Rising America

Chapter 1384: Is this guy crazy for money?

Time flies

One week passed in the blink of an eye.

Kim Hyun-tae is very busy this time.

Before he was about to go to serve in Nanyue, he had to deal with Nuwa's affairs, and then let his daughter Cocoa and Nuwa return to China to practice.

Only in this way can he serve with peace of mind.

Although somewhat worried about her daughter.

But considering that there was this great **** looking after Nu Wa, there would be no big problems if he thought about it, so Jin Xiantai put the trace of worry in his heart behind him.

Think about it too.

If you have to worry about being around Nuwa, then Jin Xiantai is really too much.

If that were the case, he simply tied his daughter to his waistband and took it with him wherever he went.

Obviously, this is impossible.

Moreover, after contacting him during this period of time, Jin Xiantai realized that the **** of Nuwa in different time and space was actually quite a good person.

And it can be seen that she also likes her daughter Coco.

So Coco is with Nuwa, what else is worth worrying about.

In this way, Jin Xiantai devoted all his attention to the preparation before serving.

Annie is also not busy.

Because of the relationship with Nevada oil, she needs to deal with the major oil powers every day, and those people are obviously not easy to deal with.

At the same time, because the Yum! fast food chain business under the name of Coco has to expand to tell the service area about this matter, on this issue, the representatives of the oil powers who have mastered this advantage have become arrogant in front of Annie. expensive.

For a while, it was a headache for Annie to deal with them.

Nevada Petroleum has great interests, and Annie doesn't want to let people get in.

Besides, let those big crocodiles come in. God knows if they will make trouble in the future. After all, those guys are eating people without spitting out bones.

Fortunately, Annie and Kim Hyun-tae are not in the same status, so the dark tactics often used on small businessmen in the past, these predators dare not use Kim Hyun-tae’s family.

In the end, they had to sit down honestly and talk to Annie.

As for what can be discussed in the end, only God knows.

The earth will not stop rotating because of some people, and the sun will rise and set every day, no matter what, the days will go on like this day by day.

It’s because his father and stepmother Annie are so busy that they can get a benefit. The little guy waits until his father and stepmother leave every day, and then takes his little buddy and Andrew, who takes care of him, to return to the "Five Random China" Time and space to play.

And after this week, Coco had already conquered the capital of Houzhao, established his own country there, and gathered a large number of northern Jin people on his territory.

At the same time, the little guy has successfully established his own source of faith and has many believers.

This is also thanks to the inheritance of the ‘South and North Fight’ boxing technique she took out. The mysterious and powerful boxing technique almost shocked the Jin people of that plane world.

So they all believed very firmly that Coco was the ancient gods as she boasted.

Not to mention that Coco insisted that she was Nuwa's apprentice, and her identity became even more extraordinary.

If it wasn't for fear of interrupting the competition of his own master who became a "Good Voice" player, Coco even wondered about taking the master to the world and establishing his identity as the chief disciple of Nuwa.

And now, Coco has unified the Northland Central Plains, and the five hus have been wiped out by her.

Next, the bear child is considering whether to fight the Southern Jin Dynasty, grab the territory of the Jin Dynasty, and develop a period of time to start a global strategy.

Don't think that the idea of ​​the bear child is really a dream, because the little guy does have such strength, after all, she has opened a systematic cheating device in the world of the "Five Huluanhua" plane.

And sitting under the blessing of that cheating device, the bear child does not lack the army to fight the world, and there is no need to worry about the lack of food and grass.

Coupled with the establishment of beliefs and the popularity of the ‘South and North Fight’ boxing, the little guy’s subordinates have a large number of ‘South and North Fight’ perverted fighters in addition to those systematic soldiers.

Therefore, it is really not impossible for Cocoa to prepare to launch a global strategy.

In general, that means that all members of the Kim Hyun Tae family have things to do.

Adults are busy with their own affairs, and children have their own affairs, and no one is idle.

Compared with Kim Hyun Tae's family, who have become the Nuwa of the "Good Voice" contestants, they are also running around at this time.

In one week, she has won the top ten in California and the top ten in the Western Conference, became the top 30 player in the "Good Voice", and started sprinting into the top 15 event.

Now in the United States, in addition to adults who are paying attention to the Vietnam War, many young people are paying attention to the "Good Voice" game.

