Rising America

Chapter 1393: Empress

"Looking for a boyfriend? I'm only six and a half years old. Isn't it too early to talk about this? I'm still a kid."

Kayla rolled her eyes and complained about Joan.

Qiao An responded with a grin: "I'm just worried that people will realize that there are too many scumbags in the world too early, and I'm afraid you have a bad impression of that child, so I want to remind you.

I have to say that Qiao Ann's worry is not unnecessary.

Although Cai Minghua can't represent all men, after all, he does exist in this world, and there are even more scumbags than him.

Therefore, when Kayla was so old, knowing that there are so many scumbags in the world, God knows whether it will affect Kayla's view of men and women.

That's why Qiao An said that.

Outside here, Qiao'an and Kayla are chatting, while Coco, who has entered the mysterious store, is carefully selecting the goods to buy.

The halo of the harem is powerful, and ordinary commodities certainly cannot restrain that power.

So the little guy must choose carefully and find the kind of props that can restrain the halo of the harem.

If you are an ordinary person, there is definitely no way at all.

But cocoa is cocoa, and the little guy is worthy of being a bear kid.

Things that are difficult for others to do, but it is different with her.

As long as she is patient, it is still very easy to find such a prop, strictly speaking.

After all, the mysterious store that appeared in the underworld is really too magical and special, and the number and variety of chūshòu products in this mysterious store are also staggering and varied.

In the second, third and fourth dimension, the weak and powerful props described in film and television dramas, cartoons, novels, legends, etc. are all bought in mysterious shops.

As long as you have a point of faith in your hand, you can buy anything if you talk nonsense.

Apart from other things, even "fried chicken cutlets" can be bought in the mystery store, and there are dozens of brands of those "fried chicken cutlets". This shows how powerful this store is and the variety of products.

But it is precisely because there are too many and too many products, so it is really difficult for Cocoa to choose products that can suppress the "harem halo" among so many products.

So the little guy must be patient and choose slowly.

But looking at a piece of white mystery store, the row of rows can't be seen to the end, the vast and endless neatly arranged shelves of scalp-numbing goods, it is really not easy to find the goods.

Anyway, since entering the mystery store, Coco was dumbfounded by standing in front of the rows of merchandise shelves that couldn't be seen at a glance, and stood like this for a long time.

Just as the little guy stood stupidly, a mysterious voice rang out from the mysterious store.

Whoops, let me go!

Hearing this sound, Coco patted his thigh.

Why did you forget that you can check the catalog function through the mystery store.

The little guy hasn't been to the mystery store for too long, and has forgotten that there is still such a function that can make it very convenient for her to buy the goods she needs.

After thinking of this convenient method, the entanglement on the little guy's face was swept away, and his self-confidence was restored.

"Are there any products that can suppress the "Harem Aura"? I need something with this kind of effect. If so, please show me a list."

The little guy stood on the spot, raising his face as if talking to the air, it seemed that the scene was a little weird and inexplicable.

But in the next second, in front of the little guy, a row of product lists really appeared, and these products were also accompanied by túpiàn and detailed product descriptions, allowing Cocoa to more intuitively understand the functions and functions of these products.

I have to say that the mystery store is still very convenient for guests like Coco.

Of course, because the mystery shop is here, there is only Cocoa.

Therefore, it is not as convenient as possible for cocoa, so it can't do business anymore.

Therefore, when the only customer Cocoa wants to buy something, the mystery store must meet all the needs of the little guy.

Moreover, as the little guy established three worlds of faith sources, she is now a small local tyrant, with a large number of faith points in her hands and the identity of the only guest, so even the mysterious store dare not offend Coco.

When the little guy said his needs, the mystery store immediately responded, and it also listed a large row of goods, which already explained the problem.

At this time, the little guy focused all of his attention on those products and began to choose carefully.

Although the mystery store's own choice was selected and the products that matched the demand for cocoa were selected, there are still many of these products, which can't be measured by dozens of them, and they are all capable of restraining the harem halo.

Therefore, what Cocoa needs to do is to select a cost-effective one from these dozens of products and buy it, and then give it to Qiao An to use it.

