Rising America

Chapter 1375: Let's fight! Grandpa!

You can cheat by using system cheats, so that you have more than 30,000 heavy cavalry out of thin air, and under the absolute advantage of these cavalry, defeated the 10,000-year-old Jie people army, and captured about five thousand Jie people.

Since they are captives, these guys certainly won't have any rights, and the defeated have always ended up like this.

Not to mention that after these Capricorns invaded the Central Plains, they often committed crimes of anger and resentment, so Andrew used these Capricorns as a test for the Jin people, and there was no psychological burden at all.

Even Cocoa and Kayla didn't think it was impossible.

Killers, people will kill them!

When they did evil in the first place, they should have thought that there would be such a result today.

So no one would pity them at all.

In order to become an auxiliary soldier and to enjoy the benefits of three meals a day, those Jin women, children, and elderly who were rescued by cocoa were the first to pass the test.

And after passing the test, they immediately ate the fragrant white rice and the stir-fried vegetables with one-third of the meat strips.

After seeing this, those Jin men became eager to move.

Of course, they didn't dare to provoke Andrew, after all, 30,000 heavy cavalry is not a display, only a brain disabled can do such idiotic things.

At the moment, the purpose of these eager Jin men's constant noise and commotion is to let Andrew also give a chance to let them become auxiliary soldiers to eat, nothing more.

But these guys are stained.

After all, they escaped in the battle not long ago.

So treating people like them really can't be like treating those Jin women, children and old people.

But these people still have some value after all.

Considering that my lady, Coco, wants to establish her own source of faith here, so these two or three thousand Jin men are really not good, just don't want them.

Under this premise, Andrew thought of increasing the difficulty of the test.

Want to be an auxiliary soldier and eat three white rice a day?

At the same time, let us forget the kind of behavior that you fled without a fight not long ago. Give you a chance?

Well, this is not impossible, but you need to use your own actions to prove that you are successful.

Another group of Jie captives were brought here. Under the supervision of the Iron Buddha guards, these Jie captives will fight one-on-one with those Jin men, and those Jin men can only kill what they are facing. Captives of the Jie people have the possibility of becoming an auxiliary soldier.

If they can't even pass this test, then Andrew can only let them fend for themselves.

After all, people who can't pass this test, what's the point of having them stay?

You can't keep the rice and feed them like pigs.

It is true that it is not impossible to feed them as pigs. Cocoa relies on cheating cheats, and there is no need to worry about food problems.

But as Andrew, he really doesn't want to feed useless people.

So these Jin men want to become auxiliary soldiers and are accepted by Andrew, then they must kill the opponent they are about to face and use this method to prove themselves.

A new group of Capricorn captives were brought here. They naturally saw the pile of corpses not far away, and they could tell from the clothes on the corpses that they were their compatriots.

The atmosphere became depressing and dull for a while.

At this time, even if the Jie people are not good at their brains, they can still see that there is nothing good waiting for them.

As a result, the captives showed signs of slight disturbance.

But as soon as the commotion started, they were mercilessly hit by the Iron Buddha guards, and they were suppressed by their abrupt commotion.

To be honest, the high-ranking soldiers of the system are very cruel, and they are not merciful at all.

After suppressing some of the turmoil captives and letting them become honest again, these captives were taken behind Andrew.

The guard at the gate of the camp sent a Jin to enter the camp.

In contrast, Andrew also let a Capricorn captive.

The test is about to begin.

------split line------

Andrew started the assessment of Jin men, and Coco also took the hundreds of Jin men who had accepted the inheritance of the wonderful work to conduct their own assessment.

Since this is a plane world that is not even a low martial arts, no one knows what kind of changes will be brought to this world because of the emergence of Coco and the inheritance of hundreds of Jin people. .

Those indigenous Jin people don't know.

And the bear child, Cocoa, didn't care about it at all.

God knows if the future of this plane world will eventually evolve into a shattered world like the Fist of the North Star, and then a guy named ‘Kenjirou’ pops up.

If it really becomes like this, wouldn't Coco become the ancestor of the ‘Nan Beidou’ to worship together?


When people think about this kind of thing, they can't help but laugh or cry.

But no one thought about this kind of thing at all right now, at least Coco wouldn't worry about it and waste brain cells.

