Coco actually said that he would go to ‘Ye’ to kill Shihu and establish his own kingdom there.

To be honest, there is no one else here.

If there are others around, you will definitely say that Coco is mad.

But Andrew and Kayla didn't think so.

Because they are not ordinary people, they have power that ordinary people can't imagine.

So Cocoa is really not a joke~lightnovelpub.net~ is not something that can't be done.

"We have too few people, so going east is very shameless. Anyway, I am playing as the princess of Swadia, and you two are also grand dukes."

After determining his next stage goal, Coco didn't immediately start, but raised his hand and rubbed his chin, and said with a serious expression that they lacked the manpower such a faceless thing.

"Well, now I'll add some upgrades to everyone, so that everyone can bring a little more soldiers, and it won't make people feel that we are shabby."

Soon, the little guy made a decision.


Bear children always like to cheat when playing games, or use BUG to open cheats or something.

So the little guy's current choice is not surprising at all.

Next, the little guy started cheating and raised himself, Kayla and Andrew to the full level, and filled all his skills.

At this moment, the number of soldiers each of the three of them can lead has reached as many as 120, and the total number is 360.

It is true that there are not many 360 cavalrymen, but if they are all heavy cavalry, they can be considered a big force. At least some unsightly guys on the way east will not come up to harass Coco and the others.

In this way, Coco took 120 Swadia noble knights, Keira took 120 Gondor fort knights, and Andrew took 120 Golden National Iron Buddha statues all the way east.

And as a game of Cocoa, of course, you will not forget to clean up the bandits and bandits on the road, and gain some reputation to improve yourself, Kyra and Andrew's leadership.

Therefore, when the three of them had not led their troops out of Liangzhou, the number of troops led by Coco and his party rose by 50 places. If you want to come, many guys are in bad luck...