Rising America

Chapter 1383: Of course you can

Regarding the issue of South Vietnam, under the revelation of the old George, it can be regarded as an end.

In this regard, Jin Xiantai has no problems.

You don’t even need to worry.

Directly under the command of the commander-in-chief in Vietnam, the other generals do not need them at all.

At the same time, he has the right to mobilize the CIA to do things.

After all, in addition to being a colonel in the military, Jin Xiantai also has a high-ranking position in the CIA. Therefore, after going to Vietnam, these two identities can completely make him rampant.

And Old George told himself very clearly that he didn't need to fight and speculate himself when he went to South Vietnam. He only needed to protect the gold mines and oil fields, and let his subordinates suppress the activities of the North Vietnamese agents in Saigon.

As long as you can do the above points, you can return to your country with a dazzling halo.

I have to say that there is something to do with the backstage, which is really mixed.

Especially in the United States in different time and space.

Therefore, Kim Hyun-tae couldn't bear to sigh with emotion.

But no matter what, this is really a good thing for Kim Hyun Tae himself.

"Would you like something to drink?"

Old George asked.

Kim Hyun-tae shook, he knew that old George was drinking whiskey, which he was not used to.

Old George walked to the desk by himself, opened the drawer and took out a bottle of whiskey and walked back again, with an extra glass in his hand.

Old George’s office is very large, with a separate bathroom and even a shower. Outside is where the secretary works. There are several large rooms. After all, George is the vice president and also the chairman of the National Defense Budget Appropriation Committee, so he can Enjoy this treatment.

Among other things, his two positions alone can receive three million U.S. dollars in salary each year as public expenses.

Otherwise, so many people like to be in politics.

As long as it can be selected, the state will give money.

Of course, this money is not for nothing. The subordinates who follow you ask you to pay them, and the salary is paid out of the money given by the state.

Therefore, many political families are not bad at all, and the old George's family is also like this.

It's just that they are very low-key compared to those famous businessmen.

But you must not think that they are poor, that is absolutely wrong.

They will always use their own advantages to seek some benefits for themselves. For example, this time the old George and Annie partnered, and they also brought along the US Army Commander-in-Chief Eisenhauer to take down the gold mines and gold mines found in Saigon. This can be seen in the oil field.

Kim Hyun-tae feels that there are definitely not only the three of them, but there must be other stakeholders, but Kim Hyun-tae will not ask for the inside information in this regard, because it is unwise.

If old George was willing to tell him, he would definitely tell him.

If Old George didn't want to say it, and if he went to inquire rashly, he would definitely annoy the other party, so why bother.

Besides, the old George has revealed something to let Jin Xiantai know a little bit of the inside story, which is enough, isn't it.

Old George, who had returned to his original position and poured himself a half glass of whiskey, put the bottle in his hand on the coffee table in front of him, and then chatted with Jin Xiantai about other things.

"Recently, there is not much peace in South Korea. We must also support a military general in South Korea to stand up and replace which one is on the stage.

However, the military person who is currently cooperating is not a good thing. He is too ambitious and has too much appetite, so we will use it for the time being. Then we will find an opportunity to get rid of him and support another person on stage. "

Kim Hyun-tae had already known about the things in South Korea.

After all, he went to South Korea specially for this matter, and came into contact with a woman named Quan Fuzhen.

And at that time it seemed that he was also assigned a task, the content of the task was to kill the woman, but he didn't obey it.

That was also the first time that Jin Xiantai resisted.

But what is very strange is that this time of disobedience did not cause any consequences, and everyone treated this as if it had never happened.

So that Jin Xiantai didn't care much about it, almost forgot about it.

But now that the old George mentioned the incident in South Korea, Kim Hyun-tae suddenly recalled this past.

"The Northern Dynasty was also quite chaotic, William, I remember you had a big gold mine in the Northern Dynasty. Does the current chaos in the Northern Dynasty affect your gold mine business?"

While speaking, Old George turned the topic of Northern Dynasties, and asked very concerned.

The relationship between Li Hai, a girl from the Northern Dynasties and Jin Xiantai, was also known to Old George, so this made Jin Xiantai wonder if Old George cared about his business so much. Does it mean something?

With this kind of speculation in his mind, Jin Xiantai responded to the old George: "The impact has not yet been affected. I also know a little bit about some things about the Northern Dynasty through the channels of the gold mine.

But I feel that no matter how the upper echelons of the Northern Dynasties fight, it will not have any impact on my business. After all, I have to pay taxes where I open mines, and this part of the tax will be used to purchase some goods needed by the Northern Dynasties.