The old man surnamed Song is also one of the people who have exercised the inheritance, and the inheritance he obtained is still the famous "Beidou Boxing", I have to say that he is really lucky.

Because of the inheritance, his body has obviously changed.

His thin body has become strong, from the original skinny bones to tendon flesh. Although his hair is gray, he dare not take it lightly at first sight. A generation of ferocious grandfathers has arrived.

It's strange to say that it was the inheritance of boxing from a certain cartoon world. After being taught to these Jin people by the little guy in this world, there have been some subtle changes.

For example, these people who have inherited their body can absorb the unknown elements that are free in nature, and these unknown elements enhance their physique and enhance their anti-strike ability, making this come from the cartoon world. It seems that there have been slight changes in his boxing technique, and it has become stronger.

God knows if it is because of these boxing techniques that they fit the world very well, and there are factors that are beneficial to these boxing techniques in this world.

But anyway, this is a good thing after all.

After all, if these Jin people become stronger, they will be able to fight against the Wuhu raging on the land of the Central Plains in the future, and at the same time they will establish sects and other things.

At that time, Cocoa will surely follow the tide, right?

Of course, these are things for the future.

Right now, Coco needs to take a look at how strong these Jin people who have inherited have become.

At the same time, let these Jin people know what they are doing.

Kaila ordered the Gondor knights under his command to also take a group of Capricorn back.

In short, these captives have no human rights to talk about in Cocoa, and the role they can play with Cocoa is as a ‘tool’ for assessment.

The old man Song is very nervous.

Although he knows that he has changed a lot, when he faces the Jie Ren, he can't help but feel chills in his heart and a sense of fear.

After all, the Jie people's brutal style left a too deep impression on the Jin people.

So it is obviously not possible to change this mentality in a short time.

"Let go of 20 prisoners, the Big Dipper Fist is not that weak."

Coco asked Kayla to put 20 prisoners to fight against the old man surnamed Song.

The reason for this arrangement is that Coco is confident.

Because when she bought the "Nan Beidou" boxing card, she had read this product manual.

In the manual, the "Beidou Shenquan" is named the most powerful, and it is no problem to practice it to the extreme and hit a thousand people.

So considering that the old man surnamed Song has just obtained the inheritance, it is certainly impossible to have the ultimate boxing ability, so it is always possible to make him fight 20 opponents in a compromise.

It was under the influence of this kind of thought that Coco made such an arrangement.

Plus cocoa itself is amazing.

So there is nothing incomprehensible.

On the other hand, when the old man surnamed Song listened to Coco's order to kill 20 Capricorn captives, his face suddenly became pale, and his body began to tremble.

At the same time, his heart is still secretly crying out [I also die in heaven].

Yes, he is definitely not ashamed of one-on-one, but he really has no confidence to let him beat 20 people.

After all, he has been bullied by Hu people for so many years, which gave him the illusion that ‘hu people are very powerful’.

Therefore, in his view, Coco's arrangement is simply to let himself die.

But even though the old man surnamed Song was very scared, he still did not resist this arrangement.

Because obviously Coco is more terrifying than these Jie people.

"Kill those 20 guys! You can do it! Kill them and I will reward you with 2 Hu women as wives!" Coco looked at the old man with a wry smile, while Keira, who was standing next to Coco, Screaming and cheering for the elderly.

Even Kayla made a promise to ‘two Hu women to be wives’.

The Gondor knights and Swadia knights were scattered around, and their existence guarantees that no one will be able to escape.

The old man surnamed Song looked around ~lightnovelpub.net~ and knew that he couldn't escape this level.

Simply cruel and gritted his teeth, he decided to fight the 20 Capricorn captives.

Even if he died, he would kill two or three Jie Ren captives to avenge his relatives who had died in the hands of Jie Ren.

With this form, the aura of the old man suddenly changed.

And the appearance of this kind of change suddenly made the old man look taller, and also vaguely looked like he was not angry.

At the same time, the ‘Beidou Kungfu’ started to operate on its own, which made the old man’s already sturdy body swell again and become much stronger.

And after running the ‘Beidou exercise’, the old man breathed in and out, and two pieces of Bailian drilled in and out of his nostrils, giving people the illusion that he was like a god.

Twenty Capricorn captives received the sword. They did not hesitate or verbalize at all. When even with savage faces, they raised their swords and rushed towards the old man, with the intention of hacking the old man to death on the spot.