Even through the Internet, "Good Voice" has become popular in China and the world.

Those followers of Huaxia are concerned, needless to say, it must be the little Chinese girl Nuwa, especially since she has also become a top 30 player, how can she not make the Chinese people excited.

Therefore, on the Huaxia side of the Internet, there are overwhelming reports about Nuwa. Although she is not a debut artist yet, it is really hot in China.

And because in a series of competitions, she showed her magnetic and attractive singing voice, perfect interpretation of the relationship between English songs, so many people suddenly became her fans.

At the same time, these fans have really brought Nu Wa the faith she needs, which makes Nu Wa feel extremely excited every day.

It also strengthened Nu Wa's confidence in becoming an artist, and made her feel that it was the right way to gather faith.

Of course, the way to gather faith is not only to be a star, but there are many, many ways.

It's just that for Nuwa, what she can think of and succeed with her own abilities, may only be the way to become a star.

Well, at least Nuwa herself thinks so.

"Good Voice" entered the top 30 schedule, basically this is the last juncture.

And for the thirty players who can continue to appear on the stage, none of them are weak, they are all with great potential and talent.

Therefore, cnn signed a contract with 29 of the 30 players and bound them to the cnn firm. After all, these are good seedlings.

Only Nuwa did not sign a contract with her due to special reasons.

And Nuwa herself didn't feel any pity about this, after all, she knew what it was all about.

At the same time, Huaxia’s "Yanhuang Entertainment" has quietly contacted her. After Nuwa has achieved good results in the United States, she can return to China for development.

So Nuwa does not have to sign with cnn.

These are things that have been said in advance.

And because she is already among the top 30 players, Nuwa is no longer in Los Angeles now, but has come to New York, stayed in a luxury hotel suite specially prepared by CNN for the players, and left the slum of Los Angeles.

It stands to reason that cnn is a West Coast media. Important events such as the top 30 should be arranged in Los Angeles. How can they come to New York?

In fact, this arrangement is mainly for the disgusting of the East Coast media.

It is also in this way to tell these colleagues how hot "Good Voice" is, and make them angry and depressed.

Of course, this is definitely not Kim Hyun Tae's style, it is obviously Joan's style.

But Jin Xiantai didn't stop Qiao An's arrangement.

The hotel is located on the edge of Central Park. When you get up in the morning and stand at the floor-to-ceiling window, you can see the pleasing scenery of Central Park at a glance, which can keep people in a good mood throughout the day.

The accommodation that cnn arranged for the players also cost a lot.

But "Good Voice" earned a lot of advertising costs, so spending such a small amount of it is nothing.

New York in the summer is still very cool early in the morning.

Nuwa, who never sleeps late~lightnovelpub.net~, got up from the bed early, washed a lot, and then left the hotel and went for a run in Central Park.

Although I don't catch a cold for the United States.

But because it was the first time I came to the United States and came to the city of New York, Nuwa still kept that kind of curiosity and freshness towards some.

In short, no one can tell, she smiled sweetly, she felt super good-tempered, quiet and quiet girl, her true identity was actually a famous ancient god.

And it's the one that is not easy to mess with.

Things in different time and space are sometimes so strange.

Of course, it is also very interesting.

At least it looked like this in Kim Hyun Tae's view.

Wearing headphones and playing fast-paced b-songs, Nu Wa dressed in a summer sports suit and started to run slowly on the trails of Central Park.

Although it was still early, there were already many morning exercise men and women on the park trails at this time, and they were all handsome men and women.

Think about it, too, those who can live in this neighborhood are probably the rich second-generation or Wall Street workers, so they must not be far behind.

Not to mention that there are a large number of models living nearby, such as rich people like Xiaomi.

Therefore, it is not surprising to see handsome men and beautiful women in the morning exercise.

It is also because handsome men and beautiful women are very common, so Nuwa's morning exercises did not attract anyone to pay attention to her, and Nuwa was also happy to enjoy this free morning time.

As she ran, Nuwa suddenly felt a vibration of her mobile phone around her waist.

Then she slowed down, reached out and took the phone in her hand, and then looked down.

Still a short message.

The content is.

After reading this short message, Nuwa's eyes twitched, and she said to herself: "Is this guy crazy about money?"