Rising America

Chapter 1395: Who belongs to the destiny

In fact, why I am so obsessed with Cai Minghua, the reason is not only Situ Feifei can't understand, in fact, other girls can't understand.

They also knew there that the fundamental reason why they were so shameless towards Cai Minghua was because of the deceptive thing of "Harem Aura".

Otherwise, even if Cai Minghua is a little handsome and has a bit of'talent', it will not make the girls love him so devoted and crazy, and even in order to be with him, he can still endure this stuff. The boat is such a fact.

To be honest, there are few girls who can bear the fact that a man he likes to step on a few boats, unless the girl is a gold-worship girl who is with a boy for money, otherwise There is really no way to bear this kind of thing.

When Cai Minghua met these girls, he was not so famous, and he didn't even have a lot of money when he debuted. At the same time, the girls' family background is not simple. Of course, he will not go with him because of Cai Minghua's money. Together, and the wealth that Cai Minghua holds, even now there is no way to compare with these girls.

Even Cai Minghua has the status and fame of today's Xiangjiang music scene. It was only achieved with the help of the girls. Otherwise, with his personal efforts, how could he achieve such an achievement in such a period of time.

In addition, Cai Minghua and these girls have established a ‘substantial’ relationship, and the methods used are also very controversial. Even a girl has used such despicable methods as drugging, which is really drunk.

And the girl who was obtained by Cai Minghua's despicable method was Situ Feifei who was waiting to meet Cai Minghua at the tea restaurant.

The intersection of Situ Feifei and Cai Minghua is very accidental.

Among them, the dog-blood routines that were badly written.

One day, Situ Feifei and her cousin went to see the auto show. By coincidence, they met Cai Minghua who also appeared at the auto show, and they clashed very routinely.

Of course, the person who had a conflict with Cai Minghua was Situ Feifei's cousin, and in the end, Situ Feifei's cousin was beaten in the face by Cai Minghua.

It was precisely because of the intersection this time, that Situ Feifei, who was tall, a little tomboy, and unscheming, walked into Cai Minghua's sight. From then on, Cai Minghua began to stalk her.

At that time, Situ Feifei didn't color Cai Minghua at all.

Because Cai Minghua is not the boy she likes at all.

Therefore, Situ Feifei told Cai Minghua several times clearly that she would never like him at all, and it was impossible to be with him, let alone be a boyfriend or girlfriend.

During the period, Cai Minghua, like the protagonists of the Internet, had several disputes and conflicts with the bodyguards around Situ Feifei, and also ‘showed great power’ to defeat the bodyguards and showed off his superb skills in front of the girl.

At the same time, the personal conflict between Situ Feifei and Cai Minghua has become more intense.

After all, from the standpoint of Situ Feifei's cousin, Cai Minghua is the guy who has swept his face and beaten his own'face', and now he is pursuing his cousin with all his face, how could his cousin give Cai Minghua a good face Slightly.

Moreover, Situ Feifei also clearly told Cai Minghua that it was impossible for him and him. Cai Minghua was asked not to pester herself like this in the future, but Cai Minghua did not listen at all, and continued to pester her cousin and give her cousin. Life has brought a lot of trouble.

So in such a situation, the cousin will of course stand up and warn people like Cai Minghua, this is a normal thing.

But unexpectedly, this echoes the routine of online writing and also gives Cai Minghua an opportunity.

This hapless cousin was framed into a criminal who wanted to insult his cousin, while Cai Minghua became the rescuer of the hero to save the United States, and in the process had a substantial close relationship with Situ Feifei, let's The harem halo has completely affected the girl, and the girl has become Cai Minghua's girlfriend.

At the same time, there was no accident. The cousin's fate was miserable. He was abandoned by the family and accused by his cousin as a criminal in court. He was finally sent to prison.

This ending was exactly the same as that of Liao Qianjin’s ex-boyfriend, and the two of them had a difficult time in prison. Cai Minghua asked a friend to ‘take care’ every day.

You know, Cai Minghua is also from a small gangster.

It's just that Cai Minghua was just the lowest mule kid at the bottom of the society, not the one who made it to the table.

But after he gained power, the former fox friends and dogs, of course, followed Cai Minghua's chickens and dogs to the sky and became humanoids.

The main reason why Cai Minghua is still involved with these guys is to make it easier to find someone to help him when he has something to do.

To put it bluntly, those former friends were all helpers and dogs that Cai Minghua used to support.

