Rising America

Chapter 1389: You are my dearest person

Cai Minghua's eyes were brightened by his girlfriend's plan.

【Yes! Wouldn't it be enough to expose Zhang Xiaomi's true face! 】

Cai Minghua is also very smart, and a bad idea popped into his mind immediately.

And Cai Minghua's so-called "piercing" is not the same as the "piercing" that his girlfriend thinks.

Ms. Liao’s "debunk the true face" is based on believing in Cai Minghua’s boyfriend, and firmly believes that Nu Wa is a scheming girl.

Cai Minghua's so-called "exposure to the true face" is to continue to despicably discredit Nüwa, so that she can't tell her with her mouth in the end, and she will not be a scheming girl but a scheming girl.

Cai Minghua is very proficient in this method and has done it many times.

Those girls who have been harmed by him have basically been harmed by Cai Minghua with this hand. They are obviously good girls, but they are regarded as prostitutes, and then they lose people’s sympathy and pity. The heart is also troubled by the memories of Cai Minghua's bullying and insult.

Therefore, many girls couldn't think about it in the end, and left the world by extreme means. On the other hand, Cai Minghua, this guy, became more and more moisturized.

And now, Cai Minghua thought of using this trick again.

"Well! Let's just do this, we can't let that scheming girl make us so much!" Cai Minghua nodded solemnly towards his girlfriend.

[Haha! This stupid woman really believed what I said, and I have to say that these girls are really good deceiving, and I really deserve to be a man of fate. 】

Seeing Liao Qianjin leaving the sofa and walking to the room to dress from the back, Cai Minghua couldn't help but think proudly in his heart.

Alone by the French window in the living room, Cai Minghua slowly sorted out his thoughts, and began to see the bad water constantly spilling out, wondering how to discredit Zhang Xiaomi, make William King believe all this and hate her leaving her.

The reason why Cai Minghua thinks this thing can be successful.

It is because he has always believed in a truth, that is, ‘a lie can become the truth a thousand times’, not to mention that he has succeeded with this routine several times, so he has confidence in this matter.

Unfortunately, Cai Minghua does not know the true identity of Nuwa.

I don't understand that Jin Xiantai already knew the identity of Nuwa, and his daughter became Nuwa's apprentice.

Therefore, his despicable plan would never succeed.

Think about it too!

How could the famous Nuwa Holy Venerable be the kind of person Cai Minghua wanted to describe.

[I'm looking for someone to cooperate with me in a big show. It's nothing more than money. The big deal is my bankruptcy, but I also want to make Zhang Xiaomi's little biao lose his reputation!

Anyway, I am a man of destiny, and I can make money without the money, but I definitely can't let the lady rub and round, this is definitely not good!

Let the people who have bought it by hand, continue to jump out and say that they have taken care of the small biao, and then spend a high price to find someone to make a composite photo, hey, let's see how you explain it.

There are also those young people who are hated by love after being rejected by you. They can also use them. 】

Cai Minghua's bad water came to mind one by one.

He believed that when these people faced money, no one could not be moved.

Of course, these people who have to stand up for perjury must be carefully selected.

It's not good to lose the chain at the crucial time of saving.

In this regard, Cai Minghua is not worried about problems. After all, he is already familiar with the road and has many successful experiences.

It’s just that Cai Minghua didn’t know that when the bad water in his mind came out one by one, the halo of his harem was weakening, and at the same time, the things he inherited from the space-time tunnel gradually disappeared from the depths of his consciousness. Unconsciously, he is changing back to the ordinary people he once was.

God knows if it is because the matter involves Nuwa, Cai Minghua has such an imperceptible change, and this change is obviously from the mysterious and unpredictable way of heaven.

Cai Minghua is a mere mortal, but now he is going to discredit the Holy Venerable Nuwa, he must not even be able to stand it.

So under the effect of causation, Cai Minghua is obviously going to be tragedy.

It's just that he himself is not aware of it.

I don't know what kind of reaction this guy will have when he is to get rid of everything and become diao silk again.

Think about it, this must be interesting, right?

Taking advantage of his girlfriend's effort to dress, Cai Minghua picked up his mobile phone and dialed the phone number of another girlfriend.

After a short busy tone, the call was connected.

Cai Minghua immediately greeted with a sweet and greasy voice: "Hey, sweetheart, where are you now? I miss you. I missed you and lost sleep yesterday."

Well, this shameless guy has reached a certain level, so it is not surprising to say such a thing.