It is true that the little guy has a lot of beliefs, and she usually buys things very casually.

But this time, Coco didn't plan to be taken advantage of.

So she wants to buy a cost-effective one.

Commodity a

Product description: Using this product, you can offset all the effects of the aura and modify the destiny trajectory of yourself and your target. It is really a powerful prop.

Because the effect of this product is too powerful, the effective time after use is limited to 5 minutes.

10,000 trillion points of faith are needed.

Commodity b

Product description: This product is undoubtedly powerful. After using it, it cancels all the powerful advantages of the enemy, and instantly reduces the enemy’s IQ. Even the enemy’s sister and mother can fall in love with the user, and then betray their husband, brother, younger brother and all Relatives, it can be said that they are changing their fate against the sky, dao silk counterattack, salted fish stand up, and the necessary props for the peak of life.

10,000 trillion points of faith are needed.

The corners of Coco's eyes kept twitching, and only then saw the two products and the introduction, the little guy already had a bit of "Spartan" meaning.

These products are really weird, and at the same time buying the required belief points is too expensive.

At least with the belief points that the little guy has saved, basically he can't even buy one.

So the little guy thought for a while, and contacted the mystery store that had never appeared before, and the only voice-only shop Xiao Er, let it block those expensive goods, and left behind the props that require less than 1 million belief points.

In the end, only one product appeared in front of Cocoa.

This is also convenient, there is no need for the little guy to choose, after all, there is only one product, right?

Okay, let the little guy take a look at this last item.

After all, this is the cheapest item, but even the cheapest item item requires 1 million belief points.

Only product

Product description: The female emperor is retreating from the scumbag, and the aura of the scumbag will definitely collapse under the momentum. Who says that women are inferior to men! ? Using this product, under the influence of the female emperor's aura, men must be inferior.

But it should be noted that this product lasts only one hour after use, so users must pay attention to this point.

1 million faith points are required.

There are such props?

The little guy was dumbfounded after seeing the description of the props.

But the little guy also feels that this product is in line with her taste.

No matter what, it makes the little guy feel very touching.

Because the little guy is also a girl.


Wa hahaha!

Coco liked the item just the name.

Since I like it so much, what else can I hesitate about? I paid the faith points and bought this prop, and also bought 10 at a time.

After all, there is a time limit after this item is used, and it is only a short hour.

So in order for Qiao Ann to avoid accidents as much as possible, Cocoa must buy more of this item for Qiao Ann to spare.

Anyway, this item is the cheapest item. Compared to the product with 10,000 trillion belief points, this item is only 1 million.

Even if you buy 10 cocoa at a time, you don’t pay 10 million belief points ~ lightnovelpub.net~ It’s much cheaper than buying it.

The mystery store is good for this. Each type of merchandise item is not unique. As long as you have enough faith points, you can buy them in large quantities.

It seems to come from the world of Shenwu plane, that kind of powerful exercises, as long as you have enough faith points, you can buy a lot of copies of each cheat.

As long as there are enough points of faith, it is enough.

Therefore, the little guy can buy 10 at a time, not just buying one.

Of course, this is also thanks to the little guy who has enough faith points on hand, otherwise she can't buy it so easily.

And after buying 10, the little guy finally spent 1 million faith points to buy one, and used it on his own for the sake of safety.

After all, you must try this thing yourself before you can truly have a more accurate feeling and know how powerful this Tao is.

Of course, it is more the curiosity of the little guy at work, after all, this item is obviously for girls, and the name also makes Coco seem very interested.

Besides, the little guy felt that he was idle as well.

All the goods in the mystery store will become cards after they are purchased, which greatly facilitates the guests to take them with them.

As a result, eleven cards fell into Coco's hands, and the Mystery Store automatically deducted the 11 million Faith Points Coco collected.

Putting away the ten cards, the little guy smiled and used the experimental one, and then began to squint to see if he had any strange changes.

After about ten minutes passed, the little guy shook his head in disappointment.

To be honest, the little guy did not feel any changes in his body, so this made Coco, who had been expecting a lot of it, is a little disappointed now...