Situ Feifei, who had experienced these things, was also wondering, how could he, who once hated Cai Minghua so much, couldn't be separated from him after that incident?

And as the time spent with each other longer, Situ Feifei also found herself trapped in it.

Slowly, she discovered that Cai Minghua is very distressed, typically "looking at the pot while eating the bowl". Even with his own "girlfriend" he is still unsatisfied and spends all day outside. Annoying, this kind of thing made her very depressed and depressed, and at the same time, she felt even more sick for Cai Minghua's resignation.

But the terrible problem is that every time Situ Feifei wants to break with Cai Minghua, end this relationship, and stay away from this disgusting man, there is always an inexplicable force that affects her and makes her involuntarily give up such thoughts and thoughts.

In this way, Situ Feifei stayed with Cai Minghua.

Of course, her family members are very opposed to her relationship with Cai Minghua.

But what is the use of objecting?

The key is that the girl herself still maintains a relationship with Cai Minghua, which leaves the girl's relatives having no choice.

Therefore, the girl’s relatives can only pinch their noses and have to recognize it.

Slowly, they passively accepted such a fact.

There's no way you don't accept it, right

Besides, Cai Minghua has also begun to do well in his career, giving people a "young and promising" appearance, so many people slowly reversed their views on Cai Minghua, and some people began to say good things to Cai Minghua.

But Cai Minghua has done a lot of excessive things over the years.

And every time he played with fire, if his friends, friends, friends were unsure, he would ask girls like Liao Qianjin or Situ Feifei to come forward to settle it.

Under the influence of the power of the ‘harem’, Situ Feifei and the other girls had to passively help out Cai Minghua.

Speaking of girls like Situ Feifei and Liao Qianjin, they are also very poor.

Originally, if there were no accidents, their girls would have been **** by Cai Minghua for the rest of their lives, and would never be able to do without him, so they lived as ‘one of the Cai Minghua women’, and then grew old.

But I don’t know how to do it. Today, Situ Feifei suddenly felt that the inexplicable power that affected her seemed to be reduced a lot, so that she could explode the resentment in her heart during the previous call with Cai Minghua. .

This is really a weird thing.

You know, since Situ Feifei and Cai Minghua are together, her own temperament has changed a lot, from the kind of hot chili pepper to a quiet lady appearance, and at the same time resent and hate Cai Minghua's flower heart, but she is also mysterious Under the influence of strength, I was deeply suppressed in my heart, and the sufferings can only be savored slowly.

It is precisely for this reason that the long-term depression has made the girl a little overwhelmed, and the whole person is about to collapse.

But after the small outbreak today, the girl feels much better.

Unfortunately, this is far from enough.

Because in the end, the weird, mysterious power that can affect my thinking and thoughts, finally reappeared ~lightnovelpub.net~ so that Situ Feifei restored the state of'wenwenjingjing', and the mind kept reverberating again' Be a woman who doesn't fight or make trouble,' this kind of brainwashing consciousness impacts her brain.

But what is interesting is that Situ Feifei can feel that she has become different from the past. She can more or less constantly recall the disgusting things that Cai Minghua has done in her heart, and the resentment in her heart slowly began to breed.

This state is absolutely impossible in the past.

Of course, Situ Feifei didn't know that the reason for this was because the harem was weakening, but even if someone told her this was the case, the girl wouldn't believe it. After all, it sounds incredible, doesn't it?

The tea restaurant has been booked by Situ Feifei. Except for the bodyguards sitting nearby, there are no guests in the restaurant.

After all, Cai Minghua has been in trouble recently. In order to avoid accidents, it is of course best for the two to meet here without outsiders.

As the only daughter of one of the five major clubs in Xiangjiang and the leader of the number helper, Situ Feifei asked her bodyguard to talk to the owner of the tea restaurant, and the owner here agreed to the request for a charter.

And Situ Feifei would not do things so excessively, so the boss got a sum of money from Situ Feifei, and he would not suffer any loss because of being ‘booked’.

Speaking of which, although Situ Feifei is the daughter of Longtou, she does not bully others. On the contrary, she is still a very good girl.

It's just that she unfortunately met Cai Minghua, so under the influence of Cai Minghua, she has done a lot of unwilling evil things in order to settle the trouble for him over the years.

But the day is coming when the girls will leave Cai Minghua’s "control", because the person targeting Cai Minghua now has a more "destiny" than Cai Minghua...8)

(Sanqi Chinese 37zw)