If I were missing, in such a severe international blockade, they would not be able to find a more suitable candidate. "

What Jin Xiantai said was too nonsense.

The gold mine on the other side of the Northern Dynasty is taken out, and it is really easy to find people who cooperate.

If you are far away, you can just ask China for cooperation.

But the main reason why Jin Xiantai said this was to intentionally reveal some of his shortcomings in front of Old George, at least to make Old George feel that they were his own shortcomings.

After all, his performance has always been too perfect and too enchanting.

It doesn't feel like a young man at all.

If this has always been the case, although it will make Old George take a high look, it will also cause unnecessary dread.

You know, too enchanting has no friends.

So, showing the shortcomings appropriately, making people feel that they are not so perfect, this is the most correct one.

Sure enough, Jin Xiantai's naive remarks made Old George smile more brilliantly.

"You, although you are genius in many things, you are still a young man after all."

Kim Hyun-tae pretended to be stupid and raised his hand and scratched the back of his head, and smirked a few times at old George'hehe'.

"I have received news that the Northern Dynasty will send a delegation to visit China in the near future. Among them is the Li Hai you know.

According to the intelligence analysis we have, this time the Northern Dynasty delegation visited China, it is likely to fight for Quanxia’s support for the Li family, and with China’s support, the Li family can better fight against the Park Group.

This shows that the struggle between the two of them has entered a white-hot stage. "

The United States has been paying attention to the situation in the Northern Dynasty.

Although the focus of the United States is not on the northern dynasty, the current domestic situation in the northern dynasty cannot help but not care about it.

As for whether or not there were any thoughts, it is unclear.

The occupation of Vietnam and the support of the Afghan guerrillas against the bears have embedded too much energy in the United States.

In addition, the United States is still doing something in South Korea, so that they really have no ability to consider other things.

I have to say that although the current situation in the Northern Dynasty is chaotic, the timing is very good.

Because the hostile South Korea and Yankees do not have the energy to take care of them for the time being, so long as the Lee family can solve the stability of the Park Group.

Then when the Americans free their hands, there will be no chance.

Anyway, Kim Hyun Taes thought about it, and finally came to such a conclusion.

While Jin Xiantai was waiting for Old George to follow, he saw Old George sighed long, which was full of resentment.

"It's a pity that the chaos in the Northern Dynasties was a good opportunity for us. But we don't have the energy to take care of them. This is really regrettable."

Obviously, for Old George, the current chaos in the Northern Dynasties really has a great opportunity for the Americans to step in.

But for various reasons, Americans are now unable to do so.

So how can this not make old George grumble.

You know, Americans have always wanted to subvert the Northern Dynasty regime.

But even if the old George complained no matter how badly it was, it was already the case, he had no good way.

After all, this matter is not just a matter of sending a few CIA officers. This requires a large number of manpower to be organized, and various departments make overall plans and make plans before they can be implemented.

But right now, the CIA staff have been sent to South Korea, South Vietnam, and Afghanistan ~lightnovelpub.net~ so there really is no staff to send to the North.

Seeing Old George's faintly resentful look, Jin Xiantai snickered in his heart.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

However, as a seemingly ABC, Kim Hyun-tae, who has been mixed into the fringe of the American business class, had to cooperate with the old George at this time, and also pretended to be ‘helpless’ on this issue.

After more than two years of living in different time and space, Kim Hyun Tae's acting skills have been greatly improved.

Therefore, the old George didn't realize that everything about the Chinese young man in front of him was pretended.

So old George really thought that Jin Xiantai, like himself, felt sorry for Wufeng's entry into the chaos of the Northern Dynasty.

I have to say that this is really a big joke.

Kim Hyun Tae didn't intend to talk to the old George about the Northern Dynasties, but renewed the topic of South Vietnam.

"After I go to South Vietnam, can I get rid of some South Vietnamese military officials when necessary? Of course, I mean when they resist buying."

Well, this kind of thing is not impossible.

So Jin Xiantai now needs to plan ahead and get a guarantee from the old George.

The wine glass in the old George chair's hand, he pondered for a while, and then responded to Jin Xiantai: "Of course, all the guys who do not accept goodwill and friendship, and also hinder you from doing this, can be eliminated. We must ensure that the South Vietnamese regime is Because of stability, we must not hinder the next military operations of the South Vietnamese American forces."

It was a guarantee from Old George. Although it was verbal, Jin Xiantai knew that Old George would not fool himself.

The rest is from Eisenhauer, the commander of the US Army in Vietnam, who also received this kind of assurance.

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