However, a girl's refreshing voice came from the other end of the phone, and Cai Minghua's lie was exposed, making Cai Minghua's face changed.

"Miss me? Hahaha! You guys are so nonsense that they just open their mouths, and don't even type drafts. The old lady believes you are a ghost! Isn't that woman Liao Ya in your house, I know she **** with you? The sheets at night, don’t deny this."

I passed by!

How did this **** know?

The lie was exposed all at once, and Cai Minghua was embarrassed.

But Cai Minghua is Cai Minghua, who has a real thick skin.

Even if the lie was exposed, he quickly adjusted it.

"My dear, let's meet, I have important things that need your help."

Holding the phone, Cai Minghua continued to use a gentle voice to ask the **** the other end of the phone to meet.

Because you want to implement your own plan, you must now need the help of the **** the phone, who made this girl the daughter of the black family of Xiangjiang.

"Ask me for help? Cai Minghua, you bastard, besides asking me for help, is there nothing else you want to do with your old lady?

I'm so blind, I would actually like a scumbag like you. Your special mother is using me and playing with me. You are too shameless. "

As the saying goes, ‘people are hard to dismantle’.

Although the relationship between Cai Minghua and the **** the phone is exactly what the girl said, but you should not say so clearly.

How to be friends from now on!

At the same time, Cai Minghua also felt the change in the **** the phone's attitude towards her. This change made Cai Minghua a little uneasy.

You know, he and the **** the phone for so long, the girl loves herself to death, has never said such a heavy word.

But today is really hell!

The girl who has been gentle like water is so hot.

"My dear, how can you think like this? Is Cai Minghua that scumbag? I admit that I have more girlfriends around me. This is indeed a bit condemning, but I really love you.

I feel bad about this myself. Who would have met you at the same time in this life, and fell in love with you at the same time. "


This is shameless enough!

At the same time, it's also really a fan of online literature.

In the dark, the influence of the halo of the harem was activated again, causing the **** the phone to succumb to the influence of the halo, regaining her tenderness and watery appearance.

After all, although Cai Minghua's halo of the harem is beginning to weaken, after all, this is just the beginning, and its current influence is still relatively large, so the girls cannot resist the influence now.

In the end, the girl recovered her tender voice, which made Cai Minghua feel that her nonsense had worked, and she didn't think too much at all.

Therefore, Cai Minghua is very proud of it.

"Amin, you know that I am actually in pain. There is no girl in this world who likes to share her love with other girls.

The reason why I still stay with you now is because I still love you and can't bear to leave you.

But I also hope that you can relate to me more, stay with me more, and spend more time with my girlfriend like other men, instead of looking for me only if you want to help, or when others are not with you Just looking for me to accompany you, and when I saw me, I rolled the sheets.

Am I just rolling the sheets to you? If so, you might as well buy an inflatable doll. "

The voice of the **** the phone is no longer so hot and angry~lightnovelpub.net~ regained her gentle tone, and at the same time, she said this, which made people feel sympathetic.

Cai Minghua, how can He De, let him have these girls at the same time.

What's more, he is still a scumbag.

"You tell me the time and address, and we will meet when the time comes."

Talking on the phone is not very convenient, so Cai Minghua does not want to entangle too much with the **** the other side of the phone at this time.

At the same time, Cai Minghua also firmly believes that girls are better and easier to comfort when they face-to-face. It's just his experience after contacting the girls.

In fact, the inner reason is very simple.

With close contact, the influence of the halo of the harem has increased even more, so as long as the girl meets with Cai Minghua, she will definitely not be able to resist the influence of the halo, and then Cai Minghua will calm her down and promise to help.

"You don't need to accompany Liao Ya?"

A strong sour smell can be smelled even through the phone.

Cai Minghua responded against his will: "I will let her go home in a while. I was full of your shadow in my mind last night. I doubt that I might like you more, so it's not that I will call you earlier. ."

Cai Minghua felt sick when he said this.

But he had to say so against his will.

"Devil! Tell me, where shall we meet? Today you will accompany me to the Ocean Park to play, and accompany me to go shopping in Central."

Although this is false and disgusting, the girl who can't hold the phone likes it.

"See you at the Zhaoji Cafe in Central, see you or leave, I'll wait for you."

Liao Qianjin was about to finish changing her clothes. In order to avoid acting, Cai Minghua hurriedly said a place, and then ended the call.

Then he began to wonder, for a while, how he should send away that daughter of Liao...